Shelle's Yoga in Perth, Western Australia | Sport team
Shelle's Yoga
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 402 593 689
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25.01.2022 Vulnerability is not about fear, grief and disappointment, it is the birthplace of everything were hungry for ~ Brene Brown My new blog posts are up! Including my decision to enter the half marathon and my subsequent freak-out!!! Check out the link in my bio to read the latest updates. ... Being vulnerable can be scary, but with vulnerability also cones courage, and with courage comes strength! #beingvulnerable #runahalfmarathontheysaid #yogionamission #findingstrength
25.01.2022 Keep your face toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you! We all have different ways of bringing a bit of sunshine in to our lives. I love taking any opportunity I can to spend time on my paddle board, floating on the water and soaking up the warm winter sunshine! ... With the sun on my face and the water at my feet its easy to feel peaceful, grounded and grateful. #happyyogi #lovingthesunshine #standuppaddle #wintersun
24.01.2022 Hi yogis!! Its been a long time since I posted a little flow and thought, with my time in hibernation nearly ending now restrictions are beginning to ease, Id start to get back to sharing my practice! This short flow is something Ive been having some fun with at home! I hope you enjoy! xo
24.01.2022 With less than a week until the half marathon Ive been told to taper my training in preparation for race day! What better way to get in to the right headspace than to enjoy some relaxing time paddle boarding on the river!!! #halfmarathontraining #racedayprepping #bestwaytorelax #watertherapy #happyyogi
23.01.2022 As life begins to return to normal its so important for us to remember to always take some time for playfulness, time to reconnect with nature and loved ones, and time for peaceful stillness #beachyogi #funinthesun #happyyogi #beachplay #autumnsun #armbalance
23.01.2022 Yikes... the City to Surf is this weekend!! Before any event we need to prepare both our body and mind by bringing awareness to our intention, our breath, our rhythm and our form! Running for me is time thats just for me, to focus on my breath, to be present and focus on the simplicity of putting one foot in front of the other, moving forward one step at a time, and finding my own rhythm to run. ... My intention... to run for my Mum, to breathe each breath I wish she still had, and to run for my sister who is currently dealing with the same arthritis that affected my Mum. What motivates you in life, what intentions have you made to support those you love? #citytosurf #arthritiswa #runforareason #bodyandmind #gettingready #yogionamission
23.01.2022 This is my peaceful place, where I can find stillness after a busy day and feel connected to myself and our beautiful environment... even getting to paddle with the dolphins! #paddleboarding #supfun #dolphins #peacefulplace #bliss #happyyogi
23.01.2022 Its amazing how rejuvenating it is to be out on the water, feeling peaceful and present and hearing only the sound of my paddle pushing through the water! Im so in love with my new hobby and new Smik board!!! #paddleboarding #yogihavingapaddle #yogibliss #happyyogi
22.01.2022 Dont seek to be happy; let everyone else chase after that rainbow. Seek to be kind, and youll find the rainbow follows you. Richelle E. Goodrich Dont chase happiness outside of yourself. We all have the power to choose how we show up in the world and what we want to reflect out to those around us... I want to show up as kindness, because when I am kind to myself and to others I feel a depth of happiness that can only be found within! ... When we give kindness, we receive happiness, we dont need to chase it! Challenge yourself - show kindness in every day of your life and change the quality of each day! #showkindness #feelhappy #followtherainbow #happyyogi #happinessisachoice
21.01.2022 There are days we want to jump for joy, and others we prefer to hide ourselves away... life can be a roller coaster of emotions, and just like a roller coaster we need to remember that the ups are always followed by lows, which are once again followed by ups! Do we dwell on the lows or focus on the transitions to growth?! Each time I find myself focused on the lows I try to remind myself of the things Im grateful for and switch my focus back to the things that bring me joy... and energize me! Most of the time this helps so much. Find a positive in your life to focus on, and when you feel youre on the low part of the roller coaster bring your awareness to that, and help yourself climb back up to the top! #lifeisarollercoaster #focusonthepositive #jumpforjoy #lovethesunset #happyyogi
19.01.2022 Hi yogis!! It's been a long time since I posted a little flow and thought, with my time in hibernation nearly ending now restrictions are beginning to ease, I'd start to get back to sharing my practice! This short flow is something I've been having some fun with at home! I hope you enjoy! xo
