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Sri Shanthi Bhavana in Rockingham, Western Australia | Mental health service

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Sri Shanthi Bhavana

Locality: Rockingham, Western Australia

Phone: +61 466 480 369

Address: 18/7 Sepia Court 6168 Rockingham, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 EASTER BREAK... Hey Yogis and Yoginis, we are taking the four day Easter break this year for a change, but will be back with our Tuesday class straight after Easter, and our Saturday classes as usual from April 22. We wish you all a very happy and safe holiday. Namaste! Shanthi & Yuan. Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness.

25.01.2022 Watch this space... a change is about to happen... with Sri Shanthi Bhavana the countdown starts NOW!Watch this space... a change is about to happen... with Sri Shanthi Bhavana the countdown starts NOW!

25.01.2022 10 Reasons Why Singing, Chanting, or Humming is Good for Us... In Yoga the practice of singing, chanting, humming and toning have long been recognized as practical exercises in creating and maintaining proper physical and mental health. Here’s a few reasons why... 1 Releases endorphins and increases levels of oxytocin; 2 Improves posture, breathing and blood-flow; 3 Saves money: our voice is our free human instrument; 4 Creates new neural pathways and improves brain meta-plasticity; 5 Wards off age-related decline by continuously 'exercising' our brain; 6 Heals depression, strokes and speech abnormalities; 7 Promotes social bonding and cohesion; and helps us rediscover our own identity; 8 Relieves mental health issues: we feel happier, better connected and supported; 9 Connects with other diverse voices and our community; 10 Allows us to be smarter, healthier, happier and more creative. As John Lennon and George Harrison said, and the title of their "Beatles" book on travelling through India in the '60s... "Chant and Be Happy!"

24.01.2022 Exciting News... This week we are rescheduling and re-launching our Rockingham Restorative Yoga Class. The new class is now... "AM RESTORATIVE HATHA YOGA" on Saturday mornings at the newly refurbished "Hotel Clipper", right in the centre of Rockingham's cafe belt, and just 400 metres from the foreshore. This 1-hour deliciously blended and blissfully rejuvenating morning Restorative Yoga session is a great way to blow away the busy weekday blues and start the weekend with a re...laxing, de-stressing practice! After class, why not stay a while and meet your yoga friends in the new super cool "Clipper Cafe" for a relaxing cuppa, a tasty snack, or even a healthy lunch? Saturday mornings at the "Hotel Clipper" - Yoga, Cafe, Cool! Time: 9:00 am to 10:00 am 20-30 Patterson Road, Rockingham Bookings essential: Sri Shanthi (0466) 480-369 [email protected] SRI SHANTHI BHAVANA YOGA WELLNESS See more

24.01.2022 What a lovely bunch... the 'Dream Team' "AM Hatha Yoga" crew... last class for 2017. Its been another great year at the Westerly Family Centre (thanks WFC)... we'll be back on January 9, 2018 for another one! Thanks everyone for a wonderful year! Happy Christmas to all our students and to the management and committee of the WFC... see you in 2018!

23.01.2022 ZEN YOGA SANGHA - Rockingham - LAUNCHED!!! Thanks to Gill, Sandra, Judy and Sue who helped launch our new Rockingham Yoga Sangha on Saturday, at our Yoga Shala. 75-minutes of blissful therapeutic and restorative Yoga... a little history about the Krishnamacharya tradition of Yoga (in which this practice is based), asana and pranayama, some Sanskrit observations, some Yoga Therapy tips for each individual present, some chanting and a beautiful sound meditati...on, followed by delicious Chinese Sunflower tea and wonderful cake from Sandra. Quote of the day from Judy... "I've got a new Hip, and I'm not afraid to use it!" (authorised quote use, thanks Judy). Private ~ Personalised ~ Therapeutic & Restorative Yoga Sessions Individualised "one-on-one" and small group Yoga sessions. Our ZEN Yoga practice is Yoga that is designed appropriate to each individual in the teaching tradition of Krishnamacharya, and the Classical Yoga of Patanjali, with spiritual connection, and the mindfulness of Zen ("being present"). Bookings Essential... [email protected] (0466) 480-369 *Please Note: Sri Shanthi Bhavana is not currently teaching group community classes in Rockingham, as he is on a sabbatical... however, he is available for individual and small group Yoga tuition and therapy, on selected days, by appointment. The Yoga Sangha is a great way to work closely with your teacher, develop your personal practice and find therapeutic ways to restore, energise, revitalise, and bring healing benefits to body, mind and spiritual connection. Advance your personal Yoga practice with Zen Yoga Sangha. Om Namo Namah! Zen Yoga / Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness

