Shire of Derby/West Kimberley in Derby, Western Australia | Community organisation
Shire of Derby/West Kimberley
Locality: Derby, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9191 0999
Address: 30 Loch Street 6728 Derby, WA, Australia
Likes: 1793
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25.01.2022 Have you been for a visit to Wharfinger House? Wharfinger House is run entirely by volunteers and is home to some amazing history. Listen to the ABC Kimberley interview below
25.01.2022 The #Derby Rangers rewarded Bill Hart from Derby when he was spotted by Shire Ranger Michelle walking his beautiful dog Luma near the dog exercise area! Bill was rewarded with a gift bag full of treats for the dog and owner alike. Remember, to be eligible for a rewards bag your dog must be registered, microchipped and under control on a leash in public, just like Luma .
25.01.2022 Fight the Bite You can help Fight the Bite by covering up, using repellent and cleaning up to stop mozzies breeding. Find out more about what you can do to help fight the bite on our website here:
25.01.2022 We are out and about today, keen to hear your feedback, what can we do better, what are we doing well and what does Derby look like over the next ten years? We are out the front of Sampeys this morning. Pop down, we are ready to listen!
24.01.2022 We are so excited to see Contemplation back up again! Check it out
23.01.2022 Christmas Hours The Derby Memorial Swimming Pool will be open over the festive season except public holidays and early closing at 4.00pm on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. Shire Officers will be on call over the festive season. For emergency assistance, contact 08 9191 0999.
23.01.2022 The Shire would like to help our local businesses do more business with us... Register with Vendor Panel - the Shires online quotation system. "We will even sen...d Neatesy out to help you get all signed up!" We are committed to buying local, strengthening our local economy and creating jobs. Wayne Neate and Dave Miller - signing up Mitre 10.
23.01.2022 Love the Derby Boab Festival? Why not get involved with organising the festival. The Boab Festival AGM is being held at 5.30pm, Tuesday 17 November at 6DBY. For further information email [email protected] or visit
22.01.2022 Don't forget - the #Derby Christmas Markets are on this Sunday!
21.01.2022 Get ready to splash dance at the first of our Youth Discos for 2021! Come along to the Derby Memorial Pool on tomorrow afternoon for some cool tunes and fun times. Details in the flyer below.
21.01.2022 Don't forget to check out our current employment opportunities. You can apply online through our website. Applications are closing soon. See the website here for more information:
21.01.2022 *Derby Memorial Pool update* We've resolved this mornings issues and the pool is now open. Thanks for your patience. Hope to see you for a splash this afternoon!
20.01.2022 Have you checked out our School Holiday Program for January 2021? Information can be found on our website here:
20.01.2022 Join us at the Ordinary Council Meeting today. 1.00pm at the Karrayili Adult Education Centre, Fitzroy Crossing. Agenda can be found here:
20.01.2022 The #Derby Rangers picked up the following a dog today. Young male crossbreed, friendly but no microchip or collar. Please contact the Derby Rangers on 08 9191 0999.
19.01.2022 *Derby Memorial Pool update* Due to an issue with the water level the pool will be opening slightly later than planned today. We expect to be open by 1pm, but will advise of any changes to this. Keep an eye on our Facebook account for updates. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
19.01.2022 It's National Recycling Week! In the first month of the Containers for Change program, 27.9 million containers have been collected! How amazing is that Follow Containers for Change WA below for more information about where the containers go, how they are recycled and where your local refund point is.... Refund points in the Shire include: Winun Ngari depot in Derby Winun Ngari pop-up in Looma community Yungngora (Noonkanbah) community pop-up, Fitzroy Crossing Marra Worra Worra Recycling depots, Fitzroy Crossing Wangkatjungka community pop-up, Fitzroy Crossing Yiyili community pop-up, Fitzroy Crossing Don't forget, you can pick up a free poly recycling bag from the Shire's Administration Buildings in #Derby and #FitzroyCrossing. Winun Ngari Aboriginal Corporation Marra Worra Worra
18.01.2022 On our final day of the Junior School Holiday everyone became treasure hunters for the morning. Again we enjoyed some sandwiches and fruit for morning tea and a swim to wrap up our last day at the Derby Pool.
