Shane Prior | Public figure
Shane Prior
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25.01.2022 Stay safe everyone #countonacop #UnityIsStrength
25.01.2022 Anyone that knows the South East Rep Andy Williams know that he loves a good Bunnings sausage. There is no better reason to head to Bunnings Underwood to help raise funds for one of our own Senior Constable Justin Darney. Good luck Justin, we are thinking of you and your family mate #unityisstrength
25.01.2022 It was a pleasure to step in for Ian Leavers today in representing the QPUE at the graduation ceremony for Group 3 of 2020. Welcome Queensland’s newest Constables #UnityIsStrength
24.01.2022 One of HQ & Support Region members was seriously assaulted today just for doing his job, going to the aid of a member of the public who was being harassed by this individual. Shameful behaviour, especially in such a time that we find ourselves at the moment. Both Ian and I have offered all available services at hand at the Union, including immediate assistance with Workcover through our partners Sciaccas Lawyers. Get well Josh #unityisstrength
24.01.2022 The Service Alignment Program (SAP) has been looking at the positives and negatives with centralised and de-centralised models. This of course directly affects our State Crime Command hosted units like Gold Coast MOCS. Today I got the chance to speak to our members at Gold Coast MOCS who was being consulted by Deputy Linford as to their thoughts on the future of theirs and others units affected by these possible changes. The SAP program is not like past reforms in the QPS, with a greater focus on engagement and information gathering so informed decisions can be made to ensure the best outcomes for our members. #unityisstrength #consultation #MOCS
23.01.2022 To all of our members working at today’s protest action that is due to begin. Take care of one another and stay safe #unityisstrength
22.01.2022 THE BEARDS ARE BACK!!! The issue of beards or no beards has received considerable attention across the Service. In April 2020 the Commissioner released a Direction to provide clear advice that all members performing frontline operational duties were directed to be clean shaven. Due to the current COVID-19 statistics in Queensland, it is now considered that the low risk of engaging with someone who is unwell is commensurate with reducing the level of provided protection to a ...surgical mask, which does not require a seal. As such the direction to remove facial hair and remain clean shaven can be removed. This Direction to remove facial hair and remain clean shaven is rescinded effective immediately. Effectively immediately all police officers and recruits are allowed to wear beards as per provisions of section 12.11.2 of the Management Support Manual (MSM). The Senior Executive has agreed to waive the following sections of the policy requiring beards: (i) to be grown whilst on leave, or otherwise absent from duty and (ii) to have a minimum of three weeks growth prior to resuming duty. The waiver to the above mentioned sections is in place until 31 July, 2020. All other requirements of sections 12.11.2 of the MSM are to be adhered to. The direction was made in the interests of your safety and, by extension, the safety of your families and households. Further information in relation to health, safety and wellbeing, as well as safe operating procedures for breath testing, can be found on the T/F Sierra Linnet SharePoint site. Officers who are not clean shaven must no longer use P1 or P2 masks that require a seal to be effective. Surgical masks provide adequate protection and have been determined by Queensland Health as appropriate for this health emergency.
22.01.2022 Such a moving tribute to those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice in Rockhampton #WalltoWallRide
21.01.2022 The last few days have been just that little bit harder then the ones before. Truth being told the emotional fatigue is starting to show as it seems there is no safe place. A feeling that is becoming quite apparent with many members that I’m speaking to. There don't seem to be adequate words that aren't cliche or haven't been said over and over and over again. There are no right words. No matter what I say or type these words won't be enough for some of you. So I'm goin...Continue reading
21.01.2022 What a flurry of activity - and this is at a quiet time! Our members of Headquarters and Support Region on the frontline at the Queensland border at the Brisbane Domestic Airport. Our General Secretary Mick Barnes was also out at the airport this morning with our day shift members, and witnessed first hand the great work they are doing. Great work everyone ... #unityisstrength #headquartersandsupport #covid19
20.01.2022 We all know what should happen. The honourable thing is for Jonathan Sri, Councillor for The Gabba to not just edit his appalling comments but apologise, admit he was wrong, and remove the comments in their entirety. As retracting his comments and apologising is the honourable thing to do, I’m not holding my breath for Councillor Sri to do it.... #unityisstrength
20.01.2022 In the Summer Edition of the journal I talk about SAP and the HQ & Support Region, changes in Our People Matter and the new MDP #UnityIsStrength
19.01.2022 E-NEWS WAGES UPDATE After months of careful, considered and thorough negotiations and discussions, the Queensland Police Union can today announce that we have secured significant benefits for members. As we all are only too aware, Police and all members of the QPU are the ones on the frontline during this pandemic. We are the ones working on the borders. We are the ones doing the compliance. We are the ones keeping the public safe....Continue reading
19.01.2022 What a cracker of a game! Country Thunder claiming victory in the QPS City V Country clash today at Beenleigh. Country won 14-6 and despite some pretty intense play the ladies from our rural areas were just too strong, & fast. Tonight I have the honour of naming MVP of both teams, an award sponsored by the QPU. It’s just a small part of the Union’s support for Queensland Police Service Women’s Rugby League. The crowd was really impressed when both teams walked the ground at... the end of the game and thanked everyone who came to watch and support cops playing hard and focussed on their health. Big thanks as well to the recruits who manned the BBQ all day with all profits going to the QPS Women’s League and benefitting Motor Neurone Disease.
