Sharks And Rays Australia in Bungalow | Environmental conservation organisation
Sharks And Rays Australia
Locality: Bungalow
Phone: +61 1800 298 247
Address: PO Box 575 4870 Qld Australia Bungalow, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Elise Pinto a SARA field assistant fell in love with sawfish and created her own. In 2019, her sawfish was featured in the World Amigurumi exhibition in New York which was themed "Protect our endangered amigurumi. One of her sawfish now lives in the office of the Australian Threatened Species Commissioner, Dr Sally Box. More about the exhibition here and if you want to make your own sawfish you can buy the pattern here h...ttps:// The first sawfish Elise made is bigger and comes with us on every school visit. If you are into crocheting, feel free to make sawfish for us to distribute to schools in Cape York!! #worldamiguriumiexhibition2019
25.01.2022 Hands up if youve ever seen a palm cockatoo!! We regularly see these impressive birds on our Northern Gulf trips!
24.01.2022 Northern Australia and the rivers of sawfish country are nothing short of fascinating. Now humpbacks have made their way into a river in the NT!! Also important to notice how there was a working group immediately set up and a boating exclusion zone. Remember when the whale shark went up the Embley river near Weipa? None of that in Qld and this animal died.
24.01.2022 This is amazing!!!
24.01.2022 From our last expedition. Pretty spectacular!
24.01.2022 Weve had some good things happening recently and are still catching up with our posts. Here is another one: Nikki, whom many of you met as she is administering our sawfish sightings database, has just received a scholarship from the University of the Sunshine Coast. She will be co-supervised by Dr Kathy Townsend (who co-founded Project Manta) and SARAs Dr Barbara Wueringer, to work with us on sawfish!! Very exciting times
23.01.2022 So this happened in Mackay 2 days ago. This is a juvenile green sawfish, and would have had to grow another meter to become sexually mature. This is the first record of this species in the Mackay Region in 2 decades. There is no known hotspot for greens on the east coast, and the last sighting we know of was earlier this year in Princess Charlotte Bay north of Cairns and before from Port Douglas in 2015. Devastating. I feel sorry for this little girl who may never see a live... sawfish because of greedy people taking trophies. Whoever did this acted like a poacher taking a rhino horn, but the person is probably not struggling to feed their family. So no excuses really. Fisheries were able to take samples from the carcass for us and it's being investigated. I also got to speak on ABC Tropical North today. If you see a sawfish or accidentally catch one please report it to and PLEASE RELEASE THE ANIMAL ALIVE AND UNHARMED. It's the law. And you also don't want to be the person who did this Thank you to everyone who tagged us in this post, and to all citizen scientists who are submitting their sightings. It makes a HUGE difference in protecting sawfish! IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Threatened Species Commissioner Save Our Seas Foundation Australian Marine Conservation Society Sawfish Conservation Society Fisheries Queensland Shark Conservation Fund World Wildlife Fund IUCN Shark Specialist Group Leeanne Enoch MP Australian Citizen Science Association
23.01.2022 This Thursday in Cairns!
23.01.2022 Excited to be amongst these amazing talks! Join us this Friday, June 26. The Sawfish of Australia with Dr. Barbara Wueringer 9 AM AEST (7 PM Thurs, EST)... Link to watch LIVE Age 12 + Sawfish Conservation Society Save Our Seas Foundation
23.01.2022 Were slowly getting onto the pics form our last trip and Im just gonna leave this one here. I love all the rivers in the Gulf, but the Mitchell is just special.
22.01.2022 If youre into knitting / crochet and love sharks, this is one pattern to throw in the bin
20.01.2022 Its up! Thanks to Save Our Seas Foundation we and many others around the world are able to continue important research and outreach. Check out our 2020 Small Grant project led by Nikki Biskis where were putting donated rostra to use.
19.01.2022 Shark diving tourism of the Bahamas is worth millions.
18.01.2022 great White Shark at Lady Eliott Island
18.01.2022 UPDATE - POSITION FILLED in less than an hour!! Woohoo :) Howdy gang! We are looking for an intern to work with us locally in Cairns on a variety of projects commencing mid-August, for 1-2 months. This internship is part time, unpaid and only available for people who are currently in Australia as our borders are closed. You will be working closely with Barbara and Nikki, and may be able to join school visits in remote communities in August / September. If you are interested please send a CV and details of availability to barbara(at) and please be patient, as we will be out in the field starting next week.
