Shereen Nielsen in Adelaide, South | Entrepreneur
Shereen Nielsen
Locality: Adelaide, South
Phone: +61 419 820 474
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25.01.2022 You know youre a Mum when you think to yourself well, 530am is better than 4amYou know youre a Mum when you think to yourself well, 530am is better than 4am
23.01.2022 Welcome to my page! Thank you for following me and for being a part of my community. My name is Shereen Nielsen and I am a gentle parenting educator, specialising in sleep and behaviour. My goal is to guide and support parents and caregivers through improving their childs sleep and/or behaviour. I use gentle guidance strategies, all which are emotionally and physically supportive for the child, and my key role is to identify any core issue for problematic sleep and behaviou...r. I am the co-founding Director of Early Childhood Parenting and I work with families one on one, either through home consults or phone/video consults. I have worked with over a thousand families, with a strikingly high success rate, which is a result of following evidence-based practice and peer-reviewed research to understand sleep and behaviour. I am also the co-founding Director at the Institute of Parenting Support Services. Through this business service, I provide information to professionals and mentor students through our Sleep Educators Courses. Please invite any of your friends to like my page, if you think they would benefit from my services, and to support local business. I am here to support parents and caregivers and share my knowledge around parent education. You can visit my website: and join my Facebook group community at Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to know more about my services and how I can help you. You can PM me at or contact me on 0419820474. <3 Shereen
23.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the amazing Dads out there! And to all the Mums who are being Dad as well as Mum. And a special shout-out to my husband. A loving and caring Daddy - we are so lucky to have you Shane!... You all deserve to be treated like royalty today! Keep being amazing! Shereen xx
23.01.2022 Another happy client! This is a Mum I worked with recently. They were struggling with:... - frequent night wakings - long periods of awake time over night - no consistency in the sleep habits - no nap structure - inconsistent self-settling and resettling skills I put a plan in place for Mum to implement... And after her efforts to make change... She now reports great success and big improvements in her childs sleep! If youd like to have a success story... Then flick me a PM And I will help you too! Shereen <3
22.01.2022 Did you know that there are certain times in the day Where you child will feel more naturally tired Making sleep easier to achieve?... These windows are commonly referred to as the biological sleep windows. These occur when a natural fluctuation of cortisol Creates a perfect balance between the circadian rhythm (internal body clock) And the homeostatic sleep drive (the desire to sleep). When these bodily processes work together They create a natural slump in the day When it is easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. These biological sleep windows come in to play at around 4 months of age When the sleep/wake rhythm matures. These windows open and close at a predictable time each day Based on which schedule a child is following. If youre on a 7-7 routine, for example The biological sleep windows fall around: 9am-10am 12pm-2pm 6pm-7pm And you will notice that my nap routine times Fall into these windows. And thats because sleep is easier to achieve. You will notice that there is no biological sleep window in the later afternoon So if your little one is under 6/8 months of age And following a 3 nap structure Then their third nap becomes a forced nap And is not hormonally supported. This means that you can assist your little one to sleep however works for this nap. <3 Shereen PS. If youd like to chat about how I can help, please PM me at
19.01.2022 What do you find more challenging... Sleep or Behaviour... Comment your answer below! Shereen x
19.01.2022 Yesterday, I went to a clients house For an in-home consult. They were referred to me by 2 separate of their friends who are past clients of mine... And one friend told her, it was the best money Ive ever spent!. This Mum had a beautiful 4.5 month old baby girl Who did sleep well at night But naps were the issue. She had a history of catnapping from birth And the naps were only getting shorter over time. Mum was also rocking to sleep And whilst this was previously manageable Mum was beginning to feel pained by all the holding and rocking. Mum was looking for some supportive ways to move away from rocking to sleep. So during the consult I ran my usual symptomatic assessment to screen for any underlying factors which may halt our success. We also covered all components of sleep And then created a strategy