She's Sew Creative | Businesses
She's Sew Creative
Phone: +61 408 652 699
08.01.2021 by Jeanette Evans She's Sew Creative -What a fabulous business! Can't speak highly enough of the efficiency, friendliness and professional work of Sharon Capizzi. I ordered 8 items, which were meticulously made and ready to be picked up the following day! I will certainly be using Sharon's outstanding sewing skills again! Can't recommend her highly enough!
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25.01.2022 Its been a while since my last post - thank you to all the lovely ladies who so kindly donated pure cotton and flannelette sheets. I havent started the wildlife pouches yet, the admins of the Facebook page I am a member of have asked us all to hold off making more as they were inundated from around the world with pouches etc. As Im fairly certain wildlife pouches will always be needed, I will start making mine in March I had brunch with two amazing friends yesterday and Ju...lie Cooper told me how, when she was buying the sheets (for my wildlife pouches) at Vinnies while she was on holidays, another woman in the store heard what Julie was doing and why. So when she got to the counter to pay for the sheets, the other woman had left her change to help pay for the sheets. The generosity that I have seen over the last few months has blown my mind. It shouldnt, but it has. So thank you all for your support
25.01.2022 Wow, it’s been a busy six weeks!!! Lots of alterations, a bespoke skirt, a bespoke formal (can’t wait to finish it and get some photos up for you all to see), face masks, cushion covers, leggings, and elasticised bookmarks (1,000 of them, lol). The next six weeks are just as busy ... alterations to a wedding dress and bridesmaids’ dresses, more cushion covers (can’t wait to finish these ones, the fabric is all the way from Peru and is absolutely gorgeous), a fitted table prot...ector, tweaking a gorgeous dress for the mother of the bride (different wedding to the wedding dress), more face masks, tank tops, two bespoke dresses and a bespoke jacket I’m blown away at just how busy I am. Thank you to everyone who has referred me to friends and family. And thank you to those who are repeat clients. I love sewing and I don’t consider it working when I am sitting at my machines or sitting with a needle and thread
24.01.2022 Its been a while since I last posted something ... thats because Im busy becoming unemployed. I have been the Office Manager of the Australian office of a multi-national company for the last 10 plus years and it is being de-registered this month, and my employment ends on 24/12/19 Now, most people would be upset about becoming unemployed, and I am, of course, because I have loved working for this company, but it means I will be able to focus my energies 100% on Shes Sew C...reative from the New Year So, if you are thinking about getting those old clothes out and reviving them, or you need a new outfit, give me a call. And dont forget, I dont just make of mend clothes, I can also make table cloths, napkins, place mats, pillow cases and doona covers to name but a few. Looking forward to a new chapter in my life .... heres a taste of one of my latest projects, a cocktail dress worn to a Gala Awards Night
22.01.2022 Another project completed. Bench seat cover and throw pillow covers. The bench seat cover is piped all the way around, top and bottom and has a zipper running along the back long side. The throw pillow covers have Velcro closures at back with self covered buttons to finish
21.01.2022 Finished one Formal dress and handed over to a happy 17 year old. Now on to the next one. So glad these two girls are able to go to their Formals. Will post photos once I've got some to post
20.01.2022 The beautiful bride, Tash, straight off the jet ski taking her to her wedding at Clifton Gardens on Saturday 27/06/2020. I cant wait for some professional photos of this beautiful lady. Tash Wood, it really was a pleasure to make your dress
20.01.2022 Well it was bound to happen sooner or later. Just before starting my journey on this new adventure, I had both my sewing machine (a faithful Singer) and my over locker (a faithful Janome) serviced. Since then, they have both been working overtime and so, a month ago I planned to put them both in for a well deserved, and needed, service. This afternoon I was just finishing a cushion cover (yes, I got one done Lisa), when the over locker slowed to almost a stop, and sounded r...ather strange. (The Singer had jammed a few times over the last week as well, but that can just be the way the bobbin is wound). Needless to say, the service of at least that machine is well and truly due. Thank goodness I got to the end of the cover and wasn't half way through. And at least I'll know, when I start the wedding dress that is booked in for the week of 08/06/2020, both work horses will be well and truly up for the challenge So, after nine months, I'm having a week off from sewing and will be attending to more mundane things, like cleaning out our pantry, putting my office into some sort of order (I've tried to do this a few times, but have always had the thought "there's sewing to be done" that has gotten in the way of REALLY doing a thorough job of it), and maybe get to the bottom of my ironing basket Stay safe and well everyone
19.01.2022 Lucy Hair and Makeup by me @karinamaree_makeuphair for SBS Upfronts 2020 @sbs_australia @sbsstyle #hairandmakeup #upfronts2020 #sbs