18.01.2022 Come on down today to the Derby Town Oval to celebrate Mental Health Week. Enjoy food, water and fun from 2.30pm 5pm.
16.01.2022 More Photos from Shinju... Under 18's Overall MVP: Marcellus Bear Under 18's Grand Final MVP: Dallas McAdam ... And full Team Photo! Congratulations DERBY MOB!!!!
16.01.2022 Dont forget - applications for the Trainee Environmental Health Field Support Officer (Aboriginal Communities) close tomorrow, Wednesday 26 August at 4.00pm. More information can be found on our website here: Dont miss out on this awesome opportunity!
16.01.2022 And that is the end of the Junior School Holiday Program for Sept/Oct 2020! We would like to thank everyone for all their support during the program. A special mention to the following local organisation for their support over the two week period: Winun Ngari Remote School Attendance Strategy, Ngunga Women’s and the Derby Police Department. ... Check out our wrap up video of all the great things we got up to in the program these school holidays.
15.01.2022 Fitzroy Crossing communities are reminded to drop in to the Fitzroy Crossing Community Open Day on Wednesday 14 October at the Fitzroy Crossing Hall, between 11.00am - 2.00pm. All welcome to have a chat about the Shire's Strategic Community Plan.
15.01.2022 Our Strategic Community Plan will drive our priorities for the next decade. The Plan is being developed by community consultation since July, we’ve received feedback from over 1,500 respondents. If you’d like to have your say, our survey is open until Thursday 19 November 2020 (; or you can contact the Shire via 08 9191 0999 or [email protected]. ... Our ongoing engagement and consultation will continue through to the new year, with public exhibition of the draft Plan over an eight-week period. THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to have their say already. #EmbraceOurFuture
14.01.2022 The #Derby Rangers picked up the following dogs today: 1. Male Great Dane: No collar, microchip or registration. Timid but friendly. Found on Cnr of Alexander and McLarty St... 2. Female Kelpie Cross: No collar, microchip or registration. Found on Cnr of Alexander and McLarty St Please contact Shire Rangers on 08 9191 0999 or [email protected] For more on pet ownership, click here -
14.01.2022 Congratulations to the Derby Basketballers who attended Shinju in Broome over the last few days. There was a great mix of Girls and Boys Teams with 7 Teams attending in total. Derby was successful in making 5 out 6 Grand Finals. The Under 15 Boys, Under 18 Girls and Boys all won their matches! Congratualtions on the terrific efforts of you all!!! Special Mentions to Under 13's MVP and Grandfinal MVP Errol Swan MVP Under 18's Marcellus Bear... Under 18's Grand Final MVP Dallas Mc Adams Under 15's Grand Final MVP Zimmarley Williams - Wilson Awesome feedback has been received by the Camp School and Event Organisers praising all that attended on their great values, and "wonderful manners" Deadly Derby Mob - You did yourselves Proud!!! Many thanks to all Volunteers, Parents, Coaches and those that helped out in any way... too many to mention, but your contributions were very much valued. Many thanks to key sponsors Emama Nguda, Winun Ngari, Garndawa and The Shire of Derby/ West Kimberley.
14.01.2022 New year, new employment opportunity? We've just added some great new roles to our website. Applications close on December 2nd. Check them out here:
14.01.2022 Community Clean-up Day! Its been a big morning working in the heat but we got the job done and we are ready for the Tidy Town judges to come and have a look around the Community next Friday!