that was going to work for this family Based on the parenting style, childs temperament and underlying factors. We implemented the gentle sleep guidance strategy Using lots of hands on assistance to help Miss P remain calm. In 10 minutes Miss P had fallen asleep on the mattress! Mum did an amazing job and the key here I think Was Mums calm and relaxed manner. Mum was collected and in complete control Because she felt comfortable about the method she was using. This is why its important to have a method which is reflective of your parenting style. Last night, Mum updated me with this message! Great progress alreadykeeping watch on progress for this family! If youd like some help or would like to talk to me to find out more about how I can help you Just flick me a PM! Shereen xx
18.01.2022 When I get messages like this... I know Im doing something right ;) Shereen x
18.01.2022 MY TOP 6 TIPS FOR MANAGING CHRISTMAS There are only 7 sleeps until Christmas...7 days until there are big celebrations, busy days and LOTS of social interaction....Continue reading
17.01.2022 Do you want MORE than 40 minutes sleep!? KICKING OFF DECEMBER 14 2020 5-Day Sleep Success Bootcamp...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Im on my way to an in-home consult... My 4th one for the week! Lots of families are needing help...... As Ive also had 4 phone consults... And Im so happy to be the one these families have chosen... To help improve their situation. Today I am working with a family... And their 14 month old little boy. Im here to help achieve longer naps... And improve the overall sleep quality and quantity. I cant wait to help this family! If youd like to know how I can help you, flick me a PM Shereen xx
17.01.2022 A client has cancelled their appointment for Monday night, 17th August ACST. This is my only spot left for this coming week! If youre interested in taking this spot, flick me a PM - ... You dont have to wait long for sleep or behaviour help! Shereen xx
17.01.2022 Last night I did a home consult... With a Mum and Dad and their 21mo little boy. There was a history of poor sleep...... And 21 months later... Mum and Dad were feeding and patting him to sleep. Master I was waking at least once per night... Sometimes waking more frequently... Or spending long periods of time awake through the night. After identifying the root issue behind the challenging sleep... And devising a gentle sleep guidance strategy... We implemented the plan... To gently guide Master I to self-settle in his cot. The unique this about this case... Is that Dad is the one who did the mattress settling technique. Its not often where Dad is involved in the initial settle. And to be honest... Dad did an AMAZING job! He was calm, confident, comforting and did all the right things! After 30 minutes, Master I fell asleep in his cot. It was a very successful strategy and result. Mum and Dad now have a solid plan moving forward... And are excited about making ongoing positive improvements... To Master Is overall sleep. If youd like to chat to me... To find out more about how I can help you... Just flick me a PM to Shereen xx
16.01.2022 I just saw this in my Facebook memories! I cant believe this consult was a year ago already. And as far as Im aware...... This little guys sleep is still amazing Shereen xx
15.01.2022 Is your child waking earlier in the morning than usual at the moment? So many parents report that their child is waking at least 1 hour earlier than usual at this time of year. But why?... Well, daylight savings is approaching Which means that the mornings are lighter than they were a month ago. But your childs room is still dark, you say? Well, whilst the light levels in their room is important It can also mean nothing! In fact, It is more likely related to their circadian rhythm (CR). The CR is essentially the internal body clock And are timed to match the environmental cycle of light and darkness. So, as the mornings are lighter The circadian rhythm is adjusting to this earlier cycle. You can either roll with it And bring your childs schedule forward by the amount they woke Or you can keep pushing them out And make the adjustment closer to the daylight savings change. Shereen x
15.01.2022 Ive been back doing home consults for a few weeks now... Due to the COVID restrictions being lifted. And Im on my way to an in-home consult! ... Tonight Im working with a family and their 21 month old little boy. Mum contacted me to book in for some one on one personalised sleep help for Master I. Watch this space... Ill post on the outcome! Shereen xx
14.01.2022 My client for tomorrow night, Tuesday 11th August has rescheduled! This means I have space for one more client this week. If youd like to work with me without waiting too long...... And would like to take the space tomorrow night... Please send me a PM - Shereen x