19.01.2022 Recently I had the pleasure of taking up the hem of Natalies formal dress. She looks absolutely stunning .
17.01.2022 Happy Bathurst Day to all my fellow petrol heads. Thankfully Ive got quite a bit of hand sewing and marking up so I dont feel guilty (not that I ever have on Bathurst Sunday, lol) being a couch potato today. Lets hope its an exciting but safe clean race, may the best team win. Not sure who to barrack for today, McLaughlan or Mostert
15.01.2022 I think if my dental nurses when I was a kid wore these shirts, I might not have been so scared of going to the dentist. A lovely client, Tegan, is a dental nurse at a local childrens dentist and she asked me to make her some shirts with her young clients in mind. Here are the latest two, Harry Potter and the Incredibles. Forgot to take photos of the Unicorn, Paw Patrol and Toy Story shirts. Maybe I can talk her into posing in them for me
15.01.2022 Another project completed. This is a small bean bag for our 16 month old grandson. When I get a photo from our 8 year old grandson sitting in his, Ill post that
14.01.2022 I joined this amazing network of entrepreneurs a little over 12 months ago and am so thankful that I did. Not only have I gained some amazing friends, but also have an amazing network of business contacts who have given me their trust and helped me grow, not only in business but in myself as well. Last night was our Christmas function, one that was so greatly needed after the year we have had. We had Highland Dancers, Samba Dancers, some fun awards, a fun game at the end ...and one serious award. I submitted my nomination of who I thought was deserving of our Prime Mover Award, as did most of the other members. It never occurred to me that I would not only be nominated, but actually win the award. I am seriously blown away that my fellow Primers consider me worthy of such an honour. It has been an absolute privilege being a part of this amazing group of people. If you or someone you know has a business and would like to grow, let me know because you just cannot go wrong joining BNI Prime
13.01.2022 Well the email gremlins have got me. Emails are not coming through to me, so if youve recently sent me an email, please resend to [email protected]. This email address is definitely working. Ill let you all know when my enquiries email is back up and running properly. So very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone
13.01.2022 If you have any flannelette or pure cotton scraps that I could turn into pouches for injured wildlife, please let me know so I can collect it from you. Call 0408 652 699 or email [email protected] with your address
13.01.2022 Remember that everything you do together has more than twice as much power as what you do alone. Creating goals as a couple or a family is not only healthy for ...your relationship; it should be fun as well. Enroll now to know more on how to overcome your financial problems and find unity! Click this link to sign up #makingfinancesexy #financialfreedom #planforyourfuture #financialadvisers #itsnevertoolate #financialadvice #superannuation #financialadviser
13.01.2022 I recently had the absolute pleasure of not only making an outfit for the most delightful Year 12 student, Allira, but I got to know her wonderful family, headed up by her strong and beautiful mum Kristel. Tonightbwas Formal night and here are some photos. Allira, you look stunning. I hope you enjoyed your night
13.01.2022 Shes Sew Creative turns one today!!!! Twelve months ago I started what I thought was going to be a hobby that would fill in a few gaps in my other business. Hahaha, well thats not what happened. Ive now turned my real business into a hobby because, almost from the very beginning, Shes Sew Creative became my main focus. Apart from the Christmas break, I have been flat out with new and returning clients - and Im booked up to the end of October. I really did think it woul...d maybe be one job a month So, I want to thank those who took a leap of faith and utilised my skills without knowing me personally. I also want to thank those who, knowing me personally, took the time, and put their own reputations on the line, to recommend me time and time again. I also want to thank those repeat clients who are more than just clients now. Without all of you Shes Sew Creative would just be a hobby
