Shelly Unwin Author Page | Author
Shelly Unwin Author Page
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24.01.2022 What an amazing week! So good to be in schools in front of children again. Huge thanks to Cowan PS, Brooklyn PS and St Joseph’s East Maitland for sharing your AMAZING kids with me!! I had such a blast!! @thechildrensbookshop @allenandunwin @penguinkidsaustralia #blastoff #theresabaddierunningthroughthisbook #authortalks #authorvisits #schoolvisits #writingworkshop
22.01.2022 So it seems the kids have learnt to fly! No camera trickery here... #bookinspiration #childrensbooks #harrypotter #broomsticks #flying
22.01.2022 I get it if you don’t get it, but to share a page with Julia Donaldson is IT! Head to toe goosebumps. #picturebooks #careerhigh #aldispecials #blastoff @benwoodillustrator @penguinkidsaustralia
22.01.2022 Lovely to see the You’re series featuring in these beautifully curated book boxes Posted @withregram @joshandcheriebooks Looking for the perfect gift idea for your niece, nephew, or your own little one? Let us take care of it by giving the gift of books and reading! Purchase a #joshandcheriebooks box and the child will receive a perfectly packaged box with specially curated books that will instill the love of reading! _ Shop at #youreone #booksforbaby #booksforoneyearolds #giftsforoneyearolds #firstbirthdaygifts #bookgifts #readingfrombirth @katherinebattersby
21.01.2022 Such a brilliant opening sentence Craig Cormick I cant wait to wade in to this story!
21.01.2022 Posted @withregram @mypicturebookheart Here’s the last picture book related costume idea before we return to regular programming... If you’ve got an astronaut dress-up costume then you’re ready to Blast Off to Book Week! If you don’t have a ready-made costume, you can make your own by drawing or printing astronaut badges and sticking them on a white t-shirt. Or you can even use a white Hazmat suit from Bunnings! Thanks for this clever idea, Shelly!... For more last-minute Book Week Dress-up ideas, check out my latest blog post. Link in bio BLAST OFF Written by Shelly Unwin Illustrated by Ben Wood Published by Penguin Random House 2018 @shellyunwin @benwoodillustrations @penguinkidsaustralia @penguinkidsaus #bookweek #bookweek2020 #bookweekcostume #bookweekcostumes #cbcabookweek2020 #blastoff #spacebooks
19.01.2022 Are you all doing something for National Simultaneous Story Time at 11am today? Feel free to join me or one of the other fabulous authors organised by the ACT Libraries with their online initiative reading Whitney & Britney Chicken Divas by Lucinda Gifford @taniamccartney @nicolegodwinauthor @allenandunwin #nationalsimultaneousstorytime2020 #authorreading #chickendivas
18.01.2022 Big day for prankers and activists everywhere! Share this with the kids - they’ll love it! - then buy them the book Congratulations Nat A Moore on this awesome new book
16.01.2022 National Simultaneous Storytime Tomorrow at 11am , make sure you tune in!!
15.01.2022 Posted @withregram @scbwianz Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant. @scbwiact ran an extraordinary conference on zoom with @deewhiteauthor , @auraparker illustrator and publisher @james_layton from @larrikinhouse - so many insights into kids books. The ACT are incredible - @shellyunwin , @catherinemeatheringham @mitchfrost_ Sarah Wallace, Krys Saclier- what an event!!! 90 attendees including outstanding creators !!!! @scbwi . @susanne_gervay @deborah_abela_ @nicolegodwinauthor @catewhittle @taniamccartney @angelasunde .... so many!!! #kidsbook #illustrators #writers #writerscommunity #picturebooks #booksforkids #illustrations @ Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
15.01.2022 Filming today for #NationalSimultaneousStoryTime2020 at Gungahlin Library, Such a fun and ‘blingy’ book. @lucindagifford @scholastic_au @allenandunwin #storytime #booksforkids #picturebooks #nationalsimultaneousstorytime
14.01.2022 I’m calling it early because I just fell in love - #theboythemolethefoxandthehorse by @charliemackesy is my book of the year 2020 It is beyond beautiful, I wanted to take a photo of every page to share- you probably need to buy 2 copies, one to read and one to pull the pages out to frame. It’s captured some #winniethepooh magic with fresh eyes so perfectly relevant in every way. Everyone with or without children should own this book! And if you have children it’s perfect to read with them from 6-16! We will be quoting pages of this book for centuries to come. Enjoy - and you’re welcome! #buythisbook #childrensclassics @penguinukbooks #booksforkids @ Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
11.01.2022 Looking forward to sharing the joy of story with some real littlies next week
11.01.2022 For all the fabulous four year olds and nearly four year olds- Here is Cybele of ACT Libraries Reading ‘YOU’RE FOUR!’ Allen & Unwin Books Katherine Battersby
07.01.2022 When #bookweek and #mentalhealthweek coincide, so good to be able to share my stories with some beautiful kiddies this morning at the @perinatalwellbeingcentre fete. Learnt a new space fact from a four year old today too! Winner! #happybookweek everyone #authorreading #blastoff #theresabaddierunningthroughthisbook #perinatalmentalhealth
07.01.2022 Looking for something to occupy the KIDS on this wet Monday morning- tune in to my school holiday workshop with Libraries ACT. They can join me on a hunt around the library, design their own ‘Wanted’ poster, and write their own picture books! All they need is coloured pens, a pencil, paper- and their Imagination
06.01.2022 Last chance to book - Online and open to ALL Come and join us tomorrow! What exactly do agents do? ... Who are Larrikin House and what submissions are they looking for? How can you develop the characters in your stories? What tips and tricks can you use to enhance your illustrations? The SCBWI ACT Team are pleased to invite you all to join us for a mini conference on Sunday 28th June. $20 for members $30 for non members @alexadsett @larrikinhouse @deewhiteauthor @auraparker @mitchfrost_ @susanne_gervay @catherinemeatheringham #writingconference #scbwiconference #writingworkshops #illustratorworkshops #picturebookpublishers #publishers #literaryagents #askanagent #askapublisher