Silhouette Farm Retired Horse Agistment and Retraining in Myrrhee, Victoria, Australia | Horse trainer
Silhouette Farm Retired Horse Agistment and Retraining
Locality: Myrrhee, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 419 102 072
Address: 178 Myrrhee-Whitlands Rd 3732 Myrrhee, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Clanger #ResetProgram #rv_offthetrack
25.01.2022 Cooler day today. Weird summer weather! The retired girl were all happy for their hay. First pic Sarah, second Halle, third Satin and last pic Fargo.
25.01.2022 This week saw the rehoming of the Sweet old gentleman King Buddy(Jeune King Prawn) Buddy won $275k. On the track and deserves a super home. He was unfortunately unsuitable for his previous owners who asked me to place him. As it turned out, the universe was listening! Christies Dream( Lacryma Christi) had been retired 9 years ago and she has come back home and Buddy has taken her place. It is an outstanding home. Buddy fitted in straight away! Perfect outcome! #rv_offthetrack #retiredracehorse
25.01.2022 So Nugget is a little sweety. Decided to take him up the road today in company and he was amazing. Such a brave, bold little guy! He is going to be an amazing horse for someone. Perfect all rounder. And cute to boot! #rv_offthetrack #ottb #teambetavet
25.01.2022 Back on the champ today! He has been going silly in the paddock and was so excited to be caught to come in! Love him so much! #pammartinequineservicesandtraining #teambetavet
24.01.2022 How little does Macca look in this photo?! Macca is 16hh and Noddy is 17.2hh. #rv_offthetrack #pammartinequineandtrainingservices #betavetbuildagut... #teambetavet See more
24.01.2022 Macca and Sunnie enjoying their holiday. They are having a ball being together! #ottb #rv_offthetrack #pammartonequinetrainingandservices #betteronbetavet
22.01.2022 If there was any doubt about how amazing Gus is, have no fear! Gus is teaching a rider who is not too experienced, the joys of riding. Mr reliable is so cool about it. So Friday he is a Hi Point winner in Dressage and Show jumping, and today he is a beginner teacher. Gus is powered by BetaVet Buildagut and Flexalot.
22.01.2022 Unedited Clanger last day of week 4. He is coming along well. He has been ridden a lot on the road but not so much on the arena. He is trainable and tries hard to please. He is a rewarding horse to work with. #rv_offthetrack #ResetProgram #betavetbuildagut
21.01.2022 Somebody doesnt want to miss dinner! #teambetavet
21.01.2022 Mario today on our ride. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy they say. Mario is an amazing competition horse and I wouldnt swap him for the world, but some days It is great to take a break from schooling and work down the road. Just because I want to do something in a plan, doesnt always mean I should expect my horses to be in the mood every time. As I have gotten older I have learnt to be flexible about my plans. They are not Marios plan, he is taking on my ambitions and days it is just not working. Listen to your horse, they will tell you everything you need to know!! #teambetavet #betteronbetavet #betavetsteadysteed See more
21.01.2022 Nay Say again after a haircut and with the gear on. Everything is loose and nice and easy. He trotted and cantered around like a gem. Nothing too hard or long. Then a nice wash and back in the paddock with his buddy. Pretty cushy life here at Silhouette Farm. #rv_offthetrack #betteronBetaVet #pammartinequineservicesandtraining
20.01.2022 Clanger the gorgeous boy! #rv_offthetrack #ottb #ResetProgram
19.01.2022 Found this photo today of a horse I loved and strapped/rode work for many years whilst I was at Houlahans. Moby was a quirky, funny guy. He retired at 11 and I took him after he retired. After that he was my lead pony when I trained. Went to another trainer as a pony for a few years and eventually was a trail riding superstar for a lovely family who looked after him like a king until he died not so long ago. He was 26. Photo was at Sandown in 2000.
19.01.2022 Special Gus! He is such a character. He is very versatile and easy to have around. He is a safe companion to lead the babies off. He is great because he is not spooky and gives off confidence. #betavetaustralia #teambetavet #pammartinequineservicesandtraining
18.01.2022 Ari wanting to make himself even taller this morning. WB x mountain goat. #pammartinequineservicesandtraining #betteronbetavet
17.01.2022 How long is this neck?! Cant reach his ears! #pammartinequineandtrainingservices #teambetavet #betavetflexalot
17.01.2022 Amazing how life works out! Once upon a time I was a racehorse trainer. I know, right!!! Christie was a very good girl and won 4 races and she was always trying. She never had the best feet, and unfortunately now she has trouble with them. She is now 17 years old. I feel that I owe it to her to look after her now. She was a reason to keep going when she was in work. During bad times, I had my horses. #rv_offthetrack #notallaboutthemoney
17.01.2022 Wow!!!That was quick! Anzac is off to his new home on Thursday! Congratulations to Maddy Field on the purchase of the lovely Anzac. I know he will everything you want and more. Could not be happier with the home Anzac is going to.
