Shoalhaven Psychology Services | Doctor
Shoalhaven Psychology Services
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25.01.2022 Inactive men are 60% more likely to experience depression than those that are active. Everyone knows that getting out and being active is good for the body but also for the mind. Exercising and connecting with mates is especially beneficial for our mood. So grab a mate and get moving! #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #menshealth #movember2020 #movember #selfcare #mindfulness #mates
24.01.2022 Be deliberate and meaningful by asking open ended questions to your partner. Make this a daily ritual every day. It fosters connection, fondness and admiration. A meaningful question is one whereby you learn something new about their thoughts, feelings and needs, dreams and goals. WOW how powerful that you can do this even after 5, 10 or 25 years together!! #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #relationships #relationshipcounselling #couplestherapy
24.01.2022 Have a safe and happy Christmas from everyone at Shoalhaven Psychology Services. Our office is now closed until 2nd of January. Please know there are services which will remain open to provide support. ... Lifeline Australia 13 11 14 Beyond Blue1300 224 636 Kids help line 1800 55 1800 1800Respect helpline 1800 737 732 Mensline Australia 1300 78 99 78 Emergency 000
24.01.2022 Our hearts ache a little bit louder for the ones we’ve lost during Christmas time. #christmas #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology
23.01.2022 Ask what you need rather than what you don’t need- I’ts easy to fall into the negative cycle of telling your partner what you don't like about what they did. Instead try framing it about your needs. I need a hug right now from you I need you to switch off the TV and listen to what I say as this is important to me This fosters connection, positivity and reduces unhelpful conflict. It’s a WIN WIN #relationships #couples #couplestherapy #relationshipcounselling #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology
23.01.2022 You’ve most likely heard the term ‘you’ll find love when you’re not looking for it’ right? Well, this could very well be the case. It could also be the case that if you want to find love, there are a couple of things you can do that will increase your chances of finding that special someone: * Practise self care - looking after yourself will have a positive effect on how you feel and how you present yourself to other people * Get outdoors and get active - getting out and abou...t will increase your chances of meeting new people * Join an interest group - this gives you the opportunity to meet like minded people and increase your social network while engaging in enjoyable activities * Allow friendships to develop first without putting any extra pressure on the relationship #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #relationships #couples
23.01.2022 I respect you" I respect the man you have grown to be- when I was busy growing our baby and you lost me, how you carried on your shoulders our wellbeing The Gottman’s research revealed the first 5 yrs of a child’s life can often be the hardest for a couple. Roles shift significantly and there is a loss of time together. The father can feel the loss of emotional connection as his partner is absorbed in their child, they can often feel on the outer. Each partner can loose perspective of the other, especially as sleep deprivation impacts our tolerance and negative thoughts. #menshealth #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology
22.01.2022 You can take your relationship from meh to marvelous and change up your routines to get into the habit of loving out loud. Let the Gottmans show you how. In ...this collection of videos, exercises, and conversation starters, Drs. John and Julie Gottman will guide you through science-based, relationship skill-building tools. For the first time ever, the Gottmans have taken their famous, research-based skills and created easily digestible modules of fresh new content that you can work through at your own pace. Start the new Loving Out Loud program today:
22.01.2022 Find time these holidays to listen to your body, treat it gently and kindly and rest your busy minds. Slow the pace down and see how your thoughts, moods, and body changes. Does your sleep change and energy levels? Being in nature and quiet places can help to decompress and destress. Build up strength and stamina to approach the new year #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #christmas #selfcare
22.01.2022 We understand that Christmas can be a tough time of year for some. Our Office will be closed from the 24th of December and reopening on the 2nd of January. Please know there are services which will remain open to provide support. #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #christmas
19.01.2022 A culture of appreciation in families creates conversations and ways of communicating with one another from a positive sentiment override. This is important when there is conflict of needs. Conflict can rise from differing belief systems and values- these are not the issue as they can be valid from each persons perspective. The key is have a framework of connection and repair and this is easier when we have an acceptance and habit of seeing our loved ones positively. Regularl...y think of someone you love and currently have conflict with in a positive regard, actively look for and understand them in a way you can appreciate them. List times and occasions you felt thankful towards them and grateful- say them in your head, visualise them, play a song that helps recall the memories, look at photos, or write them down. #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #selfcare #appreciation #family
18.01.2022 Award-winning musician and Indigenous rights campaigner Archie Roach is to be inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame at the 2020 ARIA Awards later this month.
