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Shelley Oak Doula Melbourne


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to load big map

25.01.2022 C Y C L E M A P P I N G Day 1 of my bleed today. Being submerged in water is primooo on this boiling day. Weightlessness is nice when you are bloaty. So lucky to be house/dog sitting at such a beautiful home with an epic watering hole and magical garden.... Feeling so much lighter emotionally than I did on the new moon a few days ago. But still SLOW and tired. Always feels like such a release Day 1 with a small burst of energy. I like to focus on the act of shedding; what no longer serves me, self limiting mindsets, important lessons, etc. Day 2 and 3 - sluggish and a bit airy fairy. Focus is minimal. Very open and sensitive to people's energies. Like to be alone, or around uplifting and specific people. Been using this time to sit with negative emotions/any past trauma/pain. Day 4 and 5 - tapers off and feel ready to integrate back into daily life, energy is back, need for socialising returns. Desire to leap back on path and feeling my motivation return. Was feeling massively creative and resourceful 13-19 ago during my most fertile time/ovulation. Had some amazing ideas and transmissions pop in. I utilise this time to make a road map for my ideas and make lists that I can execute even when I am not at my peak focus and motivation. If you are unsure how your menstrual cycle impacts your life... I HIGHLY recommend you start looking into it. Track your cycle. Use an app, it's not hard. It is not an inconvenience to bleed - it is a GIFT and massively powerful. Mapping can also be done with the moon if you are not bleeding for whatever reason. If you need more info, help, advice, questions... ask away. Better yet - follow @katherineeden_rewilding and @janehardwickecollings and @schoolofshamanicwomancraft for more info on cycle mapping, blood magic/ritual and working with your cycle to do your best work in life. #normaliseperiods #cycles #cyclemapping #bloodmagic #mooncycle #wisdom #sacredknowledge #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #selfhealing #witch #womanhood #birth #postpartum #motherhood #motivation #ritual #ceremonyofself #radicalselflove #selflove #sisterhood #moon #moongoddess #uterusknowsbest #womb #wombwisdom

25.01.2022 I have just updated my Doula packages and prices for 2020 and they are DELICIOUS!!!! If you are looking for the kind of doula that will deeply nourish you, empower you and crack you wide open... If you are wanting for the kind of support that will sit with you in your darkest shadows and deepest fears...... If you are lit up by the idea of being guided, held and seen in your most authentic truth... If you are desiring a companion to journey with you through ebb and flow, transformation and rebirth... If you are aching for an upleveling and healing that meets you EXACTLY where you are... Then reach out. I will be waiting for you with open arms. #doula #doulasupport #doulawork #birthwork #birthworker #guide #innerwork #healing #empoweringwomen #empoweredbirth #birthwithoutfear #shadowwork #sacredwork #ceremonyofself #birthwitch #birthsupport #sacred #rebirth #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #postpartumcare #yonilove #yourbodyisatemple #uplevel #chakrahealing #wombwisdom #womb #wombhealing #connecttonature

24.01.2022 I want to continue to act as an ally for the BIPOC community without speaking ON behalf of their experiences. As a white woman, I will NEVER truly understand or claim to understand what is it like to walk in the shoes of my BIPOC friends, peers, colleagues, and wider community. BUT, I will NEVER stop using my voice, my platform and my privilege to stand up for all human rights. ... I will not tell my children that I sat idly and did nothing when I could have done something. I want to continue to act as an ally and accomplice for the BIPOC community without speaking ON BEHALF of their experiences. . . As a white woman, I will NEVER truly understand or claim to understand what is it like to walk in the shoes of my BIPOC friends, peers, colleagues, and wider community. . . But, I pledge to always LISTEN, LEARN, LOVE and STAY IN MY LANE. To NEVER stop using my voice, my platform and my privilege to stand up for all human rights and against injustice. Not only with my words and social media, but also showing up with my body, time, and money to dismantle systemic oppression of BIPOC . . . I will continue to check myself, question my unconscious privilege and biases, decolonise my brain and patterns, and use critical thinking to sift through government and political agendas that could negatively affect the BIPOC community. . . And I will continue to do my own inner work, heal myself and my lineage and show up authentically and intentionally to bring and share my gifts to the world. . . As a collective, we cannot minimise ourselves and what we do during any crisis. Lean into the discomfort, for we only know a fraction of the pain. The world needs us all now more than ever to be clear, to shine and to illuminate where we can all grow. . . But WE HAVE TO to focus our energy on areas that need us most, and lift marginalized people up so we can all rise together. Now is the time! Today is the day! . . And in doing so, I will continue to ask... What can I DO to help? How can I amplify YOUR voice and message? Where can I donate my time and money? How can we work together? What groups and protests can I participate in? I see you, I stand with you and I support you. . . . . #blacklivesmatter #bipoc #ally #accomplice #blacklove #privilege #peacefulprotest #riseup #fightinjustice #stopkillingus #stopkillingblackpeople #georgefloyd #saytheirnames #useyourvoice #istandwithyou #respectindigenouspeople #firstnations #askbetterquestions #innerwork #womenswork #womensbusiness #civilrights #humanrights #equality #policethepolice #amplifymelanatedvoices #filmthepolice

