Shire of Northam | Government building
Shire of Northam
Phone: +61 8 9622 6100
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25.01.2022 http://PLEDGE TO DRIVE SO OTHERS SURVIVE - ROADWISE// Join the Shire of Northam RoadWise Committee at The Boulevard in Northam on Monday 16th November (9am-4pm). ‘Pledge to drive so others survive’ sign the pledge and enter the competition to win a $50 Dunnings fuel voucher!... Be an #avonlocaldrivingchange
23.01.2022 Rates Notices have been sent and accompanying them is the annual Firebreak Notice which gives specific information related to Firebreaks and Fuel Loads. Please remember that these requirements are due by 1 November each year. Many small landowners find it beneficial to spray their firebreaks in the lead up to the 1 November deadline as a preventative measure leading to less effort later if grading or whipper snipping. If considering burning, the open season usually runs to 30... September. Please check details of burning periods on our website at If you are a TENANT please check with your Landlord and Tenancy Agreement to ensure you are aware of whether you are being held responsible, as the requirements are more specific than merely maintaining the garden. Please refer to our website for a copy of the Notice
23.01.2022 Join Aboriginal History WA at the Bilya Koort Boodja Centre on Monday 16 November for a free family history session. Learn about historical state record collections containing valuable ancestral information and how to request these through family history application process. To register your attendance contact Duane Kelly at [email protected]
22.01.2022 http://NEW VACANCY// The Shire of Northam has a new vacancy for the position of Support Worker (Killara). Please view the application package on our website: Please send all applications to [email protected]. Applications close on 29 January 2021.
22.01.2022 http://SEASON POOL PASSES// Season pool passes are available to purchase from the 29th of September from the Northam Recreation Centre reception or Shire Head Office. Please note these are not available to use at early morning lap swimming until the season officially starts. Season passes do not cover slide rides. Any questions please call the Rec Centre on 9622 5153.
21.01.2022 This summer make sure you add the Emergency WA website to your favourites in your PC and smart phone. The team over at Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure the website is your number 1 source of up to date and accurate information about emergencies in our communities. Accessing current information about an emerging incident allows you to make informed decisions to protect you and your family. Head on over to Emergency WA and see some of the important updates for yourself.
20.01.2022 Don't forget about the NAIDOC event this afternoon at the BKB, come together as a community to celebrate.
20.01.2022 http:// SHIRE OF NORTHAM ANNOUNCES $1M INDUSTRY ATTRACTION FUND // The Shire of Northam is offering a $1,000,000 location or relocation incentive for business or industry to establish within its locality. Forming part of the Shire’s Covid-19 response strategy adopted in April 2020, an Industry Attraction Fund (IAF) has been established with the view of leveraging the Shires strategic location, affordable land & housing and access to road and rail networks. Shire President, Cr Ch...ris Antonio, said the establishment of the IAF was unanimously supported by the Council as an opportunity to assist the community cope with the medium to long term impacts Covid-19 was projected to have on local investment and employment. While the impacts of Covid-19 have been different than initially projected in our Shire, Council holds a strong view that attracting a significant industry or industries to our Shire will not only benefit us, but also the entire region Cr Antonio said. The IAF has been structured to offer a range of incentive options to be negotiated with the successful applicant(s), including but not limited to direct cash contributions, to land provision and rates holidays. The focus of the Council is to attract employment to the region, and more importantly make sure there is a significant community benefit. Cr Antonio said the Council is committed to expanding the Shire’s economic base, whilst providing employment opportunities for current and future potential residents. We are very clear that we are looking for employment generating opportunities, so are looking for in excess of 75 direct jobs to be created. We are also wanting to ensure that these jobs remain local within our Shire. As a result, we will have a framework to ensure the achievement of both priority outcomes. The Shire of Northam has a strong record in supporting business and industry development, with recent initiatives including a $250,000 small business Covid-19 support fund, ongoing financial incentives for business to invest in their historic buildings within the Northam CBD, favourable payment terms for local business, commitment to fast turnaround times for development and building approvals. Cr Antonio said the Shire of Northam is a great place to do business. We are a thriving community in an incredible region. Importantly, we want strong sustainable and well-managed development to occur. Our Council is very excited about the future of the Shire of Northam, and look forward to hearing from businesses or industries who want to be partner with us to be part of our ongoing sustainable success. Detailed information is available on the Shire of Northam website, whilst interested proponents should contact Mr Jason Whiteaker on (08) 9622 6100 or via email to [email protected]. See more