19.01.2022 The Queensland Police Service Women’s Rugby League Teams are in the final hours of their preparation for the City V Country game and both sides had their jerseys presented by QLD State of Origin Player Scott Prince during a training camp at the Police Academy at Oxley. It’s the highlight game of the season as the competition was altered this year due to #COVID19 and the ladies are pretty pumped about playing rep footy. The Queensland Police Union Of Employees are proud spon...sors of the QPS Women’s League. Free entry for all QPU members and families at the game 2pm tomorrow (Saturday) Hammel Park, Beenleigh.
19.01.2022 Today it was my privilege to MC an ‘Our People Matter’ event for R U OK day. Mary O’Brien was wonderfully insightful with her presentation of ‘Are You Bogged Mate?’ focusing on her exposure to helping men and women in rural communities breaking down the barriers and stigma in mental health. #RUOK #UnityIsStrength
19.01.2022 Check out the latest wrap up. These times have been tough and if you have any concerns please call #UnityIsStrength #PriorWrapUp
19.01.2022 For our members in the Brisbane area, check out this amazing offer for Police at GROUND new farm on Lamington Street, New Farm. Get down and support a small business that supports us #coffee #bestcoffee #supportingpolice
19.01.2022 2020 has been one hell of a ride. A year which has ended with many of our members who thought they were having Christmas off with the families being recalled to duty to staff our borders and hotels for #Covid19. We have many members working tirelessly around the clock ensuring that all Queenslanders have a safe and healthy festive period, all while sacrificing time with their loved ones. To all of our members who are working this Christmas, thank you. We know you are all tired, but I can promise you that the community appreciates it. Merry Christmas and see you all in 2021 #UnityIsStrength
18.01.2022 Charging any person over $300 just to apply to be considered to join Queensland Police Service is wrong. These new sneaky and underhanded charges for police recruits are symptomatic of a dysfunctional police recruiting process. The Queensland Police Union was yet again never consulted on these sneaky, unfair and outrageous changes by the police recruiting division and yet again these changes bizarrely occurred under a veil of extreme secrecy.
