Silent Noise Audio in Woolloongabba | Local service
Silent Noise Audio
Locality: Woolloongabba
Phone: +61 411 019 172
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25.01.2022 So although i do teach Ableton every now and then face to face, I'm almost finished creating the demo session that I'm going to use to create a series of online videos based around Ableton and electronic music production. Everything from beginners to intermediate to advanced :D . . Is there anything that anyone would want to see in specific about Ableton or music production (not exclusive to Ableton)? Leave your thoughts below and I may end up covering it :) .... . #ableton #electronicmusic #music #productiontechniques #silentnoiseaudio #musicproduction #beginnerstoadvanced #whatdoyouwant #letsdothis #newmusic #newsession #audioengineer #audioengineerlife #musicproducer #producerlife See more
25.01.2022 Office for the night bring on the music! . . #audioengineer #livesoundengineer #livemusic #livemusicvenue #fridaynight #brooklynstandard #silentnoiseaudio #music #brisbane #queensland #audio #australia #audioengineerlife
25.01.2022 Back at tonight at the @brooklynstandard With the @pinupgirlsband grooving out to some tunes tomorrow I'll be mixing at the @the_boomboomroom For @chrissheehyau And then Saturday I'll be mixing @angiesoul at the Boom Boom Room as well! That's your whole weekend planned! No excuses! I expect to see you all there! LETS DO THIS! . . . .... #audioengineer #audioengineers #audio #music #livemusic #rock #pop #brisbane #brisbanenightlife #weekendplanned #localmusic #supportlocaltalent #supportlocalmusic #livemixing #behringerx32 #x32 #behringer #letsgo #noexcuses #lifeofanaudioengineer #queensland See more
24.01.2022 Mandatory office for the night post mixing at @brooklynstandard for @goodwillremedy . Gonna be an awesome night! Come on down if you're free and say hi! Band plays until late! Lets do this! . . #audio #audioengineer #livesound #livesoundengineer #brooklynstandard #livemusic #brisbane #queensland #goodwillremedy #bands #silentnoiseaudio #keepinglivemusicalive
23.01.2022 So here's a sneak peek at a production number in the works, currently sitting at 139-ish tracks and almost finished. Poor laptop is getting pushed to the limits hahaha Honestly this is turning out to be an absolute beast of a production number. Hopefully the vocals will be recorded soon, then gotta mix and master it then hopefully it'll be released soon. Keep an eye out over the coming weeks to see what it is, definitely gonna have you pumping and dancing and all the good shit hahaha . . . #ableton #production #musicproducer #novation #edm #rap #pop #dance #audioengineer #audio #behindthescenes #newmusiccoming #newsong #allthetracks #brisbane #silentnoiseaudio #electronicmusic #recording #comingsoon #mixing #trap
22.01.2022 The reveal of the album name!!! . . "A Day In The Life Of........" .... . It is coming.......very soon......despite all the delays, it's only to make sure that only the best songs appear on the album. Here's a sneak peek at one of the brand new songs to make that cut that will make an appearance! More to come! The album cover work is amazing done by a local talented woman who works at the same uni as I do. Wait til you guys see it!! . . P. S. I had waaaaay too much fun making this little video on my phone hahaha . . #promovideo #ableton #newsong #newmusic #brisbane #australianmusic #aussiemusic #brandnewsong #comingsoon #SilentNoiseAudio #edm #dance #party #song #areyouready #allthegifs #electronicmusic #musiclife #musicproducer #audioengineer #audio #independantmusic #independantmusician #queensland #sneakpeek #dancemusic #independant #workoutmusic #adayinthelifeof #albumnamereveal #namereveal #patienceiskey #electronicmusicproducer See more
22.01.2022 Everyone else seems to have a fully functional cat..... My #producercat on the other hand......I think he's broken. All he does is sleep! Come on Smokey! We gotta make music! Wake your lazy ass up! . . #catsofinstagram #sleepingcat #ithinkmycatsbroken #wakeup #timetomakemusic #silentnoiseaudio #doingitsolo
21.01.2022 When Smokey The Producer Cat tells you the snare is shit while working on a new track for a single . . . #audio #audioengineer #producercat #smokey #musicproducer #producer #photooftheday #snaresoundslikeshit #whatareyouwaitingfor #changethesnare #brisbane #silentnoiseaudio #edm #pop #popmusic #comingsoon #australia #ableton
