Shamanic Kinesiology in Montmorency, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Shamanic Kinesiology
Locality: Montmorency, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 422 259 052
Address: Buena Vista Drive 3094 Montmorency, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 http:// MELBOURNE - QUEEN VIC MARKET // :: Sunday morning exploration in the city at the Queen Victoria Market while Phoenix is at the Melbourne Showgrounds sitting an entrance exam to attend MacRobertson girls school in 2021. Thousands of kids sit this particular exam from all over the state in the hope to get 1 of only 220 places. ::... As the saying goes, it’s not the destination but the journey that matters and considering everything that these kids have endured during 2020 I couldn’t be more proud of her still wanting to give this exam a try. Her reasoning is..’mum I just want to experience what it’s like to sit a big exam’ While I wait..I will shop :: #melbourne #vicmarket #queenvictoriamarket #exams #macrobertson #macrobertsongirlshigh #melbournecity #melbournespring #outoflockdown #melbourneshopping See more
23.01.2022 Round 2 Enrolments Opening Soon Thank you @katie_kinesiology :: I have been blown away with not only how much of your work you have shared but it will continue to change the way I work in a way that is much more integrated.... You have a phenomenal ability to integrate the masculine and feminine aspects of your work and teachings in a way that most people can’t. There is a beautiful balance in your work in the honouring of the trinity of body, mind and spirit where each are acknowledged and valued as equal. In most teachings one is always more prominent even if they are all incorporated. And it’s something I’ve always struggled in my work with, not letting one override and not equally balancing the other. Even with your connection to spirit being as deep as it is you still haven’t lost sight of what you intellectually know of the body and tools you have acquired. It’s so easy to get ‘seduced’ by the fun stuff and all the spiritual teachings but you incorporate it so well that even though it is the prominent way of healing, it doesn’t dismiss the voice of the body or mind. That in itself is a gift I think to bring the feminine way of working to Kinesiology. So for that I thank you with much love :: #kinesiology #courses #workshops #shamanickinesiology #mentoringprogram #kinesiologymelbourne #kinesiologytraining #kinesiologycourses #mindbodyspirit #powerful #onlinelearning See more
22.01.2022 Today is day 30 of my @ming.herbs detox and cleansing which consists of a Colon cleanse, Kidney cleanse, Liver & Blood cleanse, Lymph cleanse and Adrenal support herbs. I have done so many different detoxes over the last 25 years but my intention wasn’t always in alignment with what was best for my health. Some of the detoxes I did were harsh, restrictive, depleting and unsupportive to my physical, mental and emotional bodies. :: Tomorrow is the beginning of a 28 day journey... supporting @shamanicenergytraining Dragon Detox using Ming Herbs. Ming’s detox and cleansing herbs are gentle yet effective, fully activated and target specific organs and tissues of the body. They are a beautiful blend of the masculine and feminine energies. :: Detoxing the last 30 days has been instrumental in enabling me to stay mentally and emotionally balanced as we continue to navigate further restrictions in Melbourne. Going inwards and listening to the whispers of my body rather than tuning into the outer collective. My physical body is now able to workout 4 times a week, something I have not been able to do since 2018 and I’m more patient as a Mum. The last 30 days my goal has been to detoxify and cleanse, moving forward over the next 30 days my new goal is to start reversing the health of my system on a cellular level. :: #detox #detoxyourbody #shamanickinesiology #kinesiology #biancajewell #health #healthyfood #detoxification #wellness #wellnessjourney #cleansing #spiritualcleansing #dragondetox #grouphealing See more
21.01.2022 http:// IN TOUCH MAGAZINE- COURSE PROFILE // :: Earlier this year I created an online workshop entitled ‘How to facilitate an Online Kinesiology Session’ with the intention of helping new and established practitioners feel more confident in facilitating client sessions online. :: Holding space energetically through the internet portal is a lot different to holding space for your clients face to face. ... Managing and ensuring your energy is maintained and looked after is a priority. We often fail to connect the energetic dots months down the track when we are tired & fatigued and our Kidney life force energy is depleted. :: This online course has now been accredited by the AKA (Australian Kinesiology Association) for which you will receive CPE points for. It will also be featured in the upcoming AKA ‘In Touch’ Magazine coming out towards the end of the year under Course Profile. This online course can be purchased and downloaded directly from the Shop on my website. :: #kinesiology #onlinecourse #kinesiologyonline #kinesiologyonlinecourse #happyclients #kinesiologymelbourne #smallbusiness #melbournesmallbusiness #kinesiologyteacher #holdingspace #lifeforce #lifeforceenergy #energymedicine #energymedicinetherapy See more