18.01.2022 Imagine working in a place where getting rest and respite isn’t just looked forward to but is imperative for your mental health. Covid-19 really did put a spanner in the works with our members in Aurukun, The Cape, and all discreet communities throughout the state subject to Biosecurity legislation, coupled with CHO directions. Being able to leave the community in order to access leave was taken off the table in Aurukun, with our members required to stay put, essentially not ...being able to access leave, leave that is so desperately needed by our members who police arguably the most volatile place in our state. Today Senior IR Officer Steve Mahoney, and I spoke with members of Aurukun Station where the burning issue was access to leave, and the housing needs for our members that work in a intense and stressful environment. As a result of this meeting today the QPUE reached out to the QPS about leave for our members here at Aurukun and we can report that most here can now access leave, leave the community and return without condition so as long as they meet the basic CHO conditions of travel placed upon all Queenslanders. We are still working through the conditions that our members with family members here at Aurukun must adhere to as a result of returning, but we are confident of a positive outcome. The QPUE with the Far Northern Rep Marty Bristow will be continue following up with the issues outlined today and thanks Steve for joining us on the phone. #unityisstrength #aurukunpolice
18.01.2022 A strong union demands strong, competent, and experienced leadership. Great work Mick #unityisstrength
18.01.2022 This week Assistant Commissioner Fleming of State Crime Command met with members of the MOCS Rural as part of the consultation phase of the Service Alignment Program (SAP). To decide the future of a section it’s important to look to the past and see what has been achieved. In the last 15 years the section has had three name changes, from ‘Stock investigation Squad’ to ‘SARCIS’ to its current name of ‘MOCS Rural’. The work our 35 members of MOCS Rural is extraordinarily impo...rtant with Queensland having 43% of the national herd which is about 23 million head of cattle. Since the centralisation of MOCS Rural into State Crime Command in 2013, the unit has developed a strong capability to perform their important investigative duties, with the enhancement of modern technology to assist in investigations that often see a unit travelling vast amounts of land and at times in dirty conditions. Everyone is busy, and the allure to have extra officers being returned to the regions to alleviate the officers performing business as usual is an attractive proposition, but what will be the effect on the livestock industry if they were to be returned be? I suspect it will be profound, resulting in less of a a focus on these kinds on offences, a crime class that is very prevalent out in the bush. It is simple, all of our members at MOCS Rural want to stay together under a centralised model and report to one line of management, not split up amongst the regions as they were in times past, where direction, focus and support will inevitably be different. The QPS has indicated that consultation is important in the SAP to avoid mistakes of the past and it seems to me that keeping MOCS Rural in its current model is a no brainer. #unityisstrength #outbackqueensland #MOCS
17.01.2022 In my experience police have seldom opposed protests. In fact we have always encouraged and been patient with protesters and have tried to keep everyone safe when they do it. We’ve even held marches ourselves. However police opposed this protest. We applied to the courts and lost. Our only goal is not to stifle free speech as some people claim (I don’t care what anyone else wants to say as long as they show me the same respect when I voice my views they don’t agree with),... our only goal is keep everyone safe. Hopefully these protesters can keep their word and do the right thing. Nice work Goody in the photo too! Holding the line! #UnityIsStrength
17.01.2022 A fantastic turn out today to the Union meeting arranged by Crime Ops Branch President DSC Shilton, to discuss topics important to all our members state wide. It was a pleasure to join Ian Leavers, Mick Barnes and Shayne Maxwell and speak of the QPUE’s achievements in recent negotiations. I am proud of our achievements in particular the legacy items we have achieved, that we will continue to benefit from in perpetuity including leave accrual increase, abolishment of CDP and ...MDP, and being involved in reshaping MDP to be frontline focused and practical, as well as a commitment of the introduction of presumptive legislation for those with PTSD. This result took a strong united team and the QPUE delivered for all members. Thank you for Executive members Kev Groth, Andy Williams, and Peter Thomas coming along #UnityIsStrength #headquartersandsupport
17.01.2022 No matter how you look at it Police have stepped up their efforts during this #covid19 crisis. Whether it is guarding borders or business as usual Police are busier than ever keeping the community safe #unityisstrength
17.01.2022 Some great work being performed by our members in a challenging and uncertain environment. It’s a shame that your time needs to be taken up dealing with these individuals, thereby putting your own health at risk, but the larger majority of the community appreciates it. Keep up the great work everyone #UnityIsStrength #COVID19 #wearyourmask
17.01.2022 Ian and I are off catching up to the riders for this years Queensland #walltowallride remembering all of those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice. The QPUE is a proud supporter of this annual event and we are happy to see this years amended version go ahead in light of the #COVID19 pandemic. #UnityIsStrength #ridesafely4me
17.01.2022 Our very own DSS Sasha Finney shaved her head in honour of Kelly Chamberlain for the ‘Unite the Fight against Breast Cancer’ campaign to support the Cancer Council and raise funds for women affected by cancer. Sadly, every day almost 70 women in Australia still hear the words - 'you have cancer'. Ian Leavers and I met with Sasha today to speak about this fundraising effort and we are throwing in $100 each for this worthy cause.... Please dig deep and simply follow the link below to make a donation.
