Shin Kaizen Aikido in Caboolture, Queensland | Sport & recreation
Shin Kaizen Aikido
Locality: Caboolture, Queensland
Address: 11 Candle Crescent 4510 Caboolture, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Thinking is resistance In Aikido, thinking about doing a certain technique in a situation restricts the flow of Ki and things often dont work out the way you ...would like. When you stop creating resistance thinking about what you want do and allow the Ki to show you the way. The right technique just happens. Everyday should be like performing a technique. Stop thinking about how you will deal with situations. Allow the universe to guide you and youll always find the right way to sort things out. See more
25.01.2022 The weight of objects is always naturally underside. Therefore the physical expression of living calmness is that the weight of every part of body is also under...side. Like the calm still surface water that reflects the moon and flying bird, true living calmness is the condition of our mind that reflects all things clearly. This is our original and natural state. By understanding these principles, we can acquire true living calmness. Kiochi Tohei (1920 - 2011)
23.01.2022 Gratitude is the fastest way to align yourself with the universe. What is gratitude? How does it feel? The words that come to mind are appreciation, love, sat...isfaction, joy, happiness, fulfilment. You may have noticed all these words are highly associated with feelings. They are all things you feel. Feelings are vibrations. High frequency vibrations. The law of vibration is the under lying law of all universal laws. If your not n the right frame of mind , thinking with low vibrational thoughts . You dont feel good and therefore the universal laws wont work for you as they should. Not because theyre not working but because you are blocking the entry point for them to come into your life . By having gratitude and feeling things like appreciation. Your inner vibration will rise and you open the flood gates for the universal laws to take full swing affect and come into your life. Start by writing a list of the 10 things you are truly grateful for in your life . Everyday take 10 minutes to reflect through this list and feel the appreciation you have for these things being in your life. Not only will you feel better and on top of the world right away, but you also start allowing more things that bring these feelings, into your life. Soon you will notice that the manifestation of all that you want starts occurring with no effort. Life starts to become all you ever wanted it to be . See more
22.01.2022 The law of attraction causes the universe to give back everything it receives . The reason you dont have want you want in your life is because you keep about the fact that you dont have it in your life. Think about what you want and feel how it would feel to have what you want. Then let it go and appreciate the moment youre in. Realise things are fine the way they are right now. What you want will find its way into your life sooner than you think. JMT See more
22.01.2022 Aiki is obtained when one stops creating resistance by trying to force a certain outcome and just surrenders to what is. Go with the flow and let what is be what it is. The universe always knows whats best. JMT
22.01.2022 Everything youve always wanted in life is already there for you. Ready waiting for you to claim it. All you need to do is stop thinking about it, stop focusing on what you dont have yet and allow it to manifest into your life. JMT
22.01.2022 The light of the body is the eye: if: therefore thine eye be single, thy: whole body shall be full of light. Matthew 6:22
20.01.2022 Being in the now is so important to so many aspects of your life. It quiets the thoughts of the past and the future allowing ones mind to hear voice of your hig...her self. Your absolute connection with the source of creation itself. It maybe quiet at first and hard to hear but with practise it is easily heard and will guide you to exactly where you need to be, when you need to be there. See more
19.01.2022 When an opponent comes forward, move in and greet him; if he wants to pull back, send him on his way. When life is victorious, there is birth; when it is thwart...ed, there is death. A warrior is always engaged in a life-and-death struggle for Peace. When you bow deeply to the universe, it bows back; when you call out the name of God, it echoes inside you. Morihei Ueshiba See more
