Sharron W Lindley | Education
Sharron W Lindley
Phone: +61 413 085 057
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25.01.2022 Finally this little baby is coming to live with me. We've danced around way too long lol. Ignited to reduce plastics, wastes and eat cleaner.... Wanna know more ways to support your health, reduce toxin and our carbon footprint let me know.. Big love xx
24.01.2022 When I started my business I had one thing in mind and that was success and money... Because that is what I thought was going to free me. This biz had a different feel.... It had it's own frequency and heart beat but I was cock blocked on how to market the biz because I didn't talk about the product? I could not get my head around it.... Now I get it.. Actually it is so simple. It's about community and impact. It's about the inner work. It's about looking at the emotional parts of us that get in the way of living a whole hearted life. It's about being the best darn human you can be. It's about leading so others achieve their dreams. I know right.. Remove all attachment to personal gain !!! It's honestly the best feeling ever. It's about showing up every day in every way, not just the shiney polished reel of life. It's about leading with your heart in such a way it makes people uncomfortable and curious. It's definitely not about success. It's definitely not about money. It's definitely not about ME. All of this is just a by product of BEING YOUR MOST AUTHENTIC SELF. Oh and yes the products needs to be aligned and have a vision of impact.. I love the products. Today I cooked the best darn poached eggs because I can control the PH levels of my water, without chemicals to cook me eggs lol... I don't show up to make money from you. I show up to serve you and if you want to join my community and align with the same high ticket offer I am with, I invite you to message me. BE WARNED. The finish may take your breath away!! This is soul work For visionary humans who want to leave the world a better place. PM if you want more info. Big love xxx
23.01.2022 While I sit in the bath this babe will be sharing how anyone of us can leverage affiliate products for service and impact. Service Impact Community ... Legacy Who wants to check it out? Just pm and Ill send ya the link. Facebook don't like links it kinda messes with the algorithms, that's why pm is the best way... Big love See ya from the bath
22.01.2022 Hey guys, This workshop is about to close it's doors. but before it does there is still a little bit of time to access the epic content.... There really is not better time that to surround yourself with great people and learn new ways. I really feel we can not go into the next phase on this planet doing life like we have always done, things need to change. When we are brave, life rewards us with so much. You just never know how much until you take the steps. So jump in and feel the vibe. Learn something new. Let go of stuff that doesnt serve you anymore. Don't let fear hold you back. You are so much more courageous than you know. So much love xx Shazzy xx PS link in the comments to access the group.
22.01.2022 Are you okay with your imperfections? I'm learning every day. I know I am not perfect but I get triggered by my imperfections.. I can beat myself up and also judge others imperfections.... The need to be perceived perfect is a condition for most of us. Me too. Be a good girl. Do the right things. Don't make mistakes they are bad, remember we are graded on our mistakes from such a young age. Last night I was told that I couldn't be an influencer on social media because I needed spell check.. When I read my post over, I still couldn't see the error..honestly it took me about 4 times to see it. ... then I saw it and I laughed.. I had typed "off" instead of "of". I triggered this women enough, that she had to write to tell me I was imperfect and a nobody. At some point this would of hurt my feelings and I probably would of attacked her back.. Not these days. These things remind me how I've grown. They remind me she is human and struggling with her imperfections too otherwise it would not of bothered her. I have compassion for her as she is me too.. Again this was a gift. It's a beautiful reminder that it's so important not to wait to be "perfect" before we start anything... I'm still learning every day to keep aligning to my vision. It's not perfect as I have not done this life before. The other thing, my spelling and grammar is ME. It's never going to be polished as my mind and fingers just don't dance at the same pace I'm really okay with it. I actually love this about myself NOW and I know others do too. Anyone else relate or have a story to share? Shazzy #imperfection #BEingthechange #doitanyway
21.01.2022 Wisdom Wednesdays Episode # 4 - Gifts of Imperfection This week its ME.... I didn't organise myself this week and realised yesterday I would do it but didn't know what the topic was going to be... though I trusted it would come and of course it landed this morning. "Gifts of imperfection " If you didn't know, Brene Brown wrote a book called Gifts of Imperfection and it's her 10 year anniversary. This book changed my life! This week has been imperfect in many ways.. so of course it downloaded for me to speak to it. I'll be going live in my private group @Midlifechangemakers at 8.30am. Link in comments. Come and join me live or catch the replay. See ya there. Ps: your story matters Pps. If you would like to join me onan episode. PM for a chat x
