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Sharon Orapeleng- Mental Health Advocate, Consultant at Psyched Solutions | Public figure

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Sharon Orapeleng- Mental Health Advocate, Consultant at Psyched Solutions

Phone: +61 411 330 382


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25.01.2022 Sunday well spent in my pyjamas with my furbaby by my side! Yes I planned to do few things and did NONE! And it is perfectly fine

25.01.2022 Understanding the negative bias and the emotional brain is key in understanding anxiety experience. This will enable us to put strategies in place to come through those scary times when we feel overwhelmed with emotional turmoil! #mentalhealth #Anxiety #anxietyrelief

25.01.2022 Do you need to hear this?

25.01.2022 We welcome the new month of #September. In my mother language of Setswana, September is called Lwetse, which means the clouds are pregnant with rain and rain will soon come. "Maru a lwetse, a lwala pula" ..This is the month of renewal! It also the beginning of Self-Care September purposeful in looking after your mental health and well-being this month! #selfcareseptember

25.01.2022 Dance some dancing today friends

25.01.2022 Those who know me know I always been open about my #mentalhealth struggles. Infact I think it was a catalyst to the career path I have chosen in #behaviouralscience and Mental Health... .. When you experience #trauma in your becomes a shadow..ready to come in and take control at any "weak" point in your life....the traumatic experiences have led me I am always keen in building my #mindresilience ... ..... Just like our physical strength, we must work, exercise our mind from time and time in order to develop the brain muscles for us to cope with situations that are often challenging.. .. I have been practising #mindfulness since 2014 after my medical diagnosis of anxiety/depression and PTSD. This has helped me keep myself in the have ability to tap into my brain power first identify and disrupt unhelpful and unhealthy choose wisely the conversations I have with myself and what I consequently do... ... So having practical and recognised training in this has not only reinforced what I already know but has given me a platform to connect with other practitioners around the world to keep perfecting this crucial mind skill as well as teach it. Creating a community of #wellness warriors. #mbsr #mindfulinstitute #frontallobeexercise See more

24.01.2022 I had a purposeful Saturday in conversation about #mentalhealth and #suicideprevention for #truthfullyspeaking podcast with @madeinheaven_au . Thank you Rutendo for the honour to be part of this raw and honest conversation ! We are shattering the stigma and building community wellness! #mentalhealthmatters . . .

24.01.2022 Now that the weekend of #blacklivesmatter marches have will you ensure what you stood up for in the midst of corona virus pandemic is sustained and change happens? . . Here is practical examples of how you can employ to effect change in dismantling racial inequality! ....Continue reading

22.01.2022 Recently I spoke to #Truthfullyspeaking podcast about mental health and suicide. Pls listen to this ...conversations that can save a life... We have to normalise these type of conversations. Thank you to #RutendoSaunyama the host of this incredible podcast for this truthfully speaking, authentic conversation!. #MadeinHeavenPodcast... If you are struggling with emotional pain..your feeling are can talk..pls speak to someone... And if your are that person providing support to someone struggling with emotional pain..please listen without judgement, be there, encourage professional help and encourage other support. If in Australia, encourage talking to GP or call Lifeline Australia 13 11 14 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78 Multicultural Connect Line 1300 079 020 Looking for support and advice, call beyond blue - 1300 22 4636 Or call 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 2255) in Qld. If its an emergency call 000 Let us be there for each one has to do this life thing alone!

21.01.2022 The best thing about school holidays is getting random hugs and kisses all day long from my seed while I work from home

20.01.2022 Friday picnic with work colleagues looks good we must do this often!

20.01.2022 The freedom to go out for a little drive on this beautiful Sunday in Brisbane....these freedoms we must not take for granted...Please do as we are asked by authorities to keep ourselves, families and community safe from #COVID19. Key things.. 1.If you feel unwell - get tested , pls make sure you self isolate while waiting for results. 2. Practice social distancing always 3. Hand hygiene critical as well...wash your hands and use hands sanitiser ... 4. Listen to public health directions everyday and keep yourself informed. This is all our responsibility! Victorians we are all thinking of you See more

20.01.2022 Anyone who asked if am going ahead with the MHFA Refresher course scheduled this Saturday 14 Nov. Please note yes - we are still going ahead. This is an online refresher and will be held via zoom. Remember you will need to have your acreditation as a Mental Health First Aider expired within the last 6 months or about to expire within the nxt 3 months. Unfortunately if you are not within the 6 months after expiry and still interested to be accredited...currently rules are you ...will need to do the 2 day course again. I still have few spots available so you can book through our website: Looking forward to spending time in conversation about mental health on Saturday.