14.01.2022 http:// Sleep Success // Here is a testimonial from one of my clients... Whom I worked with just over 1 month ago!... At the time of the consult... Mum reported issues with... Night sleep Frequent night wakings Self-settling and resettling After creating a plan... And bringing in the use of a gentle sleep guidance method... This is what Mum has to say about her journey with me... Towards improving her sons sleep! If youd like some help and would like to connect with me... Please flick me a PM to Shereen x
14.01.2022 Do you have a burning question you would like answered? I have some extra time today... So pop your question in the comments of this post...... And I will answer you! Shereen x
14.01.2022 http:// Dramatic Improvements // I went to a clients house last night for an in-home consult and helped with their beautiful 7.5 month old little girl. Miss S had very challenging sleep, with short naps during the day and very frequent wakings throughout the night. Mum reported that she was feeding or rocking Miss S to sleep at every nap and bedtime and then again at each waking after a sleep cycle. Miss S was waking every 40 minutes at night, sometimes frequently waking up after... as little as 5 or 6 minutes of being rocked back to sleep. During the day, S was waking around every 30-40 minutes. Mum was keen to move away from rocking to sleep, improve the day sleep and reduce the night wakings. During the consult, Mum said, it took us 2.5 years to get our first child sleeping better and we can’t do that again for another 2 years with Miss S. I replied with, ‘And nor should you. I am here and there is help available. We never have to be tortured or go through sleep deprivation when there is help! We strategised a plan to gently and supportively guide S to settle on the mattress. It only took 11 minutes for Miss S to fall asleep on the mattress with assistance from Mum. In true form, S woke 40 minutes later and we spent the next 45 minutes resettling her using our gentle and supportive approach. Mum did a fantastic job! She was calm, patient, loving and supportive. And again, Miss S settled to sleep and spent the next 5 hours asleep! This message that Mum sent me this morning shows how well S slept! <3 And, she would usually wake around 5am, but today she slept until 6.30am! This is such a great result from a Mum who is in control, calm and patient. Mum has a great plan and strategy that she feels comfortable with and we are already on our way to improved sleep. If you need some help and would like to make improvements to your situation, you don’t need to struggle any more. I am here and I can help. Please reach out if you would like to catch to find out more about how I can help! Shereen x
13.01.2022 It’s Not About Me This is what one of my clients said out loud to me during our consult the other night. When we were discussing her situation, she mentioned that she would like to have better sleep herself, and at least get one decent block of sleep at night....Continue reading
12.01.2022 Ive had a few clients reschedule their one on one sessions... Which were booked for this week. I usually book out at least 1 week in advance...... So if youve been thinking about booking in... But dont want the long wait... I have two spots available left this week. If youre interested but would like to know more... Contact me at or +61419820474 Shereen xx
12.01.2022 http:// Do you feel this way? // Have you ever thought about enlisting professional help for your childs sleep... But pushed that thought out of your mind...... Thinking, "this is just a phase", "it will pass" or... "it will eventually get better"? If you have, you may be waiting a long time! This is because, in my experience... Significantly challenging sleep doesnt just get better on its own... By using TIME as your problem solver. To actually improve sleep... You need to work out why sleep is difficult in the first place... What is the diagnosis behind problematic sleep. Think about it... If your child has an underlying physiological or medical issue... Then trying to improve their sleep with a behavioural approach (think: SLEEP TRAINING), or a structural approach... Is not going to fix this root trigger... And make sleep better. The same goes for TIME. Back to the underlying cause to poor sleep concept. If your child has a physiological or medical issue... That you may or may not be aware of... Then TIME (AKA: waiting it out) isnt going to fix the root issue either. You see...sleep will likely NOT just improve on its own. Lets face it, sleep can certainly be hard, but it shouldnt be THAT hard. And if it is, there is most likely a reason why your child is struggling with sleep. This is why it is really important to identify what the root cause of poor sleep is... So you can identify it, address it and manage it accurately. Otherwise, what you may find is... Your child will get older... And their sleep may seemingly improves as they are cognitively and developmentally equipped to manage their sleep... But the sleep quality and quantity (or lack there-of) are still an issue. And sleep quality leads to decreased health and day time behavioural issues.... And you have no more answers than you did the day sleep began to fall apart. Yes, they do get by on low sleep levels... But, we dont really want our babies to just get by... We want them to THRIVE! So, youd like to understand what is happening with your child? Well, who is best to work out WHY the sleep is difficult? Why, ME of course!! If youre ready to understand your childs sleep and make positive changes for LONG-TERM success... Then send me a PM and we can arrange a time to chat! Shereen x
