Soul Empowerment Coach | Business service
Soul Empowerment Coach
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24.01.2022 Today’s line activation message direct to you beautiful souls. Hope it resonates and you are woken to new insights and know what it is you must embody and take action on to follow your heart and connect with your desires. ... & #soulempowermentcoach #youarelove #feartolove #expandyourconsciousness #coaching #frequency #embodiment #consciousnesscoach
23.01.2022 My souls passion is to guide you to live a life grounded in truth, trust, faith, soul and love. It is my calling to guide you to deepen your awareness around self and to know that you are the key to changing your life. Once I aligned my own life and learnt to keep myself grounded and living from these values I not only shifted my inner wellbeing, I noticed my relationship to the world around me, family, friends and situations lifted to knew heights. What felt good to me.... So I stand here in honour of YOU and that you too may find the truth, trust, faith, soul, and love within you and the life you are co creating with the universe. & ... #soulalignment #feartolove #trust #faith #love #soul #consciousness #coachlife #soulempowermentcoach #createyourlife #innerworld
21.01.2022 Checking in" is work. It’s a consistent spiritual practice that demands you to be consciously present in every moment. To be in control of your thoughts, emotions and actions, not on autopilot.... It’s a level of soul empowerment that demands the integration of deep self knowledge, inner awareness, clear intention, fearless truth, unconditional love and compassion. It teaches you that in every moment you have a choice. It teaches you that you are a reality shifter and life creator. It teaches you that you truely hold the power to shift your life from "checking out" and living a life from the lens of fear to "checking in" and learning from this heart space to live a life from the lens of love. Over time you will notice that you are: Waking up each day with so much love in your heart Joy in your step and flow in your everyday You are finally living a soul aligned life - the life your soul has come here to embrace. It’s taken me time, but I know with absolute truth that checking in with myself consistently is by no means checking out of my life or reality. It’s actually the complete opposite. It’s enabled me to be the truth seeker, life creator, and know how to live from my soul moment to moment. Transformational and game changer
20.01.2022 JOURNALING My all time favourite brain dump. Journaling is such a great way to get your soul to speak to you. All you need is a: quiet space, pen and paper. Surrender and allow whatever comes to flow onto the page. No judgment, just pour your soul out and hear what she has to tell you in that moment.... You may find it helpful to ask a question and go from there. I find that if I’m just feeling like connecting with no specific agenda, I just ask; What do I need to hear right now? Next step drop into my heart space and let it flow onto the page. I do not read what I’ve written until the information has stopped flowing. Then I sit back and read all the goodness revealed. Give it a try and see what your soul is trying to reveal to you. & ... #soulalignment #journalling #listentoyoursoul #flow #spiritualpracticeeveryday #soulempowermentcoach #coachlife #consciousness
19.01.2022 Is this you? Stuck in a rut Feeling low and unmotivated Lost your spark and feel disconnected to yourself... OMG I hear you and I feel you. I was you. For years I over committed my life to my family and never, ever did anything for myself. I have to laugh now, as just over 10yrs ago I wasn’t on my spiritual path and I recall vowing to the universe (not that I was aware this is what i did, hello Law of attraction), that I was going to be home with my babies, then I would commit 100% to them and my husband. So, of course I got what i wished for right. Beautiful times with my family, pouring all of my love, time and energy into them. Happy, healthy family life, however I was a shell of myself. I was feeling: Stuck in a rut Low on energy unmotivated No spark within myself Disconnected from myself If you are nodding your head, listen up. Your current state of being is a choice you are unconsciously choosing to stay in. TRUTH BOMB This is not your natural state of consciousness.. You are in misalignment to your souls truth. You are living your life on autopilot driven by your fear based beliefs that you created at a time in your life to keep you safe and in our comfort zone. The minute you question how you are feeling and wish for it to be another way, your inner wisdom, your soul is calling you to take action and do something to change it. No one is coming to save you. Only you can do that. It’s an inside job. Being guided and supported by my spiritual mentor, I began to feel me again. In choosing to turn inward and do the inner work, I noticed my motivation, passions and joy within myself return. I started living in alignment to my soul, not my ego, my fears and magically I was lit up from the inside out. And so the journey continues and I truely could NOT imagine living life how I use to. To just exist is not part of my lifes plan. I am too magical for that mediocre life and so are you my truth seeker friends. My work is around guiding you to live a soul aligned life and to bring you back home to your truth. Lets ignite life" back into your beautiful world. Connect with me and see how I can support you on your inner journey. Support and guidance was key to me turing my light back on. DM