19.01.2022 What does selfcare look like for you?

19.01.2022 Who is doing movember? Raising awareness about men's mental health! Grow your mooo dude

18.01.2022 #Throwback This is me at 20yrs old in #Melbourne A yr after my arrival to Australia. .I was taking Melbourne radio stations by storm as a radio presenter with a community radio pulse FM and my then university radio station at Latrobe University. My show became so popular that other stations were trying to pinch me....... Back then I mixed my own music..bought lots and lots of cds..I had the best collectionof old school RnB, rap, urban and soul music..I use to interview up and coming rnb musicians, giving them a platform to talk about their craft... This was a time when not much rnb or what people referred to 'black music" then was played on radio. This was the time pre rnb fridays, and the now popular stations who managed to get the only available commercial radio licence at the time. I got in radio because I was fed up not hearing diversity of music on radio I often do with many things.... I saw an opportunity and decided to start my radio show. I would have people who were so excited to hear something different on the radio and others calling me demanding I stop playing what they referrd to as "N ****" music!. #Disruptivechangemaking means to me that "just because it is.. doesnt mean it always has to be...change is constant! " #culturaldiversityconsultant

16.01.2022 It is great to be able to resume our COVID-19 safe face to face Standard Mental Health First Aid Courses again here in Brisbane. Although we do have an option of online is very important that we are able to be with each other in person although socially distanced and learning together. During the week of Qld Mental Health Week we are hosting our next course on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 October 2020 in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. #MentalHealthFirstAid

16.01.2022 Just incase you are wondering why am wearing the "WHO CARES" t-shirt.. I am supporting the Carers Foundation's WHO CARES campaign which is raising awareness for Carers to support carers physical, emotional and mental health. Caring for those who care for others is critical especially around this time of COVID-19. Buying a t-shirt, donating to them goes a long way in supporting the work they do to support carers. Go to to learn more of what they do.

15.01.2022 Self-care moments - wellness walks with my furbabies..they look forward to these moments as much I do

15.01.2022 Spending time to take care of YOU is time well spent! Use it often! #selfcaresunday #mentalhealth #mindfulnessSpending time to take care of YOU is time well spent! Use it often! #selfcaresunday #mentalhealth #mindfulness

15.01.2022 Music heals....when was the last time you let music take you places? #selfcaresunday

14.01.2022 Benefits of working from home -awesome stomach filling brunch by my hubster and my eating disturbed by them doggies

14.01.2022 I have learnt this past week about "recognising depleting activities & nourishing activities" how awesome when we can take a stock of those things that make us feel completely drained...and ensuring that we balance it by increasing the activities that nourishes. Yes You Can! #buildingresiliencethroughcovid19 #resilience #covd19 ... #mentalhealth #wellbeing #wellbeingwarrior See more

13.01.2022 Working from home office today I stumbled across this precious card my mama #BettyOrapeleng sent to me for my 21st birthday. Living in the diaspora since I was 19 yrs old meant that my years away from my loved ones were often documented in love letters, cards, gifts...and with my mother..these became the love letters that sustained me away from home and they still do. Today am grateful to be reminded again of my mother's love for me - forever her first baby.... Approaching 2nd Christmas without her earthly presence but it is these love letters that I hold dear - words forever imprinted into my soul, the fire that sustains me until my time to fly across the rainbow to join them (hopefully in 50 yrs time lol) Friends love the ones you are with like there is no tomorrow Happy Monday!! #BKSlegacy #mothersdaughter

12.01.2022 I love ability to spend time in conversation about #mentalhealth. Facilitated @mhfa_australia refresher course today....a lot happens in 3 years and ability to connect again with previous participants of the two day course and refresh skills is an honour. Loved the fact the in the refresher course there is a dedicated section on self care and feedback from participants today was overwhelmingly positive.

11.01.2022 Stop and smell the lavender is thriving and smells devine #selfcaresunday #mindresilience #mindfulnesspractice @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

11.01.2022 I agree with this

10.01.2022 Can you relate?

10.01.2022 Happy fathers day to you

10.01.2022 If there was #racialjustice and #racialequity people would not have to compromise their health, families and community health to protest through #COVID19 just to have voices heard...something is seriously wrong with this scenario! I watched the march from over a bridge for my own social distancing measure and just couldn't help but be moved by the solidarity and togetherness. Watching it gave me hope but also left me feeling incredibly sad to think that this is what had to... happen! Common- we must ALL do better...we can do better! Ponder this - 432 Aboriginal deaths in police custody right here in Australia and not a single conviction?? Change NOW! #blacklivesmatteraustralia #BLMprotest #stopracism #saynotoracism #blacklivesmatter #systemicracism See more

09.01.2022 Have you posted anything positive on your social media recently? When we are purposeful in looking for positive stories we begin to uplift our aware of what you feed your mind! #PurposeDriven #hope #wellbeing ... #wellness See more

08.01.2022 Allowing the warmth of the sunset to soothe me. Fills me with peace! Honouring mama! 12 months anniversary of her transition across the rainbow to be with our ancestors. . .... #BKSlegacy #BKSOrapeleng #mamaschild #sunset

08.01.2022 If you experience any of these symptoms please call 13health or your doctor to get tested. It is important that we keep on top of corona virus...once tested pls isolate until you get your results! We can do this!

