Shire Sports Medicine in Sydney, Australia | Local service
Shire Sports Medicine
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 8544 3680
Address: Suite 6, 345 Kingsway, Caringbah 2229 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 Its back to the sporting sidelines tonight with the NRL for Dr Cole after a few months of absence due to the COVID 19 restrictions. ....... whilst this is great news for both the Roosters and Brandi, were not sure how happy her family will be when they play the sharks
24.01.2022 Did you know that any doctor who has an interest in sports can call themselves a sports doctor! Although many sports doctors are very good at treating sports injuries, it doesnt mean they have had any formal training in Sport and Exercise Medicine. Specialists in Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) have undergone extensive post graduate training and have earned themselves the title of "Physician". The title of Specialist Sport and Exercise Physician which comes with the com...pletion of an ACSEP Fellowship, is regarded as one of the highest attainable qualifications in Sport and Exercise Medicine in the world and requires many years of postgraduate training, experience, examinations and published research. So next time youre looking for help with an injury, or advice on anything related to physical activity, health and lifestyle, look for the word Physician or the letters FACSEP next to the doctors name for piece of mind that you are being seen by a well qualified expert ....... (and by well qualified Im referring to the fellowship exams which were the hardest exams Ive ever done in my life and Ive been studying for 20 years since leaving school!)
23.01.2022 12 weeks is a long time to be out of the gym completely.....its great to be back but dont dive in so hard that you end up injured in the first week. . Just because you used to be able to squat 100kg in the gym doesnt mean you should go back and do 5 sets of 10 reps at 80kg on the first day back. . Pick a weight that you think you could easily do 3 sets of 10 prior to gym closure, reduce it by 10 20% and do 3 sets of 6-8 reps to start with.... . This also applies to distances and intensity on cardio machines. . Only increase by 10% in load per week when returning to anything as a rule of thumb. . Check out the latest blog post on our website for tips to avoid injury on your return:
22.01.2022 Growth plates are found at the end of long bones. The bones get longer as a child grows because of growth at the growth plate . . There are many factors affecting the rate and amount of bone growth in an individual. Illness, injury or severe nutritional deprivation can all cause slowing of the growth process and in severe cases can cause premature closure of the growth plate .... . Fractures through the growth plate are a concern due to the risk of disruption of the growth process from injury to the cells in that area. . . Some growth plate injuries are due to acute fractures in falls or contact sports. Others are due to compression of the cells of the growth plate under repetitive loads (eg the growth plate of the wrist in a gymnast) . . If you think your child may have injured their growth plate, its worthwhile getting it checked out See more
22.01.2022 A patient of mine the other day told me that she was too scared to go back to the gym (when they were still open) after hurting her back at the beginning of the year at work. . . Funny thing was, shed gone back to work, but not back to regular exercise, which was probably why her back was still sore. .... . Then she told me that her back had finally started to feel a bit better the past few weeks .....maybe because shed reduced her work hours ....and maybe because shed started gardening and painting at home in her spare time. . . Funny how someone can be scared to go to the gym but happy to crouch down in a garden all day or stand on ladders painting the walls. . . Exercise comes in so many forms, it doest really matter what you do, as long as you do something! See more
22.01.2022 Its been wonderful to see the increase in physical activity that has accompanied the increase in free time during the COVID-19 restrictions, but now that were over 50 days into home isolation in Australia, Im starting to see the overuse injuries from a sudden and sustained increase in physical loading since the start of lockdown. . . If youre experiencing pain with an activity that you might have done once every month but more recently have been doing it on a daily basis..., you might have overloaded your soft tissues. . . Chances are, if your pain doesnt resolve in 1-2 days of rest then it probably wont go away on its own, so rather than wait until you have 3 months of pain and misery, pop in to your local physiotherapist or Sports Physician for a review. Early treatment leads to quick resolution! See more
22.01.2022 Kids are pretty resilient when it comes to being active, but sometimes when they complain about pain, theres more going on that meets the eye. . Whilst children dont tend to suffer the overuse injuries that come with physical activity and advancing age, they have a unique set of other conditions related to growth and development to navigate their way through as they progress from child to adolescent to adult. . If your child has a limp or complains of the same pain fo...r more than a few days in a row, a consultation with a medical professional may be warranted to check things out. . If youre a parent, keep an eye out for more upcoming posts on specific childhood conditions to watch out for See more
22.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mums! Being a mother is one of the most challenging jobs Ive had (much harder than being a doctor), especially during recent times with the extra demands of COVID-19, however it is also one of the most rewarding jobs and I am so grateful to have been blessed with the opportunity to raise these two cheeky monkeys. To all the mums out there - no matter how much you are struggling, you are doing the best you can and that is all anyone will ever ask of you. Children need love and support not money and possessions. Give them your time and cuddle them tightly. You are their world and you make the world a better place for them. Cheers to you!