18.01.2022 Do you feel like your in a rut? It’s ok it happens to every one. It happened to some of the greatest minds the world has known. Heard of Einstein’s unfinished f...ield equations? We are all beings of energy and vibration. Energy and vibration shifts. Energy moves and changes constantly . Never standing still for just one moment. Sometimes it is high sometimes it is low. All things move, sometimes planets align sometimes not. Sometimes the moon is full , most times not. When it is, it shifts the tides more than when it’s not . Everything playing its part in the ever shifting and moving energy of the universe. You are just another part of the universe, playing a part of and being affected by the ever changing energy that you are and that is all around you. Your thoughts and feelings are the key to the energetic vibration you seek to break the cycle and get out of your rut. As you dig yourself into your rut. Your thoughts are getting slammed into brick walls , getting constant Red lights in traffic. Anything that could go wrong does go wrong. The feelings that come with these thoughts aren’t so good. They’re of a lower vibration. And as the universe sees it. As above so below. What you give is was you get. You will receive situations back that match that vibration. More of the rut you are in. Change the frequency of your vibration. Find the things, thoughts and activities in life that you love, that make you feel good. Focus your thoughts there for a while. Find your appreciation for why you love doing those things. In that appreciation is the feeling that is the key to your way out. By holding that feeling in your heart you can relook at situations that were blocked and see them in a new light with an appreciation for what they are. When your energy aligns, when the energy shifts . The answers will come to you. The solutions will appear . The motivation will come. And you should ride it like a wave right out of your rut, toward creating a life with more feelings of higher vibration. For what you feel inside, is what will come to you on the outside. As above so below. What you give is what you get. See more
18.01.2022 Do you feel like your in a rut? Its ok it happens to every one. It happened to some of the greatest minds the world has known. Heard of Einsteins unfinished f...ield equations? We are all beings of energy and vibration. Energy and vibration shifts. Energy moves and changes constantly . Never standing still for just one moment. Sometimes it is high sometimes it is low. All things move, sometimes planets align sometimes not. Sometimes the moon is full , most times not. When it is, it shifts the tides more than when its not . Everything playing its part in the ever shifting and moving energy of the universe. You are just another part of the universe, playing a part of and being affected by the ever changing energy that you are and that is all around you. Your thoughts and feelings are the key to the energetic vibration you seek to break the cycle and get out of your rut. As you dig yourself into your rut. Your thoughts are getting slammed into brick walls , getting constant Red lights in traffic. Anything that could go wrong does go wrong. The feelings that come with these thoughts arent so good. Theyre of a lower vibration. And as the universe sees it. As above so below. What you give is was you get. You will receive situations back that match that vibration. More of the rut you are in. Change the frequency of your vibration. Find the things, thoughts and activities in life that you love, that make you feel good. Focus your thoughts there for a while. Find your appreciation for why you love doing those things. In that appreciation is the feeling that is the key to your way out. By holding that feeling in your heart you can relook at situations that were blocked and see them in a new light with an appreciation for what they are. When your energy aligns, when the energy shifts . The answers will come to you. The solutions will appear . The motivation will come. And you should ride it like a wave right out of your rut, toward creating a life with more feelings of higher vibration. For what you feel inside, is what will come to you on the outside. As above so below. What you give is what you get. See more
17.01.2022 I am that I am For I think my own thoughts, feel my own emotions and create my own reality through those thoughts and emotions . Therefore all that I see, I am that, I am. JMT
15.01.2022 There are so many beliefs and ways of thinking in our society that teach us to ignore our emotions. These are all paths to depression and anxiety . Dont ignor...e your emotions. Recognise them, feel them, acknowledge them and learn from them. Your emotions are more important than any thought. They are the key to finding your true vibration of success. JMT See more
15.01.2022 Seeking knowledge is the true path to inner growth. Beware what you feed your mind, too much in this society is designed to cause distraction from purpose. See...k to fill yourself with knowledge to understand yourself . For only through the understanding of oneself and what you truly are, can you conquer your life. See more
14.01.2022 In the art of aikido, in any technique one always tries to find the path of least resistance. This is the surest way to achieve the result you are after. Livin...g life should be no different. Finding the path of least resistance will always show you the right way, and is the fastest way to manifest or achieve whatever goal you wish to achieve. JMT See more
14.01.2022 The world is just an illusion Only that which we believe to exist and give name, exists when we will it into being. All is vibration, vibration creates waves. ...All things are waves until viewed by the observer, when waves become particles. The material world only exists when we observe it and give it form. Brahma sitting on a lotus opens his eyes and a world comes into being. He closes his eyes and a world goes out of being Apanishads