21.01.2022 Do you believe? 1. Things happen for us or 1. Things happen to us?
20.01.2022 News is only spread if it is bad.... This morning I scrolled to see if mainstream news reported on Freedom day in Brisbane yesterday? Zip... Nothin Zero Why.. Because it was peaceful. Police and authorities were awesome. 1000% celebrate them on how much respect was felt all round. They were in full service. Serving the people. Respect was felt and celebrated. At the end of the day everyone just wants to feel safe.. Safe for me is probably different to you. We are all different We are unique We are individual I didn't agree with everyone's perspective yesterday. But I respected their perspective. The best thing I learnt this week is.... Wisdom is knowing we don't know... As soon as something says they KNOW I worry... Knowing is stuckness to me. It's fixed and not flexible for change. I might say I know... but really I mean for a split second because I hope that I am growing and evolving myself daily. Okay that was off track to the topic. Anyways back to yesterday. Yesterday was peaceful News will not cover that. Also I want to bring awareness that people actually get paid to disrupt and cause kaos at these things.. I was shocked to learn this too. Media follows kaos. This is their jam! This sells. Today I'm sharing peace with you and want to remind you that the people make Australia! United in our differences we can walk together on this land. Proud to be Australian #australian #freedomday #thepeople
20.01.2022 If ya got audio download this one. I downloaded it ages ago. However the other week I recommended it to a friend and thought.. mmmm I think I'll listen to this again. Omg I have been laughing at myself so much..... I was telling my hubbie about it last weekend. Explaining the differences between men and women. The hunter and the gatherer, particularly speaking to how women love a good story, how we go into detail about stuff, we really love to paint a picture of how things look and felt like. This is our meadow!! In the meadow we see all things, we jump all over the place, we are looking at berries with one eye and bananas with the other. Which means when we tell stories we jump all over the place lol. Pissing myself laughing now because I never do that!! Ba ha humbug She also speaks to how men really can find this hard to listen to as they are focused beings.. they are hunters.. focused on the 1 deer they are hunting for the day. They are so focused, too much detail can send there mind to blow out.. ever seen your partner looking like a deer in the headlights when you are telling them about your meadow? Omg again laughing... because whats going on in their mind is.. shit what do I need to focus on, what bit do I need to remember This is why women can have 1000 conversations in all one... So this morning I got up at 5am, walked with a friend, came home and went into a deep hole of thinking and feeling. Met hubbie in kitchen making a cuppa and started to download all the story of my feels.. he is a great listener, he nods and speaks exactly where I need it. Then he said... Geez what did you girls talk about this morning on your walk?, I think I need to have a word to Janelle Noppert (my walking friend) because you've only done half a meadow... did your tractor break down ? Omg I laughed... Download this audio. It's a recording of her workshop. Such a good insight to us men and women. Ps.. I feel I am a bit of a man too. Sometimes the whole story is too much to listen too I'm like get to the point... other days I am like, tell me more... I want to know aaaaalllll the details.. Shazzy xxx
19.01.2022 I use to create personal word art. Peoples words for their loved ones. I loved how it made people feel.... I kinda miss doing it. Birthdays New borns Teacher presents Mums Dads Kids Weddings Anniversaries It was fun. Love Facebook for the memories x
19.01.2022 # - This week we have Phoebe Milenkovic joining us live in my private group Whispers of the Midlife Soul.... Through Phoebes own life experiences she noticed she was living in her masculine all the time. She has been journeying back to balance her masculine and Feminine and is devoted to the work back to herself. , . . . . ://.// Wisdom Wednesday is about sharing our stories and our gifts. Please invite others who you think would benefit from hearing this. Big Love ’ ’ . 5 25 /, , . ’ 5 , , , , /. 9 , . ’ . . . . . ://.// Can wait to have the chat ********************************************** Here is a recap of what Wisdom Wednesday is about. . We all have a story, all different, all unique. Each week there is different wisdom dropped. Guests may have shared their story 1000 or this could be their first. It really does not matter. It is super powerful to witness another human and even more powerful to be witnessed in our stories wherever we are on our journeys. Each week there will be different flavour. The visions is always from the heart and of service. Story telling is an ancient thing people used to do. They would sit around in circle and share wisdom that would be passed down to future generations. Our stories matter. Your story matters. Big Love Shazzy and Phoebe