23.01.2022 I just got off the phone with a close friend and doula client who is nearing the end of her pregnancy. And I thank all the goddesses that she is clued in enough to weed out all the bull shit flying at her from her care providers. . . . She has been groomed for weeks now to be induced early because of her 'baby's size'... which they absolutely cannot possibly know by measuring her fundal height. More on that later...... . . . Some of the coercive statements that have been used at her visits in person and/or on the phone have been: . . . "WE are considering induction at 38 weeks because of baby's size." . . . "Shoulder dystocia is a big potential risk the longer we wait because baby is so big." . . . "The chances of you NOT having any intravenous intervention is extremely low based on the size of your baby." . . . THIS IS GROOMING FOR A MEDICALISED BIRTH. It is fear based language that derails the confidence of any birthing person. My client is tall, her partner is tall, her body will absolutely be able to birth the baby made inside her own body. I said to her today, her baby will not outgrow her uterus. . . . It kills me to think of how many women and birthing people give away their power because someone else is using non-evidence based information to persuade them to have unnecessary intervention. Or worse... to not TRUST their own bodies. . . . Stay informed. Use discretion when receiving information AND energy. Know your rights and your body. . . . #doula #doulawork #birthwork #pregnancy #birth #labour #birthportal #hospitalbirth #cascadeofinterventions #naturalbirth #childbirth #freebirth #physiologicalbirth #informedbirth #informedmama #informedconsent #birthwithoutfear See more

22.01.2022 If it doesn't feel good - Don't do it. If you are only doing/not doing it to make someone else feel good at the detriment to yourself and your authenticity - stop. . If you don't know whether or not it feels good for you, ask yourself: Will doing this force personal growth?... Does this align with my values? Who am I trying to please here? . Then once you've established all the damaging patterns and conditioning you need to strip away to properly understand your needs, you must take the thinking brain out of the process and focus on the FEELING you get from the action, decision, step etc. . Statements like "feeling into it" can feel vague and flighty to some people and that is okay. It is only relevant if you know what it is to BE WITH your feelings... To read the signs of your body, of your gut, of your heart. It takes practice. We all have it. Every single person on this planet has experienced having a 'feeling about something, somebody, or somewhere'. . When I am feeling into something and moving through whether or not it sits right with me... Or through creative processes for example... I am literally looking for little twinges/inklings. Maybe a physical response. A butterfly. A tightness in my chest. And turning of my stomach. A lightness of my heart. A cascade of joy, inspiration, opportunities. . When you start taking note and listening to your body the voice gets louder and harder to ignore. . Important to note: Avoiding the thing that scares you because it will create a moment of discomfort but a lifetime of knowledge is not the same as not doing the thing that will drain your positive energy with no real long term benefit or growth. Huge difference. Learn that difference. . You are a very knowledgeable and complex book, you just need to learn how to read your own story. Reconnect. . #gut #instinct #gutinstinct #intuition #intuitive #innerwisdom #sacredknowledge #selflove #sparkjoy #boundaries #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #sayno #listentoyourheart #followyourgut #wombwisdom #manifest #healing #selfhealing #healer #motivation #innerwork #inspiration #empowered #empoweringwomen #motherhood #spiritual #birth

21.01.2022 Details for the upcoming New Moon Women's Circle NEXT WEDNESDAY 27th Nov!!! Bring a journal and wear comfy clothes! Provided are beautiful vegan treats, hot spiced beverages, mats, blankets, magic and love.... @theelementsofhappiness Seaford From 6-8pm Will likely check out the ocean across the road right afterwards for a cleanse! Would looooove to see you there!!! Still spots available. Book now on my website - link in bio. Xxx #womenswork #sacred #sacredwork #intention #manifest #healing #selfhealing #witch #witchesofinstagram #embodiment #sisterhood #sistership #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #crystal #crystalhealing #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #womenscircle #movement #selflove #postpartum #doula

21.01.2022 Big New Moon Cleanse. Feeling inward and intense... and heavy. Lots to let go of. Lots to call in. I have consciously decided that I'm not going to put unnecessary pressure or guilt on myself for not showing up how I would like to on the socials 100% of the time.... I am human and I am working within the parameters of my own cycle and needs. I'm coming up to my bleed and feeling like I need to S L O W right down. I am currently making big investments in my own business and personal development. As much as I'd like to be exploding with deep philosophical content, I am honouring my need to move through each stage of this cycle and recognize when it doesn't feel in flow to do the thing with full authenticity. Also acknowledging moments that I am feeling triggered by other people's successes, and reminding myself not to compare myself (thanks @naomibatiste for the healthy reminder to lean into our triggers). Because I, like many others, have created a story that if I am not doing doing doing and always busy, than I am not doing enough. Cue guilt, shame, scarcity mindset. Washing it away in the Yarra River. Embracing the ebb and flow of life's journey. Reconnecting to our Mother and grounding in nature is my medicine. I am in real time doing some deeper shadow work and focusing on the planning stages of big future things to come. Big collaborations and exciting possibilities! Happy to be ending this decade with unbelievable knowledge and wisdom under my belt. May 2020 bring us all closer to our dreams, healing, love, power and potential. Xxxx #newmoon #newyear #newme #magic #cleanse #manifestation #menstruation #cycles #mooncycle #yarrariver #smallbusinessowner #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #selfhealing #witch #witchesofinstagram #embodiment #sisterhood #sistership #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #crystal #crystalhealing #moonmagic #womenswork #innerwork #shadowwork #chakrabalancing See more

