SIDS and Kids South Australia in Hindmarsh, South Australia, Australia | Non-profit organisation
SIDS and Kids South Australia
Locality: Hindmarsh, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 8332 1066
Address: 17 Hindmarsh Place 5007 Hindmarsh, SA, Australia
Likes: 6085
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25.01.2022 #sundaysurvival #yourgrief #yourpain #bekind #begentle #childloss #sidssa
25.01.2022 Hats and overheating risk In the cold weather it is important to keep your baby rugged up when outdoors, but it is equally important to take babys outdoor clothes off, especially their head coverings, once indoors and out of the cold. Babies and young infants dont regulate their body temperature as well as older children and adults and very young babys in particular are at risk of overheating. Babies lose about 85% of their heat through their face and head, so if heat loss... is restricted by a head covering such as a beanie, bonnet, hat or hooded coat there is an increased risk of overheating especially when indoors. Overheating has been identified as a risk factor for a Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI). So remember to always remove babys outdoor clothes especially head wear as soon as you go indoors or enter a warm car, bus or train, even if it means waking baby. See more
24.01.2022 Fathers Day Wishing the SIDS and Kids SA Community of fathers and grandfathers a special day today. No matter where your child is, you are a of the most important jobs in the world. We wish you peace today and send you all the love you deserve. #fathersday #bereavedfathers #childloss #wearehere #stilladad #support #sidssa
24.01.2022 This is the last week to contribute towards the Appeal, "A Year Like No Other". After receiving the most referrals in a 12 month period, 2020 provided numerous challenges for society in general but none more so than for our Grief Counsellors. 115 newly referred families following the loss of a child. 1,210 counselling sessions $210,000 of FREE service to grieving South Australian Families.... 2 part-time Grief Counsellors. $0 Government Funding The figures speak for themselves. And this is why we seek the financial support of our community. Thank you to those who have already donated to make a difference. Last minute support can be offered at:
24.01.2022 With our Melbourne Cup Event at Marion Hotel scheduled for November the 3rd, we have been busily requesting the support of the local SA community through donations for the Race Day Raffle! Over the coming weeks, we will be throwing Shout Outs on our social pages to the businesses who have generously donated gifts or vouchers to ensure this day is of great success to benefit the service provision of SIDS and Kids SA! If you are keen to grab the girls, bond with the blokes or create a corporate table to thank you staff for their tireless efforts, book a table for this fantastic event! BOOK YOUR TICKET HERE:
23.01.2022 Each year on August 22nd, we recognise the children born after the storm of losing a child. We celebrate National Rainbow Baby Day. Rainbow Babies do not mean the storm has been forgotten or the tears have run dry. Rather, the brightness and colours of a Rainbow Baby represent hope and the ability to smile once again. Happy National Rainbow Day to all of our bereaved parents whom hold their little rainbow, are trying for their rainbow, or simply recognise the rainbow fo...r what it truly means in child loss. At SIDS and Kids SA, we celebrate this milestone in your grief journey not only on the 22nd of August ...... but everyday. Please feel free to join us in acknowledging the Rainbow Babies of our community through posting your pic below xx
23.01.2022 Today is International Bereaved Fathers Day. Take the time to acknowledge a Father you know who holds his baby in his heart, but not in his arms. There is no harder job than this. To our bereaved community of Fathers....we are here. SIDS and Kids SA think of you today, and everyday. We say your childs name with you to not only honor their memory, but to acknowledge the importance of your role as a Father. Please feel free to let a special Father know he is remembered today in the comments xx
23.01.2022 Your #sundaysurvival Reminder #simple #ivechanged #newme #accept #support #childloss #sidssa
23.01.2022 #sundaysurvival #forthedads #childloss #themostdifficulttime #societygotitwrong #emotions #unmask #wearehere #support #mensgrief #sidssa
22.01.2022 Important product safety recall due to potential for little body parts to become stuck causing injury.
21.01.2022 SHOUT OUT! - Class A Jewellers A huge shout out to Class A Jewellers at Walkerville for donating a $100 Gift Voucher for our Melbourne Cup Raffle at the Marion Hotel. Your gift is greatly appreciated and the lucky winner will be spoiled for choice when they walk inside the amazing doors of your beautiful store. Thank you for your support!... #shoutout #classajewellers #melbournecup2020 #marionhotel #racedayraffle #sidssa #support #thankyou
21.01.2022 Always place baby on their back at the foot of the cot and if using blankets, firmly and securely tuck these in under the mattress. By positioning the baby this way, they physically cant move down the cot any further (as they are already at the bottom of the cot). This feet at the bottom of the cot position will reduce the risk of baby slipping under the blankets. Aim to have the blankets no higher than underarm height and use light weight blankets (preferably breathable) in layers that can be added or removed easily according to the room temperature.