21.01.2022 "AM Hatha Vitality Yoga" Every Tuesday 9:30am - 10:45am Westerly Family Centre, Cooloongup Deliciously invigorating and rejuvenating Yoga practice. Namaste!... Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness ~ Independent - Traditional - Personal ~ "Ancient Healing Therapies for Modern Times!" See more

21.01.2022 In our Yoga class we touched on the Doshas, what they are are how they define our body energy system, as part of the Ayurvedic medical philosophy which is a wonderfully integrative complementary system to the art and science of Yoga. Have you ever wondered what actually accounts for differences in people? Why are some people hyperactive and fast moving, while others exude grace and stillness? Why can some people eat a five-course meal with ease, while others can barely finish... a salad? Why are some people inherently joyous, while others carry the weight of the world on their shoulders? Modern genetics offers some insight, but what about the characteristics and idiosyncrasies that make every person unique? Ayurveda answers all of these questions with the Three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Check out this great site for more information: Ayurveda 101: The Three Doshas- Vata, Pitta, Kapha Ayurvedic cooking for healing is ancient, timeless, practical wisdom based upon taste, hot and cold energy and the post-digestive effect of food at the cellular level EATTASTEHEAL.COM

21.01.2022 Our latest release, Ningaloo Dreaming - a relaxation soundscape album, is now available on 40 online download and streaming channels, including: Apple Music, ...iTunes, Tik Tok, Spotify, Amazon, iHeart Radio, Pandora, Facebook, YouTube, Google Music, Napster, and at home on Zen Music, at Download and enjoy the difference today... ZEN MUSIC... the Space Between the Noise! See more

21.01.2022 Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness Private 'one-on-one' yoga tuition, therapeutic yoga, meditation, sound therapy and spiritual guidance. Small group classes - Hatha Yoga, Restorative and Therapeutic Yoga, Chair Flow Yoga. Independent - Traditional - Individual Attention. Perth and Rockingham.... Places limited - Bookings essential. Make a positive change to your life today - Yoga for Life! "Ancient Healing Therapies for Modern Times!" (0466) 480-369 [email protected] See more

19.01.2022 Happy "International Yoga Day" to all our Yoga brothers and sisters around the world from our FREE "Ageless Yoga - AM Yoga" morning class, Westerly Family Centre, Rockingham, Australia. "Ancient Healing Therapies for Modern Times!" Aum Santi, Santi, Santhi! Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness Therapeutic Yoga - Meditation - Massage Therapy... See more

18.01.2022 Saturday YOGA at WFC Restorative Yoga every Satudray at Westerly Family Centre, 27 Westerly Way, Cooloongup (Rockingham) 2:00PM "Restorative Hatha Yoga Clinic" - sublime tranquillity from Mindful immersion in this delicious "Yin"-style Restorative program. 4:00PM "Resorative Chair Flow Yoga" - gentle, yet invigorating Hatha Yoga Standing and Chair Routines.... Presented by internationally certified Yoga and Meditation teacher, Sri Shanthi Bhavana Taste the difference! - Ancient Healing Wisdom for Modern Times! Bookings essential (0466) 480-369 [email protected] See more

18.01.2022 Happy "International Yoga Day" to all our students, and brothers and sisters around the world - officially tomorrow June 21, but I am starting early with my classes today! May the spirit of Yoga continue to be a strong force for good, for peace, for clarity of mind, for health and wellness in all who seek its wisdom. "YOGA... honouring the Divine Light in me, and all living creatures". With gratitude and blessings, Sri Shanthi Bhavana... See more

