Shane Christensen Sculptor-Carver in Eumundi, Queensland | Arts and entertainment
Shane Christensen Sculptor-Carver
Locality: Eumundi, Queensland
Phone: +61 407 933 119
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25.01.2022 Thank you ABC Landline for sharing this story with Australia! Always a pleasure to collaborate with Tim Heard from Sugarbag Bees
25.01.2022 Barramundi Chainsaw Carving. This sculpture is heading to Gladstone, to be installed along the new foreshore area. Shout out to Alvey Reels Australia for making quality fishing rods n reels, I love my Alvey.... And my daughter Sanna the model
22.01.2022 Check out my mate Scott Christensen His paintings make me feel like I’m at the beach Kick off your shoes and follow the links to see his prints and more here: and his Facebook here: He’s got 40% off his online painting courses right now also at:... So why not learn from a master of the genre. (Ps, you owe me a beer Scott )
22.01.2022 Sculptural collaboration with Jandamarra Cadd, a welcoming piece for Blackall Range Independent School. This piece will have a box of Stingless bees installed inside, to pollinate the schools veggie gardens and local Bushland. The Endangered Fig Parrot is perched on top, to greet students and visitors as they enter the school. ... To me this piece is a reminder of endemic ecosystems, and how we are a part of them, more so than the designers of them. Always an honour to collaborate with Jandamarra, and share through the language of art, with younger generations. This sculpture is designed for a box hive from Sugarbag Bees, to be installed inside. Love the soulful music by Xavier Rudd, from Spirit Bird album.
22.01.2022 Humpback Whale Sculpture. This piece is heading to Gladstone. It really is a magnificent moment to see one of these giant mammals breach out of the ocean. ... Ive surfed and snorkelled in close proximity to humpbacks, theres something really special about their presence. One time I was lucky enough to look into the eye of a fully grown humpback whale. In that brief moment of eye contact I could see this was a very Intelligent and wise creature. Ill never forget that moment..... Respect
21.01.2022 Working on a wedge tailed eagle for a school in Cairns. I love carving these majestic birds of prey. This is a durable hardwood called Tallow wood (Eucalyptus Microcorys) carved using chainsaws and Arbortech. ... Darkened with a blow torch
20.01.2022 Thanking ABC Sunshine Coast, for sharing my creative journey
20.01.2022 Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle, work in progress, this piece will be installed at Feathered Friends in Sydney. A carved wingspan like this would make a great backrest for a timber bench. Detailing was done with Arbortech mini pro.
20.01.2022 Eastern Water Dragon, I carved at Deadly Espresso today in Eumundi. The resident water dragon came to visit and check on progress throughout the day. Thanking the Deadly crew
20.01.2022 A HUGE honour to sculpt a Dreaming story for Kombumerri mob
20.01.2022 Barn Owl in a Gumtree. Finished this sculpture in Brisbane today, the owl has special symbolism for the client. Carved into a Blackbutt tree stump (Eucalyptus Pilularis) ... Loving my carving saws from Stihl Shop Nambour.
19.01.2022 Check out my mate Scott Christensen His paintings make me feel like Im at the beach Kick off your shoes and follow the links to see his prints and more here: and his Facebook here: Hes got 40% off his online painting courses right now also at:... So why not learn from a master of the genre. (Ps, you owe me a beer Scott )
19.01.2022 Carving at FrancOcénie cultural festival, in New Caledonia. One of my highlights here, has been introducing Lyndon Davis & Brent Miller from Gubbi Gubbi Dance (Sunshine Coast, Australia) To two traditional carvers of New Caledonia, Cécile and Jean-Marc, for collaboration and reconnection with our pacific neighbours.... Cécile carved Lyndon Davis Bunya design, and I carved a Black Cockatoo in a collaboration during the festival. Cécile Sakilia comes from a carving family, carving traditional sculptures, and its always an honour to collaborate with her. If you havent seen Gubbi Gubbi Dance before, you should check them out
17.01.2022 Totemic pole of Native Australian Animals, carved from Eucalyptus Microcorys (Tallowood). This is a commissioned piece, animals selected by the client, Barn owl, Gecko, Frog and Snake. Gotta love the local Flora & Fauna ...
17.01.2022 A great honour to collaborate with Nathan Patterson, from Iluka Art & Design. Two totally different artists, honouring the great, Wedge Tailed Eagle.