21.01.2022 Your #sundaysurvival reminder #scream #childloss #grief #ithurts #wearehere #support #sidssa
20.01.2022 South Australia, we are still here to support you. The past 48 hours have seen dramatic changes. We are a resilient community, but please know that our services are available via tele-health, 24/7. Please call 83321066 for all enquiries, referrals or grief support. We are here for you today, tomorrow and everyday during these challenging times. ... #sidssa #wearehere #together
19.01.2022 Your #sundaysurvival reminder. #childloss #loveyou # tragedy #forevermissing #support #sidssa
19.01.2022 An interesting article from Safe Sleep Space. Definitely food for thought.
18.01.2022 #sundaysurvival #change #childloss #newnorm #support #wearehere #sidssa
18.01.2022 As we head towards summer we thought that we would look at some of our previous posts which have a focus on summer and the warmer months. Look out for these awareness articles and help SIDS and Kids SA spread the safe sleep message by liking, sharing and tagging any new and expectant parents you may know.
18.01.2022 World Suicide Prevention Day 2020 "Over 800,000 people die by suicide annually, representing 1 person every 40 seconds. Suicide is the result of a convergence of risk factors including but not limited to genetic, psychological, social and cultural risk factors, sometimes combined with experiences of trauma and loss" At SIDS and Kids SA we acknowledge and nurture the trauma of child loss. Our message is simple. WE ARE HERE.... We would also like to acknowledge the many agencies who refer parents to our professional grief counsellors following the sudden and unexpected death of their child. Our crisis response service can be life saving. Lets continue to make a difference. Reach out. Seek support. #suicideprevention #support #reachout #griefcounselling #crisisresponse #sidssa #wearehere
18.01.2022 Keep your baby smoke free It can be difficult, but giving up smoking is beneficial not only for yourself, but for your baby as well. Babies exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy and after birth are at increased risk of a sudden unexpected death in infancy. To reduce the risks dont smoke during pregnancy and after birth, dont let people smoke near your baby and keep your home, car and any other place where baby spends time smoke free. For help to give up smoking contact the Quitline on 13 78 48.
17.01.2022 The SIDS and Kids SA office has reopened after a well-deserved break. We hope that everyone had a peaceful Christmas and New Year. Our Grief and Education Services are open and we are currently taking bookings. COUNSELLING - If you, or someone you knows require support following the death of a child, please contact our Office on 8332 1066. SAFE SLEEP EDUCATION - If you are an expectant parent, grandparent or childcare worker, you can book in for our Infant Safe Sleeping sessions via our website at GRIEF EDUCATION - If you work in an Education setting and have an interest in offering Staff a PD session on Grief and Loss, please contact our Office to book a session.
17.01.2022 Many parents dont understand the importance of tummy time and can often feel discouraged when trying tummy time, as baby may be unsettled, but it is definitely worth persevering with. Tummy time ideally should be incorporated into your babys daily routine and should be done when baby is awake and not tired and is under adult supervision. Tummy time is important for safety reasons, as it allows baby to build up the muscles in their core, neck, back, shoulders and arms, so if baby happens to end up on their tummy, they have enough strength to lift their head off the mattress or push themselves up off the mattress using their arms. Tummy time can be started from birth, with the amount of time spent on the tummy and the frequency of tummy time increasing with age. A common mistake that many new parents make is trying to do the wrong type of tummy time for babys developmental age. Very young babies prefer a different type of tummy time to older babies. Tummy time for a very young baby may include carrying baby resting on your shoulder or resting baby over your lap or on your chest. As baby grows with confidence and strength, you can try placing baby on their tummy on a firm flat surface. Tummy time can be incorporated into the daily routine in many ways including baby massage or bathing. Click the link below to access information about Tummy time. See more
16.01.2022 Keep up-to-date with SIDS and Kids SA throughout the pandemic and see what our Team have been doing. Enjoy a cuppa and take a moment to read our latest edition: The RED NEWS - Winter Edition 2020 -
15.01.2022 "#GivingTuesday is an opportunity for people around the world to stand together in unityto use their individual power of generosity to remain connected and heal. Your Workplace, Small Business or Team could help the bereaved parents of South Australia by offering hope through our professional grief counselling service. Donate today at #givingtuesday #helptoheal #donatetoday #giveback #sidssa
14.01.2022 We are humbled and thrilled by the number of people looking to make a difference through Community Fundraising for our Organisation. With COVID restrictions, fundraising has never been harder. For our supporters, old and new, taking on their own activities and donating the proceeds to SIDS and Kids SA....we are truly grateful. If you would like to get involved and run your own fundraiser, or utilise an idea from our little bag of tricks, please contact Kat at [email protected]. We are here to help you! Thank you to our Supporters for your never-ending support.
