Shaolin Warrior in Wollongong, New South Wales | Martial arts school
Shaolin Warrior
Locality: Wollongong, New South Wales
Phone: +61 438 406 861
Address: 1/497 Crown St 2500 Wollongong, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Stationary meditation can be hard for many to do. My students find it a lot easier after their session of Tai Chi & Qi Gong. The body is relaxed and the mind is ready to be still and the internal chatter becomes quieter.
25.01.2022 Saturday wake up for the teen boys; on stations today while another was practicing his Kung Fu form. Great work boys. #ShaolinKungFu #taichi #qigong #martialarts Shaolin Warrior Martial Arts... 0438 406 861 497 Crown St, Wollongong See more
24.01.2022 A full night in Kung Fu squad training. The boys were training hard. Well done Malachi Sigmund, Shaun Nicholls, Shaun Carpenter and Allan B and Chris R (not in frame).
24.01.2022 Here I am demonstrating one of the tradtional Shaolin Da Dao sword forms at a local school fete event.
24.01.2022 Congratulations to Jeremy Wheatley & Shaun Nicholls for their awesome grading from Level 2 to 3. And Blaize Mills and Perry for their perfect grading from Level 4 to 5! Great effort all of you. The hard training has paid off. Thank you Grand Master Shifu Brett Russell for officiating the grading.
24.01.2022 Photos of my grading for Yang Tai Chi, going back a bit now, with Grand Master Shifu Brett Russell at his Coogee studio.
23.01.2022 December has become a time of stress, racing around and too much to get done before the 25th comes. Give yourself a present that costs nothing... Take two minutes out of the day and just.... breath, do it standing, sitting or even laying down. Close your eyes and breath in through your nose, down in to your belly and out the same way. Just think about the breathing, that’s all. Enjoy the peace and you’ll be a lot more ready to get back to December.... Please comment below if you find this useful.
23.01.2022 Congratulations Jeremy on grading from Level 1 to 2. And all the best for your the rest of your squad grading on Sunday. Amituofo! Thank you Grandmaster Shifu Brett Russell for officiating the grading.
23.01.2022 Cassidy a Student of Shaolin Warrior Martial Arts (and my son) is participating in this great sponsorship event. Wish I could but my head is already shaved . He has already passed his first goal of $350 and heading to his next goal of $580. Hope you can help him reach it with a donation or sponsorship.
23.01.2022 Smile, respect, real teaching; do you get these and the other signs of a great MA School?
23.01.2022 Covid-19 safe distance Shaolin Kung Fu training... Corrine De Mestre's first online Skype training session last night. Well done Corrine, great session! Still the same training just at a safe virtual distance and a few cockatoos in the background for ambience. #onlinetraining #virtualkungfu #skypetraining #safedistance #onlinemartialartstraining #onlinepersonaltraining #personaltraining #coronavirus #covid19 #keepfit #selfisolation #quarantine #selfquarantine #selfprotection #nogym
22.01.2022 I’m watching you guys!
22.01.2022 Check out our Online Training Offer... you can't lose on this one.
22.01.2022 Online Personal Training available. Msg me to set-up a session or find out more.
22.01.2022 Demonstrating Shaolin Warrior conditioning during our Chinese New Year performance at the UOW Early Start Discovery Space
21.01.2022 Blaize demonstrating Tan Tui Quan during the Shaolin Warrior Martial Arts performance at #UOW in Wollongong . . . KUNG FU - QI GONG - TAI CHI #Learn traditional #shaolin #shaolinkungfu #kungfu #wollongong #illawarra #martialsarts #martialartsschool #personaltraining #qigong #taichi
21.01.2022 Awesome Personal Training (PT) session with Shaun Nicholls today, building up his Er Lew Quan form intensity and speed using iron rings.
20.01.2022 Blaize working hard on his Level 3 combos last night with Niloshan holding the pads for him.
19.01.2022 Another classic Kung Fu movie as part of SBS celebration of Chinese New Year. Drunken Master starring Jackie Chan
19.01.2022 Do you want to experience what it is to be truly present in the moment? Do you give yourself relief from stress and reduce anxiety? Tai Chi and Qi Gong are forms of active meditation that provide mental focus and breathing techniques that are proven to improve mental and physical wellbeing.... Come and learn Tai Chi and Qi Gong at Shaolin Warrior Martial Arts. #taichi #taichichuan #Taiji #qigong #mindfulness #stress #anxiety #anxietyrelief
19.01.2022 Online Martial Arts training with Shaun Nicholls and Nikki Nicholls: keeping the distance while Kung Fu training families.