20.01.2022 Last night, I held the last women's circle of 2019. The last circle of this decade. It was unbelievably powerful and fun and light and heavy all at once. There is so much magick and deep connection that comes with this work. I started running circles because I felt that I badly needed one. I needed to regularly attend and sit in the container of divine feminine. I needed to feel inspired by other strong women to keep me focused on my path. I didn't know how I'd do it, I didn'...t even know if anyone would come. But last night was my 7th [full] circle of the year and I realised something... I am building a community. I am curating a sacred container of powerful, vulnerable, raw, wise, divine sisterhood. I can't really describe the pleasure I get from facilitating circles. It doesn't feel difficult for me to do, rather, completely effortless. I plan the evening with such joy and anticipation. I get butterflies before each circle begins and then as soon as I open my mouth to speak - something happens. My purpose aligns and I lead the circle wherever it is meant to go - usually not where I even planned. It doesn't actually feel like my reality sometimes. How did I get so lucky? As we discussed at great length in last night's circle, my career/money story was: "I can't do something I love and get paid for it." "who is going to pay me for this?" "work has to be hard in order to earn $$." "I'm not an expert, I don't deserve the $$." Blah blah blah Last night, we physically and metaphorically burned these stories. When our circle finished at @theelementsofhappiness in Seaford, we walked together across the road to the ocean, naturally formed a circle around a hole I dug in the sand... And we each lit our own non-serving stories on fire and watched them burn under the New Moon. We then made space for new stories to form. Stories of abundance, manifestation, freedom, confidence and security. THEN WE RAN INTO THE OCEAN like wild women. My heart from exploding from pride and fulfilment. Thank you to all the people who support me on my journey, who share in this space with us all, and who show up for themselves. @oliviacalder Thank you for documenting this

20.01.2022 Last night at @naomibatiste Inner Intimacy workshop, we danced with our inner flames. Last week we danced and moved with the element of earth - grounding ourselves, and this week - the element of FIRE. It was powerful, sexy, raw and vulnerable. These past 2 Sundays of this workshop have been so moving for me and all of us in there, I believe. The element of fire for me is deeply spiritual, ritualistic and profound. Fire was my only form of heat for 7 years and every I had a little ceremony (little did I know this is what I was doing), where I built my fire for the day or evening. I sat in front of the fireplace with my cup of tea, music, and inner silence - stacked my kindling in a very particular little pyramid and gently blew life into the flames. It was my peace and my ritual. I miss it now that I am living in the big smoke again. Saying that, last night when Naomi told us we were embodying FIRE, I expected it to be coming from my belly and womb. But it wasn't - I felt it all in my head and heart. I was setting fire to my mental blockages and self sabotaging aspects of my ego and non-serving expectations of myself. I felt called to move more gently and softly, where as last week I was deep in big movements. My breath was more shallow and I felt myself humming, even softly moaning the whole time. With every practice throughout the evening, I was burning old patterns that kept me hiding myself and my potential... my sensuality and body. And in the ashes, and I was gently blowing new life into the embers of my fire. I am in love with this work. And being around women and people who share in the magic. Thank you @naomibatiste @adelle_j_maclachlan @claireyouren @serinacrinisphotography ()for diving into the depths with me. What a devotional practice. Wow. Wow. Wow. I AM SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW'S FULL MOON CIRCLE!!!! Which is all about reclaiming pur pleasure, sensuality and self reverence. Taurus full moon + Sacral chakra clearing #sacred #sacredwork #womenswork #sacred #sacredwork #intention #manifest #healing #selfhealing #witch #witchesofinstagram #embodiment #sisterhood #sistership #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #energy See more

20.01.2022 S U R R E N D E R is a struggle for me a lot of the time. I get it confused with laziness and unmotivated, stagnant energy sometimes. Sometimes it does feel that way when you cannot seem to follow through with the 100 things on your to do list. Then I get really hard on myself because I know what I am capable of and I am not 'performing'. What a burden to carry!... But the distinction is actually in the space between the rest phase and doing phase. It lies in the mindset you have when your body is not in 'rest and recovery'. Are you honouring yourself then (mentally, spiritually,physically)? Are you positively charging yourself with social interactions that ignite you? Are you absorbing content/media that enhances you? Are you playing to your strengths? When we are in rest and recovery, it feels so good to turn the brain off. To numb out and just be. And THAT IS PERCECTLY NECESSARY. If you track your cycle, even the moon cycle or natural cycle if you do not bleed... then you can sense when it is coming on and you can prepare. So in the lead up to this down phase/winter/inner hibernation - it is really important to actively and intentionally create practices, rituals, gatherings that lift you up and nourish you. Maybe: Embodiment/movement practice to reconnect to yourself. Scripting your life/future self journaling to manifest. Gather in circle. Ground in nature. Learn/read something new. Lean into something creative, make something! A workshop. Etc. Such is living in the divine feminine... I am learning how vital it is to fully surrender to my ebbs and flows and radically accepting myself in different stages by saying yes to the things that make me feel good WHEN THEY FEEL GOOD, and not getting down on myself when they don't feel good to do. That is me being radically responsible for my emotions and life. #dowhatmakesyouhappy #elevate #uplevel #trackyourcycle #cycle #ebbandflow #dothework #doula #embodiment #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #selfhealing #witch #sisterhood #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #crystal #crystalhealing #menstrualcycle #womenscircle #chakrahealing #sacredwork #intention #manifesting

18.01.2022 Upcoming Full Moon women's circle now available to book on my website! Uncover your truest self, creativity and vulnerability at our Sacred Women's Circle on the Full Moon in Leo. Spaces are limited to maintain intimate container of sistership. Sun Feb 9th from 7-10pm ... @secondstorystudios in Collingwood Investment is $55 We invite you to nurture your spirit, unleash your creativity, and set your intentions for this full moon amongst sisters and spirit. Come home to yourself in a safe and open healing space charged my womb and moon magic. These events revolve around ritual and ceremony and will leave you feeling invigorated and open to receiving. We will have a different powerful theme each circle in which we work with astrology, the elements, various chakras as well as a different craft each month for you to take home with you full of loving energy and intention. Please wear comfortable clothing. Feel free to bring any crystals, oracle/tarot decks, a journal, pen and an open heart. Provided: Mats, blankets, pillows, decadent vegan treats, and fresh hot beverage. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions! #womenswork #womenscircle #womanhood #empoweringwomen #fullmoonceremony #astrology #crystalhealing #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #selfhealing #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #sacredwork #embodiment #sisterhood #sistership #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #dance #vegan #manifest #moon #moongoddess #leo #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #witch #witchesofinstagram