13.01.2022 The WA Industry Link Regional Communication Forum in Derby will bring together state government representatives, policy makers and local businesses in the Kimberley region. The Forum is taking place Wednesday 19 August. Find out more information and register for the event here:
13.01.2022 It was great to get out to Jarlmadangah Burru Aboriginal Community yesterday. Thanks for having us
12.01.2022 The #Derby Rangers picked up the following dogs today: 1. Male Lab Cross: With collar but no registration or microchip. Extremely friendly and well trained. Found on Blythe St. Derby... 2. Female Kelpie Cross: With collar but no registration or microchip. Timid but friendly Please contact Shire Rangers on 08 9191 0999 or [email protected] For more on pet ownership, click here -
12.01.2022 We have unfortunately had to close the Derby Town Pool for health and safety reasons. We apologise for any inconvenience. Opening times will be back to normal tomorrow. Have a great day!
11.01.2022 We are at the Rec Centre in Fitzroy this morning Strategic Planning hope to see you all there.... Join us for a sausage sizzle! Mick is getting the BBQ going now...
11.01.2022 Looking for something to do this afternoon in Fitzroy Crossing? Come down to the Oval and join in the Gladiator games and basketball that are happening as part of the School Holiday Program. We will be there from 2.30pm to 5pm. To find out what else is happening these school holidays follow the Fitzroy Valley Youth Hub Facebook page
11.01.2022 Christmas is just around the corner and it is almost time to put up your lights! We are awarding three prizes in Fitzroy Crossing and three prizes in Derby which will be judged on creativity and not on the amount of lights you have. So get started and submit your details to [email protected] to be added to the map.... #SDWKChristmasLights
09.01.2022 The #Derby Rangers rewarded Kim & Gary from Derby when they were spotted by Shire Ranger Brad walking their dog Arlo at the jetty last Monday. They were rewarded with a gift bag full of treats for the dog and owners alike. Remember, to be eligible for a rewards bag your dog must be registered, microchipped and under control on a leash in public, just like Arlo .
09.01.2022 We would like to hear from you! We would like to hear from as many community members as possible over the next few months. There are lots of different ways we can talk to you and get your feedback including through an online survey: All feedback we receive is anonymous. For more information about the SCP and how you can get in touch, please see our website here: The SDWK is a great place to live lets make it even greater. #embraceourfuture
09.01.2022 The Fitzroy Crossing Public Library will be closed on Friday 16 October 2020.
09.01.2022 On TONIGHT at the Fitzroy Crossing Recreation Centre! Free community event!
09.01.2022 Shire welcomes WAs Containers for Change in Derby and West Kimberley The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley welcomes WAs new Containers for Change initiative set to launch on 1 October 2020. The state-wide container deposit scheme has six locations in Derby and Fitzroy Crossing including:... Winun Ngari depot in Derby Winun Ngari pop-up in Looma community Yungngora (Noonkanbah) community pop-up, Fitzroy Crossing Marra Worra Worra Recycling depots, Fitzroy Crossing Wangkatjungka community pop-up, Fitzroy Crossing Yiyili community pop-up, Fitzroy Crossing Shire President Geoff Haerewa said that it was an outstanding initiative that will see participants receive 10c for every eligible container returned at authorised refund points. This is a fantastic fund-raising method that cleans up the environment as well, which is a win-win for everyone, Cr Haerewa said. Environment Minister Stephen Dawson said that no matter where you lived in WA, you would have the opportunity to return your containers and receive a refund, or donate it to a community group or cause that is important to you. "Containers for Change will help improve recycling rates and reduce litter, while also providing a new funding stream for our charities and community groups, and employment opportunities across the State, Minister Dawson said. Please see the Containers for Change website for more including location map: Photo: State Government ministers met with Shire of Derby/West Kimberley representatives on Saturday 5 September 2020 to discuss Containers for Change, and other regional matters. L-R: Local Government Minister David Templeman; Cr Rowena Mouda; Environment Minister Stephen Dawson; CEO Amanda OHalloran; Shire President Geoff Haerewa; Deputy President Paul White.