13.01.2022 What we believe to be possible defines what we are capable of creating. Nassim Haramein
12.01.2022 Here’s the official Shin Kaizen Aikido YouTube commercial for ‘Aikido with Kids’ . It’s now a family project . Keep an eye out for the first episode . ‘ Etiquet...te’ . Make sure to visit the YouTube channel and Like, Share and Subscribe!!! See more
10.01.2022 Have you ever thought Im too broken to be fixed. Your never too broken. In fact your not broken at all. Your just lost. Unsure of your purpose, so you do...nt know where to start working on your self . Realise any place is a good place to start. Often if you quiet your mind through meditation or self reflection and just allow things to be for a while. The place to start will pop its head up and show you what you need to work on first. Theres no rush. Life is a journey and its all about the journey. The destination may be the original intent of why you started a particular journey but in the end it is just a side effect of the journey. Try to enjoy the journey. Stop trying to get to the end so quickly. If you dont enjoy the journey the final destination wont be all you wanted it to be anyway. JMT See more
08.01.2022 This is a Video trailer for the first Shin Kaizen Aikido video series called Aikido with Khoda. Be sure to Like Share and leave a comment to let us what you think of the trailer. It took a few hours to put together, so your input is greatly appreciated .
08.01.2022 To much thinking is what has caused so many of the problems we see in todays world. Thinking has brought us war, hatred, depression and anxiety. The list goes ...on. Stop thinking so much and start feeling. Use you thoughts to assess your feelings. Feelings will always guide you down the right path. For love is not something you think it is something you feel. JMT See more
08.01.2022 Ki is the Japanese term for universal energy. Also known in other cultures by such names as Chi, Prana, Kundalini , Kalapas, Source , The Field, the Ether, Dar...k Energy, vibration and many other names. It is the energy of the universe in all its forms. Ki in Daily Lifes mission is to help awaken the world to its connection with source, universal energy, and to teach peace and harmony with ones self and others to as many people as possible to help raise the global consciousness through positive thought and raising vibration . Do your part to help improve the world. Just , Like, Share and leave a comment with your thoughts on the daily posts. Everyones input is valuable and your help is essential for creating a better world. JMT See more
08.01.2022 Is procrastination crushing your dreams? Have you ever had a great idea? Maybe something just popped into your head and you have the greatest sense of satisf...action about it. The ultimate buzz type feeling. Or Maybe its something youve been thinking about it for a while. It felt awesome when the idea came to you. You then thought to yourself. If I could do that it would change my life. But didnt act and the feeling is fading. This is the universe or your higher or inner self talking to you. That thought came from your higher self where all your vibration is aligned and that great feeling was you coming into alignment with your true self. The self you were always meant to be. If you act on turning this thought into reality with the feeling it brought intact. It will become all you wanted it to be. Your vibrational alignment will be unstoppable. Though the longer you wait to act on these high vibrational thoughts the feeling can start to fade and even become negative. This is because failure to act is pulling you out of alignment . Your vibration is shifting. The longer you wait the more negative it will become . You may even start to get down on yourself about it for not acting. The dream gets pushed further and further away from your life. The way to go is to act now. Be in the now have the thought have the feeling and be the creator of your life. The universe gave you the thought so you can be all you were meant to be . So grab it and run with it. Do it while it feels good and create more of those feelings. All you want will manifest it self giving even greater satisfaction and more good feelings. The dominoes heading towards your greatest life will topple with ease as you step into the greatest version of yourself. See more
07.01.2022 Ki is the energy of life When Ki flows life grows Stay relaxed and allow the energy of the universe to run through you. By doing this all things in life become positively charged allowing the lotus of life to bloom and grow. JMT
07.01.2022 Always keep your mind as bright and clear as the vast sky, the great ocean, and the highest peak, empty of all thoughts. Always keep your body filled with light and heat. Fill yourself with the power of wisdom and enlightenment. Morihei Ueshiba
