Shoksystem Fitness in Perth, Western Australia | Sport & recreation
Shoksystem Fitness
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 431 733 067
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25.01.2022 What an amazing weekend, my first show with WBFF in Gold Coast was amazing, even though I didnt place but I had so much fun and loved every minutes of it. Cant wait to go on stage again with my awsome team, love you all . @teamindomitable @the_recomp_pro @tammi.lou.82 @thelittleblondetraveller @jamesmayer101 @wbff_aust #wbffgc19 #bikinimodel #bikinidiva #girlspower #teamindomitable #bestteamever #finallymeetmycoach #bikinishortclass @ Surfers Paradise - Goldcoast
25.01.2022 Kick that bag they said, Youll enjoy it they said, coach @gamyuimummy My legs . #roundkick #ufcgirls #girlspower #thatsoundtho #kickgirlkick #kicklikeagirl #mylegshurt #icannotfeelmylegs #techniquetuesday
24.01.2022 TARGET YOUR HAMSTRINGS Tap like to show support and save it for later so you don’t miss out. These are perfect Go-To exercise to burn that hamstrings . ... Cable pull through Remember: 1. Keep your knees and feet pointing in the same direction. 2. Do not hyperextend your back at the top of the movement Single leg deadlifts Remember: 1. Keep the hips and shoulders level with the floor. 2. Press your working leg’s foot hard into the floor. Laying hamstring dumbbell curls Remember: 1. Always make sure that the dumbbell is completely secure between your feet before beginning the movement. 2. Focus on moving the weight with your hamstrings utilizing a full range of motion. #girlspower #cableworkout #dumbbellworkout #legday
23.01.2022 2 weeks ago today I was on my way to Gold Coast for my first WBFF show. I had mix motion all the way and was not sure what to expect, but I knew whatever was the result I was already a winner on my own as I have achieved what I was aiming. I know I am 2 weeks late (i was waiting for my stage photos ) but still have time . ... I would Like to thank my parents, they were there by my side every single moment of my preparation and making it as easy as they could for me, big thanks to my beautiful sisters shiva and Shohreh. Im sure I would be lost if I didnt have these two beautiful girls in my life, and a big thank you to my brother-in-laws and beautiful niece and nephew that were there to support and encourage me every single day. Lots of love for my family. @shohreh.arabshahi @arabshahi @amin.2494 @afshin_darab @sadaf_darab And all my friends from different part of the world, thank you all for the love and support, I am blessed to have you in my life, And last but not Least, thank you to my awesome coach @the_recomp_pro for keeping me on track with his knowledge and support, specially back stage. @teamindomitable Okay now we have to wait for my stage photos #workonyourself #teamwork #familygoals #iamblessed #lovemyfamily #friends #iamlucky #2weeksold #betterlatethannever #lovelife #lookingforward
22.01.2022 Happy hump day Dont watch the clock ; Do what it does. Keep going. Sam levenson... . . . #ufcgirl #ufcgym #girlswholift #letsgetfit #teamwork #grouptraining #girlspower #morningroutine #wednesdaymotivation #happyhumpday #kettlebellworkout #trxtraining #mumssupportingmums #challengyourself #workonyourdreams #workonyourweakpoints #shedidit #herfirsttime #boxjump #soproudofher #faceyourfears #andiamhungryagain See more
21.01.2022 So proud of my girl @cassiel96 She is getting stronger every day. She is working hard to achieve her fitness goal. When she start training with me 1 year ago we started all with body weight only to slowly build her strength and confident up and to improve her lower back (only) , but now she squats 70kg easily. Keep working hard girl. . . .... #girlswithtattoos #girlswithmuscle #girlswholift #strongwoman #beautifulwomen #legday #shehasgoals #workingonyourself #achievinggoals #fitchick #fitgirl #ufcgirl #ufcgymbalcatta #ufcgym #determination #loranjaneactive @shoksystemfitness @ufcgym_balcatta
19.01.2022 When you give her program to work, and shes back stronger and more determined. @cassiel96 @ufcgym_balcatta #ufcgym #ufcgirl #strongwomen #sheisamazing #workoutmotivation #workonyourself #workonyourgoals #goals #behappy #fitfam #girlspower #sheisstrong #bentoverrow #backworkouts #gymmotivation #shortgirltallgirl
19.01.2022 Hello guys, I have a promotion going on during June and July to help you stay focused on your training. The sign up starts today and finishes next Saturday. Limited spots, aplease dont hesitate to contact me on 0431 733 067 if you have any questions.