18.01.2022 . ... However, I am a big yes that we need support too. ... We only know what we know until we know something different. We need guidance to activate the guru to our inner knowing. Why.. Because from birth we give it away. Bit by bit. Ever so slightly. We don't even notice it. We've lost how to navigate ourselves. We give our power away to someone with a magic wand to fix it all. We notice nothing really has changed. We still feel the same. Why. Because we have given all our power away. AGAIN From my own experience, support is only supportive if we have a clean energy exchange and discernment. For me this looks like.. The support transaction is NOT this. I'm here to do everything you say. I have no power within I trust you I don't trust me I have no idea I am lost You can save me You can fix me You can do the work for me I surrender my full self to your wisdom. What it does LOOK LIKE IS... I am the student I am here for guidance I am my guru I will use my full discernment in all that is exchanged and take action on that. I trust my whispers I have all the answers within, I seek support for activation of these *** Big difference hey *** And a good support crew or person will 10000% have you hold your own light. Would love to hear your experiences and wisdom. How do you support others? How do you receive support? PS this is an old post reshared xx
18.01.2022 Be brave enough to stand alone. Smart enough to know when you need help. And brave enough to ask.... Shazzy #courage #brave #askforhelp #BEingthechange
16.01.2022 More and more I get this. Attachment is pain Attachment blocks flow Attachment reduces energy... Attachment is expectations Attachment is worry Attachment is gripping Just think for a moment. What outcome are you attached to right now? Maybe its loosing weight. Maybe its getting things done. Maybe its a relationship. How tight is your grip on what this looks like? Now What if you take a breath, feel it in your body, feel the air on your skin. Notice the tightness in your body, your shoulders especially... Are you tight? I am.. I am gripping to actually surrendering lol I am gripping to letting go. I am gripping to all the things that I think will take me to my bliss lol. Exhale Exhale Exhale Loosen the grip. Open and close your mouth Loosen your jaw Stand up Shake Wiggle those hips. Let go of it all. Just BE and breath. Attach to nothing. Connect to BEING. Shazzy #BEingthechange #midlifechangemakers #noattachment
15.01.2022 Let's have some fun.. Go....
14.01.2022 This book keeps cracking me open These guideposts are for life. This morning I got my little fix with Brene on her webinar around the gifts and how they have stood the test of time. How they are so relevant for NOW....Continue reading
14.01.2022 The rumble is real. There is no bypassing. Though I do like to try. Courage is vulnerable There is always something to risk.... Rather risk And fail Than to not risk at all Shazzy #BEingthechange #midlifechangemakers
14.01.2022 # 5 - 40 " " Nat turned 40 in August and she is coming on to share her journey and how it has taken her 40 years to choose HER .... Our journey's are all different and each one is unique and beautiful. I can't wait to chat with Nat on Wednesday. To get access, join the private group Midlife Change Makers. . I created these events because our stories matter, you matter. We learn from storytelling. Story telling is an ancient thing people use to do. They would sit around in circle and share wisdom that would be passed down to future generations. It is super powerful to witness another human as they tell their story and even more powerful to be witnessed in our stories. I invite everyone to reach out to share their story. This is not about being polished, this could be your first time. The container that the group holds is sacred. It only invites women who are ready to drop into their magic and be vulerable and real. If you feel the niggle in ya belly to share you story, reach out to me. Biggest love Shazzy and Nat xx
14.01.2022 A few days ago I got a download to write a book. I've thought about it before but something was a miss. This time the message was fierce. ... When I turned 49 I said to myself and I felt a vibe that 49 really matter and kaboom there it was.. its a book. Its about this decade, my 40s. It's been such a journey, far out. It not over by any mean. This decade has been a friggin rollercoaster!! I've unlearnt so much, dissolved, cried, laughed, danced, lost and gained on many levels. This book is coming through me. Let the fun begin. #timetowrite #abookdownload #mystorymatters