19.01.2022 Testing out a new video intro as well as just some basic video editing on this clip of Good Will Remedy live at Brooklyn Standard. Watch out for my favourite part of the video, you'll see the note come up hahaha if you like the layout and editing, leave a like or a comment @goodwillremedy @brooklynstandard @silent_noise_audio #livemusic #livemusicvenue #livesound #livesoundengineer #brisbane #brisbanenightlife #queensland #australia #localmusic #brisbanebars #fohengineer #silentnoiseaudio #lovemyjob #brooklynstandard #ifitstooloudyouretooold
18.01.2022 So I've lost my voice, coughing like a mofo trying to get over an infection in my throat. Left home at 12pm. Worked from 2pm til 11pm. And only now getting close to home @ 1:15am what a long ass day. Ah well. Good thing i love my job and i love what i do otherwise I'd be pissed . . #thestruggleisreal #workinghard or #hardlyworking #lucky that i #lovemyjob #audioengineer #queensland #livemusic
17.01.2022 Obligatory post of my office for the night so earlier i was mixing Baker Boys band and now I'm mixing Cattle Prod at @brooklynstandard. Love mixing at Brooklyn Standard live music til midnight so if you looking for a place to drop by and have a drink, come on by and say hi! . . . #livemusic #livemusicvenue #livesound #livesoundengineer #brisbane #brisbanenightlife #queensland #australia #rock #country #countryrock #classicrock #brooklynstandard #localmusic #silentnoiseaudio #audioengineer #audioengineering
15.01.2022 Back at it again tonight doing live sound at @brooklynstandard ....should be a good night. Having some rock tunes played by a band called The Buzz from 9pm til late lets do this! . . . #livemusic #livesoundengineer #livesound #audioengineer #audio #music #localmusic #brisbanecity #brisbane #rock #rockmusic #behringerx32 #mixingconsole #nightlife #officeforthenight #silentnoiseaudio #supportlocalmusic #supportlocaltalent #supportlocalbusiness #queensland #australia
14.01.2022 This is it baby! I am 100% going to do my Masters degree! Absolutely love being part of the staff at JMC Academy in Brisbane, and now I'll be studying my Masters degree at the same time. Slowly working my way to getting my PhD in Audio in the future. . . Let's do this!!!... #jmcacademy #jmcacademybrisbane #audioengineer #silentnoiseaudio #mastersdegree #workingtowardsaphd #worklife #studylife #sound #audio #audioengineerlife #majorproject #brisbanecity #brisbane #queensland #australia #music #newgoals #timetostudy #letsdothis #creativeindustries #goals #determined
14.01.2022 Photostyle = typical latino mixing tonight at the @brooklynstandard for Kim Bowden and then Imessa's Diamonds. Kicks off at 7.30pm and then live music until the early hours of the morning! So come on down for some killer tunes! Great place to hit if you're in the city for tonights riverfire festival! see ya's round! . . #livemusic #livesoundengineer #mixingengineer #silentnoiseaudio #music #killertunes #audioengineer #audio #brisbane #brisbanenightlife #dontknowhowtosmileforcamera #Brisbanecbd
14.01.2022 Been a while since i posted but hey. Got the day off from work but still a lot of mixing for some clients and of course some Masters Assignments to do, but what better way to do it than in style wearing a @voidmatterband Shirt. Shits comfy as all hell . . . shoutout to @diskust @fromcrisistocollapse And @surfacingaus for absolutely killing it this friday past. What an epic fucking show it was!... . . . #audio #audioengineer #silentnoiseaudio #voidlivesmatter #letsdothisshit #dayoffbutnotreally #mastersdegree #onthegrind #brisbane #bandshirt See more
12.01.2022 So my sister bought this shirt for me a while ago and i still love this shirt because there have been a few times *cough cough* where I've thought this exact same thing especially when do really dumb things on cupping the mic or pointing the mic directly at the foldbacks .......don't do that.... Or your sound tech will glare at you with this in mind... . . On a totally unrelated notice, I'll be mixing for your live music pleasure all weekend. Tonight and tomo...rrow @the_boomboomroom And then Sunday I'll be mixing at the @brooklynstandard . . I look forward to seeing everyone at either the Boom Boom Room for some early long weekend drinks and tunes or at Brooklyn Standard on Sunday night for some partying and killer tunes. . . . #audio #audioengineer #brisbane #don'tmakememuteyou #funnyshirts #livesoundengineer #longweekend #tunes #silentnoiseaudio #livemusic #localmusic #supportlocalbusiness #drinkresponsibly #partyresponsibly #partyhard #longweekend #longweekendvibes #brisbanecity See more
12.01.2022 Obligatory office for the night post mixing at @brooklynstandard for @followthefoxgc music kicks off at 9pm til late so come on down and let's party . . . #livemusic #livemusicvenue #audioengineer #livesoundengineer #silentnoiseaudio #brooklynstandard #brisbane #brisbanenightlife #behringerx32 #x32 #livesound
