Shooters Union New South Wales | Community organisation
Shooters Union New South Wales
Phone: +61 416 275 850
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25.01.2022 It is important for all deer hunters to identify and hit their target's vital areas, to ensure the deer is dispatched quickly and humanely. Use binoculars to s...tudy the area in front and behind the deer's position before firing. Do not shoot at deer on the skyline. Make sure it is safe, with no other obstructions in front of or behind the target, including any people or wildlife. Ensure your rifle is sighted-in before hunting, and practise regularly to ensure correct handling and firing your rifle in a range of weather conditions. Do not shoot unless it is safe to do so, and you are sure of a clean hit. Know the rules and keep safe. For more information on shot placement visit: REMEMBER: If you live in metropolitan Melbourne or Mitchell Shire, you cannot leave metropolitan Melbourne or Mitchell Shire for sporting or recreational activities - recreational hunting is not a permitted reason to visit outside these areas. This is an important step to help us slow the spread of the virus.
25.01.2022 The proposed Firearms and Weapons Legislation Amendment (Criminal Use) Bill 2020, currently undergoing an inquiry, has several flaws. The NSW Liberal Democrats ...lodged a submission to the inquiry last month, voicing our numerous concerns and standing up for law-abiding shooters. While ostensibly introduced to fight the illegal manufacture of firearms in a world where 3D printers are easily accessible, the Bill criminalises the possession of everyday items such as screwdrivers, pens and cans of WD40 by declaring any item that could potentially be used in the manufacture of a firearm as a firearm precursor. While the purpose of the possession must be established for an offence to exist, this is still needlessly broad and open to abuse and definition creep. The Bill also assigns guilt by association in several parts, including quite ridiculously making criminals out of landlords when their tenants illegally manufacture firearms even when they had no involvement themselves. Innocent bystanders are also criminalised if weapons are found during searches. The most disturbing part of the Bill is arguably the discretionary power it gives inexperienced and corruptible police officers to themselves determine the grounds on which to conduct searches or demand information. Weve seen the roads this sort of blanket discretionary police power can lead down through the strip searching minors saga weve covered extensively on this page, and law-abiding shooters should not be subject to it. The NSW Liberal Democrats lodged a submission with the inquiry demanding all these issues be addressed, or the Bill be scrapped entirely. Well continue our commitment to standing up for shooters whenever theyre unfairly attacked or demonised. See our firearms policy below:
24.01.2022 Just thought I would add a few irons to the collection !
24.01.2022 **PRO-GUN PARTIES REAP ELECTORAL FUNDING SUPPORT** Thanks to the support of the Shooters Union, more than $750,000 in electoral funding will be heading to pro-g...un parties in Queensland following the 2020 State Election. According to early estimates, Katter’s Australian Party stand to receive $209,120 while One Nation are set to get $569,910 a total of $779,030. Shooters Union ran a Put The Majors Last campaign in the lead-up to the election, alongside a Take Their Pocket Money Away messaging urging people to give their ‘1’ vote to a pro-gun minor party instead of the Majors. Under Queensland’s electoral funding laws, each first preference (‘1’) vote is worth $3.14 for the party, provided the party gets more than 6% of the formal first preference votes. We may not have gotten the result we were after as far as seats in Parliament, but we did hit the Majors in their back pocket and reminded them law-abiding firearms users do vote and that it will affect their bottom line.
22.01.2022 Looking forward to meeting Nathaniel Smith, Member for Wollondilly, next week to discuss the Criminal Use Bill, Firearm Registry delays and hunting in NSW National Parks.....Stay tuned.Looking forward to meeting Nathaniel Smith, Member for Wollondilly, next week to discuss the Criminal Use Bill, Firearm Registry delays and hunting in NSW National Parks.....Stay tuned.