13.01.2022 Why is thinking outside the box so uncomfortable? No. 1. Judgement.. No. 2. Because we believe there are boxes.... It's a crapper for sure. I remember when I started in my online space most of my friends never even asked me about it, even to this day, they have never ask me. It use to upset me. Until I understood the layers. ...Me... I felt judged. I felt rejected. I thought they didn't care. This part was for me to heal. ...Them... The otherside of the coin was their own fear. They felt rejected. You are not the box anymore. It's scary to watch. What if you fail. What if you mess up. I can't look, it's not the "normal way". Oh I get this. I understand those feels too. So what's changed. I worked on my part The boxes are the division I believed too. I am more confident. I don't need the approval from others. I am no longer people pleasing to make others comfortable. I follow my own compass. I can still love them as I see them. When I fail I celebrate because I have learnt something. I am comfortable with fucking up. The only way to improve and grow is through failing, practice and embodiment. I also have a big community around me that gets this. We are all failing and succeeding. We get the stretch. We get the conditioning of the boxes. Let there be no normal and no boxes. We get it. There is no wrong or right. There is no us and them. It's just what is. Box or no box. Lets remove all the boxes. The most important thing in this life is we follow our own compass and make choices from that place EVERY SINGLE DAY... Big love xx
12.01.2022 Just in case you needed this today. Our job is not fix anyone. Our job is to find all the parts within us that are not love and heal that.... The more we heal. The more we love. Get quiet Go inside Activate more love You are love.
12.01.2022 Surround yourself with the right people and watch your life amplifySurround yourself with the right people and watch your life amplify
11.01.2022 HAVING LESS MONEY TOOK ME DEEPER WITHIN... I am so for investing in myself, my growth and healing, I have spent a lot of money... I really am grateful for this.. But there is another side.. WHAT I LEARNT when money wasn't so flamboyant was priceless.... I got to embody. I got to trust myself deeper than I had before. There was no distractions of things to buy and do. No shopping. No massages. No courses. No potions No modalities Not much of anything Except BEING. OMG BEING.... HOW COOL IS B E I N G AND I WAS PROBABLY THE BEST I FELT IN MY LIFE... Since money has come back I started doing all the things again and it was not what I had expected.. I started feel off. I started feeling disconnected. I started feeling scattered I started not trusting myself. I started searching for the fixers. I started looking for short cuts. I started not being aligned to my vision and doubting myself. I started to look outside of myself for the answers. I could not be discerning in my choices. So I went into nature. I got intimate with her. I loved in her and she loved on me. I connected back to my womb and heart. I let go. I surrendered I cried with sadness I cried with expansion I screamed with rage I screamed with joy It was a delicious combo of all the things of being human. Feeling so grateful to be living amongst the gumtrees on the on mother of creation I do love money and I am good to receive or spend it. I have just learnt a layer of trust for myself and new relationship with money. Anyone else relate to this? Shazzy xx
10.01.2022 I'm not sure I would use the word weak.. maybe more like blinded by being right, which weakens the opportunity to forgive. I can so sit in that place of me being right, better than and hurt and them being wrong and hurtful. Forgiveness is so multi layered if we don't catch it straight away.... It's generally not one thing that breaks the camels back. Forgiveness looks like this for me. 1. I gotta own my part. 2. I need to see where I need to forgive. 3. It's forgiving myself and the other side. 4. Its finding love and compassion in it all. 5. It's learning the lessons. 6. It's about keeping my heart open or opening it. 7. It's being okay in the messiness of the fumble of the forgiveness. 8. Forgiveness heals the body, mind and soul. 9. Forgiveness is selfcare and super kind. 10. Forgiveness is an energy that will heal generations Is there anything else you would add?
10.01.2022 his post is a little vulnerable to be honest, because it is my truth and sometimes truth feels messy. Ya see, a few years ago I started an online biz and the reason I joined was, well, I wanted money!!! The next thing that happened was, money started to come to me and I wasn't doing any work to receive it.. This was so uncomfortable for me. I had guilt to receive money because my whole belief was that I had to work hard, I didnt believe I was worthy of receiving it. How craz...Continue reading
10.01.2022 It's easy to get on your posts when you are speaking to ya people.. But how do you connect when they are not ya people?It's easy to get on your posts when you are speaking to ya people.. But how do you connect when they are not ya people?