22.01.2022 12 weeks is a long time to be out of the gym's great to be back but don't dive in so hard that you end up injured in the first week. . Just because you used to be able to squat 100kg in the gym doesn’t mean you should go back and do 5 sets of 10 reps at 80kg on the first day back. . Pick a weight that you think you could easily do 3 sets of 10 prior to gym closure, reduce it by 10 20% and do 3 sets of 6-8 reps to start with.... . This also applies to distances and intensity on cardio machines. . Only increase by 10% in load per week when returning to anything as a rule of thumb. . Check out the latest blog post on our website for tips to avoid injury on your return:
21.01.2022 After 7 weeks of social restrictions in Australia to reduce the spread of COVID-19, weve seen a "flattening of the curve" and from next week the government will start to ease some of these restrictions. . . For some people this period of time has made them busier but others have found themselves with more spare time due to reduced work ours or temporary loss of work all together. While there have been many devastating consequences of this situation to physical and mental... health from disease and economic stresses, some people have found time to reconnect with their families and participate in physical activity. . . I have seen more families out bike riding or walking together in the past 2 months than Ive ever seen before. I hope as we are allowed to resume some level of normality in our daily routine, we will all find a place in the day to keep these "new" activities going. . . Make family time and exercise your priority, no matter how busy you get. One day your kids will thank you for it and you might even thank yourself. See more
21.01.2022 Australians have embraced a running culture more than ever with the recent restrictions on sport due to COVID-19. Running is a great way to get a quick workout in, get the blood pumping, the heart racing and the lungs gasping for air, while freeing your mind at the same time. Its free and it doesnt need much skill..........or does it??? Most people can run, but often not efficiently or with correct form. This can lead to all sorts of overuse lower limb injuries, particula...rly knee pain (runners knee) and shin pain (shin splints or stress fractures if you keep running). Often the problem isnt where you feel the pain. Many of us dont use our gluteal muscles well enough to stabilise our hips which then puts extra stress down the leg with every step you take. A quick way to test if you might fall into this category is to video yourself jumping off a small box (30cm is the perfect height) and landing on one bent leg (stick the landing, dont wobble). If you look at the video on slo-mo, your knee should not travel too far towards the middle of your body. If it does, it might be time to see your physiotherapist or Sports Physician for some tips to get your gluteals firing again before the weakness turns into pain (or if it already has, dont worry, come and see us and we can help you get rid of the pain).