22.01.2022 Seen this on another page. Has anyone know if it true
21.01.2022 This has got to be the prettiest .45 I've ever seen.
21.01.2022 Good to see Robert Borsak and SFFP keeping the pressure on the Berejiklian Government. She needs to go!!
21.01.2022 There was an Interesting article in this mornings Telegraph about the Hon John Barillaro, and I was sorry to hear that he has had some mental health this year, and that his father had passed. I applaud him for seeking psychiatric help, and for having the courage to publicise it with the hope of encouraging other men to reach out and seek help when necessary. Unfortunately, there is a class of people in NSW who are reluctant to seek psychiatric or psychological help, because they perceive, quite rightly, that they shall be persecuted by the NSW Government if they seek it. Here I am of course talking about sporting shooters, farmers, victims of bushfire, flood, drought and COVID, many of whom live in National Party heartland. They are reluctant to seek help because they know that if they do the NSW Firearms Registry shall seize their firearms, and suspend and cancel their licence, or deny them one, even although their psychologist or psychiatrist ( and often both!) states in a report that there is practically no risk to the individual or the community in them possessing a firearm. In other words, the mental health specialists have addressed the test set down by NCAT, only to be second guessed by a clerk with no mental health training. In the article, Mr Barillaro stated that he found it hard to sit by when there was injustice. Well Mr Barillaro, I know that when you set your mind to it you can get things done, and as a constituent of yours, I have seen what you have achieved in your electorate, so it is time you stood up and sorted the NSW Firearms Registry out, because there is plenty of injustice coming from there!
21.01.2022 Shooters Union of Australia 10 October, 2020 Honourable David Elliot... Suite 1, 25-33 Old Northern Road Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 Dear Honourable Minister, RE: FINGER PRINTING OF NSW LAW ABIDING FIREARM OWNERS I’m writing in response to the 17 October 2020 quote by Superintendent Anthony Bell, made during the Edwards Coronial Enquiry, calling for every gun owner to be fingerprinted. In fact, it was widely reported throughout the State in numerous news articles that The commander wants new licensees fingerprinted at police stations. The Edwards Coronial Enquiry continues to report severe shortcomings in the way the NSW Firearms Registry is being managed with breaches in basic protocols leading to an horrendous act of violence. Shooters Union NSW represents this states 300,000 plus Law Abiding Firearm Owners and we are seeking confirmation from you if it is the intention of your office to make them scapegoats for the shortcomings of the NSW FAR by forcing them into finger printing in order to obtain/maintain their NSW Firearm Licenses. I look forward to your response. Yours sincerely, Craig Golding State Co-Ordinator New South Wales Shooters Union [email protected] 0412 493842
20.01.2022 It just doesn’t stop in NSW....... While the Criminal Use Bill has already passed the Lower House we are now hearing rumblings that the NSW Government is making moves to invoke the ‘scary’ Military Rifle clause of the state's appearance laws to ban all AR-15 derivative rifles. Whats an AR-15 derivative rifle? Who the hell knows?... Will the Warwick Firearms WFA1 be affected? Who knows? Will tarted up Remington 7615s be affected? Who knows? We’ll keep you posted as more information becomes available. In the meantime, give some thought to joining Shooters Union Australia.......there be a fight coming!
20.01.2022 Fed up with Government over reach and regulation? Fed up with inaction from other shooting organisations? Join & support Shooters Union NSW as we take up the fight!...