08.01.2022 Thistry something new

07.01.2022 i saw this on twitter today and couldn't help but reflect on the increasing violence towards those in #hospitality industry..serving us our coffee, breakfast lunch or dinner.. . . we are certainly making a transaction with an expectation of recieving a product and service that meets our needs...when it doesnt cut it, we are left feeling cheated robbed, dissapointed. Many of us would simply not "let it slide " ...we either take our money somewhere else or we ensure we are ...very clear in our feedback. . . i want you to pause here....have you ever reflected on the impact of your words or actions when you are not happy with a product or service? . . what if you were on the other side ...would you speak or act the same way towards yourself! if the answer is "NO" then what makes you behave the way you do to others? . . Before you assume that there has been a deliberate act to sabotage your order or service..pls take a moment to reflect, understand and be cautious about how you deliver your dissatisfaction! You may never understand the extra mile others may have put in to give you what you is in your cup or plate... .. .. I support our #hospitalitysector Be Kind Be Considerate #mentalhealth #workplacewellness #mentalhealthatwork #workplacesafety #mentallyhealthyworplaces

07.01.2022 I always emphasise this - you are not your mental illness... are an individual experiencing a mental health condition...which with support and treatment you can overcome the challenges and learn ways to cope better...even thrive despite of the mental health condition... ... Always remember this when you struggle to reconcile with the experience of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that may feel foreign, challenging, overwhelming and so can be is why we seek help to unravel the layers! #mentalhealthsupport is available! Reach out! Talk to your GP, call Lifeline or Beyondblue... There is no shame! #itsokaytonotbeokay See more

06.01.2022 How are you feeling? I love this Queensland Gorvenment "Dear Mind" campaign...lots of great tips to look after your mental health...check it out on

04.01.2022 Be present and see magic! Hello bee bee . . "Just as the hand, held before the eye can hide the tallest mountain, so the routine of everyday life can keep us from seeing the vast radiance and the secret wonders that fill the world" #ChasidicSaying , eighteenth century @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

04.01.2022 Indoor plants Indoor plants seem to struggle more through winter ..what is your secret to keep them thriving through this time? . .The smaller plants I take them outside in the morning for full morning sun dose but this big one has a very small dose of morning sunlight through the window and too heavy to take it outside..

04.01.2022 My son's moment of reflection for his grandfather he was farewelled in Geelong, Victoria..due to COVID-19 measures we couldn't be there physically.. ...our son chose the flowers..tonight we light some candles and pause, reflect...over our son favourite pictures of himself and his grandpa.. Rest well #JohnCross Say hello to others over the other side of the rainbow for us

04.01.2022 The Tale of a Silky Brightly Coloured Scarf -(Long thread) . . Today I decided to work away from home ...some discussions are just better face to face than virtually. ...Continue reading

02.01.2022 WorldSuicidePreventionDay today observed here in #Australia as #RUOKDay2020 .. Today I struggled a bit.. observing discussions going online ..reflecting on many who have trusted me with their pain over the years...the ones we lost...the ones fighting for their dear life right NOW! I struggled to reconcile with the difficulties I have encountered asking people to reach talk about suicide...I ask simplfying this message #RUOK have we inadvertently simplifi...ed the complexity of people's experiences of suicidality? Have we somehow created an added stigma about suicide...I just wonder..... suicide rates have continued to increase...suicidal crisis have are we talking about life...the meaning of are we instilling hope in the midst of crisis...? If you asked someone RUOK today....what else are you doing everyday to have this difficult conversations with those around you? Ask R U OK but always know matters greatly what comes after that! #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #selfcareseptember

02.01.2022 Racism and Mental Health We must address the social determinants of mental health and wellbeing if we are ever going to turn the tide on mental ill health. Racism has a significant impact on mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and many people of colour. Racism causes harm! Racism kills!... . . #endracism #stopracism #saynotoracism #equalitymatters #diversitymatters #mentalhealth #blacklivesmatter

02.01.2022 What are you doing for your #selfcare this Sunday?

01.01.2022 No help!

01.01.2022 Has this happened to you?...the most beautiful thing when this happens

01.01.2022 Conversations such as this chips away the stigma of mental illness...

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