18.01.2022 Sri Shanthi Bhavana's adaptive therapeutic Yoga wellness programs - North Perth, South Perth, Melville and Rockingham: AM Hatha Yoga class; Restorative Yoga classes; Chair Flow Yoga classes; Private 1:1 Yoga Tuition;... Private 1:1 Therapeutic Yoga; Private Massage Therapy & Reflexology; Private 1:1 Meditation & Personal Counselling; Meditation Courses; Hatha Yoga for Newbies! course; Yoga for Managing Chronic Lower Back Pain Workshop New classes, courses and workshops for 2018. contact: Shanthi. (0466) 480-369 [email protected] 3 Years Ago See Your Memorieschevron-right Sri Shanthi Bhavana November 3, 2014 Through quiet contemplation, and focused consciousness... One can explore the internal world, and navigate and map, and even discover new horizons. For those with eyes to see, the view from within is more important than the view from without. Happiness comes from within. Om shanti, shanti, shanthi! (May there be Peace, Peace and perfect Peace!) Shanthi Image may contain: 1 person

17.01.2022 YOGA at South Perth Learning Centre - TERM 4... with Shanthi. Following the successful "Chair Flow Yoga" classes at the SPLC, TERM 4 is about to begin on Monday October 16. Mondays 3:30pm - 4:30pm, Oct 16 to Dec 11. (now in the bigger, Room 2).... In addition, "Restorative Yoga" will be offered on Fridays 3:00pm - 4:00pm, for Term 4, Oct 20 to Dec 15. (also in Room 2). Both these "Ageless Yoga" programs are based in Therapeutic Yoga, and designed for older people and those with injuries, medical conditions, or limited movement and flexibility. Adaptive Therapeutic YOGA - "Ancient Therapies for Modern Times!" Prior booking is essential for both these classes. Please book with Valerie Ogoke - SPLC Coordinator (08) 9367-1254 [email protected] For more information please call, email, or visit the SPLC web site: South Perth Learning Centre - Where Good Things Happen!

17.01.2022 Don't turn your back on Chair Yoga... Chair Flow Yoga... gentle, invigorating dynamic flows, focused breathing and meditation. 3 locations: Melville, Leederville/North Perth & Rockingham Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness [email protected] (0466) 480-369 See more

16.01.2022 Private 1:1 YOGA Sri Shanthi Bhavana offers private 'one-on-one' Yoga Tuition and Therapeutic Yoga and Massage sessions at consultancy rooms in Rockingham and Perth. One-hour or longer consultations and sessions are available every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and at other times during the week by appointment. Prior booking is essential. Currently receiving client referrals from doctors, medical specialists, medical centres, chiropractors, physiotherapists, psychologists,... care organisations, and government organisations including DVA and NDIS providers. Reach your full potential... Achieve your health and wellness goals... Overcome illness, medical conditions and injuries... Alleviate pain, suffering and mind-breath-body imbalance... with a properly-planned Yoga program designed specifically for you, right NOW... at this stage of life. Registered as a holistic therapist - Yoga, Meditation & Massage - International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IITC). Registered as a certified Yoga Teacher - AURA Wellness Center, Massachusetts, USA. Therapeutic Yoga in the tradition of Sri T. Krishnamacharya. "Ancient Healing Therapies for Modern Living!" (0466) 480-369 [email protected] (see "Therapeutic Yoga" page on web site) See more

16.01.2022 SrI Shanthi Bhavana and Yue Yuan Luo will be giving FREE Yoga and Massage demonstrations all afternoon at this wonderful event! Come try the "Flying Crane" Flow Yoga sequence, specially-designed by Sri Shanthi for this "1,000 Paper Cranes Brain Cancer Awareness" event, and take part in the Chinese Massage and Reflexology sessions given by Yue Yuan. Hope to see you there! Shanthi Bhavana Meditation & Yoga Wellness 1:00pm - 5:00pm Sunday 19 March... Piney Lakes Reserve, Murdoch Drive, Winthrop See more

16.01.2022 FRIDAY SEPT 1st - 2:00pm SPLC YOGA for Seniors - a talk by Shanthi Bhavana this Friday, at the South Perth Learning Centre. Shanthi will give a talk to the community on Yoga for Seniors - "YOGA - Ancient Therapies for Modern Times!", which includes a demonstration of various forms of Yoga suitable for, and designed specifically for, older people, and the benefits of Therapeutic Yoga for senior adults. Friday 2:00pm -3:00pm. Please book with Valerie Ogoke - SPLC Coordinator... (08) 9367-1254 [email protected] For more information please call, email, or visit the SPLC web site: South Perth Learning Centre - Where Good Things Happen! See more

15.01.2022 "Step into Yoga for 2018" Take the step towards greater health and wellness... Happy New Year... and see you soon! Sri Shanthi Bhavana

15.01.2022 Sri Shanthi Bhavana at the South Perth Learning Centre with Chandana Kulasuriya (left) and centre coordinator, Valerie Ogoke (centre) at the recent screening of Chandana's amazing and insightful Sri Lankan feature film "Inattention".