19.01.2022 Its so nice to see a legal challenge to idiotic paranoid and irrational firearm laws made by people who believe their fictional reality can be made real by usin...g a magic reality changing pen and paper. Turning toys magically into firearms because they say they are firearms is not a reasonable basis for law See more
18.01.2022 Some years ago now I remember wanting a custom bolt for my Ruger Charger 22lr pistol, so I followed the rules, applied for and was issued my B709 import permit ...then purchased the bolt from the USA. When it got here I made an appointment to attend Customs with my permit and collect it. I had my Category-H licence and B709 but when I turned up I was told it wasnt good enough and that I need an Attorney Generals import permit for a Category-C rifle bolt which you could only get at the time as a full time feral pest controller. Not having my Category-C licence for feral pest control at the time, they seized and destroyed my bolt using their interchangeability laws even though the bolt was clearly for use in my Category-H Charger pistol, they classed it as a Category-C bolt because it could be used in a Ruger 10/22 rifle. It didnt stop there, even if you got an Attorney Generals import permit for a Category-C bolt, Customs would then re-classify it again but this time up to Category-D, arguing that the bolt fits a Category-D Ruger 10/22 rifle fitted with a magazine over 10 rounds. The most stupid thing about all of this in my view was that Customs told me that I could legally import a complete brand new Category-H Ruger Charger pistol with the custom bolt in it that I wanted, under a B709 import permit for Category-H and it was all good. So I clarified with them, so if I wish to replace a bolt in my pistol used for rimfire competition shooting, I cant because it will be deemed a Category-C rifle part but then if I get the AGs import permit for that Category-C rifle part itll get reclassified on me again to Category-D but if I want to avoid all of this I can just import an additional entire pistol with the part in it and its all good, which they confirmed yes! This insanity didnt sit well with me at all and I made appointments with my local federal members and wrote ministerial complaints to the Attorney Generals Department asking for an explanation as to how having to buy an additional pistol instead of simply being able to replace a part is remotely justifiable in the interest of public safety? I was initially fobbed off however I kept pushing and pushing until they decided to open up a consultation process on proposed changes to the firearm import laws which then gave organisations, dealers and the general public an opportunity to put forward submissions. Im proud to say that the shooting community then had some common sense restrictions lifted such as: - removal of the interchangeable parts law so you could actually replace parts on firearms you already owned - removal of the interchangeable magazines restrictions up to 10 rounds so you could actually buy a 10 round magazine for your Category-B rifle even if it fitted a Category-D rifle It felt very good seeing restrictions lifted and common sense prevailing. It was one of the reasons I then started Ozzie Reviews with a mission to show the real side of firearm ownership, attract more people to the sport and hobby and ultimately motivate people to stand-and-fight! Dont ever take for granted what you have, I too was just a nobody who enjoyed using firearms responsibly, who wanted to just be left alone to enjoy it but I guess they kickstarted the fire in me by enforcing what was an unjustifiable law in my view at the time. I often wonder if that had never happened to me whether Id be so passionate as what I am today Either way you must do exactly as I have done previously and thats stand-and-fight. Dont be bullied into thinking youre the problem and you should have more and more restrictions forced upon you for the safety of everyone. We are the most law-abiding group of people you can get and the reality is you have so many people who have absolutely no idea about firearms making up new feel good gun laws that restrict and confiscate your legally owned property. Do you want this to continue or do you want change? If you want change you must get involved, you must stand-and-fight! It doesnt mean doing anything illegal, it means using the processes in place to become an activist for your chosen sport and hobby. Get involved, get your mates involved, we have an election coming up soon in Queensland and its time to vote the right people in and be a part of making legal firearm ownership a thing that your grandchildren can enjoy in the future. What we do now affects them, so make them proud when they look back and see what their grandparents did in the early 2000s to ensure they have freedom!
16.01.2022 The Firearms Amendment (Criminal Use) Bill 2020 has the potential to expose every single licensed firearms user in NSW to criminal charges - we need you to speak up and contact your local MP NOW to stop it!