20.01.2022 * MARJORAM * Comfort - Contentment - Compassion :: Marjoram is another plant that connects me to past Egyptian times where it was used to make perfumes and medicines, it was also dedicated to the crocodile god Sobek.... :: It is also associated with Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and fertility and was used as a symbol of love and honour. The plant was given scent by Aphrodite’s gentle touch. :: For me, I work with its ability to both strengthen me and relax me. It is helpful for when tiredness alternates with tension. It restores the energy of the Spleen-Pancreas (Earth element) yet calms the nerves. :: Marjoram is associated with the Earth element. When the Earth element is depleted or under stress, worry and over thinking can take over. It helps to calm obsessive thinking, ease emotional craving and promotes the capacity for inner self nurturing. Aphrodite was commonly referred to as a lover of laughter and reminds us of the joyfulness and contentment that this beautiful plant can give. #kinesiology #shamanickinesiology #biancajewell #marjorum #plantsofinstagram #plantspirit #plantspiritmedicine #earthelement #comfort #contentment #aphrodite #egyptianmagic #innerbalance #herbs #plantoils See more
18.01.2022 I had some visitors this morning whilst sitting in bed meditating and looking out my bedroom window. Kookaburra medicine. ::... #kinesiology #shamanickinesiology #biancajewell #kookaburra #kookaburras #totem #totemanimal #spiritualmessengers #family #joy #spiritanimal #nature #air See more
17.01.2022 As far as conspiracy theory’s go the one I like the most is that Covid was created by dogs in order to keep their owners and family home more. More love, more attention, more play time, more walks, more presence, more cuddles. More unconditional love. This pooch joins me every morning for my workout!... :: #kinesiology #shamanickinesiology #biancajewell #cavoodles #mansbestfriend #heartexpansion #dogsofinstagram #love #heart #cavoodlesofinstagram #family See more
15.01.2022 I bought this beautiful backgammon board 22 years ago when I was traveling around Egypt. I carried it in my backpack the whole way home. I have always felt a strong lineage connection to Egypt and playing this board transports me back there. :: I taught Phoenix how to play backgammon when she was 5 years old and one of our favorite things to do is to connect, talk and process the inner workings of our day over this beautiful board.... :: #backgammon #backgammonboard #connection #love #processingtheday #daughter #daughterlove #timeoff #familytime #familyfirst #egypt #egyptian See more
15.01.2022 My office today :: This Friday will be my last day seeing 1:1 clients as I take some needed time off over the school holidays. I will be returning to 1:1 sessions from Wednesday 7th October. ::... I plan on returning to in person face to face sessions as of Wednesday 28th October. With only 8 weeks from then until Christmas I am encouraging all of my clients to book in online if you wish to see me in person before the end of the year. :: I have also reduced my 1:1 days to two days a week so appointments will be limited if left to the last minute. I cannot wait to see my clients again. I miss what I have co created with you all as I have been shown and reminded what is truly important - time and genuine heart felt connection. Bookings can be made online at :: Enjoy this beautiful spring day :: #kinesiology #shamanickinesiology #biancajewell #kinesiologyclients #clinic #kinesiologyclinic #holdingspace #balance #familytime #healing #selfcare #selflove #practitionerlife #rest #restoring See more
14.01.2022 There is a Kinesiology technique that is on the emotional database called ‘Self Image - Roles under Stress’. We have and embody many different roles, some are chosen, some are gifted and some are given to us due to life circumstances. Our self image is influenced by our self talk, which can be either positive or negative, and relative to how well we personally perceive we are functioning within these roles. ::... Roles can also have sub-roles meaning I am a Mum but that also means I am a chef, taxi driver, nurse, counselor, educator, cleaner etc When I was at the health store today I saw this beautiful Australian Bush Flower remedy blend that consists of 10 flower essences that assists in empowering and balancing my feminine energy. :: My role as a Woman also means... I am a mum I am a daughter I am an auntie I am a sister I am a granddaughter I am a niece I am a friend I am a caretaker I am a teacher I am a mentor I am a space holder I am a multi faceted practitioner I am a workshop facilitator I am a business owner I am healing ancestral patterns & cycles I am flawed I am wounded I am loved I am embraced I am supported :: #kinesiology #shamanickinesiology #biancajewell #kinesiologytechniques #selfimage #selftalk #selftalkmatters #selfimagelove #healing #selflove #womancraft #feminine #feminineenergy #balance #feminineintegration See more
13.01.2022 Sunday feels. Pure love on a couch. :: #weekend #weekendvibes #sunday #cavoodle ... #gracie #puppy #dogsofinstagram #connection #love #heartconnection #makeseverythingokay #home See more