19.01.2022 Drop a in the comments and mention someone that would appreciate this sweet sweet reminder to pour more love into themselves. That they are worthy. That they are enough and that they are all you ever need.... & ... #soulempowermentcoach #love #soul #loveyourself #innerwork #coach #feartolove #expandyourconsciouness
19.01.2022 Nourish your soul Nourish your body Nourish your mind Nourish your life... When you turn within and truely learn to love yourself enough. When you are aware and know yourself on such a deeper level, to nourish yourself mind body and soul will become your default mode. You’ll know, you’ll see, get yourself there. Shift your life, change your life, it’s your souls mission. You can do it. It just comes down to faith and trust and your willings to want to change, to what to shift your state. To be committed to a life of soul alignment. To be committed to living a heart centred life, an authentic life, a life of integrity, whatever that means to YOU, nobody else, just YOU. Because you matter. Because you are enough and you are worthy to have the life that you so, so desire. Stop holding yourself back. Jump, it’s time to jump, just jump. Everything is happening in your favour, just keep moving forward, taking steps forward, that’s when you will see ease and flow in your life, just keep moving in the direction of what’s calling you. & ... #soulalignment #soulempowermentcoach #loveyourself #liveyourlife #mindbodysoul #coach #expandyourconsciousness #youareenough #youmatter #youareworthy
18.01.2022 Returning back to love is life’s mastery. Drop a if you are ready and willing to love yourself, others and life today. ... & r #soulempowermentcoach #love #loveharder #innerpeace #feartolove #expandedconsciousness #consciousnesscoach #soul #liveyourlife
17.01.2022 You are magnificent. Your beauty, your light, your abilities. You are always, always supported and guided. You are never wrong, you are only ever learning and growing.... That’s all there really is contraction and expansion. Move from contraction to expansion. Step into the expansion of your consciousness. Step out of your contracted consciousness, where you are closed off, sheltered, protected within your own walls that you have built. They once served you and you did an amazing job at keeping yourself safe, well done, we applaud you for that. But please, now keep rising, rise into your expanded self, yourself beyond your limited illusions of what you believe to be true of what yourself, what your life’s all about. Enough. You’ve got to understand, to be aware now. To move from fear to love. To keep moving forward into yourself, carry it all with you. You are all very welcome, all of the parts of you that you love and especially the parts you hide and deny. They are just as glorious as you are. For once you know how to embrace them through awareness and understanding you then lean into compassion, compassion of self and you then express and live from that place, the place of love - what you are. Recognise your greatness. Your wholeness. Your beauty. For if only you saw what we see you’d be filled with admiration for yourself. You were born a creator, time to start creating from your authentic self, time to create what you truely want. This is your birthright. It is waiting for you. Enough playing as though you are a limited being, for that you most certainly are NOT. & ... #soulalignment #consciousness #coachlife #coach #soulempowermentcoach #feartolove #createyourreality #expandedconsciousnesss #keeprising
16.01.2022 Know this, you are unique. You are very, very special and you are needed. Block out the noise in your head that tells you otherwise. That is not who you are.... Connect back to your truth. Connect to your soul and your body. It is here that you will see, that you will hear you are so much more than what your self critical mind is creating you to believe to be true. Release the expectations upon yourself that are outside of you and holding you back. Such as from Your parents Your partner Your friends Your boss True power only lies within you. It is always within where you will finally find true peace and acknowledgement that you are so beautifully you, exactly as you are, doing exactly what you are meant to be doing. Just continue being true to you and watch everything around you fall into order. #truthseeker #truth #soulempowermentcoach #releaseexpectations #turnwithin #innercritic #ego #feartolove
16.01.2022 What a beautiful reminder from @eryka_stanton. #soul #soulwork #love #lightworkers #consciousness
14.01.2022 #soulempowermentcoach #love #feartolove #innerwork #innerpeace #listentoyourself #higherself #coach
13.01.2022 Empower ME 101 always capturing the best sunrises and sunsets