10.01.2022 I’m working on something BIG! Keep an eye’s coming soon... Shereen x
10.01.2022 Are you still deciding whether or not to join me in the Sleep Success Bootcamp? Well, all the other bootcampers who have ALREADY made the choice to make positive change and no longer want to live in a world of sleep deprivation are partying with me in the pop-up group! The flow has started, the excitement is brewing and everyone is eagerly anticipating the launch date. ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 http:// All YOU Want for SLEEP!! // Only 4 more sleeps until Christmas Day and it is coming up so quick! I just want to let you all know that although I will still be around, my hours will be limited during the Christmas and New Year period and I will be unavailable on the public holidays.... I am booked out this week, now accepting bookings into the week beginning 28th December but I do only have a few spots left for that week. If you'd like to secure a time before having to wait too long, then please just flick me a PM at or contact me on 0419820474. You can view my packages: Merry Christmas! Shereen xx
09.01.2022 Hey hun, If you’re still on the fence about joining the Sleep Success Bootcamp... Well then, you better make a decision quickly. Because the doors are closing and you’ll have to decide which side YOU want to be on....Continue reading
09.01.2022 Its Not Right or Wrong I cant tell you how many times A client has contacted me to discuss their situation.... And they say I know its wrong, but And then they proceed to tell me that the fact that they Rock, feed or cuddle to sleep Or even co-sleep Is wrong. But they dont know how to change it. I just want to make one thing clear What you are doing is not wrong. Just because society says its wrong It doesnt mean that it is wrong. I like to explain it as Its either working for you, or its not. There is no right or wrong. If you are okay with feeding to sleep Or rocking to sleep Or you love co-sleeping And its working for you Then GREAT!! Keep doing it! But If you resorted to co-sleeping and this doesnt work for you and your family Or you spend hours rocking to sleep and you dont like that Or your child wakes at the end of every sleep cycle to breastfeed back to sleep... And youre NOT okay with that Then of course, its time to make a change. But dont do it because your in-laws, parents, or partner say its wrong. Always ask yourself Is it working for me, or not? If your situation is no longer working for you And you need some help to make a shift Im here to help you. So be sure to PM me! Shereen xx
08.01.2022 http:// R U OK? // Today is R U OK Day. 6 years ago...... Through my time as a first time parent... There were many times that I was not OK. I had a baby who didnt sleep... Cried constantly... And he was losing weight. I was sleep deprived... I was exhausted... I was emotionally damaged. Whilst I didnt have clinically noted PND... Looking back now... Its quite possible I suffered from post-natal anxiety. Or maybe it was just chronic sleep deprivation and exhaustion. Did you know that sleep deprivation can have a big impact on your mental health? We need sleep quality And when we suffer from broken or disrupted sleep It leads to a lack of sleep quality and quantity And this can heavily influence our outlook on life, energy level, motivation, and emotions. The relationship between sleep and mood is complex Because disrupted sleep can lead to emotional changes, clinical depression or anxiety. In fact, altered sleep patterns are linked to many mental health issues. I had two big emotional episodes because I was chronically sleep deprived. I never really knew what was happening. But it was hard And I dont anyone to be in a position I once was. Your child may not sleep well But is managing ok. It may be YOU who is doing it hard And your childs poor sleep habits are impacting on your happiness. Its OK to not be OK. But you should ask for help. Youre not failing... Youre human. Asking for help is brave. If you need help improving your childs sleep To assist in your mental health. And improve family relationships Please reach out to me. I am here for you. R U OK? Shereen x