19.01.2022 Hit like a girl @dieselgymperth . . . #girlspower #youdonotknowher #sheisstrongandfree #sheisstrong #dieselgymperth #dieselgymgirl #athleteslife #muaythaitraining #sheisbrave #kickitharder #fitfam #fitchick #wednesdaywisdom
18.01.2022 Are we ready to target our back? Try these 3 exercises and let me know how you like them. Close grip pull up ... Remember: 1. Try to keep a neutral head position (looking straight ahead or slightly up) 2. If the bar is high enough, keep the legs straight and in front of the body in a hollow body position. kneeling cable face pull Remember: 1. As you pull, ensure the elbows stay high and the rope remains at eye level. 2. Focus on contracting the rear delts and ensure you dont jut the head forward to meet the rope. cable rear delt fly Remember: 1. Allow the arms to move freely but dont lock out the elbows. 2. Keep the abs braced and dont arch the back at the top of the movement. P.S dont forget to like and share . Love you all #girlspower #targetyourback #fitfam #fitchick #girlswholift #backworkout #cableworkout #humpday
18.01.2022 Big shout out to this beautiful girl for smashing it every session, doesnt matter what weight Its she will lifted with no question. Keep up the good work Aisha. @ufcgym_balcatta . #ufcgymgirl #girlswholift #girlspower #workonyourself #goalsetting #keepworkinghard #workhardplayhard #thursdaymotivation #shoulderworkout #whatchoutpeople #sheisstrong
17.01.2022 Which one is your favourite? Wide VS close: The main difference in execution between the rows is hand position. In a wide row, your hands stay high and wide, targeting your trapezius and rhomboid muscles as well as the rear deltoid muscles at the back of your shoulders. By keeping your arms low throughout a close row, the focus shifts toward the middle and low back and targets your latissimus dorsi, the major muscles of your back. While the close row requires the use of your... shoulder muscles, the lats are responsible for extending the shoulder joint and do most of the work. Since the latissimus dorsi tend to be stronger than the other back muscles, youll be able to use more resistance for your close rows. . . . #workonyourdreams #challengyourself #ufcgym #ufcgirl #whereiseverybody #gymisallmine #backworkout #seatedcablerow #widevsnarrow #yourfavourite #goalsetting #workingonyourfitness #bikinimodel #thursdaymotivation #myzone @ufcgym_balcatta #ufcaustin @shoksystemfitness See more
16.01.2022 We just want to give a quick shout out to our very own Shokoh at Shoksystem Fitness and her amazing client, Cassie! Within 6 weeks of focused training and suppo...rt from Shokoh, Cassie has already got some fantastic results!!! If you want to learn about and work on your composition, Book yourself in for a chat with Shokoh now! #TrainDifferent #ClientTransformation #UFCGymBalcatta
16.01.2022 Funny Friday , she said kick, she didnt say where though, . @gamyuimummy when is our next session? . .... . #kicks #muythai #beginner #letsdothis #girlspower #ufcgirls #letskick #funnyfriday #summerishere #thatkicktho #lucky #youaregirl #havefuntraining See more
14.01.2022 Remember to always Sleigh your workouts. . . . . #sledpush #sledpull #determination #traindifferent #legday #legworkout #wbffbikini #iraniangirls #iranianbodybuilder #ufcgym #ufcgirl #redeverything #loveyourself @ufcgym_balcatta
14.01.2022 Friday morning stretches and reflecting after a good conditioning session, thanks to coach @gamyuimummy - So this week was one of those stressful and not happy weeks for me,(for some reason I keep experiencing this kinda moment), of course its all mindset, and as my coach @the_recomp_pro always says I keep comparing myself with other girls (specially Instagram models and girls that are in their Comp mood, let me just say they all look beautiful and fit) and the game is not a fair game, and I need to understand that Im in off season and enjoy my training and my life but keep fit and active. The other day I was going through my Facebook wall and saw a post from a beautiful lady @chanelcocobrown , she said perfect doesnt have a picture definition, fitness doesnt have a picture definition,...... ..., the main thing is Im happy and healthy So taking photo everyday, step in scale every day and focus on negatives all the time has to stop. Yes, Ive got cellulite, like any other girls. Yes, I have curves, like any other girls. No, I dont have flat tummy or 6packs , like any other girls, even though, I did a bikini competition just few months a go. But like any other girls Im enjoying my life and loving my food , at the same time pushing hard at the gym and building my body and focusing on what goes on my plat in the kitchen, and work towards fixing my mindset . . . #workoutmotivation #workonyourself #lovelife #loveyourself #girlswholift #girlspower #warriormentality #buildyourbody #buildyourminddaily #mindfulnesss #meditation #workonyourgoals #outofourcomfortzone #bikinigirls See more