15.01.2022 Meet Jordan from Aurukun - Jordan has been in the job for just over a year and a half with 8 months here at Aurukun Station. He started out at Logan Central and Beenleigh for his first 12 months and one day hopes to go to SERT. Aurukun Station is made up of 18 permanent staff, 9 of which are Constable positions with many being second year Constables like Jordan. #unityisstrength #aurukun #aurukunpolice #capeyork
15.01.2022 Congratulations to all our Members who have stepped up for duties during this COVID-19 pandemic to keep our great State safe. Hats off to our BAU officers who continue to maintain our community's safety too. The dynamic nature of events has seen our Members respond quickly around our Borders as well as our Ports. Our elected Officials and our Industrial Team have and continue to ensure that everyone's well-being and entitlements are secure. The COVID-19 response is not over yet. We stand ready to assist when and where necessary regardless of the situation or location. Stay Safe!
15.01.2022 The QPUE is on scene rendering assistance to all members involved. Stay safe everyone
15.01.2022 Deals A Deal!! This is what strong union leadership and representation looks like. Because of the QPUE’s relentless advocacy led by Ian Leavers, the LNP have backflipped from their stated position of a blanket freeze to now support delivery of #EB9 in its entirety. This is welcomed by the QPUE and I thank the LNP for their support.... #dealsadeal #unityisstrength
14.01.2022 We as police are responsible for our actions everyday. Now we see Councillor Sri may be held to account for his actions too. #UnityIsStrength
14.01.2022 So this years Wall to Wall is done and dusted and we are home safe. This year saw an altered ride with an inability to leave the state to attend the memorial wall in Canberra due to #COVID19. Instead we rode to Rockhampton for a special service remembering all of those that had lost their lives in the line of duty. This annual ride, where all jurisdiction participate, is about mates remembering mates and paying respect to those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice. This yea...r we paid our respects to Sergeant Dan Stiller who lost his life coming up 10 years ago in a traffic accident between Mount Larcom and Calliope. A special shout out to the gentlemen from Gold Coast RPU who let me tag along again this year, and Lorenzo from Goomeri Station who was the ultimate host on our last night. #walltowallride #UnityIsStrength
14.01.2022 I’m so proud that today I was elected as a board member of Queensland Police Legacy with Jason Goodwin, and incumbents Michael Ede and Lindsay Rattray. Thank you to those members that came to today’s AGM but I would like to commend and honour former board members Peter Keir and Gregory Tutt. Peter has been a board member since 2011 with 7 years as the Treasurer, and Greg has been a board member since 1989 and twice the President. Gentlemen thank you, you have been part of an amazing organisation that has done many great things for our members, and I hope I can contribute like you both have #qldpolicelegacy
14.01.2022 The QPUE and Gilshenan & Luton Lawyers are very proud sponsors of the Queensland Police Service Women’s Rugby League 2pm on Saturday the 17th October will see the City vs Country game at Hammel Park Beenleigh. An event that brings our regional and city members together in a game that I’m sure is going to be a cracker. See you there
14.01.2022 Our CPOR Officers barely gets a mention in today’s paper! Well, I’ll mention them. Because of the QPUE and our strong advocacy, today Mick Barnes could proudly announce that CPOR is almost being doubled! Well done to the work, everyone in child protection does, whether it is in CPIUs across Queensland, Argos, CPOR and all areas of crimes against children.... #unityisstrength #statecrime
14.01.2022 What a story... I witnessed a very special moment where our very own HQ & Support member Senior Sergeant Ash Durre swore his son, Constable Rhys Durre in on Friday at the Queensland Police Service Academy. Rhys is off to Rockhampton Station where his grandfather, Glen Durre served between 1969-1971 #unityisstrength
13.01.2022 It is an absolute honour attending this event every year in the Queensland Police Union Of Employees support vehicle. It is the highlight of Ian Leavers and my year gathering with colleagues, friends and families to pay tribute to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice with Senior Sergeant Braydn Murphy and Gold Coast RPU #UnityIsStrength
13.01.2022 Earlier this year I, along with a number of Headquarters and South East Corner based colleagues, deployed to provide assistance to our regional colleagues across the state. These deployments are still ongoing in part and have been a great opportunity for me to hear some of the issues facing our members in some of the most remote areas of the state. What I wasn’t surprised to hear, amongst some of the incredibly challenging issues facing these members, were some of the same... concerns I hear daily. For all our differences in where we work, our members often have the same worries and stresses. This is why I was so pleased to hear of the wonderful road trip currently underway by Blue Hope. Blue Hope has identified the need to reach out and ensure that our regional and remote members are having their concerns and worries heard. More than ever it’s important to check-in on our colleagues, friends and family. I urge our regional members to check the locations Blue Hope is traveling, go have a cup of coffee, sit and catch up with your colleagues for a while. For those of you based in the South East Corner, reach out to your regional mates, shout them a coffee and let them know Blue Hope is on its way.
