Shout Hearing Healthcare in Pennant Hills, New South Wales, Australia | Audiologist
Shout Hearing Healthcare
Locality: Pennant Hills, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9484 2246
Address: 2, 380 Pennant Hills Road;Beecroft relocatiing March 2019 2120 Pennant Hills, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Did you know that Shout Hearing have payment options available for the purchase of new hearing aids? Yep, we do. No more procrastinating, if your hearing needs attention then we invite you to make an appointment for a hearing test and a hearing aid trial. Plus, because it's getting close to Christmas, we are also offering $500* to help you get on your way to better hearing. Call Shout Hearing for more information* 9484 2246 or book via #hearing #hearingtest #hearingaid #hearingaid #rechargeablehearingaids #betterhearing #hearbetter #audiologist #pensioner #seniors #hearingclinic #hearingjourney #hearwell #hearingtrials
24.01.2022 Fun Fact Sunday! The sperm whale is one of the loudest animals on the planet! Their vocalisations, measured at 230dB, are loud enough to burst your eardrums! Thats twice as loud than standing next to a speaker stack at a KISS concert!
23.01.2022 Masks and hearing aids; some helpful tips : Pull long hair back into a bun or tie back with a hair tie. Rather than looping elastic over your ears, utilise button extensions for your mask (which can be made or bought). Grab a mask that has four strings that tie behind the head, that way you avoid your ears completely and you like just like a doctor; just watch any hospital reality show to see how . Hold on to your hearing aids and check they are still in place durin...g and following removal of your mask. Remove your mask at home and in an open area so that if your hearing aids fall off, you can find them (but make sure the dog/cat doesnt find them first ). See more
23.01.2022 We continue to open our doors for our clients and our community. We look forward to seeing you soon.
21.01.2022 Time for a little #ThrowbackThursday Did you know our ears could play music in the 1950s? They must have been able to if ear trumpets were a thing back in the day
21.01.2022 That feeling you get when you hear Dads truck . If you havent had that feeling in a while, might be time to get your hearing checked Give us a Shout and well make sure youre hat throwing ready. Contact us on (02) 9484-2246 or contact us on the web
20.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday! Snakes hear through their jawbone and fish hear through ridges on their body because neither have physical ears. If youre feeling as though your ears are no-where to be seen, might be time to give us a Shout and see if we cant get you feeling human again. You can always contact Clare or Brooke on (02) 9484-2246 to book an appointment or contact us on the web
19.01.2022 What's it like to wear hearing aids? Well...why not come in for a free hearing aid trial? Shout Hearing are currently offering free trials of the very latest in hearing technology. Super discreet, they have many features and benefits. We would love to show you just how impressive current hearing technology really is. More importantly, the positive impact they can have on your hearing, your relationships and your overall health and well being. For a limited time Shout Hearing is offering $500* to get your started on a path to better hearing. Call Shout Hearing for more information* 9484 2246 or book via #hearing #hearingtest #hearingaid #hearingaid #rechargeablehearingaids #betterhearing #hearbetter #audiologist #pensioner #seniors #hearingclinic #hearingjourney #hearwell #hearingtrials
18.01.2022 We have registered our COVID-19 safety plan and are getting on with business . The safety of our staff, clients and all visitors to our clinic is our number one priority (as well as helping you hear better .)
18.01.2022 Its all fun and games...until the hearing gets hurt If this looks like you during this time of home isolation...might be time to get your hearing checked. Give us a Shout and well make sure your fun and games are hearing safe ...Contact us on the web or call (02) 9484 2246.
17.01.2022 For our friends, family, clients and colleagues who need us to ask, ? This year has been one bumpy ride and we support fighting the good fight. R U OK?s vision is a world where were all connected and are protected from suicide. Their mission is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life. To find out more visit them @ Reach out, ask the question, take action today.
15.01.2022 Some good news in the wake of the chocolate fest that is coming up this weekend Rest assured there is no link between Chocolate and hearing loss! In fact there have been studies that suggest that there is a relationship between chocolate and happy hearing! We hope this helps you feel a little less guilty about the indulgences of the weekend
15.01.2022 If you would like to support small business, look for your local independently owned audiology clinic. This means that the clinic is owned and operated by a qualified audiologist (not a manufacturer), and can offer exceptional client centred care and unbiased advice. You can find your nearest clinic on the Audiology Australia website @ As an independent clinic, we appreciate and value our clients and their continued support and loyalty during these challenging times. We feel lucky to have you!