17.01.2022 This sculpture is in acknowledgment of traditional owners of this land, past, present and future. Sometimes when Im carving native Australian timbers, Ill hear the songs of the original people of this ancient land. A box of Native Bees will be installed inside this sculpture, bees will fly out of the mouth. ... Representing one of the traditional ways of eating Native Bee Honey, for both food and medicine.
16.01.2022 Dolphin Sculpture This piece is heading up to Gladstone. I often see dolphins when I’m out surfing and snorkelling around South East Queensland. ... There’s an Ol Dolphin around Coolum that swam under me while I was surfing once. I turned left to avoid it, and it followed, so I turned right and it followed, then I realised we were surfing together, in sync and sharing the wave like a pod. I’ll never forget that Ol dolphin. - Stihl Shop Nambour is Rad
15.01.2022 Ill be carving at Maleny Wood Expo this weekend! 4th-5th-6th May. Im very grateful for Stihl Shop Nambour & Arbortech, for sponsoring my event! A great weekend lined up, live music, great coffee, food and all the woodwork you could imagine. ... (I carved this Lorikeet at the Australian Body Art Festival recently in Cooroy)
14.01.2022 Salvaged piece of the old Noosa Boardwalk, carved into a wave. Carved from a piece of the old Noosa boardwalk, this hardwood has been drenched in decades of salt, sun and surfers stoke. This isnt just a carving, its a piece of Noosas history. ... Arbortech mini pro was great for shaping this piece
12.01.2022 Great to collaborate with Tim Heard from Sugarbag Bees. Tim is installing stingless bees into my castle hive box
11.01.2022 In honour of all the Mothers, and our Mother Earth. Youve gifted us with life
11.01.2022 Dolphin Sculpture This piece is heading up to Gladstone. I often see dolphins when Im out surfing and snorkelling around South East Queensland. ... Theres an Ol Dolphin around Coolum that swam under me while I was surfing once. I turned left to avoid it, and it followed, so I turned right and it followed, then I realised we were surfing together, in sync and sharing the wave like a pod. Ill never forget that Ol dolphin. - Stihl Shop Nambour is Rad
11.01.2022 Viking Sculpture. How cute is my daughter Sanna, drawn straight to the shield of my carving, she asked if I could carve her one. My little shield maiden ... Traditionally Vikings / Norse peoples decorate trees with woodcarvings and gifts, during this time of year. Honouring the spirit of the tree, and hoping it survives the harsh seasons, to make it into a more favourable growing season. It is great to see this tree worship has continued today, into what most of you would now know as a Christmas tree Big thanks to Arbortech and Stihl Shop Nambour, for supplying me with the best carving tools.
11.01.2022 Castle Beehive, a functional hive for Stingless Bees, honey can be collected from this woodcarving. This piece was inspired by the natural phenomenon of fighting swarms, when native bees attack and sometimes take over a neighbouring colony. This piece makes me think about humans colonising each other, not unlike native bees. Question is, are we as humans more evolved than an insect, or not?... Titled Battle of the Bees Or (Game Of Drones) Tim Heard from Sugarbag Bees, encouraged Tetragonula Hockingsi bees to build hive structure within the the castle, later budding the hive with brood and queen from a Tetragonula Carbonaria species. The Hockingsi species bent at the knee, and served their new queen, she spared their lives and kept them as slaves to build for her. After a short time, this is a very strong and healthy colony, and Ive already tasted some of the tangy honey, while peeking inside Huge thanks to Tim Heard from Sugarbag Bees, for the help and teaching so much about native bees ; And a big thank you to Arbortech for creating such quality carving tools ;
10.01.2022 Thank you Dayboro Show, was great to create this Flying Dream for my live carving Demonstration. Inspired by dreams of flying. And Abortech for the awesome carving tools....
10.01.2022 I just found this Richmond Birdwing Butterfly larvae, munching away on the host vine. Ive been observing a lot of mating R B Butterflys near my carving studio lately, deep in the rainforest of the Sunshine Coast. This is very exciting for me coming from years of planting this vine to help the conservation status of this vulnerable species.
10.01.2022 Yellow Tail Black Cockatoo, carved at Maleny Wood Expo. Very grateful for the support from Stihl Shop Nambour & Arbortech. When I think of Maleny, I think of Black Cockatoos and Bunya trees, so glad this piece sold to a local resident, and will live in the area....