09.01.2022 The Fitzroy Visitors Centre will be closed between 8:30am - 9:30am on Friday, 27 November 2020.
09.01.2022 The #Derby Rangers picked up the following dog: 1. Female Staffy Terrier Cross. She is shy and does not have a collar, tag or microchip. Please contact Shire Rangers on 08 9191 0999 or [email protected]... For more on pet ownership, click here -
09.01.2022 Thank to the Fitzroy Crossing Community for joining us at the Fitzroy Family Fun Night. We had such a great time, it was so good to see so many smiling faces! W...e even had a visit from Santa. Thank you for keeping the oval and hall so clean - there was not a piece of rubbish in sight! #visitfitzroycrossing
08.01.2022 The Fitzroy Crossing Visitor Centre will be opening at 9am on Wednesday 16 September. This is a little later than normal, so staff can attend a Strategic Community Plan workshops earlier in the morning.
07.01.2022 The #Derby Memorial Swimming Pool is re-opening this Saturday 29 August. To celebrate, the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley is hosting a free pool party! Join us from 11.00am
07.01.2022 The Aboriginal Womens Research Assistant & Evaluation (AWRAE) Training Project is coming to #Derby! The program will provide the opportunity for up to six women from Derby to participate in the 12 month paid training program. Information sessions are being held this week for Stakeholders and Jobseekers. See the flyers attached for further information, or visit the Aboriginal Biodiversity Conservation Foundation website
06.01.2022 Taking place today on the lawn behind Scott House at the Hospital. Come down from 4.00pm!
06.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE YEAR 12 LEAVERS If Year 12 wasn't already hard enough, imagine doing it in 2020. Congratulations to school leavers who have completed studies in an incredibly topsy-turvy year. Here are some photos of the Year 12 leavers dinner at Fitzroy Valley District High School. If you've got any pics to share of other graduations, we'd love to see! : Supplied, Fitzroy Valley DHS
06.01.2022 The Shire of Derby West Kimberley is bringing back Carols by Candlelight for 2020. Still seeking expression of interest for community performers to perform on the night, please contact our friendly staff at Community Development 0891 910 999 or [email protected] Free community event for all ages, come and help us celebrate on 13 Dec 2020 for a fun family friendly evening.
06.01.2022 R U OK?Day is Thursday 10 September and this years message is Theres more to say after R U OK?. Learn what to say next so you can have a conversation that could change, or even save, a life. Visit #theresmoretosay
04.01.2022 We really appreciate the local #Derby cafes showing their support for the Shires Strategic Community Plan by helping circulate the Shires feedback surveys and postcards to their customers. A huge thank you to: HighTide Cafe Jila Gallery Cafe... Neaps Bistro Get behind these cafes with a great meal and coffee and make sure you fill in the Shires survey if you havent already. Surveys can be returned to the Shire offices or the Derby Licensed Post Office.
04.01.2022 Public Notice Meeting Date Change The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley has regular committee meetings and the public are welcome to attend. Unfortunately two upcoming committees have now had their meeting dates deferred. Both the Audit Committee and the Commercial Committee (which were scheduled for meetings on 15 October at Karrayili Adult Education Centre in Fitzroy Crossing) have been rescheduled to 20 October 2020 to now be held in the Council Chambers, 31 Clarendon Stree...t, Derby. The Audit Committee will meet at 12noon, followed by the Commercial Committee at 1.00pm We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause but look forward to seeing members of the community in attendance at the meetings next week.