14.01.2022 At 11 am on 11 November 1918 the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare. Lest We Forget.
14.01.2022 Congratulations John, awesome lecturer, awesome mentor!
14.01.2022 Monday dad joke (from CG - you know who he is ).."Have you heard that the World Health Organisation has stated dogs cant get coronavirus, and as such do not need to remain in quarantine? Thats right, WHO let the dogs out!" #dadjokes #worldhealthorganisation #hearing #hearingloss #cutedog
13.01.2022 Thursday Fun Day... Due to the current health crisis, Neil Diamonds awesome song SWEET CAROLINE has been banned from all venues. There will be no: Touching hands Reaching out Touching me... Touching you ... If, however, you want to reach out to Shout for a hearing check, we would love to see you in our COVID-19 safe clinic . We are masked up, hand sanitised, temperature checked and hygiene experts! Call us on (02) 9484-2246 or contact us on the web We promise there will be no Neil Diamond on our turntable See more
13.01.2022 A little Friday fun fact with a different spin..according to Google ;), one of the smartest dog breeds is a Border Collie! We would probably agree with that....check out this yoga session, looks like so much fun!
13.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday . #FunFactFriday Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the English language and ironically is the name for a fear of long words. Youre welcome .
13.01.2022 As an Audiologist, I know all too well the impact that this year in particular has had on so many people. Being able to hear well on your home phone, mobile phone, and also video calls on iPads and tablets - has become imperative in order to stay connected with family and friends. If you are struggling to hear well, Shout Hearing invite you to make an appointment for a comprehensive hearing test. Start your hearing journey today. Call 9484 2246 or click here #hearing #hearingtest #hearingaid #hearingaid #rechargeablehearingaids #betterhearing #hearbetter #audiologist #pensioner #seniors #hearingclinic #hearingjourney #hearwell #hearingtrials
11.01.2022 Today is International Nurses Day, slated as a day that shows gratitude for the amazing job and contribution our beloved nurses make in our community...there shouldnt be one day that recognises their contribution, we should recognise them every day. But today, more than ever, we should all acknowledge how much we appreciate their them all, and thank you so much.
11.01.2022 What is Aural Rehabilitation you ask? While hearing aids help with your listening needs, a more holistic approach to aural rehabilitation will improve the chances of being out of the woods when it comes to better communication. To find out more visit us on the web or call (02) 9484-2246 to book your session
11.01.2022 If this looks like you after your COVID-19 isolation catchup with friends, might be time to get your hearing checked Give us a call on (02) 9484-2246 or contact us on the web and well get your conversations back on track
10.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday When Krakatau erupted in 1883 the blast was so loud it could be heard 3000km away in Australia! It was so loud that it travelled the earth four times. It was so loud that it shattered the ear drums of sailors 40kms away...thats louder than the speaker stack at a KISS concert!
10.01.2022 Noteworthy read...and a cautionary tale...
10.01.2022 Noise Alert! Did you know that sound is measured in units called decibels and that repeated or lengthy exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss? If you are concerned about whether noise has damaged your ears, call us on (02) 9484 9984 or contact us on the web and we can tell you whether your (insert favourite band) was way too loud
10.01.2022 Didn't hear those pesky Hallowe'en monsters sneaking up on you? Might be time to check your hearing....BOO! Give us a Shout and we'll make sure you're monster ready!
10.01.2022 Would you rather stay at home with your fur babies than attend the clinic for a hearing aid adjustment? Well now you can. Contact the clinic to find out how we can adjust your hearing aids from the comfort of your own home. Call us on (02) 9484-2246 or contact us on the web
09.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all of our Queens. We are who we are, because you are who you are! "We love you to the moon...and back"... yes we do Little Nutbrown Hare
09.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday! The unit used to measure loudness the decibel - was named after Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. If youve been spending a lot of your time in the orange to crimson zone, its definitely time for a hearing health check. Call Clare or Brooke on (02) 9484-2256 or contact us on the web and well make sure youre DDF! (decibel damage free for those of you playing at home ).
