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Shaun Reardon | Public figure

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Shaun Reardon

Phone: +61 480 291 929


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25.01.2022 Does the Playford Council care about planning? Last night I attended the Council Assessment Panel meeting with a number of residents about a local planning matter. Now firstly to be fair the process did work pretty well and the effort and work put in by the council staff has resulted in situation where I think it's fair to say those involved are reasonably happy with the outcome. My concern is about the meeting itself. ... The 4 independent members ( who receive a sitting fee) were present and gave all the issues fair hearing, however there was no council representative on the committee. Planning is one the most important roles of any council and yet it appears that Playford council are happy to "outsource" the decision making process. Surely councillors can't complain about the work load as the last time this committee met was August. If a councillor is not able to attend meetings, are they providing benifit to ratepayers? When it comes to planning the answer would be , No.

25.01.2022 While residents understand the need for an upgrade to dual lanes is required for Curtis Road, the only plan the Mayor and council have is wait and hope for the state government to take over ownership of Curtis Road. What is needed is a plan, not hope.

25.01.2022 Has been many comments on social media about people not knowing how to use a roundabout. Let's share this in a positive way and hopefully we can improve road safety for everyone.

25.01.2022 Nothing has changed. Front page story in today’s Advertiser calls on councils to Trim the Fat, City of Playford is listed as one of the worst offenders with over 100 senior staff receiving more than $100,000. I seem to remember a comprehensive review by Pricewaterhouse into Playford Council not long after Glenn Docherty became Mayor which identified there where high level efficiency opportunities within council to be gained. Following this report, we had a change of CEO an...d the Hemmerling/Docherty team was formed and we where told Playford would be the Next Great City. Now managers account for over 10% of City of Playford staff. If City of Playford was top heavy before, it must be about to fall over now.

24.01.2022 Was recently invited to the Munno Para Little Athletics Centre when they hosted a regional event. While the week started badly for the club with the theft of equipment, the community stepped up and helped showing how important community really is. On the day it was pleasing to see so many kids being active and you could see how much they enjoy it. The pride and passion for the club that the volunteers have for this club was obvious as soon as you speak to anyone involved. ... I am looking forward to working with the club in the future to ensure the kids continue to have what is needed to stay fit and active.

24.01.2022 It's all in the wording. It's interesting that the reference to the section of the Local Government Act contains different wording than what is found in the Local Government Act. The issue is the intent of legal documents relies very heavily on the wording. If we can't get the wording right what hope do we have of understanding the intent?... For some time I have questioned why so many items are deemed confidential and am yet to receive a satisfactory answer from anyone. It would appear that City of Playford ( other councils are most likely the same) have thier own interpretation of whats in the public interest. While this has been going on for some time the public are entitled to a open and transparent level of government and it's never to late for change. Putting Playford People First.

22.01.2022 Is this a suitable development for the "New CBD of the North" ? After Playford council spending over $30 million dollars developing the CBD area we get another burger joint and another service station. Maybe Docherty's CBD dream is just like a fast food burger, looks great on the add, but it looks nothing like the add when you unwrap it ?

22.01.2022 Over $11 million spent to build a carpark, just imagine the kinds of projects that could have been built for that money. - road upgrades - playgrounds - footpaths - sports grounds... - community centres Instead we have a carpark that is hardly used. Little wonder nearly 100 items of council business remain confidential. It's time for better transparency.

22.01.2022 Time to put an end to closed door council meetings. and, would on balance be contrary to the public interest These are the very words used in the Local Government Act to describe when commercial information of a confidential nature should have the public excluded from council meetings or council committee meetings. I notice this coming Tuesday night’s committee agenda has an item listed as confidential as it contains commercially sensitive information which has out weight...ed the principle that meetings should be open to the public. Maybe a closer look at the Local Government Act is needed as the Act quite clearly allows for commercially sensitive information of a confidential nature to be open public, unless it’s not in the public interest. The item involved concerns stage 2 negotiations for the sale of land in the Health precinct to the ACH Group. Would it be in the publics interest to be excluded from this meeting? Guess we will find out Tuesday night if its in the publics interest to have this matter a secret. Why things like this matter. The original plan was to sell land in the Health precinct which was valued at $6.2 million dollars to pay for the new Tennis Centre however instead agreement was reached to sell that land for just $3.4 million dollars by the previously elected council. Maybe it is in the public interest that these meetings be open to the public? See more

21.01.2022 Lights are on, but no-one is home. Well maybe everyone is home, as the car parks still empty.

19.01.2022 Due the recent Covid 19 outbreak I do not believe it would be sensible to continue with the community meeting I have arranged for Saturday the 21st of November, so I have postponed it until further notice. One of the main topics for this meeting was to be Curtis Road and I will be looking at other ways I can get this discussion started. Residents of Playford have had to wait to long for a solution to Curtis road, we can't stop. While it appears everyone agrees that the solut...ion involves dual lanes, no one has come up with a plan or been game enough to put their name to it. I have a plan and I am prepared to stand up and put my name to it. For those who expressed support in attending the meeting, thank you, I will provide an update shortly of the next steps.