13.01.2022 // THE ART OF DISCERNMENT // :: 2020 has changed the way we do business in many ways. Being forced to move and offer services, trainings & workshops online has also meant that there are a lot of offerings to choose from. :: How do you discern what to sign up for?... :: Are you charmed by the promising of quick initiations, fast tracked transmissions and indoctrinations into lineage teachings? :: Do you ask the teacher/workshop facilitator about their teachings? Who did they learn from? :: How long have they spent embodying the work themselves before facilitating and teaching it or calling themselves a mentor? :: My Shamanic teachings began 3-4 years ago, prior to that it took me 12 months to call in and find the teacher that was aligned with me and my previous lineage teachings. Over those years I have participated as a student, a participant and as an assistant in @shamanicenergytraining teachings of: :: Rose and Tobacco Elemental Warrior (5 week series) Journey Training Pendulum Dowsing Plant Spirit Communication Spirit Animal Spirit Allies & Mythical Creatures Empress & The Dragon (3 months) Sacred Space Weaver (8 day Bali training) Arrow of Destiny Triple Goddess Heart of the Rose (3 months) 5D Heart Cacao Ceremony Family Constellations Online Spiritual Cleanliness The Galactic Coven - Temple of Mythical Magick (12 month mentoring program) Dragon Detox Upcoming training... The Sword of Truth (3 months) Spirit Weaver (9 month teaching & mentoring program) :: As a student and an initiate of the Dragon lineage I have incorporated and weaved some of these trainings into my business as offerings for my clients and students, but most of this extensive and sacred teachings I am still embodying as a participant even after 3 years. :: Give yourself the gift of time and patience to fully embody your teachings and trainings because it is time that will allow it to transmute and alchemise into wisdom. And wisdom cannot be taught. :: #kinesiology #shamanickinesiology #biancajewell #shamanicenergytraining #shamanic #spiritweaver #patience #discernment #embodiment #embodimentpractice #spiritlife #dragonlineage #dragons #walkingthepath #wisdom See more
12.01.2022 **2021 ENROLMENT IS NOW OPEN** SHAMANIC KINESIOLOGY - 'Balancing the Spirit of Kinesiology Within' Shamanic Kinesiology Mastership is a unique 6 month teaching and mentoring program specifically designed to advance you as a professional Kinesiology practitioner. It is a culmination of my teachings, experiences and wisdom that I have obtained and embodied whilst becoming an industry specialist. ...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Beginning the 28 day Dragon Detox with a 3 day @karmiccoldpressed juice cleanse. These juices are 100% cold pressed juice. All essential minerals, vitamins and enzymes are maintained and can be rapidly absorbed and transported by the body more effectively and efficiently. :: When the body starts to detoxify and cleanse the blood and the saliva pH levels can become to acidic. The body’s number one goal always is to create homeostasis, a level of balance so that you can fun...ction. It will do this by extracting minerals from the body’s tissues, bones and organs in order to balance out a high acidic pH if we don’t consume enough alkaline minerals in our diet. :: My goal now, after already detoxing for 30 days is for cell rejuvenation. Oxygenating the blood and cells that have been damaged over time from inflammation, chemicals, pollutants, food, negative thoughts and beliefs. The body has all the answers, if only we honoured and loved it enough and gave ourselves the gift of time to pay attention and listen to what it has to say. :: #kinesiology #detox #detoxyourbody #health #juices #juicing #juicecleanse #cleanse #cleansing #healthymindhealthybody #biancajewell #shamanickinesiology #dragondetox #karmiccleanse #karmiccleansejuiceprogram
10.01.2022 http:// SHAMANIC KINESIOLOGY TRAINING & MENTORING PROGRAM- Testimonial 2020 // :: I have had the privilege of being both a student and a client of Bianca’s through my Kinesiology journey and most recently her 6 month Shamanic Kinesiology training and mentoring program. What I have learnt in these last few months has been above and beyond the years of education preceding to this and it far exceeded any expectations I had.... Bianca gives so much of her knowledge and her own personal experience and every class I leave feeling empowered with knowledge in a way that I can integrate and apply to my own personal journey. I have been blown away with not only how much of your work you have shared but it will continue to change the way I work in a way that is much more integrated. You have a phenomenal ability to integrate the masculine and feminine aspects of your work and teachings in a way that most people can’t. There is a beautiful balance in your work in the honouring of the trinity of body, mind and spirit where each are acknowledged and valued as equal. In most teachings one is always more prominent even if they are all incorporated and it’s something I’ve always struggled in my work with is not letting one override and not equally balancing the other. Even with your connection to spirit being as deep as it is you still haven’t lost sight of what you intellectually know of the body and tools you have acquired. It’s so easy to get ‘seduced’ by the fun stuff and all the spiritual teachings but you incorporate it so well that even though it is the prominent way of healing, it doesn’t dismiss the voice of the body or mind. That in itself is a gift I think to bring the feminine way of working to Kinesiology. So for that I thank you with much love. - Katie :: Enrollments for the 2021 SK Training & Mentoring Program are now open. For more information or to apply, click on the link x ::