19.01.2022 Cassidy practicing with the bo staff during a recent workshop at Shaolin Warrior Martial Arts, Wollongong . . . .... . KUNG FU - QI GONG - TAI CHI #Learn traditional #shaolin #shaolinkungfu #kungfu #wollongong #illawarra #martialsarts #martialartsschool #personaltraining #qigong #taichi See more
19.01.2022 Shifu Darrin is training year 8 students at St Joseph's Catholic High School in Albion Park this term. Students over the term will get to experience Shaolin Kung Fu using the bo staff, swords, chin'na (grappling breaks and holds) also blocks, kicks and strikes on mitts. The students are very engaged though a little apprehensive at first. That was until they gained confidence with the technique or weapon then there was nothing holding them back.
18.01.2022 Congratulations to Lisa and Izzy on the recent grading from Level 1 to Level 2.
17.01.2022 Jeremy doing conditioning on his palms and back of fist during personal training on Friday. Pushing hard through the pain.
16.01.2022 Albie smashing out one of his combos from Araht Quan. Amituofo! KUNG FU - QI GONG - TAI CHI... #shaolin #shaolinkungfu #kungfu #wollongong #illawara #martialsarts #martialartsschool #personaltraining #qigong #taichi #martialarts #selfdefence See more
16.01.2022 Traditional Shaolin Martial Arts just as relevant today as it was 1500 years ago.
15.01.2022 Another shot from my Shaolin personal training at Nth Beach, Wollongong KUNG FU - QI GONG - TAI CHI #Learn traditional #shaolin #shaolinkungfu #kungfu #wollongong #illawarra #martialsarts #martialartsschool #personaltraining #qigong #taichi
14.01.2022 Congratulations to my students for passing their grading from level 1 to level 2 today with Grand Master Shifu Brett Russell officiating from Well done Tommy, Tre, Joe, Karen and her boys Eben and Asher. They all their demonstrated the form well and performed the application with power and precision. Amituofo
14.01.2022 Here are some pics from the Shaolin Martial Arts demo at St Therese school fete. More coming...
13.01.2022 It’s awesome to see students helping each other with technique. Blaize is keeping Nikki honest with one of her first level combination sets. Great work!
13.01.2022 My teaching brother, Shifu Ico, from Shaolin For Life shows the benefits of bag work when training. Awesome short vid , awesome power
13.01.2022 Congratulations to Jack and Jeremy for grading from Level 1 to Level 2. Though they did it on different days Jeremy came to support Jack and be thrown by him! Great work guys strong forms and combos.
12.01.2022 Students graded from level 2 to 3 can request access to their training content for Level 3: Tan Toi Quan.
12.01.2022 Shaun building up to Disciple Grading, today he was working on single board breaks during his PT session with Shifu Darrin. #shaolinkungfu #shaolinmonkmartialarts #shaolinwarrior #martialarts #wollongong #illawarra #selfdefense #karate #kickboxing #sanda #taekwondo #kungfu #mma #pt #personaltrainer #personaltraining #personaltrainingstudio Find out more about learning martial arts personal training and groups in Wollongong... See more
11.01.2022 Kids are back at school this week, a perfect time to get them enrolled in a martial Arts. At Shaolin Kung Fu we emphasise self defence with practical alternatives to hitting back. Learning martial arts is proven to be far more effective than ANY school based anti-bully program. ... So enroll your child or teen this week.
09.01.2022 Shaun Nicholls and his kids Lillianne and Isabelle arrive for training today sporting their Shaolin Warrior shirts.
09.01.2022 Awesome morning teaching Shaolin Kung Fu to 55 students from year 8 at St Joseph’s High School in Albion Park. Learning some basics with da sap sword, bo staff, grappling and also blocks, kicks and punches. Thanks to the help from my students Mick, Perry, and Jeremy
09.01.2022 Thursday night session this week was combo night. Here is Blaize hitting hard with Perry on the mitts and Nilo on the shield. If you want to come and try Shaolin Kung Fu for yourself, DM me and get a special offer to get started. #shaolinkungfu #shaolinmartialarts #wollongong #illawarra #kungfu See more
08.01.2022 Yes! We will be training again at the studio starting from the 13th June. Personal Training, Squad Training, Tai Chi, and fitness classes. Read the post to see how we will be managing the studio to be COVIDSAFE. Please call me or visit the website to make a booking and check the timetable. See you soon.
08.01.2022 See how awesome Yang Tai Chi looks when the group are synchronised. We had so much fun in this Tai Chi & Qi Gong session, laughing at our funny mistakes and not taking ourselves too seriously. Michelle led the group on video below, she did a great job setting the pace. To find out more anout learning Tai Chi and Qi Gong go to our website #taichichuan #taichi #taiijiquan #taiiji #taichiqigong #qigong #chigong #chigongbreathing #learntaichi #learnqigong #wollongong #illawarra #shaolinstyle #shaolin #shaolinkungfu
08.01.2022 Here is an epic Kung Fu movie now showing on SBS. Check out the swordsmanship and weapon mastery in this clip of these two amazing actors Michelle Yeoh & Zhang Ziyi. And, there some great scenes with Chow Yun-Fat also. The movie is "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" if you haven't figured it out already. Go to SBS On-demand if you want to see the full movie for free. Enjoy!...