18.01.2022 It might have to do with my slight obsession with sharks and rays but the We’re closing down our shop buy our linen shirts with shark prints ads are popping up in my newsfeed every single day. One day i was close to buying like 10 shirts. Glad i didn’t! A colleague of mine ended up with this thing on the left Now, when would you most likely wear this keeper? (1) a first date (2) a night of bowling (3) your first conference presentation.
17.01.2022 This is such an important story and I thank Catherine McDonald from the Field School for telling it. This issue goes beyond Shark Week, and we all know that. I do not know a single woman in shark research who has not experienced some form of sexism in her career. And the stories are difficult to tell, as often they involve our colleagues. When I was about to finish my PhD and had spent 4 years working with sawfish, I was invited to join a documentary on sawfish, because they... "needed a woman in the background" while featuring male scientists who to date have not spent 4 years working with these magnificent animals. One of the first fishers I worked with took me out on his boat, and when we had caught a 2m sawfish said "you want to be a sawfish researcher, you deal with it by yourself". I stood my ground, did not join the documentary team and also handled, tagged and sampled the animal quickly by myself. But watching male grad students quickly being accepted into the boys club while I continuously need to prove myself is tedious. And sometimes the stories are more subtle, like listening to a fellow shark scientist talk about others in the same field and at the end of the evening you do the maths and realize that he mainly disrespects the work of females. Or when someone proudly explains that even though they do not have a single woman out in the field, all their lab work and admin is handled by women. One way of fighting inequality is by empowering each other. Anyone who looks beyond gender or race is part of the change. I have worked with people who cannot read and write, or who have never in their lives slept in a bed. Here, in Australia. And when my team and I visit Aboriginal schools and talk to young girls and boys I stand proud as a female scientist, hoping that we lead by example. There are many good people in shark science. Men who support equality in their labs, people who realize that working with dangerous animals is about methods and not muscles. People who understand that conservation goes beyond papers. People build each other and their students up. Young men who are happy to learn and work under female scientists. And as for students who want to work in shark science, use your bullshit detector! You will find the right people to build your career with. Big love to all.
17.01.2022 This new species was described without a holotype, a specimen that the description could be based on. Instead it was done purely from video footage. This could certainly take citizen science to the next level
17.01.2022 Another virtual conference
17.01.2022 I dont think there is any other taxonomic group as morphologically diverse and such low species numbers as sharks and rays... so here is to the angel sharks!!!
16.01.2022 A recipe for disaster.
15.01.2022 Enjoy your week!
15.01.2022 Sending my heartfelt condolences to our colleagues and friends at GBR Legacy
15.01.2022 UPDATE- applications are now closed and we will get back to applicants shortly. Please be patient while we assess applications, weve received quite a few :) Quick update regarding the upcoming Kowanyama expedition: do not pay the deposit unless someone has emailed you back and told you that you have been approved to join us (on the homepage it says you have to pay your deposit otherwise your application will not be considered - thats for our normal trips not this one). We h...ave received quite a few applications in the last few hours and we will leave this open until assessing applications on Thursday. if you have been approved and paid your deposit then you will receive it back after the expedition. You will not get a refund if you decide to cancel for no reason. Also, if we have active, untraceable cases of covid in Cairns, we will have to cancel the expedition (obviously). If we cancel, or if the expedition goes ahead with you on board, then you will get your deposit back. And here a pic of a very happy sawfish from Kowanyama :)
15.01.2022 Imagine seeing a white pointer surfing towards you
15.01.2022 We just returned from an incredible field trip in Kowanyama, on Queenslands west coast, where we sampled the Mitchell River. Given covid, our team consisted of qualified field biologists from Far North Queensland only, who all laid low in the weeks before the expedition. We were joined by the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council Kowanyama Land and Sea Rangers as well as Traditional Owners. With such a great team this expedition went extremely well, and we got a lot of sampling... done. A huge thank you to Cape York Natural Resource Management, and Northern Gulf Resource Management Group for their staff joining our team led by Dr Barbara Wueringer! And to our amazing volunteers, Danni, Elissa, Alex and Shane Ross Photography + RAW Worldwide! And another huge thank you to the businesses in Cairns who support us and look after our car and boat, even during these difficult times: KW Auto Repairs and Service, Aussie Marine, Bright Spark 12V Centre and warpac trailers. The expedition was funded by the SeaWorld Research and Rescue Foundation, the Shark Conservation Fund and Save Our Seas Foundation. With all of us working together we can make a difference for sawfish in Queensland ps. This image was taken at the end of our two weeks in the bush, which is why were all close together