14.01.2022 The Government has announced new legislation to improve parental leave entitlements for families grieving after stillbirth. This is a welcome step in the right direction.
14.01.2022 #sundaysurvival #darkness #childloss #grief #thelight #support #sidssa
14.01.2022 We understand that decorating your babys nursery is super exciting! However, please remember your babys safety is much more important than how pretty the cot looks. It can be tempting to fill the cot with bumpers, quilts and toys or even decorate the cot with bunting, but all of these items are potentially dangerous. Remember a clear cot free of potential hazards is the safest option. Please contact us on 8332 1066 if you have any questions regarding the safety of your babys environment.
13.01.2022 Useful information from Safe Sleep Space looking at reasons why baby may be unsettled and find it hard to sleep.
12.01.2022 There are so many nursery products on the market that parents can be left feeling overwhelmed. The market is swamped with products to choose from, so it is best for everyone to consider all information so they can make the best decision for baby. White noise devices have become popular but this interesting article raises some questions around the safety of these products. Definitely food for thought...
12.01.2022 Sunday Survival Reminder #strength #childloss #wearehere #sidssa
12.01.2022 Your #sundaysurvival Reminder #changed #childloss #foreverlove #grief #support #wearehere #sidssa
11.01.2022 Journey For Jasper SIDS and Kids SA would like to send a huge SHOUT OUT to Kaitlyn and Leo for raising over $10,000 in honour of their nephew, ~Jasper~ "I thought I would contact you regarding our Journey for Jasper fundraiser for SIDS and Kids SA. ... My husband Leo and I completed our run in Litchfield National Park on the 16th of August. It ended up being just under 45km and took us 7 hours. It was extremely challenging but very rewarding! The support my family, especially Jaspers parents, have received has been amazing. We have also raised $10,000, which is unbelievable." - Kaitlyn, Jaspers Aunty. See more
09.01.2022 Signing in at SIDS and Kids SA is super easy with our new QR code. We look forward to seeing you on your next visit
09.01.2022 It can be difficult when our routines are disrupted, as has been the case for the past 6 months, but it is really important to maintain a consistent safe sleep routine and environment for your baby which follows the current safe sleep recommendations. Research has shown that infants slept on their back in a safe sleeping environment have a reduced risk of dying from SIDS and fatal sleeping accidents.
08.01.2022 Sunday Survival Reminder #creditwherecreditsdue #childloss #grief #support #sidssa
07.01.2022 Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS and is included in the 6 steps for safe sleeping. In 2017 a study suggested that breastfeeding for two months or more almost halves the risk of SIDS. For mothers who cant or dont wish to breastfeed, the risk of a sudden unexpected death in infancy can be reduced by following the other 5 steps for safe sleeping which include: Sleep baby on the back from birth not on the tummy or side... Sleep baby with head and face uncovered Keep baby smoke free before and after birth Provide baby with a safe sleeping environment night & day Sleep baby in their own safe sleeping place in the same room as an adult care-giver for the first 6 to 12 months Click the link below to read more on the breastfeeding study:
06.01.2022 Your #sundaysurvival reminder #owningit #childloss #bereavement #loveyourself #forgiveyourself #support #sidssa
05.01.2022 Your #sundaysurvival Reminder #shoutout #childloss #keeptrying #notalone #support #wearehere #sidssa
05.01.2022 A big shout out to Hallett Cove Community Childrens Centre who hosted SIDS and Kids SA last Tuesday night to provide Safe Infant Sleeping training to their staff. Regular education and training ensures that staff are current and up to date with safe sleep recommendations and best practice. We encourage all parents when looking for a centre for their infant to ask the question Have staff had safe sleep education? For a list of Safe Sleep Aware Centres click on the link:
04.01.2022 COMPANY SHOUT OUT - Ridley Agriproducts SIDS and Kids SA recently had the privilege of being introduced to the Staff of Ridley, Australias leading provider of high performance animal nutrition solutions. Following a delicious morning tea, Kat our Community Liaison and Jay, our Grief Counsellor spoke to the Staff about the vital services provided by SIDS and Kids SA for bereaved families throughout South Australia. Sadly, one of their own had been recently impacted by ...the loss of a child and utilised the grief services provided by SIDS and Kids SA. The bravery shown by this client in sharing her story and asking her colleagues to give back to the Organisation who gave to her in her time of need was inspirational. So, from the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank everyone from Ridley for their support and the AMAZING donations totaling $3698.00! We appreciate you. We thank you.
04.01.2022 Product Safety Recall for our community to be aware of.
03.01.2022 Spring Update - SIDS and Kids SA - A Restructure, A Horse Race that stops the Nation and the best Pizza in Town. Dont miss the latest updates from the Team at SIDS and Kids SA.