13.01.2022 Strive for progress, not perfection.. . . #tbt WBFF May show, my first ever WBFF show, more to come. ... . . @teamindomitable . @wbff_aust . . . #flowers #crown #paradise #progress #showtime #girlspower #fitnessmotivation #focusonyourself #buildyourbody #loveyourself #goodolddays #livewhatyoulove #smile #fitchick #fitfam #bikinidiva #bikinigirl #girlsandflowers See more
12.01.2022 My client, Nat, doing Seated Banded Row. This exercise focuses on engaging your Rhomboids, Traps and Rear Deltoids. Great for pulling your shoulders back if you have a tendency to hunch forward in your shoulders. ... #ufcgym #backworkout #ufcgymfam #weighttraining #functionaltraining #demgains #fitchick #fitfam #technique #torture #shoksystemfitness #personaltrainer #challengyourself #backworkout #bandedworkout #girlspower #tuesdaymotivation #ufcgirl #goodmorning UFC Gym Balcatta UFC GYM Australia See more
11.01.2022 Repost @teamindomitable Consume foods that have touched the least amount of human hands possible! Something along the lines of Paleo but not quite! Just whole foods! Foods that havent been touched by machinery! Foods simply sourced straight from the environment! Meat, eggs, fruit, veggies, oils, nuts, fish, avocados etc.... Not processed foods, foods filled with refined sugars and preservatives. By taking the approach of consuming foods humans have touched the least, you know you are sourcing the best quality fuels for your body #teamindomitable #theindomitablemovement #nutrition #bodyrecomposition #fitfam #nutritioncoach #workout #sportsnutrition #food #health #fitness #fatloss #transformationcoach #transformationspecialist #fitlife #carbs #paleo #recompspecialist #elitecoaching #healthcomesfirst #therecomppro #onlinecoaching #onlinecoach #optimalhealth #holistichealth
11.01.2022 Monday motivation, Feeling strong after so long. Funny part when you spotter had squat down to actually be able to spot you , short . Thanks @_emmittwhite for spotting . ... #shortgirlsproblems #shortgirltallguyproblems #squats #fitnessmotivation #mondaymotivation #buildthatbooty #fitgirl #UFCGymBalcatta #ufcgym #girlsinpink #legday #mondaymood #happymonday #offseasongains #notimeforexcuses
10.01.2022 Kick that bag they said, You’ll enjoy it they said, coach @gamyuimummy My legs . #roundkick #ufcgirls #girlspower #thatsoundtho #kickgirlkick #kicklikeagirl #mylegshurt #icannotfeelmylegs #techniquetuesday
10.01.2022 Team work, missing my girls .
09.01.2022 While you rest I will work. While you rest I will play. While you rest I will visualise. While you rest I will not stop. .... . Struggler makes you stronger. . . . #workhardplayhard #mondaymotivation #mindfulness #mindsetmatters #yourestrongerthanyouthink #yourest #iworkhard #sledpush #ufcgym #workonyourself #girlspower #fitchicks #girlswholifts #todayistheday See more
07.01.2022 Millions of people can believe in you, and yet none of it matters if you dont believe in yourself. - stage photo from @wbff_aust Gold Coast show May 2019. - ... Big shoutout to my beautiful sister at klassy Kut hair and beauty @shohreh.arabshahi and my amazing sister for beauty @arabshahi . - Team: @teamindomitable Coach: @the_recomp_pro : @dallasolsenstudios Bikini: Ingrid Hocking Couture #wbffaus19 #wbffgc19 #bikinidiva #bikinigirl #persiangirl #iraniangirl #iraninbodybuilders #livewhatyoulove #lovelife #showtime #girlspower #workonyourself #achievement #firstofmanymore #loveyourself #fitfam #fitchick #workhard #lovemyhair
07.01.2022 Home made Protein Balls . I never weigh out my ingredients, its practice and testing depending on what I put in . Nuts of choice, approximately 1 cup. (I usually use almonds and walnuts) ... Dried fruit (apricots, apple, cranberries all work well) approx. a cup. Pitted dates, about 1 1/2 cups. Cocoa powder if you like rich chocolaty. 1/3 of a cup. (You can use peanut butter if you like) Protein powder, flavour of your choice. 75-100 grams. (Chocolate always better ) Chia seed 1 TS, if you like. Shredded coconut, if you like. Coconut oil, until the right consistency. Blend all of the above, dry ingredients 1st then add oil bit by bit, I usually add 1 or 2 TS of hot water, Wet hands and roll into balls. You can cover them with cocoa powder or shredded Coconut. I hope you enjoy them. #eathealthy #proteins #homecooking #workonyourself #yummyfood #getinmytummy