11.01.2022 Learn to listen and trust yourself more. Looking for external validation around something that you already desire for yourself is proof enough that you are worthy and more than enough to go for it. You desire it because your soul is speaking it to you. ... I understand you question how listening to yourself is challenging. I hear you say, but if I can’t decide how is this process going to help me?. This is how This process allows you to move beyond your conscious (thinking) mind. It allows your higher self to be heard and felt. This is where you will find the answers that are best for you. Not an answer from someone outside of you, such as your parents, partner and friends. Allowing yourself time to sit with this practice will always bring you closer to your souls truth , your answers. This is soul empower. Choosing your soul truth, not your fears and limited beliefs stopping you. It’s in the stillness, the breath and trusting. Drop a if you are willing to try this process. #soulempowermentcoach #soul #feartolove #listentoyourself #selflove #innerwork #trusttheprocess
11.01.2022 Stay open, be present and listen to yourself. Your higher self is always speaking to you. Allow yourself time to drop in and be guided. In doing this will provide you with a sense of inner peace, calm and clarity. This is where you’ll find your answers beyond your fear state. Please give yourself this moment. Drop in and find out why everything is exactly where it needs to be, even if in this moment it does not feel like it.... Your mind, body and soul is ready for you to pay attention inwardly. Silence your mind and let your soul come through. My wish for you today is that you hear your answers and feel inspired, loved and supported. You are a limitless being- stay expanded. The world needs you expanded. Especially now. Actually more now than ever. Embodying a high frequency and vibration will set you free on this time Drop a if this resonates and share with someone that may gain some peace from hearing this & r #soulempowermentcoach #soul #innervoice #listentoyourbody #mindbodysoul #recieveandgive #opentorecieve #coach #expandedconsciousness #vibrationalenergy
08.01.2022 By bringing in kindness and compassion you are coming from a place of love and understanding, instead of projecting your own perception/fears around the situation. Where can you implement this strategy in your life today? Notice how you feel in the moment and how quickly you dissolve an otherwise lengthy argument or outcome you didn’t want.... The energy behind love diffuses that of the energy of fear EVERY.SINGLE.TIME #feartolove #chooselove #compassion #kindness #thoughtscreateyourreality #vibrationalstate #selflove #soulempowermentcoach
07.01.2022 Random line activation message today. I was pulled to put on a song called lineage and do my line activation. This is the message that came through. Sometimes our messages may feel like wtf is this about, but our guidance is always right. Run with it. ... As I sat with this message I inhaled love and light and released what is no longer serving me in this life. It was so powerful. If there is something you feel maybe holding you back from moving forward sit with this message. Place your hands on your heart, breathe and repeat this message. You may need to say it a few times to connect with it. Then when it feels right, say as you breathe in, I breathe in love and light, then as you breathe out say, I release what no longer serves me Drop me a if you feel this too. May you release what is no longer needed #lineage #ancestors #release #surrender #letgoletgod #feartolove #grateful
05.01.2022 When you are self aware and loving all parts of you, you stand in your truth, you push that negative inner dialogue to the side and you choose your soul. Soul alignment and love of self is fundamental for your growth in all areas of your life. That’s what you’d love right? Self awareness ... Inner confidence Joy in your everyday A life you love This is yours whenever you feel called to choose another way - an empowered way led by love/soul. #selflove #selfawarenessjourney #soulalignment #innerwork #soulempowermentcoach #expandyourconsciouness #loveyourselfmore #changeyourperce
05.01.2022 Today’s line activation message direct to you. I hope this resonates with you and that at some point today, you take this message on board and allow time to just BE. To find a quiet moment and turn inward and listen, just listen & ... ... #soulalignment #consciousness #coach #soulempowermentcoach #gowithin #listentoyoursoul #heartspace #expandingconsciousness
05.01.2022 Zoom Workshop When: Thursday 1st Oct Time: 7:30pm -8:30pm Investment: $20 ... Looking forward to connecting with you and guiding you on how you can change your perspective, change your life. & ... #changeyourperspectivechangeyourlife #feartolove #ego #soul #consciousnessshift #coach #soulempowermentcoach #innerwork
02.01.2022 You are here for so much more. Decide, decide, decide. What is it you are willing to let go of being, doing, having in order step towards your heart centred desires? In choosing to change, doors will close & new ones will open. The universe wants you expanded, joyous, in love with yourself and your life. ... Not contracted, trapped, living in chaos and overwhelm. Decide today to take one inspired action step towards closing a door and walking through a new one. This may simply look like: I desire to be healthier. Action step - make a conscious choice with what you choose to eat starting from today, build from there. I desire to feel more peace in my everyday. Action step - start today noticing your inner critic (ego) in action and in that moment, reach for another feel good thought- move forward from that state. It does not need to be big. It just needs conscious awareness, presence and action. You can do this.
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