20.01.2022 DFES has declared a Total Fire Ban for tomorrow Tuesday 24th Nov 2020 in it's entirety. A Harvest, Vehicle Movement & Hot Works Ban is yet to be declard however is imminent given the predicted Fire Weather . For information about Total Fire Bans,please visit
18.01.2022 http://BUSINESS SUPPORT GRANT SCHEME REMINDER// A reminder that any outstanding applications for the local business support grant scheme must be submitted to the Shire of Northam Community Services Team by no later than close of business on Friday 25 September 2020. To complete the application form use the below link to be directed to the application on the website.... Northam Chamber of Commerce
17.01.2022 http://ENHANCEMENT OF THE NORTHAM CBD// The Shire of Northam is continuing to develop and enhance the Northam CBD, as one element of a long term strategy to position Northam as a vibrant and attractive place to live. As part of this strategy the Shire will be undertaking a number of projects in the coming months, two of these projects were signed off by Council at its most recent meeting, being; Demolition of the Former Northam Playgroup building which is located at Bernard Park, ...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Emergency Services volunteers and members of the Northam community are invited to move for Movember tomorrow morning from 8am from the DFES Northam Regional Office. The walk will take approx 1.5-2hrs and is a great way of getting outdoors, getting active and to get talking while raising awareness for the important Movember campaign in raising awareness for mens mental health. . Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA
16.01.2022 Public Notification Road Closure Carols on Fitzgerald Please be advised that Fitzgerald Street Northam, from Gordon Street to Grey Street will be closed between 2pm and 11:59pm during the Carols on Fitzgerald event. Friday 11th December 2020... There will be no access for traffic during this period. A map detailing the road closure is available on the Shire of Northam website at The Shire of Northam apologises for any inconvenience and appreciates your cooperation in this matter. JASON WHITEAKER CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 395 Fitzgerald Street PO Box 613 Northam WA 6401 P (08) 9622 6100 F (08) 9622 1910 E [email protected] W
16.01.2022 http:// PUBLIC NOTICE // A Community Grants Assessment Committee Meeting has been convened by the Shire President which will take place in the Council Chambers at 395 Fitzgerald Street, Northam. Date: 3 December 2020 Time: 4.00pm Purpose: To consider community grant funding applications.... The meeting is open to the public - questions can be submitted to the Executive Assistant CEO, Mrs Alysha McCall via email at [email protected] or phone on (08) 9622 6114 prior to the meeting. See more
16.01.2022 Looking for something for the kids to do over the school holidays? Check out the activities that are available
16.01.2022 http://PUBLIC NOTICE// At the Ordinary Council meeting held on 16 December 2020 Council endorsed the dates for its 2021 Council meetings. For more information please visit the Shire of Northam website.
15.01.2022 http://NORTHAM FLOUR MILL MURAL// Have you noticed the lovely mural being painted on the Flour Mill in town? We currently have the painter Amok Island in Northam for the next few weeks. He has created murals in over 25 countries worldwide and exhibited his work in Australia, the Netherlands and Japan. To see more of his work visit his website. We can't wait to see what it looks like when its finished FORM #publicart #muralpainting #wanderoutyonder
13.01.2022 New pool season opens Monday October 5th
13.01.2022 The majority of food poisoning happens at home. Make sure you Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill to prevent food poisoning. Play it Food Safe. For tips go to
12.01.2022 http://COMMUNITY CONSULTATION// The Shire of Northam, in consultation with the Northam Chamber of Commerce, is undertaking a review of the differential rate structure and is requesting feedback from: Businesses within the Northam town site and Avon Industrial Park; and Land owners where the predominant land use is commercial, industrial or community purposes within the Northam town site and the Avon Industrial Park. Feedback is sought through a short survey and details to comp...lete the survey can be obtained by contacting Ms Alysha McCall at [email protected] or (08) 9622 6114. For further information, please refer to the Shire of Northam website. See more
10.01.2022 Pursuant to Reg 38A Bush Fires Regulations 1954, a Harvest, Vehicle Movement & Hot Works Ban for the Shire of Northam from 0830 today 24th Dec 2020, this in effect EXTENDS the Xmas HVMB and the ban will lift at 2359 Monday 28th Dec 2020. All fire to be reported to 000
09.01.2022 Pursuant to Reg 38A Bush Fires Regulations 1954, a Harvest, Vehicle Movement & Hot Works Ban has been imposed for the entire Shire of Northam district effective immediately until 1700hrs, all permits are now suspended, report all fires to 000
08.01.2022 Don't forget to pop down to the Northam Boulevard Shopping Centre this Saturday from 10am if you have school age children from 11-18yrs that are interested in joining the exciting world of Emergency Services Cadets. This is an exciting program that is having a huge impact across regional WA. Pop down and chat to the team, there will also be information on hand about how mums and dads can get involved through one of our local volunteer emergency service groups.