19.01.2022 Smiles can hide sadness, laughter can hide pain. Always be kind to someone; you never know what theyre really feeling. Always try to be the joy in someone elses day! #kindnessmatters #behappiness #mindsetmatters #happinesscoaching #sharejoy #happyyogi
19.01.2022 We practice yoga to quieten the fluctuations of the mind... so practicing yoga on an unstable paddle board is the best way to let go of distractions and focus on finding stillness, despite the movement and flow of the water beneath! thanks @insta_mitch_ #supyoga #headstand #findingstillnessinmovement #oceanlove #yogaanywhere
18.01.2022 You cant beat the amazing sunsets on Cable Beach! They are so beautiful it makes you want to dance for joy!! #cablebeach #broomesunset #dancingyogi #happyyogi #beautifulsunset
18.01.2022 The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind. Caroline Myss The ocean is my favorite place to go within and reflect, to find peace and stillness in my mind and to give myself the opportunity to heal and move forward in a more positive way. #myfavoriteplace #reflectiontime #oceanhealing #positivemindset #yogilove
17.01.2022 Buddha says If you dont make the time on creating the life you want, youre eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with the life you dont want! To create the outcome I want, to complete the half marathon in 4 weeks time I decided it was time to confront my least favorite form of training... the stairs!!! #yogionamission #runningstairs #halfmarathontraining #notmyfavorite
17.01.2022 Im not sure this seal got the message about social distancing Getting out on my paddle board always gives me a way to connect with nature and check back in with myself to find stillness and peace, regardless of any craziness happening around me! thanks @insta_mitch_ #socialdistancing #paddleboarding #seals #connectwithnature #happyyogi
17.01.2022 We can all choose where we focus our energy... we can either look for the possibilities in life and see the positive in each experience, or we can see obstacles and focus on problems. Tony Robbins says Energy flows where attention goes. Where is your attention going? Can you change your focus, even just for a minute, and find something in the moment to be grateful for? Where do you want your energy to flow? To the things that bring you joy, or those things that drag you d...own and cause pain? #focusonyourself #yogilove #energyflowswhereyourfocusgoes #dancerpose #drishti
16.01.2022 Be like water... when we feel stressed we often feel stuck, like our thoughts are on repeat. When we allow our thoughts to flow without attachment, we allow ourselves to be where we are right now, to be exactly what we need to be in each and every moment. Be like water, making its way through cracks... Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a t...eapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. ~ Bruce Lee thanks @tamara_alhashimi for your great photography xo #flowlikewater #letgo #belikewater #yogimind #yogaeverydamnday
15.01.2022 The pride you feel to see a beautiful friends first book in print @nikkiweaverauthor you are an inspiration... your amazing series will change the lives of so many women! #soproudofmyfriend #amazingauthor #raisingawareness #nomoredomesticviolence #metoomovement #bestbookever #proudyogi
15.01.2022 Training has began for my next half marathon! @hbfrun marks the anniversary of my first running event, and this year Im running for my Mum. So Ive created the Candyman team so we can all run for my Mum!! Thanks @insta_mitch_ for signing up so we can support each other for the half marathon! Let the training fun begin!!! ... #halfmarathontraining #hbfrunforareason #yogionamission #yogirunner #runformum
14.01.2022 Take some time to sit in silence and be still. Life can get chaotic at times, which can feel overwhelming. This is when self care is even more important, and often the time we usually let it slip! Life has been so busy for me lately, and I often get emotional when Im feeling overwhelmed. ... Being an introvert, I know I need to take some time out for myself to recharge. One of my favorite things to do for self care is to sit in stillness and appreciate nature... its so rejuvenating! #selfcaretime #yogiinnature #busyyogi #sitinstillness
14.01.2022 ‘Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts’ ~ Rachel Carson I love escaping to nature to replenish my energy... finding a luscious green forest or a deep blue ocean! ... #beautyofnature #replenish #yogiinnature #happyyogi #happinesscoaching #mindsetmatters
14.01.2022 My favorite way to get away from it all, to find some peace within our crazy world and reconnect with nature... the only thing that still makes sense to me @insta_mitch_ #paddleboarding #socialdistancing #happyplace #yogiinnature #crazyworld #lovethewater
14.01.2022 Woohooo... I did it! I actually ran a half marathon!! The official time was 2:09:15. Its always an amazing feeling to achieve something you once thought was impossible! Its so important to celebrate these moments, these milestones in our lives! Sandalford had the right idea gifting runners with a bottle of wine to do just that!!! Now its time to look at ways we can continue to grow, to achieve and to improve! So my next self-challenge will be to complete a half marathon... in less than 2 hours! #halfmarathon #feelingamazing #achievement #happyyogi #newchallenge #nexthalfmarathon @ Sandalford Winery Swan Valley See more