18.01.2022 The T R U T H shall set you F R E E Do you find yourself curbing your truth for the sake of pleasing others? I did. A lot. I still catch myself holding back sometimes. That shit takes so much practice and fearlessness. There have been countless times when something has deeply beeb affecting me. But I made every excuse under the sun to not bring it up with that person or voice my opinions out loud out of fear that it would make people like me less, or because I was afraid sit in the discomfort for the moments of confrontation, or I had convinced myself that it was a smaller deal than I imagined/no one wants to hear what I have to say because minimising myself felt easier than standing in my power. F U C K T H A T. I am not too angry for having convictions and standing up for my beliefs. I am not too proud to have someone think less of me because my truth is too confronting for them. I am not too 'out there', witchy, feminist, controversial, vegan, opinionated, honest, argumentative, weird, loud, expressive, blah blah blah. Respecting my own boundaries has been my biggest karmic lesson thus far and every day I am being tested again and again. When I don't assert my boundaries, and voice my needs/wants/expectations, I am the only one who has to pay for it. Everyone benefits from the truth, even if it is a hard one to receive. A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have. -Timothy Ferriss I have spent far too much of my life in fear of being seen in my totality that perhaps it sometimes shocks people when I reveal new facets of myself in a public forum. But what better way to show up as myself, with all my complexities and all of my evolution to be witnessed! Btw, If me being here makes you feel triggered or embarrassed or confused, I encourage you to ask yourself why that is? Are you holding yourself back from being radically self expressed? #radicalselflove #boundaries #thetruthshallsetyoufree #truth #wisdom #keepshowingup #dothethingthatscaresyou #riseup #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #selfhealing #witch #embodiment #motherhood #karma #aligned

17.01.2022 So excited to announce what to expect in the coming days/weeks from Soon to be released: Ritual/Massage/Face Oil... Oil Roller Blends Space Clearing/Body Mist Ritual Altar Candles Crystal Grids/Altar Cloths Ritual Bath Soaks Foraged Smoke Cleansing Wands WitchCRAFTing Kits Magick infused Resin creations Yoni Steaming Throne Accessories It has been a long journey to get here and slow and steady feels really good in building this sacred business. Everything is in deep resonance and is moving in divine time. Surrendering to the growth, learning and perfecting of myself and my products. Thank you for journeying with us. Pop over to and follow for news on upcoming releases! #darkmother #smallbusiness #sacredbusiness #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #singlemama #witch #witchesofintagram #magick #witchcraft #soul #aligned #resonance #creativemother #divinefeminine #yoni #steaming

17.01.2022 P L E A S U R E.... Being in your pleasure. Knowing what feels good for you, or what does not. ... Listening to your inner guidance... This is not limited to se>< and self pleasure is also a very spiritually expansive experience)) Our bodies will always carry the answer. But we must listen. All decisions we make will have a physical response. When you lean into your natural, easeful beckoning toward a full-body YES, you will begin to notice when you feel contracted, restricted and forced into a YES. ...Observe... Whether that be because of blockages; trauma acquired or otherwise conditioned... ...Observe... That unpleasurable Yes is actually nonconsensual. Nonconsensual between you and your body. That is a sacred contract. Choosing to be in alignment or not... On purpose... Take note of when you are not IN YOUR PLEASURE. Personal, business, se>

16.01.2022 Early bird tickets have now been released on our website! Head to to find out how to get your sexy little hands on this lush, potent, soul-expansive, educational retreat for pregnant and/or hoping to be pregnant people!!!! We will dive into the nitty gritty of how to navigate the maternal health care system with integrity, tenacity and confidence!... We will also be gently guiding you through practices, discussions, meditations, movement, breath and craft to fill the soul and unearth the parts of you that need the most attention and nurturing. Nestled in dense beautiful greenery in Warrandyte, Victoria, we will be connecting to our Great Mother as we reconnect with ourselves. Cannot wait to share this magic! @the_roxanne_may #retreat #luxuryretreat #pregnancyretreat #womensretreat #womenswork #womenscircle #birtheducation #childbirtheducation #labour #pregnancy #naturalbirth #hospitalbirth #freebirth #magic #moongoddess #spiritmama #motherearth #emergingmother #weekendretreat #soulwork #sisterhood #sistership #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #crystal #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #embodiedbirth

15.01.2022 WIN A 2 DAY PASS TO OUR RETREAT!!!! Valued at $650! The super lucky winner will be announced on all pages on Friday the 14th of February! Massssive #giveaway !!!! ... --How to enter-- Follow: @the_roxanne_may @shelley.oak @emergingmother Tag any pregnant/wanting to conceive friends in the comments on any of our pages! 1 person = 1 entry... enter as many times as you want! Share this post in your stories and tag @emergingmother ! Fine print: If you win and were wanting to stay overnight for the full weekend pass - you can upgrade to include the overnight for an additional $200! If you have already purchased a ticket, you will be refunded! #retreat #pregnancyretreat #womensretreat #womenswork #womenscircle #birtheducation #childbirtheducation #labour #pregnancy #naturalbirth #hospitalbirth #freebirth #magic #moongoddess #spiritmama #motherearth #emergingmother #weekendretreat #soulwork #sisterhood #birthwithoutfear #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #crystal #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #embodiedbirth

14.01.2022 Never forget to PLAY!!! In a time that feels heavy and chaotic, it is even more important to actively bring lightness and play into your life. It is so easy to get caught up in fear and panic. But look at our children for example... they have virtually zero control over their lives and get told where, what, when, why, how for everything, yet they will find joy in even the smallest of things.... Let that be a reminder to us all that choosing happiness and creating fun is vital to our lives, our development, and our health. Remember, our mindset absolutely affects our physical wellbeing. Stress and related hormones trigger our immune systems to drop. Stay vigilant - STAY CALM! Get creative, move your body, bake a cake, roll in dirt, whatever!!! Just enjoy it! Also... wash your hands . #corona #choosehappiness #sparkjoy #staypositive #pandemic #getcreative #listentoyourbody #play #innerwork #innerchild #laugh #washyourhands #smile #stayhealthy #healthymind #healthybody #energy @oliviacalder photo of me playing with @naomibatiste beautiful baba Aya on her 2nd birthday!

