Mind Body Yoga | Sport & recreation
Mind Body Yoga
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24.01.2022 I heard a phrase today which hit me between the eyes. It's one I'd heard many times, but today it moved something in me. The words spoke to my soul. It may have been the space I was in or the energy of the day I don't know. What I do know, is that I felt the lightness within the phrase. After I heard it, I wrote it down then felt an expansion. ... The words were, " At the highest level, we're all the same". Read that again. I know....so basic right? When we're in the right space, powerful shifts can happen, other times they're just words. The 'aha' was the realisation of the separation game the mind plays. The divisiveness, the polarising, righteousness, the I'm right you're wrong. When we step back from the story, it's all a game, a charade, a play that begins at the age of five. So, what are you playing for? Money Sex Power Recognition or Love? At the highest level, we are LOVE. Lower frequencies tell us to not evolve, not to change, to remain stagnant, that you're perfect the way you are. I call BS. If we were perfect, we wouldn't get out of bed everyday. PLUS "perfect" is judgement. Perfect is bypassing denial. No one's perfect, so get over yourself and live in the real world! What we are is expansive, light beings flopping around in a heavy AF human body f^cking up daily, dusting ourselves off and moving on. If we're not moving on, we're just f^cking up and deflecting. We have to keep moving. We have to keep consciousness alive and vibrant or your energy feels like a wooden spoon when you enter a room. Change with changes. Feel into what's being presented, detach from identities and be in YOUR flow.
23.01.2022 Just as we were kicking off the new year, we had to turn around and shut the doors. Hopefully it’s only 3 daysBut...the good news is, it’s only temporary. Use these next few days to write a few goals to set in stone some positive changes for YOU.... My advice and experience as a coach is, instead of having a physical end goal, begin by reframing your inner dialogue. Have a lifestyle goal. Question if food or beverage choices will move you closer to the best version of you or further away. That little voice in your head will keep you on autopilot doing what you’ve always done if you don’t hardwire it to a new habit. Also, look out for distractions. How much time do you spend distracted? I call this ‘stagnant time’. Imagine being productive instead of stagnant - organising, prepping healthy meals, walking the dog, training or better still stretching on a yoga mat! Every minute counts. Speaking of counting, track your progress. Wearable devices are incredibly accurate personalising energy expenditure and sit-time giving you a nudge if you’ve been sat too long. I also use an online diary called #dayone to log everything from thoughts, feelings, food, exercise, what I’m grateful for even dreams!! It’s interesting and satisfying to watch yourself grow. Anyway ultimately, you’re the only person who controls your thoughts and choices and therefore you are in control of the consequences! Set these goals, be accountable to yourself or a coach/trainer and discipline your mind every moment. Also, find something or someone to motivate you towards your goal. Invest in someone if you need to. I’ve had my own online coach for years now who helps me with mindset, business and personal growth. This weekend is a great opportunity to draw a line in the sand and step across into 2021 as a better, stronger, deeper version of you. The opportunity is here... #worldgymburpengary #goals #intentions #groupfitness #worldgymaustralia #worldgym #strongerthanever
23.01.2022 Because every relationship with your body is different we wouldn’t propose the same way. What feels successful for one person can be injurious for another. At Yoga Flow we teach the person in front of us, not the cues you memorized from your training manual or what you’ve watched on YouTube.... When the cues you learnt no longer apply to the student in front of you, we show you variations with appropriate modifications to suit every body. THAT is teaching sensation based Yoga for each student's body type. That is where we shine #yogaflow #yogaschool #anatomyforyoga
21.01.2022 Here at Yoga Flow, our Students and Teachers must follow our Code Of Ethics. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Maintain and honour Yoga practices and traditions.... Arrive to classes on time, with an open heart and mind. Practice self study and share the knowledge of yoga. Present yourself in a professional manner. Practice non-judgement in all areas. Practice moderation in all areas. Engage in positive thinking and positive actions. Engage in a daily practice Be responsible for the energy you bring into your space. Act and respond with authenticity and intention. 2021 applications open for: Level 1 - 200hour program Level 2 - 150hour program www.sharonneish.com.au
20.01.2022 I so needed this today
19.01.2022 For many, the transition through December to January means pressure. Pressure to finish projects, pressure to buy presents, pressure to show up happy, full and nicely put together. Some people thrive on pressure while many others freeze or hide.... The truth is, no one cares about presents unless they still believe in Santa. No one cares what's on the table but who's around it. No one cares about the clothes you wear, your hair or unfinished projects around the house. Not one single worthy person of your company. Every moment is an opportunity for internal freedom, to break away from the ego patterns of society. Give yourself permission to take it easy, to step back from the crowd and spectate from a space of love.