07.01.2022 My shop has had some tweaks and updates thanks to the beautifully talented @chooselivebe Each collection has now been given their own separate category for easy navigation. You can now find all of the herbal and alchemical essences in one place. :: I will be releasing individual ritual magick oil blends very soon. They have been cooking in the cauldron for a while now and will be ready to be released by the end of Spring. ... :: Earlier this year I was contacted by the AKA (Australian Kinesiology Association) and was asked if I would apply to have my online workshop ‘How to facilitate an online Kinesiology session’ accredited with them. I’m now excited to announce that the accreditation has been approved and you can now find this online workshop in the collection titled ‘Education’. :: Completing this accredited course will allow you to claim annual CPE points for continued registration with the AKA. Educating is a passion of mine & I look forward to offering more online workshops soon! :: You can access the shop at x :: #kinesiology #shamanickinesiology #biancajewell #ritual #ritualmagic #ritualoils #education #kinesiologyteacher #herbs #medicinalherbs #essences #alchemical #alchemicalessences #oils #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #onlineworkshops #shamanicenergytraining See more
03.01.2022 http:// CURRENT CLIENTS // :: After what feels like the year of eternity that would never end, it is now finally approaching and 2021 is in sight. I only have 5 appointments left for the remainder of the year so to all of my current clients please jump online and book in if you wish to see me in 2020. ::... I will reopen my diary in 2021 to new clients which I look forward to welcoming in and assisting in any way I can. Thank you for your understanding. :: Bx Update: 1 appointment left available for 2020 #kinesiology #melbournekinesiology #clinic #clients #balancing #healing #restoring #love #businessowner #businesswoman #smallbusiness #juggling #jugglinglife See more
02.01.2022 http:// KINESIOLOGY TEACHING - HMR // :: It’s great to be back in the classroom teaching students face to face again. I love walking into the empty classroom just before the students begin to arrive. Today I’m teaching the 3rd year students Hypertonic Muscle Release. The importance of working on the physical imbalances is imperative to clearing emotional imbalances. ... As 3 in 1 Concepts said many years ago, ‘you won’t have one without the other’ :: Hypertonicity means - correcting energy imbalances to enhance performance, reduce pain and restricted movement. When the physical body is in an over protective state then we must also look at our lives and see where we are restricting ourselves emotionally, spiritually and professionally. :: How can we extend ourselves and come out of our comfort zone? How can we reduce the pain of remaining stuck with self limitation, restricting ourselves from moving forward? What hidden potential might you develop through extending yourself? In what way are you inflexible or unyielding in your attitudes to others or in situations? :: When we are willing to explore and release the emotional components related to Hypertonic’s, we are also able to release the trauma/stress from the physical body, extending and expressing our ability and strength and showing more kindness, mercy, compassion and love to ourselves and others. :: #hypertonics #hypertonicmuscles #hypertonicmuscle #kinesiologymelbourne #kinesiology #advancedkinesiology #emotions #stress #emotionalintelligence #musclefacilitation #physicalbody #health #emotionalhealth #energymedicine See more
01.01.2022 Spring is the Wood element which means it’s the time of year for new beginnings and to rise early with the Sun.. :: The energy of Spring is yang - the active energy of nature as it begins to rise and ascend from a yin and restful time of winter. Plant life begins pushing upwards after winter’s slumber. ... :: The sight of the green colour of young plants nourishes the soul through the eyes so the appetite for food decreases and the body naturally begins to cleanse itself, not only of food toxins, but of excessive desire and accompanying emotions of anger, impatience and dissatisfaction. Vision becomes clearer and we are able to see things in new ways. It is a time to focus and give attention to self awareness and self expression. :: The forces of Spring create the green colour, it gives the voice the ability to make a shouting sound, it creates the eyes/vision, the sour flavor as well as the emotion of anger. :: In Kinesiology we use a technique called a Sound Balance to heal a particular element. When we make the sound of the element + the emotion we are able to release, transform and heal it. Shouting (Wood) I am very angry...(person,myself, circumstance,situation) is a great way to heal the Liver & Gall Bladder meridians also. LOTS of green plants!!! :: #kinesiology #shamanickinesiology #biancajewell #woodelement #5elements #wood #spring #springfood #chinesefiveelements #plants #plantlife #healthyeating #risingup #ascending See more
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