08.01.2022 Another request for topic of discussion from a group member was dealing with the monster phase at bedtime! How many times have you gone to put your child to bed and suddenly, they’re afraid of monsters?! There are many different ideas floating around on how it is best to approach this phase, however I disagree with the main suggestion of ‘monster spray’. ... The reason for this is because the use of a ‘monster spray’ suggests that monsters actually exist and that your child has a reason to be scared! I do not think it’s useful to float the idea that monsters actually exist. My approach to managing children and their emotions is to always be honest, in ways which are appropriate and supportive. If you are faced with your child being scared of monsters, then I think the best thing to do is empathise and be honest. Let your child know that there are no such thing as monsters and that if you were concerned that they were unsafe or there was something you worry about, you wouldn’t leave them. A phrase that I find works well is, It’s okay to be scared but you need to know that you are safe. I wouldn’t leave you here if I didn’t think you would be safe. A few simple and precise sentences can work towards your child understanding that monsters are in fact, not real and will eventually relieve the fear they have of monsters. Of course, you may wish to use the ‘monster spray’ or perhaps you did use it and found it brought great results. What you choose to do is up to you and based on your parenting style and parenting preferences <3 If you have bedtime issues and would like to have a chat to talk about how I can help, feel free to flick me a PM to arrange a time to chat! Shereen x
08.01.2022 Less than 1 month ago, I had a consult with a Mum and Dad about their little 21 month old, Master J. At the time of the consult, Mum and Dad expressed their sleep issues for J were that he did not have any self-settling or resettling skills and he needed to be rocked to sleep at each bedtime. He was also waking frequently through the night so Mum and Dad had resorted to taking J to their bed for the remainder of the night, just so they could get some more sleep! Mum and Dads ...sleep wishes were to move away from co-sleeping and gently move away from rocking to sleep and guide J to establish self-settling and resettling skills. I knew their goals were not unreasonable and we could achieve them with some changes and the implementation of a gentle sleep guidance strategy. They just needed the tools and support to make this work! During the consult, we discussed the changes we were going to make. We established a set sleep/wake structure and decided to cap J's nap to 2 hours but ensure his awake time from his nap was always consistent. We also made only minor tweaks to their current approach to settling and created a gentle sleep guidance strategy for Mum and Dad to implement at each bedtime and any night waking. Mum and Dad were also fed up with co-sleeping and chose to move away from this cold-turkey. Mum and Dad implemented the steps of the sleep plan that I created for them almost immediately. We kept in touch along the way and although I continued to offer encouragement and reassurance that the plan was working, we also made a few small alterations as needed, to make sure we achieved positive results. 3 weeks later and this family have had a full nights sleep for the past week! We couldn't have hoped for any better and this family is super happy to have a well-sleeping child and the sleep they all deserve! If you're ready to make changes to your life and get the sleep that you and your family need, then I am here to help! Feel free to PM me to find out more about how I can help. Shereen x
07.01.2022 NO CRY SLEEP WORKSHOP Sleep can be a difficult part of parenting And we can struggle with the challenges... Of the apparent simplicity of sleep. As a parent If your child has problematic sleep. You have likely resorted to assisting them on any level Just to survive the troubled sleep phase. You want things to changes But you dont know what move to make next Without leaving your little cherub to cry. And you cant emotionally or mentally do this to you or your child For you feel that this is the last thing you want! You want to support and cuddle them as much as they need and you want. I know you are split on what you want. You want the good sleep but not the sleep training. And you CAN have both! Well, guess what?! You can have both the good sleep and no sleep training And actually make positive improvements to your childs sleep habits Through my No Cry sleep challenge! There is no manipulation to those words here. We CAN improve your childs sleep Without leaving them to cry. During this sleep challenge I will be LIVE via Zoom cover all the important holistic influences on sleep And then will discuss the range of gentle and no cry strategies you can use To make positive and gentle changes. Things I will cover include: - Sleep Environment and Safe sleeping guidelines - Milk and Nutrition - Naps - Bedtime and Night Sleep - Assess Sleep Association - Making the Change with No Crying - Keeping Logs When you sign up for this No Cry Sleep Challenge You will receive: - Access to a LIVE Zoom class where I will cover all the important holistic influences on sleep and discuss the range of no cry strategies you can use to make positive and gentle changes - An opportunity to ask questions - The No Cry Sleep Ebook - An important Journalling Document to track your progress - 3 months access to No Cry Sleep Support Group for ongoing support and guidance All this for a small investment of $60 (but worth a total value of $160!!!). Thats a savings of $100! JOIN: You dont need to suffer in silence any more! Are you ready to make a change?Are you ready for the challenge? Come and join me and a group of other parents in this online, LIVE class via Zoom. There are two class options to cover all time zones. If youre ready, click the link to join! I hope to see you there! <3 Shereen
07.01.2022 Whos lucky!? Shereen x
06.01.2022 <3 My Reasoning <3 I received this message from a beautiful client of mine <3 She is a wonderful person; very caring and just beautiful!... I truly love and appreciate these messages. To know that my purpose behind my role... Is helping... And changing lives... Is so heart warming! And shes right! I do receive messages all hours of the night from past, present and new clients. I connect with at least 20 new and potential clients a week... Plus about 10 of my current clients a week.... And a number of past clients.... Checking in or just reconnecting with me to share their success. To know I am helping sooo many people.... Is so-very satisfying. I love what I do. I love to know that I can help... And am helping. I appreciate you all! Shereen xx If you want to connect with me, please flick me a PM to
05.01.2022 I should know how to do this This powerful statement was made by my client recently. She was exhausted... Deflated And very emotional. We were sitting in her lounge room having coffee Whilst we were working through her sleep plan And discussing what steps we would take to improve her daughters sleep. I asked Mum what her concerns were around her Miss Es sleep habits And one point she made was that Miss Es was waking frequently at night Up to 8 times! They both needed more sleep... And Mum had tried many things to make that happen... But never seemed to be able to make progress. It was at this point, Mums head dropped She looked at the floor with a sad look in her eyes And whispered I should know how to do this. This made me feel for this Mum <3 Too many parents place a high level of expectations on themselves Thinking that its their fault that their child has sleep challenges And that resolving their current issue should be so easy That they should be able to do it on their own. Let me remind you of something Your childs sleep issues are not your fault. No, you shouldnt know how to do this. Yes, sleep does just come naturally to some children.. But for some, it doesnt. In practically ALL cases I find an underling issue to problematic sleep. The sleep world is a whole speciality field Which requires knowledge, understanding and education To understand exactly what is the issue And how you can resolve it. You dont second guess yourself when having to take your child to the doctor Dentist Dietitian Specialist Or any other service professional. So dont think you have failed Or you should know how to do this when it comes to your childs sleep. There is more to this that you could possibly know And sometimes You do just need some professional help And thats okay! If youre in need of some specialty help And are ready to ask for support and guidance Im here for you. Feel free to PM me at or +61419820474 if you would like to chat to me. Shereen x
05.01.2022 No Cry Sleep Challenge Sleep can be a difficult part of parenting And we can struggle with the challenges... Of the apparent simplicity of sleep. As a parent If your child has problematic sleep. You have likely resorted to assisting them on any level Just to survive the troubled sleep phase. You want things to changes But you dont know what move to make next Without leaving your little cherub to cry. And you cant emotionally or mentally do this to you or your child For you feel that this is the last thing you want! You want to support and cuddle them as much as they need and you want. I know you are split on what you want. You want the good sleep but not the sleep training. And you CAN have both! Well, guess what?! You can have both the good sleep and no sleep training And actually make positive improvements to your childs sleep habits Through my No Cry sleep challenge! There is no manipulation to those words here. We CAN improve your childs sleep Without leaving them to cry. During this sleep challenge I will be LIVE via Zoom cover all the important holistic influences on sleep And then will discuss the range of gentle and no cry strategies you can use To make positive and gentle changes. Things I will cover include: Sleep Environment and Safe sleeping guidelines Milk and Nutrition Naps Bedtime and Night Sleep Assess