13.01.2022 Women's circles will be returning and I am squealing with excitement. Womb tingles and heart explosions. Now IS the time. Connection is PARAMOUNT more than ever. 'Restrictions' are lifting and gathering in small groups is . I am now offering private women's circles in the comfort of your own space. You choose a handful of sisters to join and I will facilitate a private journey for you all.... I will provide the ritual and ceremony including an intentional craft to keep! & You provide the space and the food/drink to share between your babes. Also more than happy to host mums and bubs circles!! We need each other right now. The host always receives a special gift for organising the Magick. I have a couple of packages available, please DM me for details!!! Looking forward to holding sacred space again. And being with WOMAN. Yum. #womenscircle #chakrahealing #selfhealing #intention #manifest #divinefeminine #ritual #womenswork #sacred #sacredwork #ceremonyofself #witch #witchesofinstagram #embodiment #sisterhood #sistership #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #gather #radicalselflove #soulwork #medicine #empoweringwomen #postpartum #darkfeminine #shadowwork #innerwork #tarot #crystalhealing

13.01.2022 Had the most nourishing and beautiful weekend celebrating @inner.unravellings birthday. Still buzzing from the love and connection shared. First... WE FEASTED. Spread across the floor next to candles, crystals, Oracle decks, fire place and pillows. Filled our bellies with gorgeous food and ceremonial cacao. Then I set up my first Yoni Steaming circle for these powerful women to enjoy. 6 women at a time, sharing in laughter, music, and warmth of the fire. It filled me up so m...uch to see everyone enjoying a good steam. Shame, embarrassment, taboo... were no where to be found. So delicious. Then @naomibatiste and I facilitated a new moon circle of ritual and ceremony to honour Anna-Maria on her 29th rotation around the sun as well as ourselves. We laughed, cried, danced and shared sacred space. It was such an honour to witness and be a part of. We stayed up til the wee hours of the morning just soaking up the divine sisterhood that we have all so deeply been needing over the last 2 months. The magick was so potent. And reminded me just how paramount sisterhood and community are. When fear and uncertainty riddles the world, we must come back to each other and ground ourselves in our wisdom and knowing. We are all infinite. Thank you to all these witches and babes for such a cleansing and igniting weekend. Was such a pleasure to serve and journey with you all. I am doing another private circle in a couple weekend on the full moon. So excited to be gathering once again. For enquiries on private womens circles, Yoni Steaming circles, mums and bubs circles, mother blessings, menarche (first bleed) parties, etc, send me a DM! #womenswork #womensbusiness #womenscircle #chakrahealing #selfhealing #intention #manifest #divinefeminine #ritual #ceremony #yonithrone #yonisteaming #moon #moongoddess #witch #witchesofinstagram #embodiment #sisterhood #sistership #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #crystal #crystalhealing #empowered #empoweringwomen #postpartum #motherblessing #birthday #rebirth

11.01.2022 Events and women's circles will be returning in February!!! To those who have messaged me about circles coming up, thank you so much for reaching out and showing interest. I have some beautiful and very special circles coming up and a few massive collaborative events in 2020 as well! Please check my events page periodically for updates and/or HEAD TO MY WEBSITE AND POP YOUR EMAIL IN TO GET INFO OF UPCOMING EVENTS! ... I have been so focused on getting me newest Yoni Steaming Box designs into production. I am SOOOO EXCITED for these babies. I will be posting teasers of these sexy babes very soon. (HINT: They will be much more portable than my last box) Stay tuned!!!! If you are wanting to find out more about my products and events, please dm me! Love chatting about yoni/soul healing. #mindbodysoul #yonilove #yoni #yonisteaming #womenswork #wombmagic #womenscircle #movement #selflove #sisterhood #moon #moongoddess #pisces #ritual #ceremony #ceremonyofself #melbournewomensevents #melbournebrand #selflove #radicalselflove #reverence #uplevel #soulwork #innerwork #pussypower #pussyportal #dymanodoula #entrepreneur #magic #motherhood #birthwork @serina_crinis

11.01.2022 Do you want to feel seen, heard and held in a loving container of trust + honesty? Do you want to laugh, cry and be worshipped along your sacred journey from pregnancy to parenthood? Do you wish to release any fears you have around pregnancy, birth or parenthood in a nonjudgemental safe space?... Do you have a deep calling to discover and tap into your innate ancient birthing wisdom? Are you invested in doing the inner work so that you can be your most authentic and aligned self in birth and in life? Do you want to be as informed and prepared as possible going into the unpredictability of the birthing room? Do you want to know your rights and need help finding your voice to assert your boundaries, desires and non-negotiables? Do you want your birthing experience and time before and after to be soul-expansive and healing? If this is you - Beautiful! I may just be the perfect gatekeeper and journey companion for you. My purpose in life is to accompany and hold space for others through their most transformational milestones. I have a deep appreciation for serving and honouring others in a way that is mutually beneficial for growth and evolution. Where we can experience each others wisdom, create profound connections and learn new things together. We will tap into the workings of the old and new you so you can embrace the balance and create harmony within yourself. I am here to show you all the incredible upgrades made to your body, mind and soul during this time. My packages are full to the brim of my knowledge, expertise, love, energy, gifts and time. Every client presents a unique and exciting journey, so I approach each client with individual and specialised care. I cater to your needs throughout the process and curate the specifics of our journey to expose and nurture the parts of you that need the most attention. I am all about moving through the highs and lows/ebbs and flows presented to us in order to find our truest selves. Email or DM me for my updated 2020 packages. #doula #birth #pregnancy #naturalbirth #holistic #birthwithoutfear #doulawork #birthwork #postpartumhealing #holistichealing #naturalmama #spiritualmama #labour #goddess #magic