13.01.2022 I've been a busy little bee since my last post. I've made, of all things, a greyhound training coat - yes, a greyhound, lol - made out of neoprene (wetsuit material). This is still in the early stages with a few tweaks to the sizing etc. But Craig and I are very happy with the results so far I've also made a bean bag for our grandson - what do you buy an eight year old? His dad (our son) said, he'd love a bean bag mum. Ok, so I made a bean bag. You'll have to wait until... he receives it and they fill it with the beans before I can post a picture. But I was very happy with the results. I'm almost finished a chiffon beach wedding dress. It's going to look gorgeous, but you will have to wait until after the wedding (27/06/2020) before I can post any pictures of that. And then I'm going to be making an outdoor TV screen. Hahaha, yep, you read that right. I know, it blew my mind too. It's difficult to explain, but it's basically a huge rectangle of lycra-type fabric with zippers sewn on all four sides that then attach the lycra to an inflatable backing so that you've got a huge TV screen in your back yard. Those photos will also have to wait until the client uses the screen Happy hump day tomorrow lovely people, have a great few days and then enjoy a wonderful weekend
12.01.2022 To be creative is to let little pieces of your heart go and place them into each item you makeTo be creative is to let little pieces of your heart go and place them into each item you make
12.01.2022 Thank you everyone for supporting my little endeavour, it really is greatly appreciated. Youre support is keeping me busy - Im fully booked up for a month and its been that way from almost the start Most of my work has been alterations and mending with some dresses and other outfits thrown in. One dress that Ive been working on this last week is almost complete, together with a matching scarf. So watch this space, Ill have photos soon I also recently made a couple of ma...keup purses. Which got me thinking about clutch bags. So, Ill be practicing over the next few weeks in between my other jobs. I love trying new things, which brings me to another job Ive been asked to do ... Ive been asked to make some training coats .... wait for it ..... for greyhounds!!!! Hahaha, thats something I wasnt expecting, but am excited to try something new So, Shes Sew Creative is getting even more creative!!!
10.01.2022 My latest project was a surprise package for a beautiful mum-to-be that I call beautiful friend (Karina Farrugia). Bib, wrap and sleeping bag
09.01.2022 Wow, its been a busy six weeks!!! Lots of alterations, a bespoke skirt, a bespoke formal (cant wait to finish it and get some photos up for you all to see), face masks, cushion covers, leggings, and elasticised bookmarks (1,000 of them, lol). The next six weeks are just as busy ... alterations to a wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses, more cushion covers (cant wait to finish these ones, the fabric is all the way from Peru and is absolutely gorgeous), a fitted table prot...ector, tweaking a gorgeous dress for the mother of the bride (different wedding to the wedding dress), more face masks, tank tops, two bespoke dresses and a bespoke jacket Im blown away at just how busy I am. Thank you to everyone who has referred me to friends and family. And thank you to those who are repeat clients. I love sewing and I dont consider it working when I am sitting at my machines or sitting with a needle and thread