07.01.2022 Funny Friday , she said kick, she didn’t say where though, . @gamyuimummy when is our next session? . .... . #kicks #muythai #beginner #letsdothis #girlspower #ufcgirls #letskick #funnyfriday #summerishere #thatkicktho #lucky #youaregirl #havefuntraining See more
05.01.2022 That serious face when you know you are about to kill your shoulders. One and only Tash @miss.orange90 SuperSetting upright row with side raises. . . .... #ufcgirl #ufcbalcatta #ufcgym #fridaymood #fridayvibes #motivation #fitfam #fitchick #fitgirls #uprightrows #sideraises See more
05.01.2022 Continuous effort not strength or intelligence is the key to unlocking our potential. --Winston Churchill Gym: @ufcgym_balcatta : @6thkingfitness #workonyourgoals #backgoals #getstronger #workonyourself #backworkouts #barbellworkout #ufcgirl #ufcgym #fitgirls #bikinidiva #focusonyourself #pinkallday #livewhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #fridayvibes #lovelife #gymmotivation
05.01.2022 EVERYTHING YOU WANT IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF FEAR. . . . #fearless #fearoffailure #fitnessmotivation #fitgirl #fitnessgirl #fitfam #fitboy #UFCGymBalcatta #ufcgirls #girlspower #focusonyourself #lovelife #loveyourbody #iraniangirl #iranianbodybuilder #bikinidiva #bikinigirl #summeriscoming #summertime #lovesunshine #donotstopdreaming #tuesdayvibes
04.01.2022 My tips to get motivated and exercise Find a workout buddy and even pick them up at 5am on the way to the gym. That way you cant hit snooze Find som...ething new to try Get a PT Set smaller goals, eg: exercise once this week or do a free gym trail and check out some new classes AND do it now, stop saying tomorrow Thanks to my coach Shokoh Mir for really making me push myself today. OMG I felt so good after it. You rock #resultsohyeah
04.01.2022 Have you done your chin ups today? This challenging body-weight exercise strengthens a number of muscle groups, but the benefits you reap from dedication to chin-ups arent just visual. It will help you to increase arm and back pulling strength, increase muscle hypertrophy of the back and biceps, and improve grip strength and muscle endurance necessary for heavy lifts or grip dependent exercises. .... . @ufcgym_balcatta @eldav0 #chinups #backworkouts #workonyourself #humpday #pinks #ufcgirl #ufcgym #workonyourgoals #workinprogress #backgoals #getstronger See more
04.01.2022 When you diet or do a cut, whats the most challenging part for you? Comment below! this workout to do at gym with your friends: 30seconds work with 10 seconds rest x 3 for each. ... skipping kettlebell jumping squats burpees tuck jumps box jump kettlebell swings broad jump with reverse jog knee to elbow crunch + toe tap double arm crunch to ankle touch plank toe touches Enjoy your workout . #workonyourself #workonyourgoals #workoutmotivation #hiitworkouts #girlspower #ufcgym #ufcgirl #loveredcolor #kettelbellswings #burpeeskilledme #absworkout #burpeesfordays #everydayiamshuffling
04.01.2022 195kg leg press for 10reps. Cant wait to smash 200kg . . . #legpress #legday #ufcgym #ufcgirl #bikinidiva #bikinigirls #iraniangirls #iranianbodybuilder #buildthatbooty #tuesdaymotivation #workhard #workonyourgoals #workonyourself #loadedlifting
04.01.2022 You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. -Rumi- . . @wbff_aust show May 2019 #wbffgc19 ... . . Coach: @the_recomp_pro : @dallasolsenstudios Bikini: @couturier . . . #wbffbikini #wbffaus19 #iraniangirls #iranianbodybuilder #persiangirl #ufcgym #ufcgirl #blue #workhard #goals #workonyourself #fitfam #fitchick #girlspower #girlswholift #beautifulgirls #beproudofwhoyouare #firstofmanymore #getmotivated #mondaymotivation #fitnessgirl See more
02.01.2022 So proud of my girl @cassiel96 , She has come long way to get to this point but still room to improve. Hard work at the gym and focusing on nutrition, and 8 months later she is stronger than ever. #proudofyou @ufcgym_balcatta @ UFC Gym Balcatta
01.01.2022 Repost from Cassie Moo Friday motivation: Feels so satisfying when your client get stronger . #shortgirlfitness #shortgirltallgirlproblems #fitnessmotivation #sheisstronger #stronggirls #mindfulness #girlspower #ufcgym #ufcgirl #havefunwiththehomies #enjoyyourtraining #dowhatyoulove #trusttheprocess #achiveyourgoals #workonyourgoals
01.01.2022 Know your why! Know your reason! Have a goal! Make sure your why is stronger than your excuses! . . .... Remembering the stage vibe,from @wbff_aust show #wbffgoldcoast2019 . . . . #wbffaustralia #wbffbikinidivamodel #bikinigirls #goalsetting #loveyourselftoday #loveyourselfalways #ufcgym #ufcgirls #ufcgymbalcatta #persiangirl #iraniangirl #iranianbodybuilder #girlswholift #getstrongereveryday #knowyourwhy #purposedrivenlife See more
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