10.01.2022 Who gave me the right!? . . . I did.... . . . I gave myself EVERY right. . . . All the things I used to think I couldn't do because I wasn't enough... or I needed permission. . . . I used to think I wasn't ALLOWED to do this work because 'who am I to be entrusted with the Sacred feminine and her sacred practices, spaces, circles, rituals, birth, alchemy, sisterhood....etc.' . . . I have burned that self doubt chatter. . . . My experience comes from within, the work itself, my healing journey, and who and what I surround myself with. . . . I have given myself divine permission - . . . To feel To move To wear To have To love To spend To enjoy To be To earn To evolve To heal To take pleasure To hold space To take up space To give permission to others . . . All of it is mine. And I feel not a shred of guilt about it. . . . @serina_crinis taken in the depths of movement at the Temple of @naomibatiste during her Inner Intimacy course last year. #sacredexpression #sacredwork #sacredwomensbusiness #womenswork #innerwork #soulwork #healing #healer #selfhealers #embodiment #breathwork #tantra #empowered #womenscircle #chakrahealing #wombwisdom #innerstrength #intention #manifestation #selflove #radicalselflove #selfacceptance #witch #witchesofinstagram #flow #magic #magik #divinefeminine #trustyourintuition #movement

09.01.2022 NEW MOON WOMEN'S CIRCLE Sunday Feb 23rd @theelementsofhappiness in Seaford Tickets now on sale on my website!... Link in bio New moon in Pisces Please join us as we sit in circle... in ritual and ceremony. We will share in laughter and vulnerability. I will guide us through embodiment and chakra opening practices. We will call in our ancestors and connect to the elements in divine sisterhood. Open yourself up to receive from the universe and heal wounds. Investment is $55 Provided: decadent vegan treats/drinks, mats, blankets Please wear comfy clothes and bring a towel and change of clothes in case we do an ocean cleanse across the road at the beach! Also bring a pen and journal. #womenscircle #sisterhood #sistership #motherhood #womenswork #sacredwork #innerwork #moonmagick #moonmagic #moongoddess #moonchild #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #selfhealing #witch #witchesofinstagram #embodiment #melbourneevents #mornington #peninsula #cleanse #manifest #abundance #spiritual #breathwork #crystal #crystalhealing #chakrahealing

09.01.2022 No one on this planet can tell you how to raise your children. It is a deeply intuitive experience that even the most disconnected and self unaware people partake in. There is no right way. Full stop. But there are certainly parts of parenthood that we need to collectively hold space for and heal on a DNA level to evolve as a species and not damage future generations. There is that saying that when you heal yourself, you heal generations before you and ones to come. (I paraph...rased). Parenting triggers the most intense shadow parts of ourselves to bubble to the surface. Every childhood/adult trauma, insecurity, and even family wounds from generations past make their way to the foreground. Sometimes as adults, we tend to default to spaces where we feel comfortable to operate from, however, these spaces, though 'comfortable', can perpetuate really toxic patterns. It is not our children's responsibility to carry our baggage, just as it was not ours to carry when we were young. We also have to remember to parent the child we HAVE not the idealistic one we thought we'd have. Radical responsibility is key, NOT PERFECTION. Healing does not happen over night, nor does creating new patterns and neural pathways to deal with heightened emotions. But being self aware enough to question our own default patterns is unbelievably powerful. Reading a millions books isn't always the answer. Of course, knowledge is power... but the answers aren't always in there, try looking within and shining a light on our darkness and owning that shit. I believe on a karmic level, our kids are mirrors for the work we haven't done on ourselves yet. This is why healing our own trauma and patterns is so important (if you're lucky - before procreating), because we were are connected to ourselves and our intuition, we then operate from a place of deeper knowing and confidence and not flailing and fear. #motherhood #parenthood #gentleparent #attachmentparenting #innerwork #shadowwork #postpartum #spiritualmama #wisdom #knowledgeispower #motherdaughter #consciousparenting #consciousliving #selfawareness #healing #selfhealing #womenswork #sacred #sacredwork #intention #manifest #karma

09.01.2022 I have just updated my Doula packages and prices for 2020 and they are DELICIOUS!!!! . . If you are looking for the kind of doula that will deeply nourish you, empower you and crack you wide open...... . . If you are wanting for the kind of support that will sit with you in your darkest shadows and deepest fears... . . If you are lit up by the idea of being guided, held and seen in your most authentic truth... . . If you are desiring a companion to journey with you through ebb and flow, transformation and rebirth... . . If you are aching for an upleveling and healing that meets you EXACTLY where you are... . . Then reach out. I will be waiting for you with open arms. . . #doula #doulasupport #doulawork #birthwork #birthworker #guide #innerwork #healing #empoweringwomen #empoweredbirth #birthwithoutfear #shadowwork #sacredwork #ceremonyofself #birthwitch #birthsupport #sacred #rebirth #pregnancy #birth #postpartum #postpartumcare #yonilove #yourbodyisatemple #uplevel #chakrahealing #wombwisdom #womb #wombhealing #connecttonature See more

