Shaz Cini in Glenwood | Public figure
Shaz Cini
Locality: Glenwood
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23.01.2022 I used to hate the words strong and strength. They were like torture to me a few years ago. I was sick and tired of being the strong one, having to go through hardships and losses over and over again. Until I realised what each and every one of them was teaching me. These lessons were part and parcel of what makes me who I am today and even though I couldn't see it at the time I am grateful for each of these lessons. I chose to go through to learn and grow and get stronger myself. Just like today I choose to make a better life, focus on better things, and manifest my dreams. Without going through these losses I never would have wanted change or something better. It is through those lessons that I learned what I wanted instead. We often take too many things for granted and float through life doing what we think we need to be doing to satisfy other people with what we think we are good at. Just being good at something is not enough reason to be doing jobs, living life, or being who you are unless you also love what you are doing. Life is all about finding our passion, that thing in life that lights us up, that gives us the motivation to get out of bed each day and be a better person. That is the thing we all want to strive to be doing. So ask yourself - what lights you up, what is your passion, what drives you to be the best version of yourself you know how to be. If you don't know - why not have a session with me and see if we can work through it together. Follow your passion, find joy and happiness in your life, and watch what you can manifest from that place. It will amaze you what you can achieve from this place. Create your own miracles.
20.01.2022 My book is finally up for global distribution so it can be bought overseas. To anyone who wants to buy this book outside of Australia you can easily purchase it here.
16.01.2022 Thank you Domenika for this beautiful Testimonial. I appreciate your feedback as it helps me show potential clients why they may want to work with me. Do testimonials make a difference to you when searching for your service providers.
15.01.2022 Are you feeling lost and need some guidance? Do you want to know where you are heading and what to do in order to get there? I am an Intuitive Empath and I help you find alignment and flow in your life so you can move forward to create the life you want to be living. I tune into your energy to see what is happening around you, connect you with your Archangels so you can see your hidden strengths and help you see where you are heading and the best way for you to get there.... In-person readings are on Mondays at the Salt Therapy Wellness Centre or online Tuesday to Fridays. $150 for an hour or so - usually takes around 90 mins depending on your needs. I work with you until the energy stops as we may need healing during the session or action plans to get ahead.
13.01.2022 Yes so excited we are going ahead with this course this weekend. So much love, growth and change comes out of it - I can't wait to share it with the ladies joining us. It is my happy place - sharing wisdom with others who are ready to step into the best version of themselves. <3
11.01.2022 Can you see aura's? Tonight we will be doing aura's in our class and it made me wonder how many people can see them. Sometimes we think it is hard but it can be achieved quite easily with some practice and patience. ... If you have someone else to view you just need to have them up against a light plain wall. This will help you focus and provide less distraction and it also helps you see the lights or colours easier. Stand or sit them in front of this wall and stand about 1-2 metres away from them. Allow your eyes to soft-focus much like you do when staring for long times and your eyes will adjust to the auric field. Sometimes you will see a white light line around them and other times you will see colours. If you are not a natural seer - tune into your strongest sense, if you hear then you will hear what colours are there, if you feel then you will feel the colours or you may just know. If you don't have someone to do this on you can learn to do it on yourself in the bathroom mirror. You will need to get two small candles for the edges of the basin cabinet, and a comfy chair. Dim the lights and allow the candles to throw you into shadow. Stare at your image in the mirror and allow your eyes to soft-focus again and you will start to see your auric field around you. It may take some time and practice but if you make your attention clear of what you want and take the time to do it - you too can see yours and other people's auras if it is not a natural gift for you. You may find my blog on the aura colours quite interesting to help you understand what the different colours mean for you.
04.01.2022 We have all had those times where we are feeling like we are hitting a brick wall or living life on a merry-go-round. They are signs we are out of alignment with the universe and need to pivot to change. Einstein quotes - "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results" ... Now I am sure quite often this was my life over and over again doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Not seeing the truth for what it was and needing to work on myself and not getting into the do the nitty-gritty of it. Wanting a miracle pill to change things or a magic wand to create a new story. I have been dreaming about a different type of life since I was around 6 years - I used to dream of being a princess and being swept away from where I was to live in this magical castle. This continued throughout my adult life - always dreaming of something different but never taking the action to achieve it. Until NOW! Now I take every action I need to in order to shift my vibration and create the life I want to be living. I focus on my self-love, I work on clearing my blocks, I shift my vibration constantly and life is pretty wonderful. Is it perfect? Not quite but it is getting there and I can see the outcome I am creating each and every day. This is why I spend so much time wanting to help others and sharing what I have - so you too can create something better for yourself. So stop self-sabotaging yourself. Stop making excuses and start taking some actions. No matter how small - each little step counts and they turn into big shifts right before your eyes. What are you going to do to change your life today? If you don't know where to start or need help - let's have a chat and see how you too can shift into a better life for you.
02.01.2022 Sometimes we have to be deaf to the opinions of others. There are many people in your life who will put a downer on your dreams and goals because they can't see what you can see and they don't have the same drive you do. So never listen to those who discourage you or want to divert your path as they never what is possible for you just you like won't know what is possible for them. ... Stay true to your visions and listen to your own internal voice as that is the one thing that is going to know what you can do and what you will achieve. Turn a deaf ear to anything that is not encouragement and turn those comments into a cheer squad - use the power of that as an encouragement to keep going instead. Shift the vibration of what they are doing into your power to achieve.