21.01.2022 Weve just entered the 6th week of gym and cafe closures and staying at home unless its essential in Australia as we try to slow the spread of COVID-19 with social distancing restrictions ......6 weeks of good habits will be starting to pay off for you now but 6 weeks of bad habits will be starting to take their toll . . It always seems odd to me that people make drastic changes to their lifestyle during times of change (holiday periods, in between jobs, pregnancy, social i...solation) etc. Just because one thing changes doesnt mean you should become a completely different person. the pregnant lady who usually eats well but then thinks she may as well eat 10 donuts a day because her waist will be expanding anyway (shouldnt pregnancy be a time to be the best version of yourself, not the worst)..... . Anyway, my point is, the location that you do most of your activities (eat, work, exercise) may have changed recently but dont let that change your habits as well. . . Humans love routine so stick to a routine and choose healthy habits ....youll thank yourself for it soon enough . . Keep an eye out for my new website that launches next week with a recent blog about this topic See more
20.01.2022 If you do a repetitive motion over a long period of time, or a sudden increase in motion over a short period of time or a completely new motion for a small amount of time then the chances are you could develop an imbalance in the muscles around the joint youre using and this could lead to pain. . . The shoulder is one of the joints most vulnerable to this ......think about that time you painted all the ceilings in one weekend, or when you started swimming and surfing ever...y day when you only used to do it once a fortnight..... . . The problem is, you might stop the activity that caused the pain, but the pain might not go away...... . . If this happens to you, dont wait 3 months before you do something about it .....if it hasnt sorted itself out in a week on its own, unfortunately its probably not likely to....but seeing your physiotherapist or sports physician early can lead to much quicker resolution of the pain - you know the saying - a stitch in time saves 9 See more
18.01.2022 It might not be ideal timing to start a business in the middle of social distancing restrictions due to COVID-19, especially a Sport and Exercise Medicine business during a pandemic that has required temporary cessation of all sporting activities! That being said, theres much more to Sport and Exercise Medicine than just sports coverage and treating athletes and now more than ever, people are keeping active in ways they never have before. This is one of the accidental benefi...ts of having more time and less options to fill it with during these restrictions. You should keep active and you should not be in pain. COVID-19 restrictions or not, every member of the community should be able to participate in physical activity without it causing them pain, injury or illness. Sedentary people should feel empowered to start exercising for the first time in their lives without prejudice or fear. Optimal athletic performance is not just achieved by training with an absence of injury and illness. Elite athletes should have access to valid, reliable and accurate health and performance information to ensure they reach their peak when it counts. For all these reasons and more, I created Shire Sports Medicine, to help everyone in the community achieve their physical activity, exercise, health and sports performance goals. Click on the link to make a booking now while you have the time!
16.01.2022 We're all excited to get back to the gym this weekend and the NSW state government has just announced a return to community sport on the 1st July. This is great news for everyone but it also has me worried. 12 weeks is a long time to be out of a gym completely and 4 months is a long time out of sport for people who have played some form of sport on most weekends of the year for many years. Check out the latest blog post on our website for tips to avoid injury on your return:
16.01.2022 Its been so good to see the huge numbers of people enjoying outdoor physical activity in the past few months due to closure of gyms and other COVID-19 restrictions but I am also starting to see an increase in overuse injuries come through the clinic in the past few weeks. Running through your pain is not the answer and unfortunately neither is resting for a few days and trying again. Tendons need optimal load.....not too much but not too little either. Some timely advice n...ow might save you months of ongoing pain. For more information on overuse injuries, head to the resource section of my website: Keep up the good work but dont overdo it!
16.01.2022 Most people know that we have a "core".....and that we need to keep it "strong" to help avoid injury and back pain.....but what you think is your core when you try to "activate" it, might not be your core at all! . . The amount of people I see in my clinic, from amateur athletes to professionals, who dont have great voluntary control over their core muscles, or use other muscles instead of or as well as, when trying to switch on their core.....would outnumber the ones who... have a good grasp of the concept and coordinated contraction by about 9 to 1. . . Theres way too much to delve into for one post on social media, but over the next few weeks Im going to give you some small insights into what the core really is and how to activate it properly. . . Heres the first clue - we have 4 layers of abdominal muscles and only one is part of your "core".... this deep abdominal muscle is a postural muscle that was designed for low level contraction for very long periods of time, the other 3 are the power muscles designed for movement in short bursts you know which is which? See more
15.01.2022 Now that gyms are opening again, there's more options for keeping fit during your pregnancy. . If you're unsure on what is safe and how to train, we have specific pregnancy consultations at Shire Sports Medicine to help you stay fit and healthy for both you and your unborn child. . Book online or call 8544 3680. There's even telehealth options if you're not local!