07.01.2022 The Buddha Prince Siddhartha Guatama once said Attachment causes suffering. Through attachment we often cause ourselves great suffering throughout our lives.... It can come through relationships, where there is attachment to a lover and separation is imminent , yet we do not want it to end. So pain and suffering is incurred. It can come through attachment to assets. When something must be sold and holds sentimental value and letting it go becomes difficult and suffering is incurred. It can come through money . Where you have worked hard to save or aquire it and life insists you spend it. Making you feel back at square one again causing suffering through frustration. There are so many ways suffering through attachment can come, the situations are endless. Try to realise that nothing in this world is permanent. Not even for one second. Everything in the universe is under constant change. From the atoms your body is made from to the ever expanding universe. Things come and things go. Even you will one day no longer be here in physical form. It is our task to realise and understand why we receive and why we have lost things in our lives and grow from the lesson we have received in doing so. There is always something to learn. Your higher self would not have brought the situation to you if there were not. Always seek the positive lesson from your experience. Then grow and expand with the knowledge just as the universe that you are an extension of does as it constantly learns from your experiences. Let go of your attachments. As trying to hold on to them is like trying to stop the constant changing of the universe. Causing disruption to its flow of energy. Disruption causes unnecessary chaos. Chaos causes confusion and frustration and therefore suffering. Allow what it is to be what it is, go with the flow of the universe and all will work itself out for the most beneficial outcome. JMT See more
06.01.2022 The true meaning of as above so below is not as hard to comprehend as one might think. The divine is not just something high above you. It is also inside of, it is in everything around you , it is you and all you see. To think that you are seperate from the source of creation is something taught by society . Realise that all is one and that you are the part of the creator through which it learns about itself. See more
05.01.2022 Everything is connected Youve probably heard this before. But how can we know this? Its one thing to be told this and believing it because you inner being ...knows it to be true. But sometimes its hard to just believe because its not something you can see or touch. Guess what? You actually can see it. Its everywhere in all things. You just need to know what to look for. Everywhere in nature the connection shows itself through the golden ratio 1.618 and the Fibonacci sequence of 1.616 fluctuating ratio. This is the physical connection between all that is created in our universe. In the human body the ratio is shown through every part of the body. Starting at the fingers, each part is 1.618 bigger than the previous part . The fingers to the palm. The hand to the forearm . The forearm to the upper arm. The whole arm to the torso . The torso to the legs. This is seen in the art work from Leonardo Da Vinci and Vitruvius , Vitruvian man. It is displayed all throughout nature in every animal whos bodys ratio again are all at the scale of 1.618. It is in every plant through either 1.618 or Fibonacci. In the spiral that we see in shells, vegetables, flowers , seeds, storms, galaxies. Or in the trees between the relationship of leaves to twigs to branches to the trunk. It is in everything at all scales. All you need to do is pay real attention to what you see. See more
04.01.2022 Your thoughts can be your own worst enemy. So many of us allow ourselves to think thoughts that provoke negative emotions. We then hold onto these thoughts and ...allow our emotions to make us feel bad, sad, upset or angry. Lowering our vibration and attracting negative situations into our lives. Take control of your thoughts . When negative provoking thoughts come in, acknowledge them and let them go. Send them on their way. Why allow thoughts that make you feel bad have control of your life. Surely your wish to feel good, happy and on top of the world. Let go of the negative and find thoughts that provoke positive feelings. Feel gratitude, feel love, feel appreciation, feel empowered. These are the thoughts and feelings that create. If you must think. Think positive and feel good, align with and attract the positive into your life. The universal laws never fail. See more
03.01.2022 Heres the official Shin Kaizen Aikido YouTube commercial for Aikido with Kids . Its now a family project . Keep an eye out for the first episode . Etiquet...te . Make sure to visit the YouTube channel and Like, Share and Subscribe!!! See more
03.01.2022 The value of our existence. Our lives are born of the Ki of the universe. Let us give thanks for not being born as plants and animals, but as human beings bles...sed with a universal mind. Let us pledge to fulfil our missions by helping to guide the development of the creation of the universe. Koichi Tohei See more
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