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Shapland Swim Schools in Silkstone | Swimming instructor

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Shapland Swim Schools

Locality: Silkstone

Phone: +61 7 3812 7712

Address: 23 Cambridge Street 4304 Silkstone, QLD, Australia


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23.01.2022 Sometimes children need to sit and watch for their first lesson, taking time adjust to their new teacher and their new water environment. Give them time and give the office a call and we can help with tips and ideas to help your child settle into the lesson faster.

22.01.2022 An important part of learning to swim is to swim back to the steps with arms extended to grab hold of the step first then put their feet down. Why hands first? If they put their feet down first and slip off the bottom step they will go under the water and could struggle to get back to the step. If they put their arms out and grab the top step first they can pull themselves up out of the water to get breath.

17.01.2022 We are in the pool with your children from babies all the way through the levels to stroke correction and even mini squad at some of our pools. This way your children get hands on work no matter their level. Call us and get your children in the pool with our experienced teachers.

17.01.2022 Kicking on the steps helps children keep active in the lessons, especially if they can't touch the bottom of the pool in the shallow end to practise walking. This also helps them learn to kick with long legs, using the entire leg and not kick from the knees. . . .... . . . . . #shaplandswimschool #timeforswimming #ilovetoswim #skillforlife #shaplandswimschools See more

16.01.2022 Our parents classes have only 3 students in a class. We focus on balance and breath control, that is why we have 6 different levels on our steps so we can find the perfect level for your child to get their balance. This little one is going to swim to his teacher off Dads legs, again a form of balance and breath control, coming off Dad's legs, balance, putting his own eyes in the water of his own accord without being forced, breath control.

15.01.2022 When children are on their swimming journey and are starting drills like kicking on their side, they quite often look to the front or roll over on their back instead of the looking to the side of pool. We use this drill to get children use to being on their side and then starting the body rotation for bubbles and breathing. We work with them to get them comfortable kicking on their side before starting crawlstroke (freestyle). Some children give up at this stage as they learn to master this new skill. Please give lots of encouragement and ring the office if you have any questions.

15.01.2022 When your child has their first or even second lesson, they may just walk along the edge in the shallow end or hold their teachers hand while walking, getting their balance in the water. We won't rush this first learning experience as this may be your child's first time in the pool with water up to their shoulders and can be very d...aunting. Remember on land they have gravity holding them down yet in the water they become buoyant and this can be a very new and scary experience for some children. . . . . . . . . #shaplandswimschool #shaplandswimschools #swimminglessonsarepayingoff #iloveswimminglessons #drowningispreventable See more

15.01.2022 From everyone at Shapland Swim Schools we hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

14.01.2022 We teach our children to reach out for the step or edge of the pool while keeping their chin on their chest so their legs stay on top of the water. Grabbing with their hands then pulling themselves up and out. . . . .... . . #shaplandswimschool #shaplandswimschools #activekids #swimminglessonsavelives #loveofswimming See more

14.01.2022 Getting a flutter 6 beat kick right takes practice. You will see we work hard with your children after they have learnt to come up for a breath to get the correct kick. Having this foundation step correct is important, please remember it can take time for some children and encourage them along the way. ... . . . . . . . . #shaplandswimschool #shaplandswimschools #saynotoflaotiesandpuddleswimmers #swimminglessonsarelifelessons #swimforlife See more

12.01.2022 The mat is a safe place to practice falling in the water forwards, backwards and sideways in case your child ever falls or is knocked into the water they have already done this in lessons.

11.01.2022 Babies love being in the water with their parents. Even at this age we work on balance and breath control in every lesson. Don't they just learn balance and breath control and understand the water holds them up? No, as children start walking, they are learning about gravity and the effects it has on their body out of the pool, and when the get into the wa...ter and the gravitational forces are reduced, they struggle with even the basic skill of standing in say chest deep water. That can be very scary for a child. Teething or a cold can also send off their balance. If your child comes into the water upset, go back to balance then breath control. Sitting and walking on the the steps, letting them come off the steps to you only when they are ready. With your continued support, they will get through the little hurdles they may experience in their swimming journey. See more