17.01.2022 A different retired racehorse has found his way to Silhouette Farm! Everybody meet George (Badge of Greatness) George is by Robin Hood out of Maid of Oak. He raced 70 times for 9 wins, 10 seconds and 5 thirds. He is such a nice boy. First ride under saddle on Wednesday and then out for a trail ride today. Handled everything in his stride.
15.01.2022 So proud of Mario last night. We took the journey down to Werribee for EV twilight dressage. Was a great relaxed competition. Mario was not really that relaxed but put together 2 tests that have much improvement to come. Rider was a little rusty too! We cracked our first 70% at EA which I am excited about! Thank you to my coach Anna and my great friend Christine for riding shotgun. Thanks to my supporters whom I couldn’t do this without, Pam Martin and BetaVet Australia. #pam...martinequineservicesandtraining #betavetaustralia See more
15.01.2022 My most prized possession has legs again
15.01.2022 Mud lipstick anyone?! Nugget had this lovely look this morning! He is such a character. A real smooch too. Cant wait to find him the perfect pet human! #rv_offthetrack ... #ottretrainer #betteronbetavet See more
15.01.2022 Macca and Sunnie had their rugs off today and had a nice run around. Can that Sunnie move?!!! He is the leading horse. Looking forward to bringing them back into work in a couple of weeks!
14.01.2022 Baby dressage horse! Next generation! Excited to start working this big baby Warmblood by Furst Love. Aragorn or Ari to his closest.
14.01.2022 This is a great article about dressage and the thoroughbred! If you buy Sunnie, he could be the next OTT star for the dressage world!
13.01.2022 Perfect timing for Sunnie! Amazing mover and will excell at dressage! Win the series on him and he pays his own way!!! Pm for more details and start on the path to OTT dressage champion!
13.01.2022 Gussy and Ari Sharing the love! #betavetaustralia #pammartinequineservicesandtraining
13.01.2022 It was a warm day so how do I work my performance horses? The lucky boys get to rush in the horse swim. The water is over their wither, so we trot the length and back 3 times. It gives them a blow without concussion to the legs and they really enjoy it. Must say, so do I. Gus comes out of the pool all excited and dancing....he is so funny! #betteronbetavet #pammartinequineservicesandtraining
13.01.2022 THE HORSE PROFESSIONAL Heres the ugly truth of what people dont tell you about going professional. You will work 13, 14, 15, 16+ hour days. Not for a lavish vacation, but to put fuel in a truck and a sheepish dinner on the table. ... 365 days a year. Rain. Snow. Christmas. Funerals. Hot and humid you are there, you are working. People will tell you your six figure horses will never be nice enough and those three/four figure ones will never be rank enough. The biggest shows are the loneliest places. People support you until you become a threat, then they will try and break you down. You will see death and hardships. A lot of hardships. You will want to give up. Why dont people tell you this? Simple. We wouldnt have an industry. What people dont tell you is why you dont give up: When that quirky horse gets it. When you get that first big sale, first client horse, first investor, or the first time your barn fills up. When those few people believe in you and you start getting phone calls of people being sent to you. When a training client strikes it big. When you finish a day and look back at a farm and business you built. Why dont people tell you this? Because theres not a grand enough word to describe that feeling and thats exactly why we are here. Quote from Shannon Eckel
13.01.2022 Boneo Park is excited to partner with Racing Victoria for an exciting new series at our official dressage events for Off The Track horses with $7000 in prize mo...ney on offer. Starting at the January Homes and Acreage Summer Dressage Championships. Further details here And conditions of entry and series details here
12.01.2022 All 4 retired girls are out in the back paddock today. They ran and ran! Love to see them happy and enjoying life.
12.01.2022 And so the journey begins! Aragorn (Furst Love- Miss Stella by Magritte). He is rising 4 yo and a really fancy pony. I am lucky at the minute to have some really nice horses. Have to sell some unfortunately as I cannot keep them all #teambetavet #pammartinequineservicesandtraining
12.01.2022 I currently have room for more retrainers. I would love to help you find the next career for your OTT horse. I enjoy giving my horses a varied training program to suit each individual. Competitive rates. Can provide references. Very used to training the TB, having been a racehorse trainer as well as a performance horse competitor. Give me a call or pm to discuss your horses needs.
11.01.2022 Macca. From caterpillar to butterfly! Starting to look beautiful! Naughty Sunnie biting him! #offthetrackthoroughbred #teambetavet
11.01.2022 Happy days! Nice day for stacking hay! These horses better be nice to me after I stacked their hay in 35 degree heat!