14.01.2022 Just wanted to clean out the airfilter after our field trip and found this beauty under the bonnet
13.01.2022 This is scary stuff.
13.01.2022 We need your help! QBFP officers at Mackay are investigating after receiving a complaint about a dead sawfish found on Belmunda Beach, Mackay on Monday 16 N...ovember 2020. If you have any info about who might have caught or discarded the sawfish, please give QBFP Mackay a ring on 4999 8551 or call the Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116. Sawfish are a no-take species so it's an offence to be in possession of any part of it, including the sawfish rostrum (snout). Massive penalties of up to $133,450.00 apply.
13.01.2022 Just in case you heard the trevally story about the shark bite incidence on Fitzroy Island near Cairns, this should clear things up! shark bites are extremely rare, you are more likely to get hit by lightning to give just one example. But it is important to acknowledge that sharks are in the ocean, they live there, and when you go in the water you take a risk. I really dont think that this fact is bad for tourism. When i make travel plans i want to see intact ecosystems and not manmade deserts.
13.01.2022 I just got my order in! If you want to order a copy please message Viv! We will also keep you guys posted on this! A few of our field assistants had the pleasure to visit the museum that Viv has created in Kowanyama and the collection of artefacts is spectacular.
12.01.2022 Orcas in the wild are not known to attack humans, so far this behaviours has only ever been documented in captive ones. But maybe this pod just had enough of us?
12.01.2022 Ive seen this video now a few times popping up on facebook. This is what we call provoked behaviour or if the shark bit the diver then it would be a provoked bite. Why? Because the spear fisher has a dead fish (likely also bleeding) hanging from his belt. The issue is that if every spear fisher easily gives up his fish to sharks then they might get conditioned to associate the sound of a spear gun with an easy meal. But that does not mean that attaching dead fish to you is the solution. What solutions have you guys found to deal with this?
12.01.2022 New paper out on sawsharks!! And check out Johann’s fantastic images!!
10.01.2022 Sawfish need their saws! Please do the right thing and release them unharmed. And please share this video widely, so that this message is heard. Thank you :)
09.01.2022 The cutest comic for international whale shark day!!
07.01.2022 If you missed the Sharks4Kids talk last week, the whole video is available here: Dr Barbara Wueringer answers all your burning questions about sawfish! Save Our Seas Foundation Threatened Species CommissionerAustralian Citizen Science Association
07.01.2022 Happy monday peeps
07.01.2022 This year the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair is digital and anyone can join!! Every year it is an incredible display of Aboriginal art from the Cape that is not to be missed!!
05.01.2022 Drugs, money and 7 sawfish saws...
04.01.2022 Drove past this beauty a few days ago. There are quite a few marine themed murals around Cairns, and they were all created as part of the 2018 Seawalls event. There is even a sawfish on the front of Cairns Central!! You can find a complete map in our blog
03.01.2022 Happening today! I met Eric when cage diving in Guadalupe, so much fun!
03.01.2022 Environment minister Sussan Ley has moved to revoke the export of shark fins and other seafood products from a Queensland government fishery over inaction on ...reforms to protect threatened species. Ley has written to Queenslands fisheries minister, Mark Furner, saying the state had not met the conditions of its export licence for the East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery, which would be revoked from 30 September. Conservationists and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority have voiced concerns that threatened species including turtles, dolphins and dugongs are at risk of being killed in nets in the fishery. The fishery targets species including barramundi, flathead and whiting for sale domestically and operates both in and out of the Great Barrier Reef. But under an export licence granted by the federal environment minister, fishers also export products mainly shark fins, mullet roe and the valuable swim bladders of black jewfish used in traditional Chinese medicine. One conservationist told Guardian Australia that revocation of an export licence known as a Wildlife Trade Operation was extremely rare.
03.01.2022 This is amazing to watch! Thresher sharks use their tail to slap their prey! Even their visual system is adapted for this hunting method and when caught on pelagic longlines most of them are caught by the tail.
03.01.2022 This is the best thing ive seen in a long time!!!! Its from Florida and i wonder if there are still spots in Australia where large juvenile sawfish aggregate!
02.01.2022 What a beautiful pic of a smalltooth sawfish sighting from Florida!!
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