09.01.2022 Closed for Queen’s Birthday Monday. See you on Tuesday. You have not been charged for this class.

09.01.2022 Please remember children can take a while to trust the water. Learning to stand in the pool for some children is a very new experience. Our teachers are experienced at finding the right level for your child and helping them to gain their confidence while walking in this new environment. . . .... . . . . #shaplandsswimschool #shaplandswimschools #swimmingclasses #swimmingclassesforkids #swimtimefun See more

08.01.2022 We are always trying to find ways to keep your children having fun in the water. Going after toys is a great way to start the lesson off right for nervous children. . . . .... . . #shaplandswimschool #shaplandswimschools #drowningispreventable #swimwithabuddy #swimtothewall See more

08.01.2022 As teachers seeing the joy on your child's face in the lessons makes our day. We love to see them happy in the pool and learning a life long skill at the same time. . . .... . . . #shaplandswimschool #swimminglessons #swimmingclassesforkids #swimtimefun #shaplandswimschools See more

07.01.2022 We find lots of ways to make a lesson fun especially if a child is nervous as we gain their confidence with us and the water. Jumping off the mat and swimming to the side is something children love to do.

07.01.2022 Holding onto the side of the pool and walking around the edge when they first get in the pool gives them confidence to slowly let go and walk in the water unaided or with a board. We have a lot of questions in regards to children never having been in the water before and they are 'scared' to come to swimming as they don't understand or trust the water. Our pool is designed for beginners to stroke correction. If a child is scared they will have a balance or breath control problem. We will work with them to give them confidence and start to love the water. Give your swim schools office a call and we will explain this further if you have any questions.

03.01.2022 Working with a board gives children independence in the water. We have a shallow end to help them learn how to do this with confidence. Even 2.5-3 year old's can get a thrill of learning to walk with a board in the shallow end, then putting their eyes in of their own accord and let their feet lift from the bottom and kic...k. I have seen many children's excited looks when they do this for the first time. . . . . . . #shaplandswimschool #shaplandswimschools #canyourchildswim #activekidsarehappykids #swimmingclasses See more

03.01.2022 Coming up for a breath can take some children a while to master. In the younger children, 3-4 years, after they have learnt to hold the water with their hands and feet, they can then put enough pressure on the water to lift their chin out of the water to take a breath. Once a child has the physical capabilities required to rotate their head for a breath then they are ready to learn a more advanced technique, ...which most people would recognized as Freestyle. A common fault in the younger age group when learning to take a breath is they lift their chin too far out of the water. This drops their feet and they start treading water. In this position in can be hard for young children to get their face back in the water and their feet in the correct position again. They then need to take another breath quite quickly, dropping their legs again and they don't really move anywhere. We are constantly there with them, encouraging them to keep their chin on the water to take a breath, while holding the water with their hands and feet and moving forward. The more they practice the faster they will master this difficult skill. Please be in the pool with your children at home at all times, helping them and always within hands reach, not relying on flotation devices as they give them a false sense of security. Give the office a call and we will give you tips on how you can help them at home. See more

02.01.2022 Only 3 children in a class, call us now to book babies to stroke correction classes.

02.01.2022 When at the beach, please teach your children to swim safely between the flags. Our Surf life savers are there to find the safest place to swim and we thank them for all the hours they put in to keep everyone safe. . . .... . . . . . . #shaplandswimschool #canyourchildswim #saynotofloaties #australianownedandoperatedbusiness #shaplandswimschools See more

02.01.2022 This little man can't wait to get to swimming!

01.01.2022 Some children have a natural breaststroke kick, it is easy for them to do breaststroke but can be difficult for some. We will be right there with them helping them to learn to get that kick right.

01.01.2022 Having a noodle race at the end of the lesson, is a great way to finish. . . . .... . . . . #shaplandswimschool #shaplandswimschools #swimminglessonsareneeded #swimmingpooltime #swimmingwithoutstress See more

01.01.2022 Importance of learning how to rocket correctly. Chin on chest, eyes looking down, arms out straight pointing to the other side of the pool while working on their six beat kick across the pool. With the correct kick and body position in the water they will be able to get across the pool without a breath. Getting this kicking action correct early will set them up for a perfect kick with crawlstroke (freestyle) and backstroke.

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