08.01.2022 Agincourt Anzac. 5yo Stockhorse gelding. Anzac is coming into work this week. He has been spelling due to growth spurts. He gets really bum high and then levels and goes again. Been out over winter and seems to have levelled out again now. Cant wait to ride him again! #teamBetaVet #BetteronBetaVet... #PamMartinEquineServicesandTraining See more
08.01.2022 Noddy thinks next doors steers are very scary! #teambetavet #BetaVetFlexalot
08.01.2022 Scruffy and dirty Nay Say. 5 yo OTT retrainer. First day of work. #rv_offthetrack #offthetrackthoroughbred #pammartinequineservicesandtraining #teambetavet
08.01.2022 Mondays are the horses day off. I generally work harder on these days because there is so much to do here! Some days though, I wish there was someone else who could do the jobs I dont want to do! Hedging looks so nice, but reality is they are hard work!
07.01.2022 Ari is not so sure of his fly mask! Bought him into the stables for his first time with it on. #betavetaustralia #pammartinequineservicesandtraining
07.01.2022 Reward for Ari! First proper ride on the arena tonight!
07.01.2022 Nice evening to spend some time with the retired girls. They are all happy and well. #betteronbetavet #pammartinequineservicesandtraining
06.01.2022 Sunnie today. He is working well and I am excited with his progress. Super trainable and with the movement of a warmblood, he will suit someone wanting an above average dressage horse with the added bonus of a good pop! Why not take advantage of the incentives offered by Racing Victoria Off The Track competitions? 4yo Young Horse Dressage Star? Racing Victoria #betavetaustralia ... #pammartinequineservicesandtraining #rv_offthetrack See more
05.01.2022 First rides are all a bit like Forrest Gumps quote! Like a box of Chocolates. U never know what youre gunna get! Nay Say(Rothesay) 5 yo was pretty good. Lunged him for the last few days and a quick lunge today and ridden in the round yard and then opened the gate and ridden back to the tie ups. He is super compact and has a canter u feel like u could jump anything out of. A little fiery, but that will remedy in time.
05.01.2022 I find it very hard to lunge and video. This horse makes me smile! I love the way he moves and so far he has been easy to do things with. He came home from David Reiters with great manners and has had a few weeks in the paddock. Had my first sit today. Would like to say I was brave and went straight out to the arena, but alas I am old and rode in the stable. In my defence though, they are large stables #teambetavet #pammartinequineservicesandtraining
05.01.2022 Bit of a brag post! Resident super star Gus has been named Leading Showjump Horse as well as Leading Dressage horse of the year in the CCSHA Awards tonight. He is such a consistent and reliable competitor! Love him so much #teamBetaVet #betteronBetaVet... #pammartonequinetrainingandservices See more
05.01.2022 Ari is home from his adventure! A nice brush and rug change as well as a mane pull! He is such a character and he loves
04.01.2022 Warm morning so started early. Finished the 3 young horses before it hit 30. All 3 were pretty good. Mooch was on the arena for the first time and he was so good. Had a dressage whip and that really helped in asking him to go. It only took asking for the gait and a tap and boom! Easy! And he cantered straight off! Tessie is learning how to go on the bit and is picking it up well. Oompa is just doing slow fitness work to build him up. #pammartinequineservicesandtraining... #betteronbetavet #standardbredsofinstagram See more
03.01.2022 Anzac had a visit to the great Vet Sarah Cavill due to an infection. He is to start work once this is sorted! Unfortunately Dropaclanger is going to the paddock due to an issue. Great news is he is going back to his amazing owner who has looked after him so well over the years. If anyone wants a stunning big horse as a companion to ride every now and then, please let me know as he would be extremely suitable. I have 3 great OTT prospects who will all be in work from next we...ek. Great performance prospects. If you are in the market, keep an eye on the page for updates! #offthetrackthoroughbred #teambetavet #rv_offthetrack #pammartinequineservicesandtraining See more
01.01.2022 Ari is covered in mud. I have now given him notice that once he starts his dressage career, there will be no more nakedness! #teambetavet
01.01.2022 George’s first ride on Wednesday.
01.01.2022 I love my job. I have some amazing people work with. Today I received some lovely plants from Wendy Herbert and Mandy Mc. Thank you. I will put them in a special place! Was great then to help Alicia Tua with her beautiful Pae. In between, did my own ponies. Gus had his legs clipped and took Mario down the road. Noddy was a good boy too going for a wander down the road. I also get to do it all again tomorrow
01.01.2022 Mooch! Good boy! #standardbredsofinstagram #betteronbetavet #pammartinequineservicesandtraining
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