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Shane Thorpe Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Electrical in Mareeba, Queensland | Electrician

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Shane Thorpe Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Electrical

Locality: Mareeba, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4092 3486

Address: 51 Chewko Road 4880 Mareeba, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL! Fujitsu 2.5kW cool only split systems only $589 including GST! For every air conditioner purchased and installed by us you will go into the draw to WIN a brand new 12volt fridge. For your installation quote, call us on 40923486. Offer expires 30th September 2017

22.01.2022 Number 1 Apprentice . . .... #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical #freezerroom #coldroom #tradesman #quality #supportlocal #farnorthqueensland #australia #service #installation #doingwhatwedobest #mareeba #tablelands

22.01.2022 Out with the old and in with the new. Another Actron Air airconditioning unit and new duct work replaced this morning. #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical #atherton

21.01.2022 Effecciently increasing the efficiency of our customers supermarket refrigeration system. Want to reduce your energy refrigeration costs?? Give our team a call, available 24/7 phone 40923486.

20.01.2022 UPTO $400 CASH BONUS Thinking of getting air conditioning? Install now with Shane Thorpe Refrigeration to escape the heat and take advantage of this bonus offer from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. We are FNQ trusted MHIAA dealers and service agents. Book your free quote today 40923486. #airconditioning #electrical #refrigeration

20.01.2022 Even though winter is fast approaching, FNQ still needs cooling. 47Kw package system getting moved into position. @actron.air . . . .... . . #actronair #heatingcooling #airconditioning See more

20.01.2022 WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Carter who have won our winter promotion. We hope you enjoy your new fridge/freezer as much as you will enjoy your air conditioners this summer. Thank you to all who entered. Watch our page! We have more prizes up for grabs soon!

19.01.2022 Another project done and dusted, another 650klm for the home stretch. #farnorthqueensland #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical

19.01.2022 Happy Friday Project completed for Dimbulah State School. Installation of our trusted Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioners #onlythebestforourclients

19.01.2022 @shanethorperefrigeration - Whenever you require our services, we will be right there to help you. #available24hours Phone 40923486 #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical #coldroom #tradesman #quality #mitubishiheavyindustries #fujitsu #supportlocal #farnorthqueensland #australia #service #installation #doingwhatwedobest #tablelands #fullylicensed

19.01.2022 T O Y A H In support of Toyahs family and friends we have bumper stickers at our office available for pickup. Or if you see one of our vehicles please dont hesitate to ask us for some.

18.01.2022 Keeping the school kids cool! We are available 24/7 for all emergency breakdowns! Phone 40923486. . .... . . #acrepairs #fullylicensed #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical #carrierairconditioning #doingwhatwedobest #mareeba See more

17.01.2022 Clean, safe water. Its something we all need access to wherever we are. The perfect hydration solution for all environments, including: Education, Public Spaces, Sport & Leisure, Commercial & Industrial, Health & Community, Day Care, Residential Ready for immediate delivery today $1,099.00 ex GST... #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical See more

17.01.2022 We specialise in all types of refrigeration installation, large and small, from cool rooms, freezer rooms, wine rooms, display cabinets, process chillers, ice machines and many other forms of refrigeration. If you are seeking a high quality refrigeration solution, call us today. Available 24/7 40923486 #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical

15.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone Here is a before and after photo of an air conditioner Nick cleaned yesterday. Hydro cleaning your air conditioner will bring it back to new plus No more mould No more bacteria Breathe healthy air again Save on your power. Hydro clean start from $110 inc GST and special rates for multiple units.

13.01.2022 Keeping the Mornington Island residents happy with new cold rooms, freezer rooms and air conditioning at their local bakery.

13.01.2022 Work work work!!! We are going to have happy customers with orders arriving early. Happy hump day from the team @ Shane Thorpe Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Electrical.

12.01.2022 Happy Holidays from the team at Shane Thorpe Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Electrical

11.01.2022 Another commercial cold room facility completed well on time ready for the calypso mango season #calypsomango #refrigeration #coolingfarnorthqueesndsland #mareebadistrictfruitandvegetablegrowers

10.01.2022 Congratulations to Doug & Katelyn Cross on your grand opening. We wish you all the best! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be involved in developing a great project #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical #tablelands

08.01.2022 Another spectacular day on site! Yes, we travel to all remote areas throughout Far North Queensland. #airconditioning #refrigeration #electrical

07.01.2022 QUALITY, AFFORDABLE SERVICE COMPLETED QUICKLY AT YOUR HOME Not only do we repair commercial refrigeration systems, we also repair your household fridges & freezers. #ofcoursewecan #wedothelot #lookingafterlocalssince1999

06.01.2022 GIVEAWAY EVAKOOL 12V FRIDGE OFFER LIKE OUR PAGE & SHARE POST ...Buy your bedroom air conditioner from us before 30th September 2017 and we will supply and install it from $1,000.00 each. For every air conditioner purchased you will also go into the draw to win this brand new Evakool 12 volt fridge. For more information call our team on 4092 3486! #FUJITSU #5yearswarranty #EVAKOOL #WEARESTOCKEDUP!

06.01.2022 HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY May your snag be hot, your beer be cold and your lamington spungy! Where ever you are in this beautiful country, we hope you have a fantastic day with your loved ones! #australiaday #australia #proudaussie #auzzie #oz #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical #tradesman #hvaclife #quality # #farnorthqueensland #happyfriday

05.01.2022 Brand new cold room 1800mm x 2200mm x 2160mm, 100mm panel. Includes refrigeration and electrical. $7,500

05.01.2022 Is this your brand new G75-GX-GL Evakool Fridge Freezer? Watch our page! Winner announced on Tuesday 3rd October 2017 Happy Friday everyone, have a fun & safe long weekend from the team @ Shane Thorpe Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Electrical.

04.01.2022 Feeling the cold this morning? Stay warm this winter with reverse cycle air conditioning. If you would like to keep your house nice and warm at 23C on a winters morning give us a call for your free quote, available 24/7 Phone 4092 3486 #airconditioning #refrigeration #electrical

03.01.2022 T O Y A H In support of Toyah's family and friends we have bumper stickers at our office available for pickup. Or if you see one of our vehicles please don’t hesitate to ask us for some.

03.01.2022 EARN UP TO $450 CASH BACK ON QUEENSLAND ENERGY EFFICIENT APPLIANCE REBATE For more information visit the link below or give our office a call 40923486.

02.01.2022 Check out the the size of this enormous cold room Maintenance plays a massive part in keeping cold rooms operating efficiently and breakdowns to a minimum. We carry all spare parts for all types of cold rooms in our work vehicles. If your looking for a upgrade of your existing cold room or looking to build give our team a call 40923486 to help with your plans.

01.01.2022 Time to cool Another refrigeration installation successfully completed, well done boys! Call us on 40923486 available 24/7 for all your refrigeration & air conditioning needs

01.01.2022 Out with the old, in with the new Doing what we do best keeping everything cool . . . .... . #refrigeration #airconditioning #electrical See more

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