16.01.2022 *THIS QUEENSLAND STATE ELECTION, WE HAVE PUT OUR MONEY WHERE OUR MOUTH IS* We talk a lot about fighting for #AllShooters and it’s because we genuinely believe i...n it. We firmly believe our member’s money is for using to fight for a better deal for shooters, not for hoarding like some kind of dragon. It’s not helping shooters just sitting in the bank, after all. That’s why we are proud to share we have spent more than $200,000 on the upcoming Queensland election. Some of that has been in direct political donations, particularly to Katter’s Australian Party and selected individual pro-gun candidates, and some of it has been in costs for producing video, media, paid advertising including on social media and similar things. Our direct political donations are a matter of public record and you can see them for yourself on the Electoral Commission of Queensland’s Electronic Disclosures System ( Indeed, even the ABC and The Australian have reported on our spending for this election, and our media team has ensured we have been receiving prominent mainstream media coverage in Regional and North Queensland over our support for KAP and pro-gun policies too. We have also launched Australia’s very first pro-shooting voting app, How To Vote Pro Gun, which is available for free from the Apple Store (, Google Play Store ( or online at This app allows anyone in Queensland (and soon, all of Australia) not just Shooters Union Members to put in their electorate, and then get our suggestions for voting preferences based on the candidates there. This app is the best way to ensure we, as shooters, get our voices heard at the ballot box. You may have seen our videos and ads on Facebook and elsewhere, and hopefully you have been receiving our e-mails as well. Otherwise, you may not have seen all of what we have been doing, and that is deliberate. We have been targeting our messages on social media within Queensland where they can do most good after all, there is no point spending member’s money targeting our Facebook ads to voters who live in New Farm or Maleny since they’re not likely to be on board with voting for a fair go for law-abiding firearms users. Our work goes beyond elections and we’ll be bringing you more regular updates in future about what we’re doing not just in Queensland, but around Australia. Because when we say we’re fighting for all shooters, we mean that and we’ve got plenty more on the way. Shooters Union membership is only $35 per year and includes $20m in public liability insurance - and the more members we have, the stronger and louder our voice is.. You can join today at:
15.01.2022 Hi all. Just wondering how many couples/family's all go away hunting together? My wife and both my kids come out all the time pig hunting with me. Love having ...them out there. Seeing them grow, learn and enjoy the bush is very special. Only downside is when they shoot the biggest pig of the trip, never hear the end of it. Lol. Pic for attention of my daughter with a pig she shot last trip. See more
14.01.2022 If you haven't got your Cat H licence, look at doing so with a friend or two. Seek out your local clubs today!
14.01.2022 A quick update on my meeting today with Wollondilly MP Nathaniel Smith....... Topics of discussion today were; - The Criminal Use Bill... - Delays in processing at the NSW Firearms Registry and - Conservation hunting in NSW National Parks. Pleasingly Nathaniel was all over the Criminal Use Bill acknowledging the many submissions put forward with their suggested amendments.. Nathaniel pointed out that many of the suggested amendments were taken onboard and included in a new draft of the Bill that will be put forward for debate in the New Year. Some are still expecting the Bill to be turfed out but at least our submissions were taken on board. Regarding the delays in processing at the NSW Firearms Registry, both Nathaniel and his off-sider were gobsmacked that such delays with new license applications and simple license renewals existed. I put on record our belief that there is a culture to 'harass and disrupt' NSW LAFO emanating from the FAR and I asked specifically that they seek an answer from the Minister on the issues tabled. On NSW National Park Hunting.........Like so many NSW Politicians I've had this discussion with in the past Nathaniel was surprised it wasn't happening, particularly in light of the decades long, successful NSW State Forest hunting program. In 2016, recreational hunting by 19,000 restricted game license holder contributed $119,000,000 of Gross State Product and 860 jobs within NSW A follow up meeting is scheduled in the New Year.
14.01.2022 NSW Firearms Registry is at it again....... EMAIL FROM NSW POLICE REGISTRY Dear Club Secretary,... Notice of Intent The NSW Firearms Registry (NSWFR) has commenced a review of all lifetime NSW Club Approvals that have been issued to interstate clubs. During this process, the NSWFR has identified general non-compliance issues ranging from non-affiliation with prescribed peak associations, incomplete administration of annual returns and/or inability to meet minimum active member requirements. In consideration of the initial issue of the interstate NSW Club Approvals, the NSWFR acknowledges that there were historically geographical restrictions upon NSW Firearms Licence holders that necessitated principal membership with an interstate club. However, with the growth of the sport within NSW, the NSWFR maintains that required compliance can be fulfilled by membership with a NSW approved club in accordance with the Firearms Regulation 2017 [NSW] Part 10. The NSWFR notes that this does not limit future participation of NSW Firearms Licence holders from conducting shooting activities[1] at an interstate approved club that would satisfy compliance requirements as per the Firearms Regulation 2017 [NSW] Part 10 Clause 111. The NSWFR extends identified interstate NSW Club Approval holders the opportunity to cancel their NSW Club Approval by providing a copy of club correspondence confirming the decision to the NSWFR within 28 days from the date of this notice. We ask that in the event an interstate NSW Club Approval holder elects to cancel their approval, that they provide the NSWFR Clubs Unit with a current annual return in the approved format (attached alongside General Fact Sheet) detailing their current NSW Firearms Licence holder members. This will allow the NSWFR to apply due diligence in assisting these members to maintain their compliance in the transition period. Should an identified interstate NSW Club Approval holder elect not to cancel their approval or fail to provide a response within 28 days, the NSW Firearms Registry will issue a ‘Notice to Show Cause’ as to why the identified interstate NSW Club Approval should retain their approval and not be revoked in accordance with the Firearms Regulation 2017 [NSW] Part 9 Clause 98. So, basically, if you’re using and interstate club as your ‘Genuine Reason’ you may need to find an alternate club. Stay tuned......