07.01.2022 In an emergency, time is often of the essence so it is important to keep informed and keep up to date as an incident is very dynamic and things can change very quickly. The one source of truth for emergencies in Western Australia is the Emergency WA website. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA have put together this quick video to help you find current, timely & accurate information for all emergencies in your area.... Make sure you bookmark this important resource on your pc and your mobile device to ensure you are acting on the latest information available.
06.01.2022 Trevor Davis - Part 1.. I’m sixty-two years old and I’ve lived in Northam for forty-odd years. I came here back in the seventies because my family was here. I... was also chasing my future wife, who I’m still with now. I got to know Northam really well and nearly everyone in town knows me through sport. I travel far and wide and I still meet people everywhere. I was born in Pingelly on the Reserve. Later I lived outside town and in the bush. We grew up around the outskirts because we weren't allowed in town. But when you got out there, you forgot what the whitefella was doing to you because you’re meeting all your family. You’re with your cousins, your aunties and uncles and you don’t want to go into town anymore. I grew up in Shackleton, but before that there were camps, bush, from Busselton through the back of Kojonup along rivers and creeks. We ate fresh mussels, turtles, ducks, and sardines. We knew the bush potatoes and the bush medicine. Yabbies, marronswe were brought up on them. We went right through to Shackleton and found out there were a lot of Davises there too. Now I go back to Shackleton every two months. A lot of whitefellas don’t know that black history is very strong. Our artefacts, our landmarksthey don’t know about them. I go back to that and all the ways we learned. My grandfather ran the PCYC in Yarloop, the town that later burned down; he was the first Aboriginal person to ever run one. On top of the door of his gym it says, ‘receive one but give two in return.’ In my family there’s three boys and three girls. One of my sisters has passed away and I miss her dearly. I have a twin brother who I never met until I was about ten years’ old. My parents gave Frank away to Auntie May who was Dad’s older sister. He stayed with them until Auntie May passed away when he was nine or ten. Dad went to the funeral and he saw ‘Trevor’ there, so they brought him home and then I, the real Trevor, got home from school. I looked at my mother and said, ‘how come he has my face?’ Since then we’ve hardly ever been apart. My sisters are very close and we have a baby brother who we hardly ever see in Bunbury. My twin brother and I married sisters. He’s the oldest and he married the youngest sister. He’s left-handed, I’m right-handed. He had three girls, I had three boys. His birthdays on the twentieth, mine’s on the twenty-first. So, we’re different from each other but in a mirror way. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don’t know whether I’m Frank or Trevor. Over the years I’ve come to love Northam. I have an uncle who was born here on the corroboree ground at the Mortlock River. He was the oldest sibling of Dad’s family; Tom Davis was his name. I have five childrenthree boys and two girlsas well as twenty-three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. I get on with almost everyone in Northam, except for sometimes my wife (Na Makin up)! We’ve been married thirty-six years and we’ve been together longer than that. We were married in Willagee in Perth in 1984. I tease my wife saying, ‘if you die before me, Nance, I’m burying you in Quairading.’ But I think I’m going to die before her, because I think she wants to kill me sometimes! I have five children Fiona being the eldest, Fiona is very strong and a very good Mother/Grandmother always providing for her family, Fiona has 7 children and 2 grandchildren. Second eldest Trevor Junior who also provides for his family, Trevor has 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. Rosanna is my third eldest, she has 2 daughters and 1 son she is a very good Mother. Then there is Leon who lives away, He has 2 daughters and 2 sons, He is also a good provider. Last but least my son Robert, He has 2 sons and lives in Perth. I love hunting and I learned a lot about it from my grandmother and my father. My father was a champion breeder of kangaroo dogs. They had unusual names. One was called No Go because no matter how often we took him out, he never caught a kangaroo. One dog was called Single because he’d never get off the car if there were other dogs there. I love darts so I enjoy the Nyoongar Darts competition that comes here. I love watching the young kids coming up and playing basketball at the Rec Centre. You hear of things going on like the car rally or a folk festival. I’ve taken up karaoke singing and that’s going really well. My favourite song is ‘It’s Only Make Believe’ by Conway Twitty, but I also sing Elvis, Roy Orbison and Neil Diamond. I sing all the good singers. I played pool for a lot of years in Northam and I was pretty high up in the rankings. Part 2 - Humans of the Wheatbelt is a Wheatbelt Health Network project. Human - Trevor Davis Interviewer - Shannon Boundry Photographer - Shannon Boundry Writer - Guy Salvidge As One Nyitting Ltd Shire of Northam Northam, Western Australia PCYC (WA) Shackleton, Western Australia, Australia Pingelly, Western Australia 100.9fm Noongar Radio Noongar Institute of Western Australia Aboriginal Corporation Bilya Koort Boodja
05.01.2022 http://COMMUNITY GRANTS ASSSESSMENT COMMITTEE MEETING// The Shire of Northam would like to advise that a Community Grants Assessment Committee meeting will be held on 20 October 2020 at the Council Chambers, located at 395 Fitzgerald Street, Northam 6401. It has been scheduled to commence at 4:00pm.