07.01.2022 EMERGING MOTHER RETREAT April 4th - 5th, 2020 Melbourne This is a birth education retreat like you have never seen before!!... @the_roxanne_may and I have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create the most luxurious, lush, spiritually awakening, eco-conscious, decadent, educational, and powerful retreat for pregnant and/or hoping to be pregnant people. You will be nourished deeply, pampered and loved-up like the goddess you are. This is a 2 day and 1 night (night optional) event in a gorgeous boutique venue set amongst nature and with all the most gorgeous amenities! @the_roxanne_may is a midwife and doula with unbelievable knowledge and practice in the birthing space. Her purpose is to whole-heartedly BE WITH WOMAN, which is why she is such a necessity when going up against the current maternal health care system (that falls way short). She teaches you all the things you won't hear at a standard childbirth education with love, passion and truth. Amongst all of the expansive and necessary education you will receive here, I will be taking you on a sensory, embodied, chakra-opening journey. I will be guiding you to ignite the divine innate knowledge within yourself. And for those who have already started this journey, we will dive even deeper. I will lovingly challenge you to release blockages + fears in a safe, powerful, feminine space. We will be sitting in circle, sharing vulnerability, weaving intention into craft for the birth space, moving energy with movement and breath and so much more. Join us while we move through pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, postpartum, and lean into all the soul work and learn powerful tools along the way. This retreat is about connection as much as it is about knowledge. Connecting to the great MOTHER as well as the divine mother in each of us. We will also have some very special guest facilitators join us as well for some extra magic. Tickets will be limited to maintain intimacy and early bird prices will be going up very soon. If you or someone you love is expecting or hoping to consciously conceive in the future, this retreat will be your dream come true. More details to come!!! Stay tuned

04.01.2022 My new moon circle held last Sunday night was so beautiful and we touched on so many relevant emotions we were all feeling as a collective. Then we had our powerful post-circle ritual on the beach and it was so delicious. It felt so good to sit around a hole we dug in the sand and burn self limiting beliefs that have been holding us back. And it felt even better to walk out into the low tide together giggling and laughing and washing away any residual stagnant energy. I am in... love with this little beach ritual. I'm so grateful for all the women who come and share themselves each circle. Next #fullmooncircle is on March 10th, 7pm @secondstorystudios in Collingwood. Not at the beach but just as magical and invigorating. Book now, this circle has been selling out!!!! #fullmoon #fullmooncircle #womenswork #womenscircle #sacredwork #womensbusiness #ritual #ceremony #ceremonyofself #radicalselflove #witch #sisterhood #moon #moongoddess #magick #manifestation #intention #chakrahealing #empoweringwomen #healing #selfhealing #divinefeminine #witchesofinstagram #embodiment #wombwisdom

04.01.2022 I have taken a short hiatus from the socials to process and integrate everything I have been through this year and specifically the last 8 weeks. It didn't feel 'good' for me to force posts and videos of my experiences because I hadn't totally moved through them and let the dust of the magic settle in my cells. My recent transmissions:... I have learned how to deeply feel my emotions and shift energy around my body with movement of breath. . I have gazed into the eyes of my darkest shadows and deepest wounds and loved the woman who stared back at me with compassion, reverence and gratitude. I have witnessed the most powerful, fierce, wild women stand in their fullest power and watched them burn the ground they stood on with flames of the divine feminine. I have accessed my saced womb ancestral knowledge, and I have felt the magic of my bleeds bring abundance and purpose to my life. I have embodied every archetype I was too triggered and afraid to accept; The wild woman, the slut, the healer, the enchantress, the wise woman, the wounded woman, the witch, the boss bitch, and the keeper of birth... . I surrendered to the process. I ate my words plenty of times. I questioned my ego at every turn. I asked all the right/wrong questions. I witnessed my patterns. And I keep pushing through the discomfort of it all. HERE. I. AM. Reborn and continually killing older versions that no longer serve only to be reborn again and again. . 2020 will bring more power and vision to life. I will be diving even more deeply into women's work. I will be bringing out exciting new 1:1 offerings. I will be collaborating and birthing several events: regular circles, spiritual birth Ed retreats (@the_roxanne_may ) and a festival (@bushrat_ ). As well as creating a huge range of products to ignite power, wellness and passion in my online shop. Doula work will happen organically throughout the process. I trust it all. . I am feeling so full going into the coming year and I will be standing even more strongly in my authenticity to bring it all to fruition for every person who may need it. @serina_crinis #embodied #embodiment #healer #healing #selfhealers #selflove #movement #breathwork #crystal #crystalhealing #empowered #empoweringwomen #motherhood #mumpreneur #rebirth #birth #womenscircle #movement #sisterhood #moon #moongoddess #womenrising #divinefeminine #witch #witchcraft #chakrahealing #bleed #moonchild #mooncycle #melbournewomensevents

02.01.2022 DM me to get the last of these Tees before the prices go up in 2020!!! #graphictees #melbournebrand #shelleyoak #feminine #lovethebodyyouarein #bodypositive #mompreneur #yoni #yonilove #empoweringwomen #doula #birth #birthworkers #motherhood #postpartum #christmasgifts #hannukahgift #moonchild