03.01.2022 MELBOURNE CUP 2020 This year SIDS and Kids SA are fortunate enough to have been selected as the Charity Partner for the Melbourne Cup Luncheon being hosted at the Marion Hotel Book now to ensure a table at this 3-Course lunch + Premium Drinks and Gin Package! With TV personality, Jessica Adamson as the MC, SIDS and Kids SA will be running the Raffle, and part proceeds of the sweeps will contribute to supporting our 24/7 FREE bereavement counselling service. BOOK NOW!... See more
02.01.2022 Room sharing with a parent or care-giver for the first 6 to 12 months is recommended as one of the six steps for safe infant sleeping and has been associated with a reduced risk of a sudden unexpected death in infancy. Room sharing allows for increased observation, supervision and responsiveness. Parents will be able to see and hear if baby sounds distressed, gets stuck, is covered by bedding or has moved into an unsafe position and will be able to respond quickly. There is a...lso some thought that sensory stimulation of the baby, as they can hear and smell the parents when room sharing, adds a level of arousal and reduces deep sleep which may be protective. If the parents room is too small to accommodate a cot and the baby has to sleep in a cot in a separate room, then parents should regularly check baby to ensure baby is safe or alternatively, an adult could sleep in the babys room to facilitate this increased observation and supervision.
02.01.2022 Amazing pics from last week's Melbourne Cup Event at the Marion Hotel. What a day! A huge vote of thanks to the beautiful Staff at the Marion who made this event simply spectacular. All Raffle tickets sold and a portion of Sweep money donated directly to support SIDS and Kids SA Education and Bereavement Services. Forever thankful
02.01.2022 "A Year Like No Other" Society has faced some of the most significant challenges ever presented over the past 10 months. Financial hardships, job losses, distanced from loved ones for indefinite periods of time and facing illness, alone, in order to protect others. An unimaginable year for so many. At SIDS and Kids SA, we have been sharing the journey with another group of people challenged by what 2020 has presented. Bereaved Parents. The death of a child is a life ch...anging event, a heartbreak immeasurable and incomparable to any other. But during this time of uncertainty, these parents have been forced to choose only 50 people...sometimes less, to attend their child's funeral. They have been distanced from the compassion and physical touch of hugs and support and they have journeyed their grief with only the phone call from our Counsellors. A life saving phone call for some. You can help. These families require ongoing support and your donation can ensure this is offered as we continue to navigate these uncertain times. 100 people, donating $10 each = 10 families receiving support through the devastation of the coronial process, funeral planning and the rawness of grief with the support of a professional Grief Counsellor from SIDS and Kids SA. Click on the link to donate $10 today and make a difference this Christmas for many parents in SA. See more
02.01.2022 #sundaysurvival #sidssa #childloss #support #breakingpoint #wearehere
01.01.2022 There are so many nursery products on the market that expectant parents and grandparents can be left feeling overwhelmed. There are also a number of common misconceptions that new and expectant parents have about infant care products. One is that if you can buy it, it must be safe to use and the other is that all products are tested for safety before being sold in Australia. Unfortunately neither is true, so it really pays to do your research before purchasing any products fo...r your baby. As well as referring to reputable sources such as the ACCC Keeping Baby Safe a guide to infant and nursery products, SIDS and Kids SA, the Rednose website and Choice, we would suggest that new and expectant parents ask themselves the following 3 questions before purchasing infant products. 1. Is the product covered by a standard and if so does the product meet the standard? A list of products which are covered by a mandatory Australian standard can be found in the ACCC Keeping baby safe a guide to infant and nursery products booklet (see the link below). If there is no mandatory Australian standard, look to see if there is a voluntary Australian standard. For example, mattress firmness is not covered by a mandatory standard, but there is a voluntary standard for mattress firmness. Or if there is no Australian standard is there a UK or US standard? An overseas standard means that some safety testing has been carried out on the product in that overseas country. 2. Does the product fit with the current recommendations for safe infant sleeping? There are 6 recommendations for safe infant sleeping. These, as well as other recommendations for creating a safe sleeping environment, can be found on the Rednose website. 3. If the product were to be used, what are the possible issues/risks, particularly if the product is being used unsupervised by an adult? With every product, it is important to not only consider the above questions, but also to look out for potential entrapment, suffocation, strangulation and falls risks.
01.01.2022 #support #miscarriage #sidssa #callus
01.01.2022 A big shout out to Campbelltown Community Childrens Centre Inc who hosted SIDS and Kids SA last Wednesday night to provide Safe Infant Sleeping training to their staff. Regular education and training ensures that staff are current and up to date with safe sleep recommendations and best practice. We encourage all parents when looking for a centre for their infant to ask the question Have staff had safe sleep education? For a list of Safe Sleep Aware Centres click on the link:
01.01.2022 This is a lovely graphic explaining all the many benefits of tummy time.
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