14.01.2022 I cannot stress this enough all. The ONLY reason they would introduce a law such as this is because they are planning to confiscate all legal guns under the EMA. This may be deemed necessary if a staged shooting event occurs. They are looking ahead and anticipating a backlash of shooters making their own guns, so they want to close that door too. So all of you, look ahead too, plan accordingly. The best advice I can offer is to place an injunction via the courts to halt the Bill enactment immediately, then delay hearings til after EMA. But get ready now, they are coming for your guns. Have a plan, not a panic attack. See more
13.01.2022 Thank you to everyone that phoned, messaged or otherwise contacted me today congratulating me on my appointment as the Shooters Union New South Wales state co-ordinator. A big thank you also to Graham Park (SUA Aust.) and Peter Whelan (SUNSW) New South Wales law abiding firearms face a difficult road ahead.... Ongoing changes to firearm regulations, constant FAR delays in processing, appearance laws and a review into shooting organisation Peak Bodies will present many challenges for NSW shooters. This is not a time for disunity or hairsplitting, it is a time for a cohesive approach to the ongoing issues that face us. It is a time for all shooting associations to act as one and be proactive toward counteracting the challenges ahead. I look forward to working with SUA NSW. Thanks, Craig Golding SUNSW State Co-Ordinator
13.01.2022 Well, finished my letter to the NSW Auditor General today regarding the ongoing issues with the NSW Firearms Registry and the issuing of PTAs, Firearm Registration papers and Firearm Licenses. I’ll post her response as soon it comes to hand. FYI - The NSW Auditor Generals details are:... Ms Margaret Crawford Level 19, Tower 2 Darling Park 201 Sussex Street, Sydney. 2000
13.01.2022 Have any complaints about delays by NSW Firearms Registry, in renewing licences, processing new licences, or promptly handling Permits to Acquire? We've written to Police MInister Elliott and Police Commissioner Fuller. SHOOTERS UNION NSW Pty Ltd. PO BOX 246 GLENORIE... NSW 2157 The Hon. David Elliott MP Minister for Police and Emergency Services Parliament House By email: [email protected] Mail to: PO Box 5341 Sydney NSW 2001 CC Police Commissioner Michael Fuller Locked Bag 5102 Parramatta NSW 2124 Dear Mr Elliott, I write regarding the unacceptably long processing times for the issuing and renewal of firearms licences in New South Wales. We have received numerous reports from shooting club members, farmers and hunters, that licence applications are backed up to the point where there are still applications from late 2019 and the first months of 2020 which have not been processed. If true, this is completely unacceptable and we insist you immediately intervene to fix the situation. (Page 2) There is no reason whatsoever for it to take more than six months to process a firearms licence application. All the information on a persons background and criminal history is stored on a computer database and we, like the still-waiting licence applicants, cannot understand why it could possibly take so long to process a fairly straightforward firearms licence application. Similar delays are occurring in the processing of Permits to Acquire. Where a licenced firearms owner already owns firearms, there should be no reason for delay in processing PTA for subsequent firearms. With the increasing popularity of the shooting sports and hunting for food, in addition to the need for pest eradication to assist farmers, the process for handling PTAs must be streamlined. Firearms licence applicants in NSW are paying for a service they even lodge their applications through Service NSW. Part of that service is to have their application processed in a timely fashion, and right now that is now happening. Why is it not happening, and what will your Ministerial Department do to fix it? Yours sincerely, Peter Whelan Managing Director July 28th 2020 Mobile: 0416 275 850
12.01.2022 I was told recently there are on average 36 requests for review lodged by LAFOs with the NSW FAR per month. By comparison, NSW FAR manage to look at only 8 of these requests per month. Just another example of the ongoing disruption to LAFOs in a game where the dice are loaded against us!