14.01.2022 ***New YOGA class starts Monday July 24... South Perth*** ADAPTIVE CHAIR FLOW YOGA CLASS Starting 3:00pm - Monday July 24 "Ageless Yoga Program: Chair Flow Yoga for Seniors" at the South Perth Learning Centre (SPLC) with Sri Shanthi Bhavana.... see link for more details: Bookings Essential, please contact: Valerie Ogoke Centre Coordinator South Perth Learning Centre Inc. Address: Lower level of the South Perth Civic Centre South Terrace, South Perth WA 6151 Ph: (08) 9367-1254 [email protected] See more

14.01.2022 Beautiful new venue for our "Chair Flow Yoga" classes every Wednesday at 10:00am... 20-30 Patterson Road, Rockingham. Gentle therapeutic Chair Yoga - Level 1 Seated & Standing Routines. Enjoy a cuppa, snack or lunch with your friends at the delicious cafe after Yoga class. Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness

14.01.2022 New South Perth classes - TERM 4... with Shanthi Following the successful "Chair Flow Yoga" classes at the SPLC, TERM 3, they are already taking bookings for TERM 4. Mondays 3:30pm - 4:30pm, Oct 16 to Dec 11. (now in the bigger, Room 2). In addition to that, SPLC will be offering "Restorative Yoga" on Fridays 3:00pm - 4:00pm, for Term 4, Oct 20 to Dec 15.... (also in Room 2). Both these "Ageless Yoga" programs are based in Therapeutic Yoga, and designed for older people and those with injuries, medical conditions, or limited movement and flexibility. Adaptive Therapeutic YOGA - "Ancient Therapies for Modern Times!" Prior booking is essential for both these classes. Please book with Valerie Ogoke - SPLC Coordinator (08) 9367-1254 [email protected] For more information please call, email, or visit the SPLC web site: South Perth Learning Centre - Where Good Things Happen! See more

14.01.2022 Sri Shanthi Bhavana just run a successful "Chair Flow Yoga" session for WA Senior's Week, to a packed house at the Safety Bay Library. Watch this space for a new regular class starting in 2018.

13.01.2022 Dear Yoga friends, We are very happy to announce our NEW... *** AGELESS CHAIR FLOW YOGA Class... Starting this SATURDAY, APRIL 22 *** Ageless Chair Flow YOGA for Healthy Ageing - Levels 1 & 2 Standing & Chair Routines & Meditation - 1-Hour... WHEN? Every Saturday WHERE? Westerly Family Center - 27 Westerly Way, Cooloongup (Central Rockingham area) WHAT TIME? 4:00pm - 5:00pm (join anytime! Please arrive 15-minutes prior to class latecomers will not be admitted) ABOUT CHAIR FLOW YOGA: This is a beautiful calming, energising & rejuvenating practice. Everyone can practice Ageless Chair Flow Yoga! Gentle Standing & Chair Routines - Hatha and Restorative Yoga, including Pranayama (breath control) and Meditation, modified and adapted for practice using a Chair as a prop. A great practice for anyone, and especially suitable for people suffering injury, or with limited flexibility. Rejuvenating! Invigorating! Energising! Relaxing! Recommended for seniors, or anybody suffering from lack of flexibility or reduced range-of-motion, medical conditions, illness, or injuries by doctors, medical specialists, chiropractors, physiotherapists and psychologists. Give yourself another great Yoga practice every week, or share this email notice with someone who you know will benefit! This class follows our regular Saturday Restorative Clinic (2:00pm - 3:30pm). Contact us if you would like to try this class! Bookings Essential - Please Contact: Shanthi [email protected] (0466) 480-369 All regular CLASSES in Rockingham and Perth can be found on the CLASSES page on our website: Get your body in YOGA today! See more

13.01.2022 As the founder of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists, I wholeheartedly recommend Zen Yoga Wellness as a quality training provider of our institute and would encourage anyone wishing to use their services to get in touch.