19.01.2022 It has been pleasing to see to the level of support offered in the current push to have Newton Boulevard extended. We are still collecting a few more copies of the petition to give to MP Tony Piccolo so he can table in State Parliament. While this doesn't mean we are finished yet, it is time to thank all those who have helped, from MP Tony Piccolo, all the local Playford councillors, former members of the Playford Alive Reference group and most importantly the members of the community who came down and signed the petition, thank you.

14.01.2022 Curtis Road, does anyone care? City of Playford have been undertaking a massive public consultation process since July to assist council in developing councils Strategic Plan for the next 4 years. This process included involving over 1600 people across Playford. Of the 114 pages of responses that have been collected it would appear that the single biggest issue the People of Playford have , is Curtis Road. Those who live in the area would not be surprised by this in fact man...y have know this for over 10 years. However at least now we have a comprehensive consultation process which has clearly identified Curtis Road as Playford's number one issue we can get something started? Wrong - the result of all this public consultation is the draft Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 and on page 17 it states " What it's not - Solving all traffic congestion problems in the next four years, including the duplication of Curtis Road." During the next 28 days please take the time to visit City of Playford's website and have your say on the draft Strategic Plan. Lets make sure we are Putting Playford People First.

13.01.2022 Minister for Transport Corey Wingard where would you like pedestrians to walk here? The only option when it rains is on the road, just have to hope that a road train isn't coming along at the same time, yes 3 trailer long semis also use this road which is still waiting for the state government to upgrade. It's your road Minister The Advertiser... The Bunyip Newspaper See more

13.01.2022 Another CBD Hotel update. A report commissioned by the City of Playford in 2019 revealed that council spent $860,000 clearing the site for the proposed Hotel, however instead of the cost being allocated to the sale of the land the cost was included in the construction costs of the new Grenville Hub, why ? With at least $32 million dollars of ratepayers money having been spent on the CBD since 2015 when are ratepayers going to see this private investment the Mayor keeps about? What is also concerning is why so many details surrounding the CBD secret ? With $32 million dollars spent so far it's time for the council to put all the cards on the table, or maybe they should fold?

12.01.2022 An example of all that is wrong in politics. We have the members of the state government expressing "white hot anger" and they expell a long serving MP the next day for not following the party line, however they are all quiet about the members being investigated for incorrectly claiming taxpayers money in the form of tavel allowances etc. It's time to put people before politics. //

12.01.2022 Huge thanks to Mark from Gadget Graphics.

11.01.2022 City of Playford CBD carpark costs just keep getting worse. Earlier this year we heard how the $8.5 million dollar carpark has returned just $1,884 dollars in parking fees. It would appear based on sales information from that City of Playford paid $2.75 million dollars in 2016, for the land that the carpark now sits on. Council brought the land from the Elizabeth City Center. ... The result Cost to council for the carpark and land $11.25 million dollars, income just $1,884 dollars. Ratepayers in Playford should not be subjected to having more of their rates being wasted on Docherty's failed CBD dream, that has turned into a nightmare ratepayers. The Elizabeth CBD is an embarrassment to the People of Playford.

11.01.2022 Some clarification about my campaign for Mayor. While the election is not due for 2 years, I have started early as I want to take the time to get to know all areas of Playford and spread the word to as many people as possible that at the next election there will be another option for Mayor. I am not a current councillor, nor am I a member of any political party, I am just a ratepayer who has had enough of the lack of transparency and the waste of ratepayer’s money over the l...ast 10 years under the leadership of Mayor Glenn Docherty. I don’t receive any allowance to help with the cost of campaigning and any money that I am spending is my own. To assist in spreading the word I have had signage put on my own car, this even led to one person asking if I was following them around as they see my car everywhere. Well I live in the area, and while I do also work full time, I am often busy attending a range of local activities so there is a good chance you might see me on the road (Special thanks to Gadget Graphics for making it stand out). If you think that Playford needs a change then please help by sharing my page and posts where you can. Lets all put Playford People First.

11.01.2022 R U Ok? As R U Ok day draws to a close, let's not forget about it tomorrow. 2020 has been one of the hardest years of our lives and we are not over the hard times yet. We need to stand together as friends, workmates, and family to support each other. The figures on Mental Heath show it can happen to anyone and at almost anytime. I personally work in an industry that comes across as pretty tough and robust, however the construction industry rate of suicide is nearly twice of any other industry. Why? One of the reasons is people don't always like to ask for help when it comes to mental health, so days like today serve to remind all of us, to ask "R U Ok?" Don't be scared to ask and don't think because you asked it will be up to you "to fix things". If you ask someone and you think they need help it's about helping them to get the support they need from the trained professionals. So please take the time to ask " R U Ok ?"

