Shanoahs way of the heart | Community
Shanoahs way of the heart
Phone: +61 419 660 730
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23.01.2022 yesterday it was so sad another horse had to be put down,i asked my guide to take the horse over to spirit for healing and today i did my tealeaves and in my cup something caught my attention, a arrow pointing to a rider on a horse, and surrounded around the horse birds flying free, i feel i was heard and the horse is at peace. the arrow is on the left of the cup pointing to a rider on a horse and the birds all around. my guide is native american.
22.01.2022 the winner of the tea leaf reading drawn today,,al names were assigned a number and put into a bowl and dipping my hand and drawing from the tea cup number 8 came out and the winner is robyn levett congrstulations.
20.01.2022 xmas gift vouchers for readings or reiki healing sessions inbox for details if your looking for a gift with a little difference.
17.01.2022 creative visulization,,,,, focus on the peaceful view,feel yourself sitting on the wooden seat,smell the air, feel the breeze on your face,smell the trees,see yourself there,,,this picture has een infused with healing energy,just breathe it in ,be still in the here and now ,be peace.
15.01.2022 Jamie Allpress recommends Shanoahs way of the heart Clairvoyant/medium. 18 hrs Sharon helped me speak with my parents, grandparents, two best friends that have passed on and with someone I really needed to hear from. Her charge was very minimal and doesn’t ask for anything more. Unlike bad stories we all hear over the years, Sharon’s even better than I imagined.... I left there feeling in a way, reborn. See more
15.01.2022 CRAZY DREAMS,,,,but sometimes they can contain a very wise message ...... last night i dreamed i was taken to this big area of beautiful water,i was with my son,right now he is up in broome near the most beautiful water,he took me to the edge and i said where are we going,he said we have to get across to the other side,i was puzzled as we had no boat, but instead he said in that,,i saw a big box shape in front of me and we had to walk inside it,felt like it was goin...g into the tardis lol,anyway once inside it was a beautiful little house,that could go under water,im thinking is there any air in here etc,,but then i saw the most beautiful turquoise water and we were moving through it,,,then we had to stop ,as a dust storm on land made the water bit murky but i thought wow this is amzing. I woke up and thought what was that all about,i lived in broome for awhile and loved the water its real turquoise, but i said not sure what that dreams about but then it was like a voice said back to me if you see it and believe it can be done than it can happen,this was in regard to the under water house lol,followed by nothing is impossible if you believe,then i was seeing the old cartoons on tv of flying cars etc, and yes i was wide awake, but like watching a movie in front of me that wasnt playing, and i just saw the cars they have made today that can fly,its been done. so was my dream just stupid, no, it gave me the message if you can see it and believe it can be done nothing is impossible if you truly believe,the wanting to know if there was air in the house under water was me in real life wanting to feel like i can just relax and breathe, the home well all to do with whats been happening in life, having to move etc, but each time the universe or angels and i believe in them have also not let me down. my dream felt very happy,maybe i need to go visit a aquarium lol, so if you have a crazy dream dont dismiss itbreak it down and let the info come to you because on some level it might just make sense. See more
14.01.2022 Clairvoyant medium for enquiries ph 0419660730 hi my name is Sharon, for those who do not know me or have not been to me a little of what I do reiki practione...r clairvoyant and medium with reiki I assist the client with there own healing and guide them in that direction, reiki assists the body in the most beautiful way and helps balance the whole body mind and spirit. With my clairvoyance I see, hear, sense, and being empathic I pick up whats going on with the person in my body, I also work with my guide who is in the spirit world and lived on this earth, and I connect with that wisdom and relay that guidance to the client, and for those who have connected in those times and my guide has come through you know of the giggles and humor we have had sometimes. my testimonials are on my shanoahs way of the heart page under visitors posts and others come from word of mouth. As a medium I have worked on platform around Melbourne but changed direction and worked quieter from home, and its with this I connect with loved passed over giving you evidence and proof that they are around us in a different energy. I work face to face the old fashioned way as this is my strength and each client is treated with respect and privacy of information. I live in the beautifull hills of Monbulk so if I'm who your guided to or your just curious then you may wish to seek me out. For all enquiries phone myself Sharon on 0419660730 May your day be wonderful. See more
13.01.2022 there is always t time for tea,so today i decided id do a tea leaf reading so place your name below under this post and i will draw out a name, and then do the tea ceromony for you and do a intutive reading of the tea leaves winner will be drawn 26th of nov and winner will be notified,good luck everyone.
12.01.2022 Today i did my morning procedure of welcoming the angels into the house, i went outside the back to sit in the sun but had a feeling to go out the front i looked down and there was about 8 feathers at the front door, first i checked for injured birds but none i smiled and thanked the angels for the little sign,messages come in many ways thankyou universe ...
11.01.2022 todays wisdom from mother nature herself...... the river speaks, she reminds of the power to take time to reflect,see her message in the trees reflected in the water, the water in stillness holds much wisdom,its only in moments of stillness,when sometimes nothing appears to be happening, that spirit shows us a small ripple the wind moving water,just a reminder to say i am still here,working behind the scenes ,walk upon the foundation that has been placed under your feet when come closer to the water, like a path the jetty says explore me, come to the edge,come be still with me,breathe and take time,its the little things in life,the simple things, and each day mother earth shows us through her beauty if we only dare open our eyes and remind ourselves if the creator can create miracles of beauty , so to the creator can bring miracles if we only keep our hearts open to receive them. be still and in those moments you may just hear the whisper of your message from the river. connect with this picture and allow your message to come to you today share your message below if you wish, you may just be the inspiration to lifting someone elses day , love and blessing in walking your day today. See more
05.01.2022 taking expressions of interest for anyone wanting to do second degree reiki I have a place for one more person looking at march dates a full weekend workshop food and beverages lunch morning and afternoon tea provided, full certification given at the end of the workshop, for any enquiries please feel free to contact me by inbox or ph 0419660730.
01.01.2022 TODAYS ANGEL CARD...INTUITION AND DOWNLOADS... As i sat down to do this card for the day i just finished saying to archangel michael thankyou for helping me with my intuitive vision, and i was shown a number 14 to select from the deck,the deck is always turned face down, so this was todays card. so one may ask how do we know when a message is coming from a angel,to see one in the room would be to much on our human eyes, but they show us through ...number sequences ,colors or through our thoughts,you may be getting a strong feeling in your mind to go somewhere for example and you have been asking about proof from angels and you may stop right where you are and in a shop in front of you may be a big angel statue, this is some of the ways they may let you know.,feel sense you may feel emotional,then ask for 3 pieces of proof, to make that connection stronger,as my mum and i both found out she asked for 3 and in that same day she got the name michael. so asking for a message straight from michael for this card,i had the strong sense to pass on his message to recieve information correctly always approach with a clear mind first,ask for your energy feild to be cleared from lower thoughts and then sit quietly and welcome from love the angelic. never doubt yourself things always come at the right time,enjoy having a go,and feel free to share how you went on my page under this post,as your message may be what someone else is needing to hear,this spreads comfort and joy. love and best wishes for your day. See more
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