13.01.2022 A New AWARD... We've just received an Award from "Health 4 You" for being in the 2018 Top 25 Health Services in the Perth South Coastal region at #9 (4th year in a row). Thank you "Health 4 You" directory, and to all our lovely students. Again, as in the past years, this is all about you. You take responsibility for your own health and wellness and in doing so you inspire others in our community to follow your lead. Our student numbers continue to grow in both Perth and Rocki...ngham... so thanks to every one of you and please keep up your practice and keep inspiring others to follow you. Much gratitude & blessings! Namaskaram! Sri Shanthi Bhavana Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness / Zen Yoga Wellness See more

13.01.2022 Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness *Independent - Traditional - Personal* Applied Therapeutic Yoga for Health & Fitness Small group classes & private one-on-one therapy sessions "Ancient Healing Therapies for Modern Times!"... (0466) 480-369 [email protected] See more

12.01.2022 Shanthi to deliver a talk this Friday, September 1, at the South Perth Learning Centre. Shanthi will give a talk to the community on Yoga for Seniors - "YOGA - Ancient Therapies for Modern Times!", which includes a demonstration of various forms of Yoga suitable for, and designed specifically for, older people, and the benefits of Therapeutic Yoga for senior adults. Friday 2:00pm -3:00pm. Please book with Valerie Ogoke - SPLC Coordinator (08) 9367-1254... [email protected] For more information please call, email, or visit the SPLC web site: South Perth Learning Centre - Where Good Things Happen! See more

12.01.2022 This page is now... "Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness"... please join me, all welcome!

12.01.2022 Business Name change: Shanthi Bhavana Meditation & Yoga is now: "Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness" - Adaptive Therapeutic & Restorative Yoga - selected group classes and private 1:1 therapy. *Now offering more new classes in Perth and Rockingham! [email protected]... (0466) 408-369 See more

12.01.2022 Well... as Bugs Bunny used to say, "That's all folks!"... The last class for 2017 is in the bag, with the Loftus Community Centre "Chair Flow Yoga" class finishing today. We've come to the end of our wonderful Yoga year together across all our classes. Another great break-up morning tea this morning. Thanks to all our (130+) beautiful students in Perth and Rockingham for a great year. Shanthi is now officially on holidays until January 5. Have a wonderful, spiritual Christmas and a happy, healthy and safe New Year. See you all in 2018!

12.01.2022 Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga is back for another exciting year of Yoga Wellness Programs... "Step into Yoga in 2018" Once again we are very pleased to be partnering with the South Perth Learning Centre to bring Perth people an exciting range of Yoga Wellness classes, courses and workshops in 2018....Continue reading

11.01.2022 Our "Ageless Yoga" just got older... Until last week, our oldest student (private therapy client Fred), was 94. Now a new student has started in our "Chair Flow Yoga" class, at a group aged care facility where we run regular Yoga for seniors. He is 101! (no name or photo because of aged-care rules of privacy, which I respect). I can tell you, at 101, he is remarkably active and agile, and handled both standing and seated Yogasana practice with seemingly effortless ease that m...akes his age look more like late 70's. For his first yoga session ever, he is amazing! And he enjoyed it! These people constantly inspire me, and keep me going. I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this work... its such a privilege. Thank you! Shanthi. See more

10.01.2022 "Between all the components of a Yoga practice - Movement, Breath, Posture, Attitude and Awareness - as in our daily life, there must be perfect equilibrium, or alignment (balance, harmony). All must constantly evolve". - SB

10.01.2022 Winter starts on Thursday... in two days! (for those of us in the Southern Hemispere). So today we started our seasonal transition Yoga, as we move into the Winter months - building physical strength and stamina, yogic breathing for vitality, and flushing toxins from the Lymphatic system. "Ancient Healing Therapies for Modern Times!" Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness

10.01.2022 Looking for our Classes? please visit our website for all current classes, at: on the HOME page, go to CLASSES

09.01.2022 *** NEW CHAIR FLOW YOGA CLASS - SOUTH PERTH *** Starting 3:00pm - Monday July 24 in South Perth "Ageless Yoga Program: Chair Flow Yoga for Seniors" at the South Perth Learning Centre (SPLC) with Sri Shanthi Bhavana. see link for more details:... Bookings Essential, please contact: Valerie Ogoke Centre Coordinator South Perth Learning Centre Inc. Address: Lower level of the South Perth Civic Centre South Terrace, South Perth WA 6151 Ph: (08) 93671254 AGELESS YOGA PROGRAM: CHAIR FLOW YOGA FOR SENIORS Gentle, non-invasive, low-impact Yoga-based exercise program specially designed for older people (seniors). Suitable for all age groups, and especially for people SPLC.ORG.AU