13.01.2022 Today I heard of the hectic workload of our colleagues in the Corrective Services Investigation Unit, a unit of 14 strong who support our regional members policing 9400 + prisoners, a number predicted to be 10000 by May. There is currently 14 correctional centres around the state, with plans of more centres being built. This unit has seen a massive increase in calls for service, much of which is serious and violent crime. As like all places in the state, we need an injection of staff in this area to manage the case load. Great work on your efforts in this challenging environment #UnityIsStrength
12.01.2022 Take a look at the first Quarterly Wrap Up for 2020 #unityisstrength
12.01.2022 Our union will never stand for any police officer to be charged for simply doing their jobs and we will always defend you. I am proud to represent you and be not only your regional rep however also Vice-President of your Union. #unityisstrength
11.01.2022 Meet Senior Constable Tommy Lyons, your new Rochdale South Police Beat Officer. Tommy has been apart of Railway Sqaud for 4 years. Well done mate, it’s Railways Squads loss
11.01.2022 Railway Squad really is leading the way for the ‘Our People Matter’ strategy with a coffee, and one of the best bacon and egg burgers I’ve had from #kitchen8Northgate. It goes to show that even with a small investment, initiatives like this go a long way with workplace morale, especially in times like these. Thanks for the invite team! #unityisstrength #ourpeoplematter #brekkie
10.01.2022 GAME DAY SATURDAY! Some of the best athletes in the QPS will be going hard at it this afternoon competing for one of the most prized trophies in the Service. It’s City V Country for Women’s Rugby League and from this game a team will be selected and awarded QLD State of Origin honours. Get along to the game at Hammel Park Beenleigh for a 2pm kick off. Entry is free for all QPU members and families, free outdoor entertainment in a COVID safe setting. ... The QPU are proud sponsors of Queensland Police Service Women’s Rugby League and its great some of our legal partners Gnech and Associates, Gilshenan and Luton Legal Practice and Sciaccas Lawyers have come on board with sponsorship as well. See you at kick off!!
08.01.2022 The Queensland Police Union Of Employees is a proud supporter of the Queensland Police Service Learning & Cultural Tour China 2017 and QPS Taiwan Culture & Study Tour 2020. In recognition of our continued commitment we sponsored the creation of the Inclusion and Diversity coin which was presented to Ian and I this morning. 400 coins were created and sent all over the country, with half of all proceeds, $1088, donated to Queensland Police Legacy #UnityIsStrength #QLDPolice #qldpolicelegacy
08.01.2022 Great people working in an environment and community that is unique, challenging, unpredictable and volatile. See you next time and stay safe. #unityisstrength
08.01.2022 This is my take on SAP in the Crime & Intelligence Command - This is affecting morale now!!!! #UnityIsStrength
08.01.2022 There is not a member of the Queensland Police Service that goes to work hoping to encounter a dreadful situation that two of our members did yesterday, let alone have to take someone’s life. Mr Sri’s comments are outrageous, completely unfounded, and deliberately divisive. Such comments from a elected leader within our community is just staggering and should be rejected by everyone. Now let’s look at these comments for what they truly are... They are nothing more than a fr...antic attempt by this councillor to garner a headline in the Greens party because with an additional Greens MP now in state parliament that was only elected via a deal between the Greens and the LNP, the Greens are resorting to Donald Trump style shock tactics to maintain attention on themselves. Entirely bizarre. Mr Sri has sunken to a level I’m sure he thought he wasn’t capable, to appeal to his base so he can maintain relevance. He is the Donald Trump of the Greens. A person who, just like Donald Trump, will say anything at all, no matter how demonstrably false, simply to get a headline. Sad really!! Shame Jonathan Sri, Councillor for The Gabba, Shame!!!