14.01.2022 Recovery is an essential part of athletic training but one that is often overlooked or undervalued. Most people know how important it is to train hard to increase fitness, strength and skills but did you know that you actually get all the benefits from those hard training sessions at rest! If you dont get enough rest, your body wont adapt and you wont get rewarded for all your hard work. Youll just end up injured and tired instead of strong and fit. . There are thre...e main processes involved in recovery from training and competition: 1. Hydration and nutrition 2. Sleep and rest 3. Relaxation and mental recovery . Keep an eye out on upcoming posts where we delve into each one of these in a bit more detail See more
14.01.2022 Now that gyms are opening again, there's more options for keeping fit during your pregnancy. . If you're unsure on what is safe and how to train, we have specific pregnancy consultations at Shire Sports Medicine to help you stay fit and healthy for both you and your unborn child. . Book online or call 8544 3680. There's even telehealth options if you're not local!
14.01.2022 If youd have told me a few months ago that coming up would be at least 6 weeks (and probably lots more) of not being able to go to the gym, Id have told you I wouldnt survive..but not only have I survived, Ive found a way to thrive! . . Tip 1: Keep a routine Humans thrive on structure. Your iso routine doesnt have to be the same as your normal one..but you have to have one. ... . Tip 2: Make exercise part of your daily routine You might think Im biased, because I love exercise so much, but exercise really is so good for the body and the mind. It doesnt have to be fancy, or take you a long time, but half an hour of exercise a day goes a long way to making you happier and healthier . Tip 3: Do the important things first each day This is one of the reasons I exercise in the morning. If you dont do the import things first, they will sit in your subconscious, affecting your ability to enjoy other things through the day . Tip 4: Eat for nutrition but give yourself a treat when you need it Fuel you body with nutritious foods and supplement with treats and not the other way around. I promise youll feel better for it after a while . Tip 5: Its called social distancing but it really means physical distancing keep your social channels open See more
14.01.2022 I saw a young athlete with back pain related to her disc last week..... shed seen quite a few health professionals before she ended up sitting in front of me and unfortunately for her, despite 6 months of her best intentions and diligently following all instructions she was still in pain. While reviewing the letters from various people, one thing written by another doctor stuck out to me .... "I have asked her to push through her pain".....I think this is why she hadnt fo...und a resolution for her pain yet .....because she was very diligent at following instructions and very good at "pushing". The best thing for most back pain is staying active (with the worst thing being bedrest) but keeping active with appropriate exercises and pushing through pain are two very different things. Im sure that doctor meant "push through some pain to stay active" but the young athlete will often do exactly what you say! This is why Sport and Exercise Medicine is a medical specialty .....because its not as easy as it seems and there is so much progress to be made with the right advice.