Sleep Association Making the Change with No Crying Keeping Logs When you sign up for this No Cry Sleep Challenge You will receive: Access to a LIVE Zoom class where I will cover all the important holistic influences on sleep and discuss the range of no cry strategies you can use to make positive and gentle changes An opportunity to ask questions The No Cry Sleep Ebook An important Journalling Document to track your progress 3 months access to No Cry Sleep Support Group for ongoing support and guidance All this for a small investment of $60 (but worth a total value of $160!!!). Thats a savings of $100! JOIN: You dont need to suffer in silence any more! Are you ready to make a change? Are you ready for the challenge? Come and join me and a group of other parents in this online, LIVE class via Zoom. There are two class options to cover all time zones. If youre ready, click the link to join! I hope to see you there! <3 Shereen
05.01.2022 #worldbreastfeedingweek This week is #worldbreastfeedingweek2020... And to be honest, I wasnt sure whether to post about this....Continue reading
05.01.2022 Move to the Big Bed? Are you wanting to know when to move your child out of the cot and into a big bed? My general advice is to always wait until your child is at least 2.5-3 years of age before you make out of the cot and into a big bed....Continue reading
04.01.2022 http:// LOCK DOWN - IT'S OUR TURN! // Adelaide has gone into immediate lock-down for 6 days! Already, there is panic buying and people worrying about this phase. The light of this is, most of you will be home with your families if you are not an 'essential' worker.... I have already had two clients who were booked in for next week, contact me to bring their appointments forward. They are hoping to use the next 6 days to really kick-start their sleep improvement strategy. If you will be home and are ready to make positive changes to your child's sleep, what better time than now when you are home solidly for 6 days and can give it a good crack! I am opening my calendar for more practicing hours to take on more clients for the remainder of this week, just to fit everyone in. If you're ready and want to use your time wisely, flick me a PM and we can arrange a time to get started! Shereen xx
02.01.2022 Do you have a burning question you would like answered? Pop your question in the comments of this post... And I will answer you! ... Shereen x
02.01.2022 Recently, you may have read a post I shared about how my children are currently sleeping in our parental bedroom with us. We have set the bunk beds up and they have their own special little sleep space in our room. We have chosen to do this for a number of reasons and it is only a temporary stage for us. How long that stage will last for, we’re not entirely sure, but probably until early into the new year. One thing that I have noticed though, is how much everyone has an opin...ion on our children being in our room. And how it seems to bother them. I’m not sure why people are so concerned or feel that our children being in our room is a problem. We get met with comments from friends, such as why are your children in your room? when are you going to move them out? wow, I can’t believe you have your kids in your room you shouldn’t wait that long for them to go to their own room why aren’t they in their own room? they should be in their own room and the comments go on! And I began ‘justifying’ our reasons for our kids sleeping in our room. But, I had to remind myself of my usual advice It’s not a problem if it’s not a problem for me. It’s apparently way more of a problem for the people outside our home, but really, what’s the big deal? I still don’t know what the big deal is, and I don’t really care! The four most important people in this house is my family, we are all sharing a room and at this stage, are happy! And that’s all that matters! Remember, if you’re doing something that you’re okay with, don’t justify or change your choices. You do you! Be confident in your choices. Shereen xx
02.01.2022 Oh...thats normal I have mixed feelings about this comment. Whilst many parents feel comforted by the fact that their childs sleep habits may be normal... In many cases This can actually be a very unhelpful comment. You see, parent instincts are always right. If you feel like your childs sleep habits are out of the realm of normal You are probably right. And when you go to search for answers So you can understand and appropriately manage the issues You are left with oh, thats normal. This makes you feel confused, frustrated or even that you are imagining things! I remember as a new first-time Mum I was forever told that my sons sleep and behaviour was normal. Hes crying for 5 hours straight a day?! Oh, thats normal! Its just colic. He is losing weight?! Oh, thats normal! Just switch to formula. He has reflux?! Oh, thats normal! Heres some medication. He doesnt sleep?! Oh, thats normal! Look up the 4th trimester. Hes waking frequently