07.01.2022 Railway Borders Secured This morning Railway Squad battled the morning chill to secure Queensland’s borders with the 4:53am from Sydney. This effort is occurring daily with today resulting in 100% compliance from all passengers #UnityIsStrength #COVID19 #headquartersandsupport
07.01.2022 WAGES UPDATE - WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU! The legislation indicating a wage deferral was passed last night in Parliament. We are still trying to get as many answers as we can as to what this means.... We have prepared some brief FAQs below: Q: Will paypoint progression and new paypoints like 4.7 still take effect? A: Yes, paypoint progression is not affected and you will progress even to the new paypoint 4.7 (usual eligibility still applies) Q:I am retiring in the next 18 months. Will my defined benefit be affected? A: No, The Defined benefit payments will not be affected. The government has written to the QPUE to confirm that the payout figure for members in the Defined Benefit scheme will be paid out at the rate that is applicable under the existing EB. That is, the current 2.5% increases will still be applied to the defined benefit payout. Q: So, just when will we get a payrise? A: A 2.5% payrise will occur on 1 July 2021 and another 2.5% payrise will occur on 1 January 2022. Q: Are politicians getting a wage deferral too? A: Yes. The Premier has written to the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal to ensure that Members of Parliament will not receive an increase this financial year. Q: What is the QPUE doing about all of the above? A: The QPUE continues to engage with all sides of politics to continue its strong advocacy for police. This matter is far from over. We have a plan to ensure our rights are protected. The QPUE is currently working with lawyers and a Constitutional QC on our legal options to challenge this and we are also working on all options including potential campaigns. We will continue to keep you updated as information comes to hand.
07.01.2022 Popped in to see Jason Goodwin today at Brisbane Private who was seriously injured whilst arresting a violent offender on the railway line. Our friends at Sciaccas Lawyers are looking after Jason with his Workcover claim through his recovery period. This is one of many industrial services we offer at the Queensland Police Union Of Employees #unityisstrength
06.01.2022 This week is Men’s Health Week - Who are you going to call this week? Men's Health Week provides a platform for challenging and debating key issues in men's health and to raise the profile of men’s health. Men’s life expectancy is 4.3 years less than women. Men take their own lives 4 times the rate of women (5 per day). More men suffer from lifestyle related health conditions. Men have more accidents. #MensHealthWeek #ShowUsYourBlue #restorethebalance #unityisstrength
05.01.2022 2020 has been a year of challenge and change. Have a read of my last article for the year. Thank you to all our members for the hard work you have performed, and will continue to perform in 2021 #UnityIsStrength
05.01.2022 E-NEWS - WAGES UPDATE There is no concrete update on this issue. We understand the government plans to legislate to defer the 2020 pay rise to 2021, so that will mean a zero pay rise in the 2020 financial year and a 5% payrise in the 2021 financial year (2.5% on 1 July 2021 and on 2.5% on 1 January 2022). The government would also guarantee that those who retire on defined benefit over the next twelve to eighteen months are paid out at the rate that would have been applicable... under the EBA. It would also include that reclassifications/ paybands etc with the agreement such as the new 4.7 paypoint would also occur. The Opposition’s last public position on this issue was that they also support a zero payrise in the 2020 financial year and do not support the deferral proposal from the government, (ie the LNP are against the government’s plan of a 5% payrise in the 2021 financial year), however having said that, we are hopeful that as a result of the QPUE’s lobbying, the LNP will consider the legislation overnight before voting on it and oppose the legislation entirely. Obviously, we have been working relentlessly to get the best possible options for police starting with maintaining our current legally binding agreement. Our preparations have included considering all options such as potential campaigns etc however with the LNP’s publicly stated position appearing worse than the government’s proposal we will have to be strategic. We are also working with a Constitutional QC on this issue too. We understand that members want an update however there is basically no update and no concrete position from government at this time. Hopefully we have a position to better inform members of the Government and Opposition’s positions when the legislation is fully debated.