09.01.2022 Award Winning Yoga Service - 3 Years in a Row! Once again, as in 2015 and 2016, we have been awarded in the "Top 25 Most Popular Health & Wellness Services" in the Perth and South Coastal region of Western Australia, by the "Health4You" Services Directory. Thanks "Health4You" for your informative directory and for directing people to us. And thanks to our students... this is your award, for helping promote Yoga as a healthy lifestyle choice and fitness program for people over... 50! Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness "Ancient Therapies for Modern Times!" See more

09.01.2022 EXCITING NEWS!!!... NEW CLASSES OPENING SOON... As our classes are currently expanding rapidly in both Perth and Rockingham, we will soon be adding more classes and more exciting programs to our "Ageless Yoga Program".... offering seniors and older adults MORE Yoga programs! Watch this space for more news soon! "Ancient Healing Therapies For Modern Times!" Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness... See more

08.01.2022 *** NEW *** SOUTH PERTH *** AGELESS YOGA PROGRAM: CHAIR FLOW YOGA FOR SENIORS HW4 9 Week Term South Perth Learning Centre (SPLC) Sri Shanthi Bhavana... 3pm-4pm $115 9 Mondays, 24 July 18 Sept We are very pleased to announce our partnering with the South Perth Learning Centre at the City of South Perth, and the inclusion of our "Ageless Yoga Program - Chair Flow Yoga for Seniors Program" in their new SPLC Term 3 Program. The first term is for 9 weeks, followed by 10 week terms thereafter. Gentle, non-invasive, low impact Yoga-based exercise program specially designed for older people (seniors). Suitable for all age groups, and especially for people suffering limited flexibility and range-of-motion (ROM), injuries and medical conditions. This unique exercise program is therapeutic and recommended by medical physicians (GPs), chiropractors, physiotherapists and psychologists, and is practiced sitting in a Chair, or standing with the support of a Chair. The Chair is used as a prop to help support the person, and as an aid in assisting the person to gain strength and balance. Sri Shanthi Bhavana specialises in Therapeutic Yoga for older populations and is an internationally registered and certified Yoga Teacher with AURA Wellness Center, Massachusetts, USA, and the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT). "Sri Shanthi Bhavana is an excellent, kind and dedicated teacher. All of those who study with him are fortunate. Highly recommended... Great teacher!" - Larry Payne, Ph.D., C-IAYT, Founding Director, "Yoga Therapy" & "Prime of Life Yoga Programs" - Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles; Co-Founder, the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT); Co-Author, "Yoga for Dummies:, "Yoga Rx", and "Yoga Therapy and Integrative Medicine". *** BOOK NOW for this unique 9-Week Class*** Bookings essential. Contact: Valerie Ogoke Centre Coordinator South Perth Learning Centre Inc. Address: Lower level of the South Perth Civic Centre South Terrace, South Perth WA 6151 Ph: (08) 93671254

08.01.2022 COUNTDOWN... 1 DAY to Go! 1 day to our New "Chair Flow Yoga" class at the Westerly Family Centre, Saturday April 22, 4:00pm - 5:00pm. Ageless Chair Flow Yoga Level 1 & 2 - Gentle Sitting & Standing Routines. Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness. [email protected] (0466) 480-369 See more

08.01.2022 Last class for Willagee for 2017. Thanks for being a great group of students in our regular "Chair Flow Yoga" class each Monday morning at the Willagee Community Centre. Thanks also for the break-up morning tea and yummy delicious food! Its been a privilege to serve you all for the last 2 1/2 years... We'll be back after a few weeks break... restarting on Monday January 8, 2018. Have a wonderful Christmas holiday season and we wish you a happy and healthy New Year!... Shanthi & Yue Yuan See more