05.01.2022 The Northam Aquatic Facility now have an Aquatic Wheelchair for use. Ask the staff and they can help get you in and out of the pool.
04.01.2022 Lane Closures Wellington Street Please be advised that Wellington Street, Northam between Gordon Street and Grey Street will be reduced to a single lane to facilitate road resurfacing works commencing 4th January 2021. There will be restricted access for through traffic during this period. A map detailing the lane closure and associated detours is available on the Shire of Northam website at The Shire of Northam apologises for any inconvenience and ap...preciates your cooperation in this matter. JASON WHITEAKER CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 395 Fitzgerald Street PO Box 613 Northam WA 6401 P (08) 9622 6100 F (08) 9622 1910 E [email protected] W
04.01.2022 Birak Program for December at the BKB
04.01.2022 http://EXECUTIVE MANAGER - COMMUNITY SERVICES// **All Applications, resumes and cover letter please send to [email protected] ** For further information regarding the position contact HR on 9622 6100
04.01.2022 Western Australia is over 90% bushfire prone, this includes most areas within the Shire of Northam. The biggest threat during a bushfire is in-decision and not having a plan. The Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA have today launched this years Summer Bush Fire Safety Campaign. Protect what matters most by having a bushfire plan for you and your family. Create one at or by downloading the app 'My Bushfire Plan'.
03.01.2022 http://NAIDOC WEEK 2020//
02.01.2022 http://COMMUNITY SAFETY CORNER 2020// The Shire of Northam wishes to advise that as of the 1st of December the Shire will enter the Prohibited Burning Period. No Burning will be permitted by residents after the 30th of November 2020. For more information see the Shire of Northam Website. Keep Watch The Royal Life Saving Society Australia’s Keep Watch program aims to reduce the incidence of toddler drowning in the community. To prevent toddler drowning, the Royal Life Saving Society of WA encourages parents and caregivers to: Always keep watch of your child in and around water. Supervise children within arm’s reach. Prevent your child’s access to water at all times. Teach your child to be water confident. Learn CPR and call 000 in an emergency.
02.01.2022 Please be advised the Shire of Northam will enter the Restricted Burning Period on Thursday the 1st of October. Information on burning restrictions and information on applying for a permit for your planned burning can be found at For information on how you can burn safely, please visit the ... Burn Smart website for information on how to conduct your burns safely. Reminder - if you are looking to conduct some burning on your property, please remember to register your burn with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA Communications center on 9395 9209 to avoid any unnecessary call outs for your local VOLUNTEER brigades Reducing the risk of bush fire to our communities is a shared responsibility, we all have a role to play in keeping each other safe this fire season. Now is the perfect time to review your Bushfire Survival Plan Visit the Fire Chat website to access the latest resources to help you this fire season.
02.01.2022 | I N V I T A T I O N | WHEATBELT DISTRICT | POLICE REMEMBRANCE DAY Friday 25 September 2020, 10.30am Northam Police Station, 7 Gairdner Street, Northam WA ... Members of the public are invited to join Commissioned Officers, Sworn Officers, Police Staff, the Police Air Wing, the Mounted and Canine Sections, and the WA Police Pipe Band for the Wheatbelt District's annual Police Remembrance Ceremony and Medal Presentation. Western Australia Police Force #visitnortham Northam Chamber of Commerce NORTHAM COMMUNITY BOARD Visitor Centres Western Australia Shire of Northam
01.01.2022 Wundowie - Were You Ready? We are putting on with Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA and the Australian Red Cross - Emergency Services Western Australia a FREE session on the 21 January where you can learn how to get better prepared. In the last couple of weeks with multiple Bushfires we have seen how important it is to be prepared.... Register here with the Shire to attend. Please share this around in your networks. Details
01.01.2022 http://CHANGE OF VENUE FOR COUNCIL MEETINGS// The Shire of Northam would like to advise that the October and November Council Forum and Ordinary Council Meetings will be held at the Northam Recreation Centre, located on Peel Terrace, Northam 6401. They have been scheduled to commence promptly at 5:30pm.
01.01.2022 Pursuant to Reg 24C Bush Fires Regulations 1954, a Harvest, Vehicle Movement & Hot Works Ban (HVMB) has been imposed for the Shire of Northam for Tuesday 24th Nov 2020 from 1000hrs with a review at 1800hrs The HVMB is additional to the DFES Total Fire Ban Report all sign of fire to 000 To keep informed of incidents within your area, please continue to monitor the Emergency WA Website to ensure you receive the latest information.
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