12.01.2022 Is this how you photography a mixing desk? . . #brooklynstandard #audio #audioporn #gearporn #x32 #livesoundengineer #silentnoiseaudio #amidoingitright #isthisphotograph #photooftheday #brisbane #newcareernot #prettycolors
11.01.2022 On my way to do live sound tonight at the @the_boomboomroom it's gonna be a good night! Come down and groove out to @frankysmartsings from 9pm . . Feeling weird posting a photo without a beard, looking like a spikey potato but hey .... . Meanwhile on the way in, listening to Bone Thugs N Harmony's debut album, E.1999 Eternal. BONE THUGS BABY! . . #livesound #livemusic #supportlocal #silentnoiseaudio #audioengineer #pregigselfie #spikeypotatoface #bonethugsnharmony #audioengineerlife #brisbane #brisbanecity #queensland #aussiemusic See more
11.01.2022 What better way to spend the time when you get to work early than by mixing?? #audioengineerlife #protools #audioengineer #mixing #rock #aussiemusic #supportlocalbands #silentnoiseaudio #killingtime #colorcoding
11.01.2022 Some photos of tonights gig so far. Gotta love it when you can mix on your phone in a crowded venue hahaha amazing band though. Legit. God i love my life hahaha #audio #livemusic #livemixing #silentnoiseaudio #qu16 #allenandheath #allenandheathmixer #livegig #boomboomroom #funk #soul #music #thisiswhatitsabout #lovinglife
08.01.2022 @jukejoint_11 Is absolutely killing it at @the_boomboomroom ! Love being an audio engineer haha . . . #closer #neyo #rnb #rnbmusic #lovemyjob #livemusic #boomboomroom #brisbane #brisbanenightlife #brisbanecity #audio #audioengineer #livesound #audioengineerlife #livesoundengineer #foh #mixing #silentnoiseaudio #suppportlocalmusic #supportlocaltalent #supportlocalbands
08.01.2022 Ah Smokey the producer cat never fails to keep me amused sometimes haha . . #catsofinstagram #smokey #producercat #catbeingcat #ummok #doyouthinkheknows #entertainingcats
08.01.2022 Another successful night mixing at @the_boomboomroom Doing live sound for @angiesoul And her band doing some mad tunes to groove to. . . . #audioengineer #livemusic #livesoundengineer #livesound #audio #music #rnb #soul #pop #brisbanecity #brisbane #brisbanenightlife #livemixing #foh #silentnoiseaudio #queensland #australia #brissy #audioengineerlife
08.01.2022 So DOOM Eternal drops in 14 days! What better way to get hyped for it than playing DOOM (2016) with a Dark Red lighting How else could you Rip and Tear a demon apart while listening to the most badass soundtrack made by the one and only @mick_gordon . . . Get ready to fill the boots of the most badass character in video games they call........THE DOOMSLAYER!!!! (INITIATE THE BFG DIVISION SONG BREAKDOWN)... . . . #doom #bethesda #id #idstudios #red #rgblighting #doomslayer #bfgdivision #gaming #brisbane #australia #metal #dubstep #demonslayer #doomguy #doommarine #doometernal #xbox #xboxone #hell #mickgordon #lighting #mickgordonmusic #badass See more
07.01.2022 I saw this and had to share it! This is 100% true #Repost @mobianaudio (@get_repost) Edit: Thanks for the likes, wow! Also, note to engineers: You can't do over under on vines. You have to do the oldschool twist method.... #audioengineer #audioengineering #musicproducer #musicproduction #audioproduction #audioengineers #musicproducers #soundengineer #soundengineering #soundproduction #soundproducer . . #overunderforrealcablesthough #arevinesbalancedorunbalanced #cableroll
06.01.2022 Album name reveal! Title design created by a very talented artist friend of mine. . . A Day In The Life Of...... .... . So even though the release keeps getting pushed back. It's just because I want to make sure that only the best songs go on the album for everyone. But it is coming very very soon! Here's a sneak peek at the newest addition to the album! Keep an eye out! More promos to come! . . Really had a lot of fun making this video on my phone...... Especially the GIFS lol . . #newsong #newmusic #comingsoon #musiclife #musicproduction #SilentNoiseAudio #dancemusic #dance #ableton #sneakpeek #electronicmusic #audioengineering #MusicIsLife #electronic #producer #musicproducer #albumnamereveal #dance #music #australianmusic #aussiemusic #queensland #brisbane #adayinthelifeof #albumname #titleart #supportlocalmusic #independantmusic #independant #independantmusician See more