at night?! Thats normal! Look up the 4 month sleep regression. Hes catnapping?! Oh, thats normal! He will outgrow it. I have some big news These things arent normal. Are they common? Perhaps But common does not equal normal. You can probably understand that these people who say, thats normal Are very well-meaning. But it doesnt make your situation any better. If anything, I find it can make it worse. I mean, if sleep is THIS hard Why would anyone have more than 1 child?!?! And then you start thinkingwhat am I doing wrong!?!?! But the answer is Youre not doing anything wrong. This is not your fault. What you need is answers REAL answers To understand why your child is having sleep challenges So you can truly resolve it with success And long term results. So next time someone says, thats normal.. But you dont think it is Please keep searching. And if no-one will listen Trust that I will. I will LISTEN to you I will be your advocate And understand that your situation Doesnt always equal normal. If youre interested in some one on one help and would like to find your answers Please PM me and we can discuss! Shereen xx
02.01.2022 To all my past and present one on one clients! I thought I would tell you all of a new level of support I am offering! This is exciting news!... I have designed a new support service For those who have worked with me And finished the support component included in their package. Its basically having your own personal sleep and behaviour consultant Who knows all about you and your situation On call! This new support level includes Open text message support directly to my inbox For only $25 per month. This means that any question you have About your childs sleep or behaviour... You can send me a PM And I will reply directly back to you during my working hours. Its easy to sign up No lock-in contract Cancel any time! It makes ongoing sleep and behaviour support As you experience those small hurdles Much quicker and more affordable To get back on track! Unfortunately, this service is only for past and existing clients Due to the level of knowledge I need for each client To successfully navigate their specific and direct issue. If youre interested to know more Or would like to sign up Head on over to the link: Shereen x
01.01.2022 http:// The WHY and HOW of great sleepwithout the GUILT // Does sleep not come easily to your child? Do you struggle with settling them to sleep?... Do you have to rock, cuddle, feed or bounce your child to sleep? Does your child catnap or wake frequently at night? Perhaps they resist bedtime or wake too early in the morning? Do you want to FINALLY know why you child cant just sleep? Do you want to make change and actually help your child achieve the ability of sleeping? Do you want to do this using a gentle and flexible approach without the GUILT? Are you READY for CHANGE but are not sure how to do it? Well, I would LOVE to be your life changer. I want to help you! I want you to know why sleep is so hard for your child. I want to put you on the right path to resolve this. I want to support you to make positive change with a GENTLE approach... Without the feelings of guilt or anxiety! To show you that I can help you to gently improve your childs sleep with a WHY and HOW approach That is gently, flexible and supportive of you and your family I am offering TWO PHONE CONSULTS for two lucky people for FREE. I am looking for: - A 6 month to 2.5 year old - A 2.5 to 5 year old If you: - Have a child within these age groups who doesnt sleep well - Want to understand WHY they find sleep so difficult - Are currently assisting your child to settle and resettle; and - Want to know HOW to improve sleep using a gentle approach without the guilt Then this is PERFECT for you! This consult will take around 1.5 hours on average, so you will need to commit to an agreed time with me for this and be available the week beginning 21st September 2020. To enter, all you have to do is: - Give my page a like - Tag yourself and type YES on this post, and I will PM you to discuss whether this might be something that is suitable for you. You will then go in the draw to receive this FREE service. I will then randomly choose one child from each age group to work with. Tag your friends too! Happy entering! Shereen x #gentlesleep #shereennielsen #sleepconsultant #gentlesleepconsultant #nocio #greatsleep
01.01.2022 WHO WANTS TO WIN??? I am working on something new... And its EXCITING!!!... It wont be long until its released... But because Im so happy to have come up with a new way to help all of you... Im feeling GENEROUS!!! Whilst I work on finishing my next project... I offering TWO x 30 minute sleep or behaviour chats... To TWO lucky winners! To enter, all you have to do is... Like my page if you havent already - Comment Me on this post! Share this post I will announce the winners at random... On Wednesday ACST! Happy entering and good luck! Shereen x
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