13.01.2022 Sometimes the best laid plans aren't as easy as they seem. . Gyms are back open and it seems like a good idea to get back into exercise but even the thought of it makes you tired? . If you're unsure about when it is safe to return to exercise after having a baby and how to go back to training, we have specific post partum consultations at Shire Sports Medicine to help you get fit and healthy, which will benefit both you and your baby.... . Book online or call 8544 3680. There's even telehealth options if you're not local! See more
13.01.2022 I hear so many people talk about carbohydrates negatively as if the only reason theyre unhealthy/unhappy/overweight is because they eat carbohydrates and if they just removed them from their diet theyd be healthy/happy/skinny! . . Did you know that there are only 3 main macronutrients that make up our food (some others exist that we dont digest).....carbohydrates, fats and proteins. So if you dont eat carbohydrates at all then your diet is completely made up of fats and p...roteins. Some people manage this well (this is essentially what the keto diet is) but the point is that maybe you should look at what types of carbohydrates you want to remove from your diet, rather than just getting rid of the whole lot. . . You can certainly do without chips, cakes, lollies and biscuits but fruit and vegetables give us so many important nutrients and yes, theyre carbohydrates too! . . So next time you think about cleaning up your diet, opt for whole foods rather than processed foods....thats a much better way to discriminate between the good and the bad! See more
08.01.2022 Sometimes the best laid plans aren't as easy as they seem. . Gyms are back open and it seems like a good idea to get back into exercise but even the thought of it makes you tired? . If you're unsure about when it is safe to return to exercise after having a baby and how to go back to training, we have specific post partum consultations at Shire Sports Medicine to help you get fit and healthy, which will benefit both you and your baby.... . Book online or call 8544 3680. There's even telehealth options if you're not local! See more
08.01.2022 Sport and Exercise Physicians are specialists in the prescription of exercise for health in both the healthy population and those with specific conditions such as arthritis and other rheumatological disease, diabetes, heart disease, lung conditions, neurological conditions, cancer and many others. . It is now well known that there are many benefits of exercise in both the healthy population and those with chronic illness for both prevention and management of these conditio...ns. . If you are currently sedentary or have never exercised in your life, now is as good a time as any to start your fitness journey! . General health screening can be performed prior to starting an exercise program guided by your specialist SEM physician. . Exercise is medicine and its never too late to start! See more
08.01.2022 It's so good to be back in the gym but if you find yourself in pain from the things you haven't done for 12 weeks, you might need some help to resolve it. . If you have an injury, a small niggle or something starts to hurt that hasn’t been, don’t ignore it. . It’s common to get DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) when returning to an activity after a break but this is usually worse in the first 24-48 hours and gone by 4 days. ... . If your pain lasts longer than a week despite adequate rest and recovery, get it seen to early by a physiotherapist or Sport and Exercise Physician rather than waiting until 3 months down the track when it’s keeping you up at night and you can’t do any exercise. . It’s easier to correct small insults to the body early, than wait until compensation and poor movement patterns have set in, or you’ll end up having 5 injuries to fix instead of 1. See more
07.01.2022 Since leaving school I have completed a physiotherapy degree, a medical degree, a PhD and a medical fellowship as well squeezing 2 kids in there along the way........ I honestly think I worked harder to put this website together than all of those things combined! Im so proud to have made my dreams a reality and Im so thankful for all my supporters whove once again been there to help me juggle work, kids, and life while spending countless hours pondering over things like w...hether I should put colons after my headings or not (I chose not to)! Most of all, thanks go out to the amazing Kymberleigh Bray and her team at White Leaf Solutions .....I definitely could not have done this without them. Kymbo knew what I wanted before I did and Im pretty sure she worked harder and later than me every night to pull this together while also trying to home school her son and run her successful business. There is no such thing as a weekend for these guys and I am eternally grateful for all their guidance, love and support. Check it out: and let me know what you think! Brandi
07.01.2022 Its so good to be back in the gym but if you find yourself in pain from the things you havent done for 12 weeks, you might need some help to resolve it. . If you have an injury, a small niggle or something starts to hurt that hasnt been, dont ignore it. . Its common to get DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) when returning to an activity after a break but this is usually worse in the first 24-48 hours and gone by 4 days. ... . If your pain lasts longer than a week despite adequate rest and recovery, get it seen to early by a physiotherapist or Sport and Exercise Physician rather than waiting until 3 months down the track when its keeping you up at night and you cant do any exercise. . Its easier to correct small insults to the body early, than wait until compensation and poor movement patterns have set in, or youll end up having 5 injuries to fix instead of 1. See more
07.01.2022 Pregnancy and childbirth impact the mothers body in a similar way to an acute sports injury. . Substantial adaptations of pregnancy occur to a womans body during pregnancy and all these changes dont reverse immediately on giving birth. . At Shire Sports Medicine, we provide a thorough post partum consultation to help design an individualised plan for return to physical activity for both recreational and elite athletes. ... . An ideal time to perform this assessment is 6 weeks post partum, however this may be earlier for elite athletes wishing to return to professional sport. . Telehealth consults are available if you want to stay at home during the COVID-19 social restrictions or you arent from Sydney. Call 02 8544 3680 for more details. See more
06.01.2022 Anyone who participates in any form of physical activity can benefit from seeing a Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) physician; we are not just for elite athletes and sporting teams. Even if you are not an athlete, any illness or injury that prevents you from being physically active is worthy of assessment and management by someone who has the skills and knowledge to diagnose and treat your condition the best way possible. People often delay seeking advice about their pain o...r injury, either continuing to exercise with pain or hoping that a period of rest will fix it. Often neither of these options help. Now more than ever, we need to be able to get our daily exercise in, and you should be able to do that without pain or fear of injury. Exercise is medicine so if you arent able to "take your medicine" its time to see your doctor!