02.01.2022 A love letter to Country, to our sweet Mother. . Every footstep I lay on your red and ocre body feels sacred and blessed. . Your creeks, rivers and tides reach across you like stretch marks indicating the space created to sustain life-force energy. Every drop cleanses us from our disconnect. .... The colourful layers of bark that peel off your gum trees allowing new young growth beneath it to witness and revel in it's glorious surroundings. . You wear lush green rainforest floors to keep you cool and safe but also entice us with your wide open spaces and vastness. . You are home to billions of unique creatures and thousands of years of ancient wisdom and herstory. . You are dreamtime and you are purple sunsets. . . I cry as you burn, but I know you know better and you are unafraid. . You are gentle And you are rough . You are nurturing And sometimes unforgiving . You are unbelievably powerful And you are reminding us that you are also vulnerable . You are fruitful And you are bare . You are source, spirit and goddess. You are the sun, moon and stars. . I'm sorry for any moment you have been taken for granted. . Thank you for everything you give and take away and for reminding us of our humanity once again. . I acknowledge your connection to your chosen custodians and their elders, past, present and emerging, and feel grateful to them for never giving up on you. . #australia #aus #bushfires #australianbushfires #aboriginal #indigenous #indigenousaustralia #acknowledgingcountry #respectyourmother #motherearth #gaia #riseup #firstnations #community #collectiveconsciousness #consciouscommunity #climatechange #climatestrike #ourland #fullmoonenergy #empoweringchange #thetimeisnow #todayistheday #gogreen #protecttheearth #earthguardians

01.01.2022 Ritual. Ceremony. Witchcraft. Womancraft. All buzzwords... and all so very misunderstood. We do not gather to perform exorcisms. We do not gather to make voodoo dolls.... We do not gather to speak negatively of others, or incite hate. No one gets cursed. Yes, we may light candles or a fire and burn some shit. We will likely play with crystals, Oracle cards, and maybe have a chant. Sure, we move our bodies, breathe and dance together. We definitely sit together with collective intentions, and share knowledge and wisdom... as well as our pain, trauma, and heaviness. There is opportunity for immense growth, healing, embodiment and empowerment. We have healthy rhetoric, debate, and listen to each other with radical love and patience. We absolutely raise our vibrations and consciousness by simply showing up. This is a call to arms for those who don't quite understand what it means to be WITH WOMAN. For those who laugh at the idea of magic... like it is a Disney made concept (just to keep us from obtaining our actual magic). Who think there is nothing to gain from taking time out of their busy lives to sit in circle with other wise women and be seen and heard. Who believe they don't deserve a safe container to release pain and be held in those feelings without judgement. Who are afraid to be radically responsible and accountable for their own lives. Who don't think they have any control over the abundance or lack thereof in their lives. This is for you. I urge you to question everything. Every thought that comes across your mind.... enquire where it has come from and whether it serves you. If it scares you to sit with other women and be vulnerable... ask yourself why? Is it really your opinion or one absorbed from other people. Be gentle with yourself... but always be curious. We have so much more control over our mindset, happiness and power than we have been lead to believe. It all starts within and with sitting in circle. #witch #witchesofinstagram #embodiment #sisterhood #sistership #motherhood #spiritual #breathwork #crystal #crystalhealing #empowered #empoweringwomen #healing #selfhealing #divinefeminine #feminine #womenscircle #womb #womenswork #sacred

01.01.2022 SNEAK PEAK I'd like you all to meet my newest baby and exciting Yoni-Loving endeavour. This is my brand new design for my new range of Yoni Steam Thrones. She is flatpackable. She requires no tools.... She slots together for easy set up. She is made out of the best quality materials I could find at 3 different price points. She can be taken apart in 30 second for easy storage out of the way. She can be shipped all over the world. AND SHE IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! So so so proud!!! Oooooooft. This box shown is unoiled/unpolished. Finish may differ. If you are interested in the first batch coming very soon, send me a DM with your email for a discount code to be used when they drop in my shop!!!!! Love and Yoni Blessings all Xxxxx #yonilove #yonisteam #yonisteaming #yonithrone #yoniherbs #treatyoself #lovethebodyyouarein #yonihealth #vaginalhealth #vaginalsteaming #vaginalsteam #postpartum #womenswellness #empoweringwomen #embodiedbirth #naturalbirth #holistic #holistichealth #healingherbs #selfhealing #fertility #menstruation #pms #pcos #vaginalhealth #ovariancysts #selfcare #endemetriosis #ancientknowledge #sacredwisdom #divinefeminine

01.01.2022 After 2.5 years of breastfeeding.... 2.5 years of joy, pain, frustration, comfort, connection, love, empowerment, persistence, completed reverence for my body, and wanting to smash my head against a concrete wall... I have decided to wean River from breastfeeding.... Only overnight lol... but still a bloody mission though. I always said: "...until it doesn't work for one of us anymore..." Well, being used as a fleshy trampoline so she can do unconscious acrobatics across my body while still being latched to my nipple has it's drawbacks. Lately, I have been waking up quite angry, tired and emotionally and physically exhausted bc even though I haven't necesarrily been awake while the boobie bandit uses her night vision to find my milky vending machines.... I know from how my body feels stiff and weird that I've been sleeping in strange positions to accommodate her. I can see how it is affecting my ability to be as present and calm as I'd like to be. And I want to show up as a less impatient and resentful parent by taking this space from one of the most tasking jobs I have ever had. It is important that I self evaluate and check-in regularly to assess what I can change to make both our lives happiest. Don't get me wrong. Co-sleeping and demand feeding has literally saved me SHITLOADS of sleep and stress in motherhood. And has been one of my most powerful tools to date. I wouldn't change a thing about this journey. But, like everything, there have been shifts and changes of needs and therefore I must adapt. And I am an adapter. SO! For the sake of keeping it real. I'm in the throws of dealing with a grumpy night weaning gremlin (me)... and a toddler in her normal state of WTF is going on. More tales of night weaning to come. #breastfeeding #australianbreastfeedingproject #normalisebreastfeeding #fulltermbreastfeeding #breastfeedingtoddler #toddlermom #nightweaning #mumlife #attachmentparenting #gentleparenting #breastmilk

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