10.01.2022 Secrets and ..... I have often questioned why so much of the council's business is conducted behind closed doors. Currently, City of Playford has at least 92 orders in place to hide so-called council business from ratepayers. Yes, I understand that if they are trying to sell land, or getting quotes these matters should be handled in confidence to ensure the council can get the best outcome, but as an example and there are many more...... There are 9 separate orders to keep a "workplace safety " item secret. Why would the council have to keep secret issues about workplace safety? Ratepayers deserve an open and honest council, not one that hides behind closed doors.

09.01.2022 Great to see Stephan Knoll out pushing for upgrades to local council roads in his electorate, wish he was as keen to upgrade Angle Vale Road which he had responsibly for when he was the Transport Minister. While we can hope that the new Transport Minister Corey Wingard will be more active in the Playford area, initial responses don't look positive. I invited the new Minister out to Playford to see for himself the urgent requirements for road upgrades, however I was informed... by his office that the Transport Minister did not have time in his diary for a site visit. I received that response on the very same day that the RAA put out a list of the 10 worst intersections in South Australia, with 3 of them being in Playford. The state government ( both liberal and labor) want housing growth in Playford, it's time they took notice and supported the housing growth they want with the required road infrastructure to support that growth.

09.01.2022 Transparency !!!!! I don't know Cr Tooley, but I can respect that after being subject to an investigation by the Ombudsman he wanted to clear his name and had the report table "publicly". It's a very different story here in Playford where the Mayor Glenn Docherty was investigated in 2019 by the Ombudsman but the report is still being hidden from ratepayers. ... If the investigation is complete why is the report still secret?

09.01.2022 So much for becoming "The next great city". Unfortunately Elizabeth has now claimed the title of the suburb with the highest crime rate in the metropolitan area. While this is a sad reflection on the area and we know areas of Playford have a number of challenges in front of them, but let's make sure we don't let a small minority drag everyone down. ... Playford is made up of some of the proudest people you could find anywhere and it's time to make real positive changes to Playford not empty promises of new office buildings and 4.5 star hotels, which just make Playford look like a joke. It's time to Put Playford People First and let's work together.

07.01.2022 Newton Boulevard, Munno Para. On Thursday the 10th of September the Hon Tony Piccolo presented our petition calling for the extension of Newton Boulevard across to Stebonheath Rd. Thank you to all those who have helped so far, it's been a large team working on this and we will continue until the road is built. Those involved include Tony Piccolo MP, Deputy Mayor Marilyn Baker, councillors Gay Smallwood-Smith, Jane Onuzans, Clint Marsh, Peter Rentoulis, Misty Norris, Akram Arifi, Cathy Jo-Tame, Stephen Coppins and former Playford Alive reference group chair Ron Jones. A special mention also to Mark Lunn from Gadget Graphics Signwriting and Decals for helping with the signage for another community campaign.

05.01.2022 If anyone is interested in the future of the Angle Vale Foxes as they continue to grow.

05.01.2022 Curtis road not even on the Agenda. The state government will spend $10 million dollars just for the planning stages of new road projects across the state, however no roads in Playford made the list. It's time to shift the focus from the CBD to advocating and providing the things ratepayers need. Unfortunately the Mayor has just recently reconfirmed the CBD as his priority for the next 4 years. ... Soon we can credit the Mayor for 2 car parks, an empty one at the CBD, and a parking lot along Curtis rd.

02.01.2022 RAA's list of Adelaide's 10 worst intersection's includes 3 within Playford. This is not good enough. With the rate of population growth in Playford our road network has not kept up. While it is is pleasing to see the current state government responded to our campaign to upgrade the Stebonheath and Womma road intersection and in September 2019 announced $3.85 million to install a roundabout there is so much more that needs to be done. Curtis road. ... There have been a massive 279 crashes on Curtis Rd in just 4 years ( 2015-2019), resulting in 183 people injured and 2 fatalities and yet we still don't have any action from local, state or federal government's. Do they not care, or is it just to hard for them? If the north is to continue to be subject to population growth then our roads need to upgraded to cope.

02.01.2022 A big shout out to the team who came out last night as we "walked a mile" in support of the Hut Street Centre. It was a brisk walk around Ridley Reserve last night and finishing back at Elizabeth oval, just over 3kms. If you haven't donated yet it's not to late :) Thanks to ... Deputy Mayor Marilyn Baker, Cr Misty Norris, Cr David Kerrision, Cr Cathy Jo Tame, Cr Peter Rentoulis and Cr Clint Marsh. Not only have we raised a small amount of money we have been able to increase awareness of those in the community who are doing it really tough.

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