06.01.2022 Ah i love my job!! . . So i got to do some mixing last night for tri 1 @jmcacademy music students, and all i have to say is that I'm so proud of the students that performed. Every band was great, some bands absolutely killed it, but most important of all, everyone had fun, including myself getting to mix on the M32 one night down, 2 to go! .... . If you're in brisbane and wanna see some solid bands, come down to @thefoundrybrisbane in Fortitude Valley (not 5 minutes walk from the station) Tomorrow and Wednesday night and support some local bands, local talent and music students. Much love and I'll see ya'll there! . . . #jmcacademy #audioengineerlife #audioengineer #thefoundrybrisbane #livemusic #livesound #localtalent #localbands #supportlocaltalent #supportlocalbands #livesoundengineer #midas #m32 #audio #music #queensland #brisbanecity #brisbane #fortitudevalley See more
05.01.2022 After a full day at work at @jmcacademy, then uni for my Masters degree, time to smash out some tunes at @brooklynstandard With @vixandtheslickchix long day but well worth it . . . #livemusic #audioengineer #brooklynstandard #livesoundengineer #music #suppportlocalmusic #supportlocalbusiness #supportlocaltalent #rock #blues #brisbane #silentnoiseaudio #audioengineers #audioengineerlife #audioengineering #longdays #letsgo
05.01.2022 And so this is the office for the night. Back at the @the_boomboomroom Getting ready to mix @angiesoul And bust out some groovy and funky tunes! Talented bunch of musos on stage are gonna smash it out and get peeps dancing :) lets do this! . . . #livemusic #livesoundengineer #livesound #audio #audioengineer #audioengineerlife #silentnoiseaudio #music #funk #rnb #soul #allen&heath #allenandheath #mixing #mixingconsole #officeforthenight #brisbanecity #brisbane #theboomboomroom #queensland #brisbanenightlife #nightadventures
04.01.2022 We're still open and still serving cold drinks and live music! @Lawson killing it on stage and then @imessaofficial on the stage at 10pm till late! So what are you waiting for?! If you're feeling good and followed all the health and safety guidelines and getting a bit of cabin fever, then come on down to @brooklynstandard and let's do this! . . . #audio #audioengineer #brisbane #brisbanebars #brisbanemusic #brisbanelivemusic #livemusic #livesoundengineer #silentnoiseaudio #keepinglivemusicalive #fuckcoronavirus #supportlivemusic #supportsmallbusiness #keeplivemusicalive #australia #queensland #brooklynstandard #ifitstooloudyouretooold
04.01.2022 #Repost @tashmusicc . . Absolutely proud as all hell to present a song I recently mixed and mastered for the very talented @tashmusicc .... go give it a spin on spotify be checking out . . . Don't worry there's more to come . . . #audio #audioengineer #brisbanemusic #Brisbane #newmusic #newmusicalert #music #mixedbysilentnoiseaudio #masteredbysilentnoiseaudio #queensland #supportlocalmusic #pop #popmusic #australia #newaustralianmusic #aussiemusic #latinosworkinghard #newrelease #newmusicrrelease #moretocome #keepaneyeout #morecomingsoon #mixingengineer #mixandmaster #spotify #triplej #newartist #IFound #tashmusicc See more
04.01.2022 Obligatory photos of my office from last night lol God I love my job! Also, if you haven't checked out Suzie Wongs (@suziewongsgoodtimebar) wtf are you waiting for?! . . . #audioengineer #livesoundengineer #brisbanebars #livemusic #livemusicvenue #brisbane #fohengineer #silentnoiseaudio #whothefuckissuziewong #lovemyjob #livesound @ Suzie Wongs Good Time Bar
03.01.2022 Office for the night after exams and work. Yup, i love my job come on down to the Brooklyn Standard in brissy city for some jam night tunes, jump on stage later the inhouse band and say hi . . . #audio #audioengineer #audioengineerlife #music #livemusic #livemusicvenue #supportlocalmusic #nighlife #brisbane #brisbanenightlife #brisbanecity #behringer #x32 #mixingconsole #queensland #silentnoiseaudio #jamnight #localmusic #humpday #tunes #jamnight
03.01.2022 So had a big gym rehab training session (thanks to a shoulder injury) today with a mate. Smashed it out as safely but as effective as possible and now off to go mix a live gig tonight in the city at the Boom Boom Room! An Aretha Franklin Tribute of all things. Its gonna be a helluva fun night guys! Lets do this! #tiredbutlovingit #gym #sportsrehab #audioengineer #livemixing #livemusic #mixing #audio #gig #audioengineerlife #silentnoiseaudio #smashingitout #gyminthemorning #musicatnight
02.01.2022 House is pretty packed up for tonight! If you're in the city tonight, come on down to The Brooklyn Standard and enjoy some tunes from some live bands, Americana until 10.40, then grungey/rock from 11pm til the early hours of the morning hahaha. Come on! Come down! Have a drink, say hi and enjoy some tunes while you're at it :D . . . #brooklynstandard #lovemyjob #livemusic #audioengineerlife #audio #livesoundengineer #audioengineer #dance #music #livesound #music #musicvenue #brisbane #queensland #brisbanenightlife #australia #silentnoiseaudio
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