11.01.2022 NSW Minister for Police David Elliott given the all-clear by NSW Police But is anyone surprised? The same Minister who is trying so hard to introduce ridiculous... precursor amendments to the Firearms Act which will criminalise Law Abiding Firearms Owners. The same Minister that has a field day throwing Law Abiding Firearms Owners under the bus any chance he gets. The same Minister who broke the very same law his Government enforces. We spoke out strongly against the NSW Police Commissioners' unjustified $87,000 pay rise at the end of March. We were asking ourselves, why in a time like this when so many people are losing jobs, losing income, and facing an uncertain future does the NSW Police Commissioner get a pay rise that now makes him take home more than the Prime Minister each year? Now it makes sense. Why is it always one rule for them, another for the rest of us? The double standards and hypocrisy need to stop. Join us in our fight today to stop this:
11.01.2022 Was good to help another young shooter today who applied for a NSW firearms licence in September 2019. Yep, 1 year ago. He didnt know what to do and who to cont...act and was helpless. He calls registry and they are never helpful as to where his application is or how much longer he has to wait. Licence still not issued. This was 6 months before covid came on the scene. Helped him make some calls and emails to his local member and the NSW police minister. Lets hope that spurs them on to do their jobs. Terrible service to act in a timely fashion. Another good reason to abolish a failed, painfully slow system of constantly pulling up short on common courtesy and decency.
11.01.2022 The stupidity continues as they move to register ‘toys’ in South Australia.
09.01.2022 Tonight we had chat with Roger and Anthony from Launceston Gel Ball Club Inc and Alaistair from the Shooters Union of Tasmania
08.01.2022 The NSC is aware that two hours ago SSAA Victoria issued a communication that it is aware of cases where LAFO's have had their licences suspended and or cancell...ed for alleged breaches of Covid 19 restrictions. SSAA Vic has in its communication indicated it is receiving legal advice and is apparently willing to engage in legal action. Despite recent history between SSAA Vic and the NSC, the NSC thanks the SSAA for its announcement and expresses its hope that the two organisations will be able to work together on this issue in a spirit of goodwill and mutual cooperation to stop this newest attack on licensed shooters and our sport. We also thank Shooters Union Australia for its support on this matter and welcome their announcement to join in fighting this abuse of power by the Victoria Police Licensing and Regulation Division - NSC Executive Committee.