08.01.2022 Perry demonstrating a combo from Er Lew Quan with Shaun and Blaize.
08.01.2022 Quote of the day: A goal is not always meant to be reached. It often serves simply as something to aim for.
08.01.2022 Shaun Nicholls awesome virtual Shaolin Kung Fu grading with help from Nikki Nicholls holding pads for him. Shaun graded from Level 3 to level 4 today. Thank you Grand Master Shifu Brett Russell for officiating the grading. #kungfu #socialdistancing #shaolin #isolationfitness
07.01.2022 Friday morning personal training session with Nikki. She smashed out her Arhat Quan form a bunch of times, spin kicks and other combos with loads of Qi. Great work today Nikki, getting close grading now!
07.01.2022 This is an example of 3 combinations linked together from Tan Tui Chuan used to defend against multiple attackers. Why this combination? There are many other alternatives we could have used in this situation however we wanted to specifically use this form. Let me know what you think below in the comments. Perry is the one being attacked
07.01.2022 Blaize Mills demonstrating Tan Tui Quan, the 3 level form taught at Shaolin Warrior Martial Arts. Photo credit to Cassidy
06.01.2022 SBS are Showing Chinese Martial Arts movies as part of Lunar New Year movie: Todays movie.... Bruce Lee's teacher 'Ip Man' Watch on TV or ondemand.
05.01.2022 Congratulations to all my students who graded on Sunday. There was Perry, Nilo, Selene, Blaize and Mick grading from level 3 to 4. And Shaun, Corrine and Gabrielle grading from level 1 to 2. Well done all of you!
05.01.2022 Kung Fu between the flags at Nth Wollongong Beach today. Getting out in the public, meet some people and share what I love about Shaolin.
05.01.2022 Happy Chinese New Year - GONG XI FA CAI - year of the Rat! Wishing you good fortune in 2020 for all of us at Shaolin Warrior Martial Arts Wollongong
04.01.2022 Shaun practicing his hard qi gong. Solid Qi.
04.01.2022 Hope you are well and staying at home. At this time is is most important to keep exercising your mind and body. Shaolin Kung Fu will give you the physical and mental workout without needing a lot of space or special equipment. DM me or visit our website for more information
04.01.2022 Congratulations Niara and Nathan Bird, yes they are my kids. They passed their first grading today with Grand Master Shifu Brett Russell watching on. Awesome job Nia and Nate, the patience paid off. Also, thanks to Cassidy for taking photos.... #shaolinkungfu #shaolinmonkmartialarts #shaolinwarrior #martialarts #wollongong #illawarra #selfdefense Find out more about learning martial arts personal training and groups in Wollongong
04.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS to all Shifu Darrin Bird's students that graded on Sunday. And BIG thank you Grand Master Shifu Brett Russell for officiating. Check out who graded... Level 1: Davey's Family: Tim, Michelle, Morgan, Jordan, Eva, and Natasha. Level 1: Chris R, Allan, Malachi, and Chris P... Level 2: Isabelle, Lisa, Ben, Joe, Nikki, and Corrine Level 4: Shaun Awesome effort, power, and proficiency displayed in there form and application throughout their gradings. #shaolinkungfu #shaolinmonkmartialarts #shaolinwarrior #martialarts #wollongong #illawarra #selfdefense Find out more about learning martial arts personal training and groups in Wollongong
03.01.2022 Nikki Nicholls fantastic grading from level 1 to 2 today with Shaun Nicholls taking some strong throws from you. Well done! Thank you Grand Master Shifu Brett Russell for officiating the virtual grading via Zoom today. #onlinetraining #martialarts #shaolinkungfu #onlinemartialarts
02.01.2022 Jeremy discovers the joy of Shaolin traditional conditioning and strength training.
01.01.2022 Is it too late to learn Shaolin Kung Fu? Allan and Chris demonstrate that Shaolin Martial arts can be learnt when you are not so young. Learning Shaolin Kung Fu is about being humble and knowing there is always more you can learn, willingness to work hard and push yourself. Read the full article at
01.01.2022 Sign up your kids this term for Shaolin Kung Fu. Learn traditional martial arts, discipline, effective self-defense, along with strength, agility and flexibility. 5-8 yrs on Wed 4:00 PM - first class 5th Feb 9-12 yrs on Wed 4:45 PM - first class 5th Feb Teens on Sat 9:00 AM - first class 1st Feb
01.01.2022 #wollongong a fantastic place for martial arts training, fantastic place for Shaolin Kung Fu this beautiful Saturday morning . Amituofo
01.01.2022 My own personal training session this morning, Shaolin style, at Nth Beach this morning. KUNG FU - QI GONG - TAI CHI #Learn traditional #shaolin #shaolinkungfu #kungfu #wollongong #illawarra #martialsarts #martialartsschool #personaltraining #qigong #taichi
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