04.01.2022 We are currently seeking passionate and keen Youth Support Officers to join our team in #Derby. For more information, check out our website here:
04.01.2022 Shire Rangers launch innovative reward program for dog owners. The #Derby Rangers are launching a new and exciting initiative to reward responsible dog owners. If Shire Rangers notice a member of the public is in full control walking their registered and microchipped dog on a leash, they will receive a complimentary gift bag full of treats for both the owner and dog.... This is a WA first to encourage dog owners to register and microchip their dogs as per the Dog Act 1976. However, not everyone complies with this so on the odd occasion Rangers are forced to infringe offenders. Our Shire Rangers have decided to try a different tactic to reward responsible dog owners in the hope that others may see this and head to the Shire admin to register their pets. So keep an eye out for the Shires innovative Rangers, and you never know, you might be rewarded with a gift bag full of treats for you and your mate. A big thank you to our sponsors: Shire Aboriginal Environmental Health Unit, HighTide Cafe, Jila Gallery Cafe and the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley. Our first winner is Claudia and her two fur babies Keta And Max. Claudia is from Perth and is travelling around the State with her husband. They cannot wait to explore our beautiful part of the world with their dogs. Claudia was extremely happy and thankful to be rewarded for the first time ever for doing the right thing. This is the first of many the Shire Rangers hope to reward in the coming weeks.
04.01.2022 Time to dust off the cap and googles and start doing those laps in preparation for the annual Derby Swim Classic! Competitors can choose to complete the 20km marathon as a individual or team (with up to 12 team members). More information on the website here:
04.01.2022 The #Derby Rangers picked up the following dogs today: Female Jack Russell Cross. No collar or microchip. Found on the corner of Stanley and Stanwell Street. Timid but friendly. Please contact Shire Rangers on 08 9191 0999 or [email protected]... For more on pet ownership, click here -
03.01.2022 Verge Collection taking place in Derby on 24 August
03.01.2022 Get your 2021 Citizen of the Year Award nomination in now! Awards Available - Community Citizen of the Year, Community Citizen of the Year Youth (under 25), Community Citizen of the Year Senior (65 years or over) and Active Citizenship Award (for a community group or event)... Our Shire of Derby/West Kimberley has many fantastic people doing fantastic things for our community and now it is time to recognise their efforts. All nominations close by 31st of October. Dont miss out!
02.01.2022 Please join us for a Whole of Community Workshop tomorrow Monday September 14 from 5 to 6.30 pm at the Derby Civic Centre! Come along to have your say as to what you would like to see happen in Derby and the West Kimberley that the SDWK could support - over the next 10 years and into the future. The workshop will:... Give you an overview of what the SDWK is doing in relation to updating its Strategic Community Plan (SCP) Provide an opportunity to have a say in a relaxed and interactive way Provide an opportunity for you to see what others are thinking and bounce ideas off each other Give you a chance to tell the SDWK Councillors and staff how they can further improve the SCP planning process Please feel free to promote this to others who may like to be involved. If youre not able to make it to the workshop but would like to provide feedback, you can complete the online survey at
02.01.2022 The township of Derby is only a 2 hour drive away from Broome and despite it being our nearest neighbour Id never visited until I drove north on my roadtrip @britzcampervans. Famous for its giant tides and Boab trees, Derby is also the gateway to the Gibb River Road which is another 4x4 track Ive yet to explore. #SeeAustralia #WanderOutYonder #MauiMotorhomes
02.01.2022 DERBY DASH AND SPLASH The Derby Memorial Swimming Pool’s second Dash and Splash event for the year was held on the 8 November 2020 and was a huge success! A total of 25 participants braved the early start and sweltering humidity to race. Racers were required to compete in either a short course consisting of a 3km run & 250m swim or the Long Course with a 5km run & 500m Swim as Solo or Duo competitors. ... The race started off with the running component at 6am heading down the Jetty exercise track and rounding back to the Derby Memorial Swimming Pool to finishing off with the swimming segment. All the participants did an amazing job and we had such great time hosting this event. Look out for our Dash and Splash Series in early 2021. #DashnSplash2020
02.01.2022 The #Derby Rangers picked up the following dog today: Male Kelpie X: No collar, microchip or registration. Extremely hungry, tired and thirsty. Rangers are taking good care of him now. ... Found Owen Ah Chee this morning. Please contact Shire Rangers on 08 9191 0999 or [email protected] For more on pet ownership, click here -
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