05.01.2022 Lest we forget
05.01.2022 Thanks to COVID-19 we all know about hand hygiene....but do you know that sleep hygiene is almost as important for your health . . Heres some tips for good sleep hygiene: Stick to a schedule same bedtime and wake up time, even on weekends or rest days... Have a bed time routine and start winding down 1-2 hours prior to your desired sleep time Avoid naps, especially in the afternoon if you have trouble sleeping at night If you do need a nap, keep it to 20 min (set your alarm) this can help alleviate daytime fatigue, sleepiness, and even provide cognitive benefit Reduce light and sound in the bedroom as much as possible Exposure to bright natural or white light in the morning on waking can help maximise alertness and maintain regular circadian rhythm Avoid caffeine (and alcohol) in the evening Stop using your phone or computer at least 30 min before bed and avoid blue light in the evening if possible (electronic devices have filters than can do this) See more
04.01.2022 Now that gyms are opening again, theres more options for keeping fit during your pregnancy. . If youre unsure on what is safe and how to train, we have specific pregnancy consultations at Shire Sports Medicine to help you stay fit and healthy for both you and your unborn child. . Book online or call 8544 3680. Theres even telehealth options if youre not local!
04.01.2022 My good friends at Jubilee Sports Physiotherapy posted this infographic today. This is something I spend a lot of time talking to patients about. Scans are very helpful in many cases BUT they are not always needed. A scan can help find the answer to why you have pain or dysfunction BUT the things you read in the report arent always the cause of your problems. A good doctor or physiotherapist will always treat the person and not the scan. They should ask a clinical question and only get a scan if it will help to answer the question AND that answer will change the management plan. Scans are great for identifying structural problems but quite often, the cause of your pain is functional. This is what makes the clinical examination so important. This is also why Dr Google will never be as good as the real thing!
03.01.2022 Not only is it ok.....its actually recommended! . . Most people know the benefits of exercise to the health of the mother but did you know that exercise in pregnancy can actually lower the risk of delivery complications, the use of instrumental delivery and lower the rate of newborn complications! .... . You might think you have to eat for two when youre pregnant but now you know that youre also exercising for two as well! . . If you would like some tips on starting or maintaining exercise during your pregnancy, Shire Sports Medicine has specific pregnancy consultations and they are even available on telehealth. Make the health of both you and your unborn child a priority ..... were only a phone call away! See more
03.01.2022 If youre looking for something real and inspiring to watch on TV to fill in the void that watching live sport would usually fill then set your IQ to record this show..... Ive had the privilege of working with these girls (and also the amazing filmmakers) over the past few years and have watched them grow from timid young girls to confident athletes over that time. Ill definitely be tuning in with my seven year old son to show him that hard work does pay off and also that one of the most important things about sport is the mates you make along the way. Cant wait to see my girls out on the field again soon but until then, this will have to do!
02.01.2022 Were all excited to get back to the gym this weekend and the NSW state government has just announced a return to community sport on the 1st July. This is great news for everyone but it also has me worried. 12 weeks is a long time to be out of a gym completely and 4 months is a long time out of sport for people who have played some form of sport on most weekends of the year for many years. Check out the latest blog post on our website for tips to avoid injury on your return:
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