13.01.2022 This year I ran my first ever running event, against all odds I achieved something I thought was impossible. Now Im continuing to challenge myself by training to complete a half marathon in December at @sandalford Today I received the official 8 week reminder email! A reminder that I have only 8 weeks left to get my body ready to run 21km and to make sure I keep my mind positive and focused on what I can achieve! Follow my progress on my new blog! The link is in my bio! My hope is to show anyone who is doubting themselves that we can all achieve something we didnt think was possible. #overcomingobstacles #runningmotivation #halfmarathontraining #yogionamission #challengeyourself
12.01.2022 Its so important to connect within and recognize the times we can push ourselves and the times we need to take a moment to rest and receive. #restorativeyoga #timetochill #takeamomentforyourself #receive #selfcare
12.01.2022 Do we listen to what were told we should do or do we listen to what our body is telling us it needs?! This has been my question with my training this past week... running training should include sprints however my body has rebelled against this advice twice! Do I listen to my body or to what I should be doing??? Id love your thoughts! Ill be blogging and sharing my experiences soon! Stay tuned! #runningyogi #bodyawareness #shouldilistentoeverybodyormyself #halfmarathontraining #yogionamission
11.01.2022 Don’t seek to be happy; let everyone else chase after that rainbow. Seek to be kind, and you’ll find the rainbow follows you. Richelle E. Goodrich Don’t chase happiness outside of yourself. We all have the power to choose how we show up in the world and what we want to reflect out to those around us... I want to show up as kindness, because when I am kind to myself and to others I feel a depth of happiness that can only be found within! ... When we give kindness, we receive happiness, we don’t need to chase it! Challenge yourself - show kindness in every day of your life and change the quality of each day! #showkindness #feelhappy #followtherainbow #happyyogi #happinessisachoice
11.01.2022 We all have storms in our life, unfortunately thats a given... when I experience emotional pain I try to remind myself about everything that Im l thankful for, and everything that leads me to my truth. My emotions show me that what is most important in life and what I love the most is my friends and family.... these are the people who love me through good and bad times, the people who let me be who I am without judgement... I am the luckiest person in the world to have such amazingly beautiful people in my life
11.01.2022 Dance like no one is watching, love like youve never been hurt, sing like no one is listening, live like its heaven on earth! I love this simple yet profound quote that weve all heard a million times! Its such a beautiful reminder for us to do what makes us happy, what makes our heart sing with joy and makes us want to dance amongst the trees!! When we are happy, we create more joy and happiness to those around us... and we allow our hearts and minds to be open to all t...he infinite possibilities in life! @sammy._lea thank you for always bringing so much love and laughter to our photo days out!! #livealifeyoulove #danceforjoy #happyyogi #openyourheart #livelovelaugh #yogalifestyle
10.01.2022 Trees have the ability to weather any storm... so remember, even when we feel overwhelmed, with only one foot grounded, we are strong and just by taking a moment we can find our center, we can find the balance in life with stillness and focused intention. thanks to my amazinglu beautiful photographer! @sammy._lea #treepose #weatherthestorm #feelinggrounded #yogistrength
09.01.2022 #challengeaccepted Thank you gorgeous @kirstinrosemilliken for tagging me... a beautiful reminder to be thankful for all the amazing women in my life! So much love @sammy._lea
09.01.2022 If you want more time, freedom and energy, start saying no! ~ Anonymous Do you have trouble saying no and setting healthy boundaries?! This is something Im constantly needing to work on. I feel like Im showing kindness and support when I put others needs before my own! ... Although Im learning that without healthy boundaries I end up feeling resentful... and when I set healthy boundaries I feel empowered and energized! #healthyboundaries #empoweredyogis #kindnesswithboundaries #treepose
09.01.2022 Does your life can seem confusing at times?! Try a handstand!! Its hands down (pun intended!!) the best and funnest way to turn life upside down and see things from a different perspective!! #handstandfun #lifeupsidedown #happyyogi #funtogether #beachlover @ Prevelly Beach
08.01.2022 Im having so much fun creating worships and retreats at @bodhijspa Seriously, keep an eye out on the Bodhi J website for up coming workshops and our weekend retreats down south! Im excited to be able to deliver my dreams for workshops to everyone! Thank you Danny and Tania, Im so grateful for the opportunity to be creative and feel supported ... Next workshop is our Yin and Gin which is just over a week away! Its going to be epic with @giniversity #yogaworkshop #yogaretreat #happyyogi #dreamscometrue #gratefulheart #yinandgin