08.01.2022 A little bit of light humour heading into the weekend..... Footnote: Finger guns in black gloves are banned!
08.01.2022 No longer need this large, solid timber, five draw office desk. For collection Glenorie. Make me an offer. (So this is shooting related, would make a great re-loading bench!) Peter 0416 275 850
07.01.2022 Firearms and Weapons Legislation Amendment (Criminal Use) Bill 2020. The transcript from the first day's hearing of the Inquiry has now been published. This is... essential reading for all firearm owners in NSW. Interestingly, Deputy Commissioner Walton gives two different answers to the same question on why the safeguard provisions in the South Australia Firearms Act were NOT included in the Bill. Hmmmm.... The full transcript is available here: The 3 documents tabled by the Chair are available here:
07.01.2022 Whenever I post about gun laws or a self defence shooting, so many comments over the years are along the lines of wish we had our semi autos back or wish we ...could defend ourselves with firearms here. If you want that so badly and would pretty much do whatever you could to get it, why arent more of you getting involved with every single election? It is the only way youre going to see positive steps taken, you need to have the right people in power to make those changes for you. A few ideas for you: - get in touch with your local candidates both State and Federal to establish where they sit on firearm issues - once you find a candidate to support, ask them how is the best way for you to help out - ring your shooting mates and organise for them to meet their local candidate and volunteer some time to help promote them - donate some money to your candidate to run Facebook adverts for example so more people become aware of them and they have a chance of gaining more votes - be relentless, dont just turn up to one meeting, tell yourself youve tried and just continue whinging that nothing is changing - rally support at your local gun club, arrange for your local candidate to speak to its members and gain further help - speak to your friends and family and make them aware of the candidate and what they stand for, ask them if they would consider voting for them - if you only have the majors in your electorate or an independent, meet with them and find out which one is the best on firearm issues and vote for them accordingly - dont go writing off any of the smaller parties because you dont like someone in the party or you dont agree with one of their policies, do you seriously prefer the major parties over that of minor parties to decide your future gun rights, seriously? It is really this simple, we have over 1 million licensed shooters in Australia plus their family and friends, we can have semi autos back, we can have firearms for self defence but it takes us to all stand and help. Could you imagine seriously if 1 million of us all donated a couple of dollars to our local candidates, gave up a day to hand out how to vote cards and actually voted for candidates who support our cause? My posts here would change from announcing yet another restriction to something similar to: Category C/D firearms now available for recreational shooting Suppressors legalised in all Australian States Self defence now a genuine reason to apply for a Category H firearm Sound good? The only thing preventing that from actually happening is you putting yourself out by making the decision I WILL GET INVOLVED NOW
07.01.2022 NSW Pistol Shooters At a recent Parliamentary Inquiry the 2019 NSW Audit-Office report 'Firearm Regulation' came under scrutiny. Deputy Police Commissione...r David Hudson and Assistant Commissioner Scott Cook appeared as witnesses and answered questions. At one point Deputy Commissioner Hudson stated... frontline police, which obviously have a presence across the state, are best placed to do firearm inspections. (Let that sink in for a minute) Why then does the NSW Police Force insist that pistol clubs certify their club members' safe storage facility is compliant with the Act? Source (page 22-26) at:
06.01.2022 Big city thinking.........we know a bit about it in NSW too. City-centric Government is not good for the bush or the people that call our beautiful regional areas home. In fact, it’s city-centric Government that is killing the bush!... Thankfully with SFFP leading the charge for change here in NSW, regional NSW will once again become a Government priority. Check email out at
06.01.2022 TacToys to take on SAPOL over Gel Blaster ruling.....
06.01.2022 Ditto NSW, Victoria, SA, WA, NT and Tas. If you keep voting for the majors all you will get is the same policy under a different manager. Really is time for LAFO to step up.
05.01.2022 Chloe’s latest Sporting Shooter column ‘In the blood’ feature on Shooters Union Australia......
05.01.2022 We have been informed by multiple reliable sources NSW Police have banned the Ruger PC Charger 9mm handgun under the state's idiotic appearance laws. We also u...nderstand dealers of the gun have been contacted and told to stop selling it and recent purchasers have been contacted to return it immediately. Right now we have seen nothing official in writing about this and we are working to find out the facts so we can advise members how to proceed. From our perspective: These are legal handguns which meet the definition of a Cat H firearm and there is no reason to ban them. Once we have the correct info we will be actively working to reverse this ban - we'll need your help, so stay tuned. #allshooters