14.01.2022 If we give our boys the message that tears are a sign of weakness they may try to suppress them but science suggests that doing so could mean missing out on a range of benefits. The release of tears also releases chemicals in our body that help us feel better. I think it’s time to get out the tissues! #menshealth #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology
14.01.2022 Demonstrate Admiration of Your Partner * Notice 5 things that you partner does or says that are positive * Let your partner know you noticed * You can make it into a playful game- let your imagination run wild about how you can communicate what you’ve noticed * Do this regularly and often... #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #relationship #couples #relationshipcounselling #couplestherapy #love
13.01.2022 Society has a culture surrounded by a distorted view that men have to be strong. And no real man cries. So often young men are encouraged to eat some concrete and get over it and to toughen up. This stigma is so ingrained in society that men are told directly and indirectly that talking about their feelings is somehow unmanly. This kind of thinking is harmful. When you are experiencing anxiety or depression you cannot just snap out of it. If you break a bone, you ...reach out to the doctor, radiologist for x-rays, physiotherapist for a cast and rehab, you take time off work, use friends and family to support in driving and moving around. So why is society's stigma that men in mental health can deal with it on their own. Anxiety and depression are just like a broken bone, you need an action plan and support to manage recovery. #menshealth #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology See more
13.01.2022 Sometimes the best advice comes from a tree #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology
13.01.2022 Communicate Appreciation- Everyday for the small things: thank you for taking in the washing I noticed that you swept the path- that great it was really dirty. Everyone can find 1 thing every day to show appreciation to their partner- The only limit is your Imagination!! #relationships #relationshipcounselling #couplestherapy #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology
11.01.2022 Only 30% of a man’s overall health is determined by genetics; 70% is controllable by lifestyle. Its empowering to realise that there is so much you can take control of. Even if someone in your family tree has had heart disease, cancer or mental illness; it doesn’t necessarily mean that will happen for you. Take control of your health by following all the healthy lifestyle advice (come on, we all know it). Eat a balanced diet, get good sleep, drink alcohol in moderation, sa...y no to cigarettes, reach out to others in your family and community; and pay attention to your mental health. And if you’re a dad, think what lifestyle values you’re imparting on your kids and lead by example. That might be your greatest legacy you can give. #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #menshealth #selfcare #movember #movember2020 #mindfulness
10.01.2022 For children there is a lot of excitement on Christmas Eve. As a result, getting your children to sleep on Christmas Eve could prove a challenge. Telling them If you don’t go to sleep, Santa won’t come probably won’t work to calm the excitement coursing through their bodies. The following tips might however work: - Keep your children physically active during the day, and outdoors. - Avoid sugary foods during the day and particularly in the lead up to bedtime. - Unwind a lit...tle earlier than usual (e.g. turn off screens earlier, lower the volume of your voice when communicating with your children, and engage in an activity that typically relaxes them). - Follow their normal bedtime routine (i.e. don’t put them to bed earlier than usual, and also don’t put them to bed later than usual if you can avoid doing so). - Play relaxing music as they drift off to sleep. - Model going to bed/sleep (e.g. when they are engaging in their bedtime routine, you engage in yours, and when their lights go off, yours go off shortly after). #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #christmas #ruralhealth #ruralhealthtogether
08.01.2022 These holidays when you are with loved ones actively listen and enquire about their stories. How have they journeyed through life? It is easy to fall into old reactive judgemental patterns with those close to us. Maybe these holidays you could try to it differently by asking questions to feel and see from their perspective the world- it is more than likely different from yours. #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #christmas #selfcare
06.01.2022 Research shows that one in 10 new dads experience signs and symptoms of postnatal depression. The biggest challenge is that unlike new mums, dads don’t benefit from universal screening. This is a missed opportunity to engage men in conversations about their mental wellbeing. Help breakdown the stigma and support all new parents. Find some more research and information at: ... #menshealth #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology See more
03.01.2022 2020 is a year that not many people are sorry to see go. With the looming in of the new year generally comes resolutions. The extent of trauma over the past 12 months has likely shaped a lot of us in many different ways. I wonder how these experiences impact our new year's resolutions. Have yours changed this year from preceding years? I’d love to hear your resolutions in the comments. One of my resolutions is to make the most of the time I can spend with my family and friends. #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #newyearresolutions #newyearseve
02.01.2022 These four communication styles can lead to the end of your relationship. Take a look at the following video to learn about the four horsemen and the antidotes for a healthier and happier relationship. #Kiama #Berry #Mentalhealthawareness #Psychologylove #Wellbeing #Consciousness #Growth #Mentalhealth #Therapy #mindfulness #berrynsw #shoalhaven #shoalhavenpsychology #relationships #gottman #couplestherapy #relationshipcounselling
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