09.01.2022 Forgive our Yoda speak but.....With you, May the 4th be.... look, we had to
08.01.2022 I guess it rains down in Africa If you think Toto were unsure about the rains in Africa, might be time to get your hearing checked
08.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday! The outer ear never stops growing throughout ones lifetime. That just gives new meaning to the term Im all ears"
07.01.2022 Below is an exert from a story that appeared in One in Six (a publication from Deafness Forum Australia). It highlights the problem that people with a hearing loss have when everyone is wearing masks...our clients confirm the frustration, they are often struggling to hear well without the help of lip cues. A tip from us at SHOUT.....if someone asks you to repeat yourself: say it LOUDER; say it SLOWER; and ENUNCIATE your words.... The bowing made us laugh out loud...we can relate "Me versus The Mask: A pandemic hearing problem". By Gael Hannan for Hearing & Technology Matters... "...The checkout clerk didnt speak as loudly. I asked her to repeat herself, but not using speech. Because I need to read lips, I bizarrely assumed that people cant understand me from behind my mask. Instead, in a universally understood gesture, I raised my eyebrows and cocked my ear towards her. This seemed to work. She repeated, but because of her amazing skill of talking without moving her lips, I understood nothing... As I picked up my bags, I heard Ms Softly-Voiced say something along the lines of have a nice day. For some explicable reason, instead of saying you too, I bowed to her. Bowed! Had my neighbor sprinkled some dementia powder in my mask before packaging it? Or did I bow simply because nothing is normal now?
06.01.2022 People who love their Mum are being asked to join the challenge of posting a photo. Just one photo of your Mum, no description. The goal is to flood Facebook with positive photos of love in this current world of pain. Copy the text and post a photo of your Mum Challenge accepted...big love ..and also...happy birthday Mum xxx
06.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
05.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday! Did you hear that elephants are tuned into frequencies 25 times lower than humans. They can also pick up sounds through their feet and trunks! I guess this means that sneaking up on an elephant might be a little tricky
05.01.2022 One of our many splendid clients sent this to us and said he hopes we enjoy the light relief ... thank you kind sir, we most certainly did ;).
04.01.2022 This looks interesting, I havent looked forward to a Wednesday in a while. But Im looking forward to this Wednesday to hear (excuse the pun ) about Signias new Hi-Tech HEARWEAR stay tuned .
04.01.2022 How many of us pretended to hear the joke and carried on laughing even though we didn't hear a word? Shout Hearing would like everyone to hear the punch line! Enjoy Shout Hearing's Special Offer of $500* towards better hearing and free hearing aid trials. Call Shout Hearing for more details*. Offer ends 4th December 2020. EZYPAY payment options available. Call 9484 2246 or book via #hearing #hearingtest #hearingaid #hearingaid #rechargeablehearingaids #betterhearing #hearbetter #audiologist #pensioner #seniors #hearingclinic
02.01.2022 FOR THE FALLEN...LEST WE FORGET. By Laurence Binyon With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea.... Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres, There is music in the midst of desolation And a glory that shines upon our tears. They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables of home; They have no lot in our labour of the day-time; They sleep beyond Englands foam. But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight, To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the Night; As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain; As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, To the end, to the end, they remain.
02.01.2022 Shout Hearing shares our clients and community concerns about Coronavirus (COVID 19). We are committed to ensuring the safety of our clients and staff and will continue to closely monitor the situation and to operate in accordance with all government health and safety advice. We are dedicated to providing you with a safe and healthy clinic and will continue to open our doors as long as our clients need us, and it is safe to do so. Please visit our website for more informatio...n Please do not attend the clinic if you: Are feeling unwell, have cold or flu like symptoms including a cough, sneezing or fever Have travelled or been in close contact with anyone who has travelled from Victoria, NSW hotspots or overseas within the last 14 days Have been diagnosed with COVID 19 or have been in contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID 19 within the last 14 days Please call the clinic to reschedule your appointment with us after 14 days. Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us on (02) 9484-2246. Stay safe and take care. Warm regards, Karen Greenhalgh Clinical Audiologist | Director Shout Hearing Healthcare
02.01.2022 Here is some feel good news for your Tuesday
02.01.2022 Happy Monday! We love Mondays here at Shout Hearing Healthcare. It is a chance to set new goals and restart for a fantastic week. Is one of your goals to improve your hearing health this week and support small business? Then why not give Clare or Brooke a call on (02) 9484 2246 or visit us on the web
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