09.01.2022 Messages For Us By us!
08.01.2022 , In your beautiful life story you are at a blank page between yesterday and tomorrow. Today, there is no script. Right now, there are no rules. In all ways, there is only love. Let the wisdom of the past and the vision of a peaceful future be your guide.... Taken from Peaceful Oracle cards "Everlasting life"
07.01.2022 Reposted from another. This is my position. - Before I begin - you do not have to unfollow or unfriend me if you have a different perspective than I do, but feel free to do so if you want. We are all adults here and can remain respectful when we address each other. At the end of the day, everyone wants to be healthy and happy, so we all have the same goal in mind, but we may disagree on how to achieve it. I am concerned that people are being labelled conspiracy theori...Continue reading
07.01.2022 A little giggle for the day Happy Friday xx
06.01.2022 To my beautiful human adventures of life.. I honour those who are willing to stand out, move away from from masses and stand alone within the wildness of your own light.. For those who are willing to ignite their dreams and to bring them to life.... For those that feel the fire and who want it all. For those who push back on conformity to follow their heart. For those who seek the truth no matter what. For those that are willing to let it all go for what really matters. For those who don't fear failure but who fear not living. For those who are willing to BE first and DO 2nd. For those that ride the waves of the highs and the lows on this journey. For those that don't give up after one fall. For those who keep showing up in storms and sunshine. For those who seek progress and not perfection. For those who wonder the Wilderness of the world. I stand with you. I honour you with all. For you are the future. I love you xx Shazzy #midlifechangemakers #BEingthechange
06.01.2022 . Everything is perception and if the media can control our perception, we are controlled. This is exactly our world right now.... We are feed a perception of what they want us to see, feel and touch. Our 5 senses are so limited when we are infinite beings. Today go beyond the mind. You are infinite
04.01.2022 I have run from many when they were at there worst, only because I couldn't be with myself at my worst. I had made it wrong, still striving for perfection in all areas. But the thing is, we are not perfect in the way we think perfect looks like. Perfect comes with owning our emotions, our shitty bits, our shiny parts and everything in between. It is being able to dance with them all and also dance with others.... Kaboom Big love Shazzy Ps..come an join our Wisdom Wednesdays where we get to be perfect, imperfect everything in between. I'll pop the link to group in the comments xx
04.01.2022 Some of you may or may not know this about me, but Brene Brown is my bestie, she just doesn't know it yet lol. It is 10 years since she wrote her book" " and this was a game changer or me. I have read this many times and I am now reading it again. There are so many layers to embodying her work. It doesn't happen over night, but it will happen lol... I am passionate about this stuff. Cultivating and letting go is key! We often want the short cuts to life, I know I do, but there is no short cuts. We can't just talk about the HOW's, we need to talk about . Right now, I feel Brene Brown’s 10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living are so relevant to the world we are living in. 1. Cultivating Authenticity and Letting Go of What Other People Think 2. Cultivating Self-Compassion and Letting Go of Perfectionism 3. Cultivating Your Resilient Spirit, Letting Go of Numbing and Powerlessness 4. Cultivating Gratitude and Joy, Letting go of Scarcity and Fear of the Dark 5. Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Faith, Letting Go of the Need for Certainty 6. Cultivating Creativity and Letting Go of Comparison 7. Cultivating Play and Rest, Letting Go of Exhaustion as a Status Symbol and Productivity as Self-Doubt 8. Cultivating Calm and Stillness and Letting Go of Anxiety as a Lifestyle 9. Cultivating Meaningful Work, Letting Go of Self-Doubt and Supposed-To 10. Cultivating Laughter, Song, and Dance. And Letting Go of Cool and Always in Control ********************************** I was in a bookclub the first time I read this book and it was so much fun cultivating and letting together. So I want to do this again. This time over zoom because we are in all different parts of the world. - . ! . I have no doubt there will be laughter and tears. If you are feeling the call to join us Jump into the group Midlife Change Makers Grab the book I suggest grab the book and the audio because guess what!! For those who may of had the old audio, it was not read by her.. NOW it is and it has her special touch of 10 years LIFE added to it.. OMG, I just love her texan accent, I love her. Biggest love. PS any question PM me xxx See more