08.01.2022 It feels like a lifetime ago I was told that I was disabled and the sooner I accepted that the easier my life would be. Fast forward to the present moment and Ive now completed two 12km running events this year so far, and have another one booked every month until the big half marathon in December... haha Im shitting myself!!! The best thing is that I know I can achieve whatever I put my mind to. Being told by doctors to accept Im disabled and will live with debilitating... pain at such a young age made me want to prove they were wrong - and I did. Although I still deal with pain and fatigue, and practice yoga and running to help with the symptoms, Im so determined to live a full life... to move and run my way towards physical and mental health and strength. Day by day, step by step. Sometimes thats all we can do, and you know what?! I believe thats enough to at least get us started on our own journey to health and happiness! Thanks to my beautiful friends for your running encouragement and support #yogaforhealing #runningforhealth #overcomingobstacles #livethelifeyoulove #encouragingfriends #lovemyfriends #happyyogi #yogionamission
07.01.2022 I’m super happy to be bringing some yin and giniversity to Scarborough!!! Start your Saturday night off with the perfect blend of relaxation with some gentle yin yoga followed by Giniversity gin to tantalize your tastebuds! Book via Facebook event at The Yoga Room Scarborough to explore your senses and enjoy an evening of balance!
06.01.2022 ‘If you want more time, freedom and energy, start saying no!’ ~ Anonymous Do you have trouble saying no and setting healthy boundaries?! This is something I’m constantly needing to work on. I feel like I’m showing kindness and support when I put others needs before my own! ... Although I’m learning that without healthy boundaries I end up feeling resentful... and when I set healthy boundaries I feel empowered and energized! #healthyboundaries #empoweredyogis #kindnesswithboundaries #treepose
05.01.2022 Love, but let go. Set boundaries, but let others in. Spend time alone, but also with friends. Do things for others, but also take care of yourself. Find balance #happyyogi #findingbalance #mindsetmatters #choosehappiness
05.01.2022 Our eyes can only see and our ears can only hear what our brain is looking for ~ Dan Sullivan Theres always tonnes of things happening in our lives that we can only pay attention to so much... we can choose positive thoughts and gratitude and encourage our eyes to see and ears to hear things that make us feel happy and joyful, or we can choose the opposite and feel drained and miserable! I choose to see and hear everything that uplifts me, makes me laugh and fills my hear...t with love, joy and gratitude!!! #happyyogi #magicsunset #positivemindset #bliss Huge thanks to beautiful @sammy._lea for your amazing photography skills!!
04.01.2022 Today is a perfect day for a whole new start! Let go of fear and free your mind. Its time to open your heart! I love all the positive quotes, affirmations, inspiring podcasts and books we can feed our souls with... they make my heart feel full of positivity, hope and happiness. Even better is enjoying them by the ocean! ... Reading positive words reminds me that when we live with an open heart we can invite more love and possibility in to our lives... Im so thankful to have the most beautiful friends and family to help me live a life full of love #lifeoflove #happyquotesforthesoul #openheart #oceanlovers #gratefulthankfulblessed #amazingfriends #yogilove
03.01.2022 To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping. My latest blog post is up, link is in my bio... running the City to Surf was a huge challenge for me, but with the help and support of my friends I was able to achieve something I always thought impossible! In the words of Audrey Hepburn ~ Nothing is impossible, the word itself says Im possible!... #citytosurf #nothingisimpossible #runningyogi #lifeisbetterwithfriends #yogionamission #positivemindset #citytosurf2019
03.01.2022 Yogis... if you work in the city this is an amazing opportunity to enjoy free yoga with me and Bodhi J Wellness Spa at the Westin Perth in Hibernian Place! Youll love this inner city sanctuary - its a gorgeous grassy courtyard at the east end of Perth city, a short walk from the mall district and the perfect place for yoga! Ill be teaching every Wednesday at 12noon starting this week! Looking forward to seeing you there!
01.01.2022 Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Martin Luther King Jr. Its hard to choose love when we feel hurt, but Ive learnt that hate only ends up hurting me. Its only when I choose love with the things that hurt that Im able to set them free. ... Sometimes its not about choosing love for what has caused the pain, its about choosing love for myself that helps me to not give my power and happiness away to anyone. #shadowandlight #putyourselffirst #chooselove #happinessisachoice
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