05.01.2022 Who's watching ?
05.01.2022 Well I guess that kinda answers my question. So only members of the SSAA and the club, not even all ssaa members. It sucks so bad. I loved shooting at imbil the...n it was put under new management and I'm not welcome back. Seriously I want some advice here. I am shooters union and I just feel bullied by the SSAA. Do I just pay an organisation money when I don't like the way they treat their members and what they did to my club which I was a paid member of? I've been shooting at the club alot longer than some of the people who took it over have even lived in QLD. I'm gutted, offended and defeated. When I asked what was going on I was met with a lack of communication or frankly respect with a pinch of smugness from the new club committee and the SSAA. Apparently my club membership was not valid because I wasn't in the SSAA. Perhaps that was a clerical error made by the old bloke who signed me up. So the refused my membership being legitimate yet never offered a refund. As I said I'm kinda gutted I've lost my club. The really crazy thing is I don't think I've met any of the people running the show now in all my years there. See more
04.01.2022 Hello everybody my name is Riley formally known as R the young tradie who lost his fire arms licence due to a Covid- 19 fine, Im just making a post to show m...y gratitude to NSC and especially peter Zabrdac and Neil Jenkins for helping me get my fire arms licence back in this stressful time, its good to see these guys standing up for shooters unlike SSAA who didnt wanna bar of my situation I cant be more grateful for the outcome and Ill be recommending all my fellow shooters to National shooting council over and over. Thanks again guys for your great work amazing stuff
03.01.2022 UNITY.............that five letter word that seems so hard for shooters & hunters to find. You’d be mistaken for thinking it’s impossible to achieve unity when some shooting organisations insist on throwing others under a bus, as happened at the recent Peak Body review meeting held by NSW FAR...........I’ll have more to say on that later! I was honoured today to chair the first of a series of working group meetings of members from prominent NSW shooting & hunting organisation...s. My thanks for attending: Douglas Schupe - Gamecon James Walsh - SIFA Rodja Vukobratovic - Aust. Conservation Hunters Len Davis - St George Hunters & Anglers Club Lloyd Moran - Neapean Hunters Club Chloe Golding - Sporter Shooter Magazine Marcus O’Dean - Sporting Shooter Magazine Tony G - Central Coast Muzzle Loaders / AHI Thanks also to Chris Sainsbury, SSAA Illawarra who was unable to attend due to work commitments but organised the meeting venue. I’m confident this group of passionate, like minded hunters & shooters can work together to enact positive change and public awareness for all NSW LAFOs.
01.01.2022 My latest letter to NSW Police Minister David Elliot being sent out today........ "12 November, 2020 Honourable David Elliot... Suite 1, 25-33 Old Northern Road Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 Dear Honourable Minister, RE: NSW Firearm Registry delays in license processing I’ve been advised today that there is now up to an 8-month processing delay for new Firearm License applications despite the NSW Firearms Registry Performance Dashboard saying that average processing times for new license applications are 59 days. One new firearms license application I’m following closely has just passed 120 days since it was submitted. I’m also advised that NSW Firearm Dealers, some being in business for over three decades, are waiting up to 18-months for the renewal of their Firearms Dealers Licenses. These delays are not acceptable and are not what people expect from a modern Public Service. Can you please advise what changes are being implemented within the NSW Firearms Registry to improve the processing times of firearm license applications & NSW dealer license renewals? I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,"
01.01.2022 Here is the my most recent letter to the NSW Police Minister of which he is yet to reply. Coincidentally, during the Parliamentary enquiry into the Criminal Use Bill, Police Minister Elliot recently remarked " I must be missing something in all this, shooters have rights?" leaving no doubt what he thinks about LAFO which will form the basis for the next letter... 10 October, 2020... Honourable David Elliot Suite 1, 25-33 Old Northern Road Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 Dear Honourable Minister, RE: FINGER PRINTING OF NSW LAW ABIDING FIREARM OWNERS I’m writing in response to the 17 October 2020 quote by Superintendent Anthony Bell, made during the Edwards Coronial Enquiry, I’d like to see every gun owner to be fingerprinted. In fact, it was widely reported throughout the State in numerous news articles that The commander wants new licensees fingerprinted at police stations. The Edwards Coronial Enquiry continues to report severe shortcomings in the way the NSW Firearms Registry is being managed with breaches in basic protocols leading to an horrendous act of violence. Shooters Union NSW represents this states 300,00o plus Law Abiding Firearm Owners and we are seeking confirmation from you if it is the intention of your office to make them scapegoats for the shortcomings of the NSW FAR by forcing them into finger printing in order to obtain/maintain their NSW Firearm Licenses. I look forward to your response. Yours sincerely, Craig Golding State Co-Ordinator New South Wales Shooters Union [email protected] 0412 493842
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