Shekinah Grace Church, Western Australia | Interest
Shekinah Grace Church, Western Australia
Phone: +61 412 399 373
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20.01.2022 ‘SOPANKAH MENYEBUT/MEMANGGIL YESUS’ Dr Ps Jimmy Polii Jangan biarkan Covid19 memengaruhi area mana pun dalam hidup Anda. Jangan biarkan Covid19 menghancurkan kegembiraan atau kebahagiaan dalam hidup Anda... Gunakan kunci Tuhan untuk membuka HARTA SURGAWI. Yesus akan memberkati Anda dengan berlimpah saat ANDA MENGIZINKAN Tuhan memiliki Ketuhanan dalam hidup Anda Tuhan hanya ingin Anda memiliki yang terbaik & menunjukkan apa yang harus Anda lakukan. Dengarkan video ini untuk TEMUKAN bagaimana mendapatkan hidup yang diberkati & Menakjubkan dari Tuhan. Kirimi kami pesan pribadi di FB jika Anda membutuhkan doa dan konseling. Untuk dorongan lebih, Share & Like our FB, Shekinah Grace Church, Western Australia. BERLANGGANAN ke saluran YouTube kami Shekinah Grace Church, Western Australia. ** Silakan Bagikan Tautan ** Klik link ini:
16.01.2022 ‘DOA BELUM DIJAWAB YESUS TAMBAHKAN PUASA’ Dr Ps Jimmy Polii INI ADALAH KUNCI KUAT untuk Hentikan Covid19 dari menghancurkan kegembiraan atau hidup Anda... Gunakan kunci Tuhan untuk membuka HARTA SURGA. Yesus akan memberkati Anda dengan berlimpah saat ANDA MENGIZINKAN Tuhan untuk mengisi hidup Anda dengan segala sesuatu yang menakjubkan dalam hidup Anda & Tuhan hanya menginginkan yang terbaik untuk Anda. Dengarkan video ini untuk TEMUKAN bagaimana Tuhan dapat memberi Anda kehidupan yang luar biasa dan menakjubkan. Kirimi kami pesan pribadi di FB jika Anda membutuhkan doa dan konseling. Untuk dorongan lebih, Share & Like our FB, Shekinah Grace Church, Western Australia. BERLANGGANAN ke saluran YouTube kami Shekinah Grace Church, Western Australia. ** Silakan Bagikan Tautan ** Klik link ini:
09.01.2022 Shekinah Grace Church Encourages YOU "ALFA AND OMEGA"... The LORD Himself is Alpha and Omega. This term actually refers to the Greek alphabet starting with the letter Alpha and ending with Omega as the last alphabet. In the Bible, Alpha and Omega have a very deep meaning, even it is quite difficult to relate to our limited minds. GOD is the Alpha, but actually HE did not have a beginning. Before the world was made GOD and in eternity HE was there long ago. God is the Omega, but actually the LORD and HIS reign never end. HE will continue in eternity, without end. Give thanks that the LORD clearly states to us, "I am Alpha and Omega, the Word of the LORD GOD who was and was and who is to come, the Almighty" (Revelation 1: . Alpha Omega means the LORD that was, is now and is yet to come. God who is in all dimensions of time. God never changes. Never gets old and out of date. It is never out of date and no longer relevant. Times may change, but our GOD is the same from then, now and forever. The spiritual meaning for us is when we read the might of God, the omnipotence of God and the miracles that God did in Bible times, the same God who can do in this modern age. HE is the same GOD in all ages. HIS power and awesomeness never changes. This news gives strength to us when we read the Word of God. We no longer read the miracle story which the Bible calls like a fairy tale, but we believe that it can happen in our time. Expect miracles, wonders and power of God that never changes. If we truly believe in HIM as Alpha and Omega, then HIS power will be revealed in our lives. May God's Loyal Love be with us.
07.01.2022 Shekinah Grace Church The Proverbs Corner
01.01.2022 God - Our Faithful Companion