14.01.2022 To all of you who’ve stepped up this year when your number was called, I take my hat off to you. I’ve worked two jobs, one for the gym, another through the college, facilitated 3 yoga programs, built an online learning platform, up levelled my yoga school plus ran a first aid business oh... and covered classes when a team member was down. If it wasn’t for my yoga training, I don’t know if I’d have made it through with a smile, but I have. I feel proud, relieved and more capab...le than I ever have in my life. At 48, I feel like I’ve finally got my shit together. It affirms the glue to success is consistency. Every morning I walk continuing to fast, then it’s my yoga time I call yoga with god. It’s when I just breathe and follow the cues in my body. Everyday is different. Even nothing is something. My work begins. I feel the same yoga flow through my veins moving me, prompting me to call, message, email or I maybe told to wait till the afternoon or next day. Everything is energy. When we’re in our unique flow, it’s seamless. We are amazing, capable human beings sharing nature. When your number is called, you feel it in your body to share the incredible gift you are. Energy is limitless when you take care of yourself, give without expectation and focus on raising others. Thank you 2020 for showing us all what we’re truly made of. See more
11.01.2022 Running a business has been bloody tough this past year. I feel as though I’m constantly juggling plates to keep them from all from crashing down. Believe me, there’s been moments when I’ve wanted drop everything and walk away. Last March everything turned upside down, shaken up and it’s all still settling. ... First was the cancellation of our annual Bali Retreat. This was a huge loss. Then we were mid YTT which completely threw our synopsis out of whack. To top it all, the doors shut at World Gym which meant OUCH! Anxiety began peaking!! I was offered work in the VET sector which has been my saving grace, plus it’s recouped much of the retreat loss. Moving forward, many decisions have been made for 2021. Our YTT start date has moved to June. This offers another 6 months to monitor the vitals out there. We’ll now start in June. I’m now back teaching too which I love. For me, teaching yoga is timeless, it takes my soul home healing the unseen bits. I’ll be more present within World Gym taking on a full time role. Finally, I’d like to thank my friends who’ve stuck by me through this transition while I’ve been on full throttle. Thank you for coffees left on my desk, the random messages asking if I’m still alive, the tears conversations and laughter therapy lunch invites. And...the constant support from my husband who reminds me I don’t have to do any of this - but I do. I’ve never , and won’t ever drop a plate.
09.01.2022 We’re just all biodegradable containers for love. We need to be filled up by filling each other. Full stop.
09.01.2022 One of the great things about following your intuition is that it cuts down on time spent decision making. Indecisiveness chews up energy from making simple daily choices to bigger ones with weighted responsibility. Choices can deplete you energetically leaving you procrastinating, unproductive and useless. Trusting my inner music took years to master. The mind has a loud, bossy voice which always creates havoc, self doubt and complacency. What I do know, is I’m not her...e in human flesh form to sit on my ass or do the same thing day in day out. I know exactly what’s going to happen the moment my feet touch the floor. My body and spirit are happy following my own personal star. My mind has to learn to deal with discipline as boring as it is. If you have a decision to make, or find yourself burning out mentally, try clearing your energy field. A repetitive yoga flow, a salt bath, meditation and techno detox are all clearing ways to reconnect to your personal power. See more
08.01.2022 I love coming together as a community to create new possibilities in life and the world. We all have the ability to create our experiences in EVERY moment be it our love-life, work or family. Our minds are so powerful when we’re set in CREATIVE mode. This week has been a huge purge for me (and I know many of you all are feeling it). We’re all connected, subconsciously and sometimes consciously. Keep releasing, letting go of old identities the ego that you were bound in. Le...t go of old insecurities of the past that keep haunting you like a *cringe* ex-boyfriend. Find and rise with your new frequency without expectation. You don’t need permission or validation. Rise into the weekend See more
06.01.2022 It’s official
05.01.2022 Meaning - Self Study, this observation takes us outward to go inward. I was teaching a bunch of high school students recently when I myself becoming a heatingly frustrated. One student was distracting the group for attention. We we’re just about to break for lunch when the entire room erupted into chatter from this student. ... Within seconds the frustration gripped my stomach as it moved upward into my throat when svadhyaya kicked in. I had deadlines to meet with these students! The I is the ego. My breathing switched to the pause-breath discipline. Removing myself as the teacher then observing the cool, balanced regulated breathing, I calmly walked through the turmoil to the initiating lad. He looked surprised as I spoke to him about his work and how productive he was at home completing his workbooks. He opened up to me about a few things going on at home sharing a couple of personal experiences. I thanked him for sharing then thanked the whole class for now inviting quiet back into the room. Self study teaches us to pause between reactive and responsive. It teaches us which part of us needs to be heard when unheard, felt when unfelt and loved when disconnected. The ego tells us we’re not-enough, to fight to fear to be rigid. Our spirit reminds us we are limitless, love and expansive. Yoga expands our spirit to share and live from this space - to be. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Your angels are always with you.
04.01.2022 Leaning into our future self takes courage. Where do you feel the drawing energy? Be still and listen. #intuition #thatwanakatree #sunset #nofilter
04.01.2022 Anxiety is natural stress response of separation of the mind, body, spirit. Re-establish your cosmic connection through exercise, pranayama and yoga to feel at home 24/7. This is true freedom. True inner work #innerwork #personalgrowth
03.01.2022 During teacher training, we study the 8-limbed path breaking down subconscious patterns passed down through generations of conditioning. What I love most about this is the freedom one feels to truly express their essence. Yoga is personal growth. It is recognising what doesn't serve us to grow in this lifetime while loving ourselves to set healthy boundaries.
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