09.01.2022 Yep, but doesnt everyone?
08.01.2022 Do you want some new clothes, but think that seamstresses like myself can't measure you? Think again. I'm happy to have a Zoom consultation where I teach you how to measure yourself, and we can go through my library of patterns and fabrics, or discuss your particular outfit you would like for when we come out of this isolation and get back to normal. Also, for those who are getting tired of looking at the same furnishings day after day, let me revamp your style a little. I... am currently working on throw pillow covers and a bench seat cover for a client and would love to do the same for you. Or maybe you want to replace your sheer curtains. I'm happy to chat to you about that as well. Give me a call on 0408 652 699, or send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
08.01.2022 Two reasons why Im having time off this week. Two of our gorgeous grandkids: Delinda and Lachlan, best friends and best cousins
08.01.2022 Its the little things that make a difference. How many times have you heard that? Well, its true. A month ago, a client contacted me, asking if I could help her mum out. She had a dress that she wanted to wear to her sons wedding, but she felt she needed sleeves So, I had a look, said yep, it can be done, leave it with me. Gave it some thought, and did what I do .... created a new dress out of an old one. And today my beautiful client sent through the before and after phot...os. And doesnt mum look gorgeous?!?!?! Oh, and the wedding was beautiful too, Im told
08.01.2022 I hope everyone is well, and coping with this very worrying time Like everyone else, Im only going out to do some necessary errands, only having contact with my immediate family. This saddens me, as I am a very social person and thrive on personal interactions with friends and family, but everyones health comes first. We all need to do the right thing, especially at this time Having said that, Im still available for mending and/or alterations as long as fittings arent ne...cessary. I will pick up your bagged items that you leave at your front door and spray them with Glen20 when I get home. Once Ive done the job, I will place the item(s) in a clean bag and leave it at your front door at a mutually convenient time. You should then spray the items with Glen20 or throw them in the wash (if appropriate) Please stay safe, be patient and be kind. Lets all come out the other side of this dark tunnel healthy, in mind and body
08.01.2022 Over the last few weeks I was working on a project that was an absolute delight to work on. A very special friend (Sharyn Heyligers) asked me to make a table cloth cubby house for her gorgeous granddaughter Lillian, for her second birthday. Well that was yesterday. Unfortunately because of restrictions at the moment, Lilly hasnt actually seen it because it was made for her G-Mas table, so the photos are just after it was finished while on my table If you have any littlies and would like something like this, send me your tables dimensions and Ill make one for you. Theres about 12 hours work involved in this one, 2m x 1m x 0.75m. I would be happy to make one for you for $180. Cost of fabric additional
07.01.2022 It’s only been two weeks since my last post, but it seriously feels like two months. I have put in soooo many hours, up and sewing by 04:00 and not getting to bed until 23:30 most nights .... so I’ve given myself the weekend off. Well one third of it anyway. Yesterday I finished off an alteration to a bridesmaid’s dress, caught up, with a couple of girlfriends for a much needed coffee and chatfest, completed a module of the fasion design course I’m trying to do, and had a lo...ok at a job I’m doing on Tuesday (yes, I was going to do some, but just couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer). Today I did some admin for the network group for which I am the Secretary/Treasurer and have been binge watching reruns of Criminal Minds from about 16:30 - even ordered delivery from the local Thai restaurant (hubby has been breaking his back in the backyard) so neither of us had to cook. Tomorrow will probably see me do some work, but hopefully I’ll just binge watch some mindless shows to unwind further. What are you hoping to do tomorrow?