10.01.2022 I carved this super cheeky Sulphur Crested Cockatoo last Saturday at Cooroora Woodworkers Show. Very honoured to be involved in a carving project at Booin Gari festival tomorrow, in the Lions Park in Noosaville.
08.01.2022 This Red Tailed Black Cockatoo sculpture, is on its way to Mildura, Victoria. Its always an honour to channel such a powerful spirit bird, and so timly to carve during reconciliation week This piece will be installed at Nichols Point Birds, in Mildura.
08.01.2022 Red Tailed Black Cockatoo Some say the call of the Black Cockatoos brings the rains. Well my carving space was a dust bowl a few days ago, now its a flooded mud pit from a single thunder storm. ... I love observing the extreme weather of this ancient country, from droughts to floods.
08.01.2022 Working on this Tree Spirit sculpture, this piece is heading to Townsville. Sadly a giant tree had to be removed from a park, and this piece will stand in its place, to honour the spirit of that old tree. Im using the Turbo Plane from Arbortech to shape this very hard Eucalyptus timber....
07.01.2022 Love this picture! I carved this kookaburra last year for Sunshine Coast Playgroup Known as Gaggu in a local Gubbi Gubbi language.... Photo credit ; @familybackyard
07.01.2022 Eclectus Parrot carved onsite at Whitfield State School in Cairns. The Parrot is perched onto a pirate ship playground as part of a major playground area currently being constructed. View the time lapse of the carving here Big thanks to Whitfield State School and Outdoor Solutions for this project. I hope the children enjoy this sculpture when they come back to school. Luckily the carving was recorded so the students can see the process from home.
07.01.2022 Delilah the pet pig. Not long ago Delilah escaped and roamed free, mistaken as a feral pig, she was shot dead. There was a feral pig eradication program running in the area, and although Delilah was registered and microchipped, she was mistaken. ... A young girl was left heartbroken with the loss of her beloved pet pig, taken before her time. What most of you may not know, is I used to be employed in the local councils Environmental Services, and feral animal control. Having a daughter that loves domesticated animals, I can relate to this memorial sculpture, from both sides of the coin. I know if I accidentally killed a beloved pet, Id feel a sadness in my heart, I mean who wouldnt? I also feel a sadness when tracking feral/domestic animals in the bush, and finding evidence of what wildlife theyve eaten, or killed for sport. I hope this memorial sculpture can help create a sense of closure for Delilahs family, and remind others to be mindful. We really need to work together to reduce unnecessary loss, or extinction of native animals
06.01.2022 GANDALF meaning (wand elf) in Old Norse. A box of Stingless bees will be installed inside of the sculpture, bees will fly out of the opened book of rune spells. Standing over three meters tall, this piece was carved onsite into an old eucalyptus tree stump. ... Big thanks to ; Sugarbag Bees for supplying stingless bees. For quality carving tools.
06.01.2022 This Red Tailed Black Cockatoo sculpture, is on its way to Mildura, Victoria. It’s always an honour to channel such a powerful spirit bird, and so timly to carve during reconciliation week This piece will be installed at Nichols Point Birds, in Mildura.
06.01.2022 Just finished carving this Kangaroo and Joey at the Noosa Country Show. Was a challenging piece of timber, but still managed to create this piece, thanks for having me Noosa Country Show. Big thanks to ... & for making great carving tools Really appreciate all the help the staff at The Yard Landscape Supplies have given me too
05.01.2022 Tribute to Tank the Rottweiler, carved into a tree stump that was struck by lightning. Some pets find their way into our hearts, and become a big part of the family, just like Tank / Tankie. Was a pleasure to carve Tank, and hear about her stories of compassion and protection of the family. ... Big thanks to; For supplying me with quality carving tools.
03.01.2022 Carved a King Parrot into a Red Gum Stump at Noosa Eco Retreat Tim Heard installing a box of Stingless Bees into this sculpture I carved onsite. Thanking Tim Heard from Sugarbag Bees for supplying healthy bees for my Stingless Bee Sculptures.... Its great when Science and Art can merge, to broaden understanding and connection with native wildlife. BIG thanks to Stihl Shop Nambour for supporting my Shanesaw habits.
01.01.2022 Thanking ABC LANDLINE, for sharing my artwork with the greater community, and supporting an Australian Artist
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