07.01.2022 Restorative Fridays at SPLC - with Shanthi Bhavana. If you live in the South Perth area, or near the south of Perth, why not try our beautiful relaxing Restorative Yoga class? - every Friday afternoon at 3:00pm for one blissful hour, at the South Perth Learning Centre. Relax, unwind, de-stress, chill, and let your muscles and mind rest with this rejuvenating therapeutic Hatha Yoga practice. For more information please contact the coordinator, Valerie Ogoke: (08) 9367-1254. [email protected] South Perth Learning Centre Where good things happen! SPLC.ORG.AU

07.01.2022 ~ SHANTHI BHAVANA YOGA offers Malaysia classes in July ~ Sri Shanthi Bhavana is very pleased to announce that Jean Polak will be running two 1-hour "Ageless Chair Flow Yoga" sessions in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, and also in Jean's hometown, Tanjong Malim in Perak state (77 Kms north of K.L.) between July 5th and 10th, 2017. Jean is a student of Sri Shanthi Bhavana and has been studying "Chair Flow Yoga" with him over the last two years in Perth, WA. She now lives i...n Perth, but is originally from Malaysia of Indian (Tamil) ethnicity, and is looking forward to presenting these Yoga classes to local people in Malaysia. Jean will introduce the "Ageless Chair Flow Yoga" program to anyone who is interested in experiencing and learning this wonderful Yoga fitness program designed for people 40 to 80, or anyone who suffers from limited range-of-motion, or flexibility. Anyone interested in attending these sessions can contact Sri Shanthi for further details about dates, times and locations, and to make a booking. (0466) 480-369 [email protected]

07.01.2022 Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness

07.01.2022 Saturday Restorative Every Saturday 2:00pm - 3:30pm Westerly Family Centre 27 Westerly Way, Cooloongup (Rockingham) PM Restorative Yoga Clinic... Specially designed gentle Restorative Yoga program - a beautifully relaxing and rejuvenating afternoon Yoga practice - uses Mats, Bolsters, Blocks, Belts, Chairs and other Yoga props All our Yoga programs are Meditative in nature, and involve Meditation practice For more information about our Yoga programs, classes, locations and costs, please visit the web site Shanthi Bhavana Yoga [email protected] (0466) 480-369 See more

06.01.2022 Shanthi Garden Shala Private Therapeutic Yoga and Massage Relax, Rejuvenate, Restore "Ancient Healing Therapies for Modern Living" By appointment: Shanthi & Yuan... (0466) 480-369 [email protected] See more

06.01.2022 Dear Shanthi, I have absolutely no objection that you use my deeply heartfelt comments on your testimonial pages. Rest assured that I will continue to say good things about your classes. Thank you for your unrelenting fight to keep offering such much needed well-being classes to us seniors. I have joined your yoga classes not very long ago and can already feel the difference it brings to me in my body, mind and spirit. I wish to thank you so much for your warm welcome and you...r caring. That helped me lots to integrate in my new life as a migrant in Australia. God bless, Violette Pascal Rockingham See more

05.01.2022 Yoga at Age 94! In 1938 Raymond 'Fred' Bartholomew joined the Royal Navy at age 15 and after 6 months basic training was sent off into battle in WWII at the tender age of just 16. He saw much action on the high seas, even coming up against the mighty German battleship "Bismarck" in the Mediterranean Sea - one of the main theatres of war where many ships and crew served, and often perished. His ship was sunk and he was taken into a prison camp for 7 months, then repatriated to the UK, where he was again sent out to sea... this time on dangerous Russian convoys to the frozen north. 'Fred', as he prefers to be called, is highly decorated and to say that he has had a colourful life is a major understatement. Last year, at age 93 'Fred' came to us for massage and Therapeutic Yoga to help with stiff painful shoulders, hips and legs, and general lack of flexibility. Yes... he started Yoga at 93! And he has been coming ever since. A year later, now 94, 'Fred' enjoys his regular private Yoga sessions with us, and also practices every day at home! He is doing wonderfully and his flexibility and ROM have improved greatly. He says, "When I first came to see you I could hardly walk, I was in so much pain. Now I have so much more movement, and no pain... I feel great!" Although he is a gentleman in every sense of the word and English tradition and a very humble man, he has kindly allowed us to post his story and pictures here to help us to inspire many other older people to give Yoga a go for their self-management of health and wellness. As Sri T. Krishnamacharya often said, "As long as you are still breathing, you can practice Yoga!" There is a level of Yoga for every person. We love having 'Fred' come to private Therapeutic Yoga sessions - he has become a great friend. He is very disciplined and is working at opening stiff joints, increasing flexibility and greater range-of-motion, stimulating greater breath and circulation. May he continue to inspire us all and enjoy long life, and his Yoga path. Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness See more

05.01.2022 63 not out! (cricket score)... a relax between classes, while waiting for a client to turn up for a private therapy session by the Swan River in South Perth.