07.01.2022 A lovely client asked me to refashion this top into a skirt (must remember to ask for a photo of the skirt) and if theres any fabric left over, to make a makeup bag. So I went to work making the skirt and yes, there was fabric left over. My first ever attempt at making any sort of bag is the second photo. Im about 95% happy with it, learnt some things along the way and am confident that I can now produce not only soft, zippered clutch bags but also clutch bags with the fo...ld over flap (which I will be making for a dear friend to match the dress I will be making for her to wear to her nieces wedding at the end of this month - stay tuned for those photos) The final three photos are the floppy makeup bag I will be handing over to my client sometime this week. It took an hour to put together. As she had provided the fabric, all she is paying for is my time and the zipper. Total cost $41.00 (including GST)
07.01.2022 Well, this is a bit exciting! A free plug on another Facebook page
06.01.2022 Love it when the new advertising sign on the back of my car gets noticed. I got a call this afternoon from a lovely lady who says she was sitting behind me at the lights this morning and saw my logo. She took my number so she could find out exactly what I do (obviously didn’t have time to read that info under my number). Turns out she does need a seamstress
05.01.2022 Well I might not be able to make bespoke clothes at this time, but I am still available. Ive just finished four cushion covers with self covered buttons ... the zippered and piped bench seat cover is next If you need to revamp your home (lets face it, we have spent a lot of time there lately), then give me a call. Im happy to see how I can help you
04.01.2022 This afternoon I handed over a beautiful outfit for a gorgeous young lady for her Year 12 formal at the end of this month. It was an absolute pleasure working with Allira, and I hope she enjoys her special night. Will post photos from the night once I’ve got them (obviously was a spur of the moment decision to take the photo, lol)
04.01.2022 What do you do when you need something to iron jacket sleeve cuffs on without lying the sleeve flat, but you have nothing small enough to hand? Google has all the answers!!! From Melissa and Doug on, a toy washing basket with all the laundry needs ... including an ironing board that perfectly fits inside the sleeve of a jacket!!! Our grandson Linkin will be learning all about doing the laundry (but not ironing) while at Nanny and Pas place. I call that a win-win for sure
03.01.2022 Email gremlins have been dealt with. Thank you Damen Edwards from EFour Web Developers . So, if you want to email me, [email protected] is back up and running - but I have no access to any that have been sent in the last week
03.01.2022 Hahaha, thats so me!!!!
02.01.2022 I can thoroughly recommend these guys
01.01.2022 I mentioned in my last post that I had been working on a beautiful dress for a beautiful friend ... well here are some photos. The colour is just superb on you Jeanine Hind. Cant wait to perfect my clutch bag making skills to make a matching bag for you The dress is made from Italian silk
01.01.2022 Wow, its been a while since my last post. Its been hectic, I cant believe how well received my little busines has been. I know my work is excellent, but to be acknowledged the way I have, it just blows my mind and I thank everyone who has promoted me This weekend has been a massive weekend, starting with visiting a new client for a fitting ... thankfully the project is not urgent, Im fully booked out until the middle of December . Then it was over to our daughters... place to pick up the two grandkids, one almost six year old granddaughter and a ten month old grandson - love these two (and our other three) little munchkins to the ends of the universe... and they are having a sleep over. Woo hoo Today I met a gorgeous girlfriend to assist with the purchase of the perfect dress and shoes for her night out next Saturday night. Shes been nominated in the Optus My Business Awards - Lime and Coconut Cafe at Windsor. Do yourself a favour and head out there for the best coffee and breakfast/lunch you can get anywhere Then it was back home to organise things for a photoshoot of my private collection of clothes to showcase on my new website. Thank you so very much to some very, very special ladies in my life. My models : Bec Graziano (our gorgeous daughter); Delinda Graziano (our gorgeous granddaughter); Tracey Arthur (one of my longest friends); Margaret Boland (my absolutely beautiful sister(in-law)) and last but definitely not least Lisa McCaskill (a beautiful girlfriend who also tortures me at Pilates Extension). Hair by Chars House of Hair - Charlene Spencer has been my hair dresser for more years than either of us would like to admit and has been there to shave my head on a couple of ocasdions for fundraising - youre a legend Char . Makeup by Creative Shapes - Margaret Boland has been my beautiful sister-in-law for so many years, and I am thankful for her making my older brother happy all these years. And of course the photography by Deep Edge Studios - Craigh Tiberti was so professional, made all of us feel so relaxed and explained why we had to stand certain ways for best results. Cant wait to see the proofs So Im now sitting here with my feet up with a glass of chilled white wine on the side table beside me. I dont think I will have my usual difficulty of falling aslep tonight It is such a blessing to be able to do something you are passionate about for a job. So, its really not a job
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