03.01.2022 I am not ok. My heart is heavy I cried myself to sleep last night. Whats going on is not okay.... The daughter that could not go to her father's funeral, not okay. Me - realising I will not be able, be, see or hug my love ones as they navigate difficult times life, they are in nsw so that would me quarantining for 2 weeks in a hotel, this is not okay. Nursing homes turning loved ones away who are vaccinated, not okay. Nursing homes not allowing visitors for 8 weeks, not okay. Australians needing medical attention turned away at the qld border, not okay. Family not being able to be with sick family members, not okay. Family and friends not being able to attend funerals, not okay. Witnessing the mental health of people deteriorating especially in Victoria, not okay. THIS VIRUS IS BULLSHIT I am angry I am upset I am feeling it all I am conscious I am venting I am conscious venting does not change the situation and the ripple I want to create. The ripple is, change, this can not go on. There is no compassion to been seen. This is complete ego and control. I am not okay. Are you okay with this? Are you okay to watch your basic human rights be taken away for a virus that is 99.99% safe. That's right!!!!! The basic rights to see your family and friends To hug and connect with them We are one country for fuck sake. The agenda is much bigger than this so called virus. This is the facade to create fear. I am not fearful of the virus at all. I have more chances of winning the lottery. What I am fearful of is Suppression because that is Depression!! I am also fearful of the money that is being handed out right by the government. How the hell are we going to recover from this? The funny thing is for the first time in my life I thought we may of needed assistance, we are still jumping though loops to receive anything. I am so grateful we now do not need support and I going to focus on putting my energy elsewhere. Growing wealth consciously with companies that have conscious visions for the greater good. I do believe if we stand together we can create change. Whos with me? #BEingthechange #covidisbs
03.01.2022 22 years of marriage Anniversary today And it has been such a beautiful morning reminiscing the 22 plus years together of I DO’s....Continue reading
03.01.2022 Goal setting and intuition is the old system. The new system is dreaming and feeling within your whole body in your being @oraclegirl Let it land x
02.01.2022 I have been saddened by the actions of the police in Victoria however it got me thinking and got me humaning. If we are one.. what is going on?... Can I see these fellow humans differently? Can I see it from their perspective? So I jumped into their shoes for a minute. Each and every cop is in lock down too. They are subject to same restrictions. They have fear. They have feelings. They have stress for the future. They are suffering also from this state of life right now. They are under instruction. They are scared. They are risking. They are providing for their families too. They maybe having financial struggles to with partners loss of income. Their own souls maybe in conflict. Their identities breaking down. They are being forced to enforce. They want this to end and the fear of people doing the wrong thing brings up more fear. The are feed fear for breakfast lunch and dinner. Mental health is very wide spread in the force and right now I'm sure it has massively increased too. If we are all one.. I feel we need to be able to find compassion some how. Be the change. Lead the way. I feel we have a responsibility to lead with love. Raise the frequency for humanity. It's not easy I know. But fighting back with anger I don't feels the answer either? I'm not condoning the behaviour that I have seen. I am trying see the source rather than just the action. In Brisbane yesterday our service men and women got to spend a beautiful spring day in the botanical gardens. Good company we were. The sun was shining. They listened to some tunes. They felt the energy. They too would of been uplifted. Today is fathers day.. they would of been able to travel more than 5km, eat out and spend time with their dads, see their kids and spend as much time as they like outside. Just another perspective. Shazzy xx #perspective #love #BEingthechange #othershoes
01.01.2022 Celebrating breaking habits and creating new ones!! Together we are celebrating 21 days of meeting up 5 days a week at 5am to walk. This 5am club we've created is more than just a walk. It's soul chats, it... connected my head, my body and heart. It's truly has change the way I approach my day. It's been a long time in the making. So much sabotage. So much unconscious unworthiness. Old beliefs needed to dissolve Old patterns needed to die. Old ways of thinking about exercise. I wanted sustainability I wanted kind and gentle It wasn't one thing It was many things And then one day it all fell into place. What's been your journey with exercise? Would love to hear xxx
01.01.2022 Who else relates ?
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