04.01.2022 Today I reached a major breakthrough in my personal Yoga practice. Today I stopped DOING Yoga, forever... Today, I BECAME YOGA. Ishvara Pranidhana - Yoga Sutra 1.23 OM Santi!

03.01.2022 YOGA for "Mid-Life & Beyond". Adapted, modified and specialised Therapeutic Yoga for all ages, especially those between 40-70, and to suit each individual. Yoga, Meditation, Massage and Reflexology. Small intimate group classes, or private one-on-one sessions in both Perth and Rockingham. Shanthi Bhavana Yoga ... [email protected] (0466) 480-369 See more

02.01.2022 A Yoga teacher's work is never done. After the class, comes the cleaning! Happy in the service! :-)

02.01.2022 *** MORE NEW CLASSES *** What & Where? Due to popular demand we are expanding our classes - adding new or second classes to our weekly schedule. NEW 9-Week "Chair Flow Yoga" Class in South Perth starting Mondays July 24 - Sept. 18 3-4pm (followed by 10-Week terms) NEW second 10-Week "Chair Flow Yoga"Class in Leederville - Date TBA (contact us to book) 2 - 3pm Fridays... NEW Rockingham Class - "Chair Flow Yoga" (contact us to book) What's up ahead? Malaysia - Two Shanthi Bhavana "Chair Flow Yoga" sessions in July with Jeane Polak (contact us for details and to book) China - Yoga session by Sri Shanthi Bhavana in Nanning, Guangxi, People's Republic of China - Sept - Oct (contact us for details and to book) What's in between? In the tiny spaces between classes we have Private 1 on 1 Yoga Tuition, Therapeutic Yoga sessions and Massage Therapy available (contact us for details and to book) All and more at... Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness "Ancient Healing Therapies for Modern Times!" Go to "CLASSES page on the web site for all Classes Schedule See more

01.01.2022 Classes resuming next week... Two "Chair Flow Yoga" - Levels 1 & 2 - South Perth "PM Restorative Hatha Yoga" - South Perth "Chair Flow Yoga" - Rockingham (NEW class) Sri Shanthi Bhavana Yoga Wellness... (0466) 480-369 [email protected] All Class information at: "CLASSES" See more

01.01.2022 **NEW** YOGA Class Starting Soon Contact us for Details... Rockingham - WESTERLY FAMILY CENTRE - Cooloongup - Saturday Afternoon Ageless Chair Flow YOGA for Healthy Ageing - Levels 1 & 2 ... Standing & Chair Routines, including Meditation Every Saturday afternoon (following our Restorative Clinic) Westerly Family Centre 27 Westerly Way, Cooloongup (off Wilmott Drive) 4:00pm - 5:00pm (join anytime!) Gentle Standing & Chair Routines - Hatha and Restorative Yoga, including Pranayama (breath control) and Meditation, modified and adapted for practice using a Chair as a prop. A great practice for people suffering injury, or with limited flexibility. Immerse into this gentle, relaxing, invigorating and stimulating practice with internationally-certified Yoga, and Chair Yoga Teacher. Seniors Yoga designed for seniors by a senior Yoga teacher - Sri Shanthi Bhavana. Beautiful calming, energising & rejuvenating practice. Everyone can practice Ageless Chair Flow Yoga! Contact us if you would like to try this class! Bookings essential - Please Contact: Sri Shanthi [email protected] (0466) 480-369 See more

01.01.2022 ZEN YOGA WELLNESS with Sri Shanthi Bhavana at our Rockingham Yoga Shala Private ~ Personalised ~ Therapeutic & Restorative Yoga Sessions Our ZEN Yoga practice is Yoga that is designed appropriate to each individual in the teaching tradition of Krishnamacharya, and the Classical Yoga of Patanjali, with spiritual connection, and the mindfulness of Zen ("being present"). ... Bookings Essential [email protected] (0466) 480-369 See more

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