05.01.2022 As the rep for the Forensic Services Group I have come to know the challenging, specialised, and important work our members in this area do everyday both on and for the frontline. I had the opportunity to speak to our latest group of members training to be Scenes of Crime Officers at Police Headquarters today, where our very own Neil Pyle from Drug & Serious Crime Group was presenting. A group of keen officers learning the important forensic skills needed to take back to corner of the state, where they will put their learning into practice as trainee Scenes of Crime Officers. To all of our Scenes of Crime and Forensic Specialist Officers all over the state, thanks for the work you do, I know it can be a tough gig #UnityIsStrength
04.01.2022 We will not tolerate a winding back of our lawfully binding agreement. Our members are on the frontline to this #covid19 pandemic and at the very least our pay agreement should to be honoured #unityisstrength
03.01.2022 Remembering Senior Constable Norm WATT. Acknowledging the several Remembrance cermonies held across Queensland over the last couple of days marking 20years since the murder of our colleague Norm WATT. With Honour He Served.
03.01.2022 We at the Qld Police Union and all Police unions and associations right across Australia continue to support the NTPA as they fight for Zach. We continue to support Zach & the entire Rolfe family.
02.01.2022 Today I met with members of the Crime and Intelligence Command (‘CIC’) project who outlined to the QPUE some information moving forward in relation to the Service Alignment Program. The project team is reporting directly to Assistant Commissioner Peter Fleming and Acting Assistant Commissioner Ray Rohweder. The key point from the meeting was to ensure that the QPUE is engaged as a valued and key stakeholder in this project which has just commenced, ensuring that members are ...consulted during this process and encouraged to be active participants in this journey. It is important to ensure that anything you have heard or any drafts you have seen regarding any realignment or merging of two Commands are disregarded. The project is only one week into a preliminary consultation and fact finding phase where key stakeholders will be consulted in what the future of the CIC will look like. The focus of the Service Alignment Program is on reducing and better managing demand and addressing crime and safety in our communities, it is also about aligning our resources and functions/capabilities with our strategy (Prevention, Disruption, Investigation and Response) to make Queensland the safest state. Making sure the QPS is better aligned and coordinated will be very important, and consultation with you, the members, who do the work day in and day out that are best placed to get involved and provide advice that will make this transition work well. A key component of the Service Alignment Project is consultation with our people. As a result of my meeting today, all members of the QPUE now have an opportunity to engage with the project team to discuss:- - What works well - What could be done better - What doesn’t work - What the CIC structure could look like The project will entail:- - Transitioning part of the QPS intelligence functionality from the Intelligence and Covert Services Command (‘ICSC’) into the CIC - Transitioning State Crime Command into the CIC Further project work is also being done in relation to ICSC and OSC regarding Central Function Policy and the QPUE will continue to be engaged in this process. Members are encouraged to submit their thoughts either directly to the project team via email as per the instruction via internal email or directly to me and I will forward a deidentified copy to the project team.
02.01.2022 A deal is a deal! Leave our binding #EB9 agreement alone! #unityisstrength #lawfullybinding #qldpolice #handsoffEB9
02.01.2022 A weekend spent on the Sunny Coast as part of the State Crime contingent to the #Covid19 response. We ran into North Coast Regional Rep Grant Wilcox who along with our members at Maroochydore Station are working as opposed to being with their families on Mother’s Day. Our members throughout the state continue to come to work to protect the community in spite of the added risks around infection in these times of #coronavirus. We play a vital role in this unprecedented respons...e, and talk by our states politicians of meddling with our legally binding #EB9 agreement is frankly disappointing, and lacks insight into the contribution of our serving men and women. I, Ian Leavers, and the QPUE Executive is committed to protecting our agreement negotiated in good faith with the government that was certified in the Industrial Relations Commission. A deals a deal! Leave our pay agreement alone! #unityisstrength #handsoffEB9 #qldpolice
02.01.2022 In the current edition of the journal I speak of the ‘Service Alignment Program’ and the formation of the ‘Crime & Intelligence Command’, and the potential of affecting some of our most specialised areas with the pending changes #unityisstrength #makemaximapermanent #tfmaxima #MOCS
02.01.2022 Tomorrow is National Police Remembrance Day. Please join the Queensland Police Union Of Employees and spare a thought for police and their families, as we honour 147 Queensland Police who gave their lives protecting the community #policeremembrance
01.01.2022 A fitting ceremony for a much loved and respected officer. Rest In Peace Senior Constable Watt, you will never be forgotten.
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