Soul Navigation System | Medical service
Soul Navigation System
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25.01.2022 Fair dinkum Animal communication at its best! A little family of 4, bobbing in our little tinny and who should show their lovely faces to us in perfect alignment but Mr. Sea Snake and Mrs. Humpback This same day we were blessed with a blue whale and a mother and calf humpback singing to each other! Life is what you make it and animals will come across our pathways to share with us their amazing messages. I pay my loving respect and gratitude for all my teachers who have... reminded me of the importance of Animal Medicine, there have been so many and what I do know is that I would not be the strong loving women I am today without the help of the animals and my teachers. We are all blessed but you have to acknowledge your blessings first before more will appear! You also have to connect to your Heart and Soul and get out our out there in nature because Nature is our biggest healer and activator. Soul sessions include The Liquid Crystals that are masterful with making the connections with Animal Medicine and so too are The Plasma Codes which are Soul-song-codes that help you to activate pure individual emotional intelligence. Both are used in every Soul Session #humpbackwhale #seasnake #animals #soulsearch #adventure #spiritualmessages #amazing #happyliving #ascension #lightbody #energywork #songlines #plasmacodes #theliquidcrystals See more
24.01.2022 #breathe #ascend #feel #loveall #allow #live #beyourself #souljourney #soulsessions
23.01.2022 #timetochange #change #grow #soulgrowth #evolution #thegateway #thegatekeeper #soulsessions #plasmaevolution #ascension #theshift
22.01.2022 #earth #earthlove #souljourney #soulsessions #live #life #body #soul #earthsong #connection #abundance #realliving
21.01.2022 #dinnerbowl #growyourown #familymeals #bodymindsoul #soulfood #simpleliving #gratitude #backtobasics #soulgrowth #ascension #lightfood #soulsessions
20.01.2022 #soulwarrior #bravery #followmydreams #sharethelove #speakout #ididit #omg #thegoldenbookoflife #firstsubmission #fuck #tears #souljourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualwarrior #nearlythere
20.01.2022 #soulpath #soulsessions #findyourself #walkyourownpath #timeout #soulsearching #lifejourney #innerpeace #meditation I love encouraging, helping, loving and supporting others to navigate and find their own way. Soul sessions are designed to give you the time, space and tools to find your inner Soul and then walk it out into your world. There is nothing more fulfilling and joyful than finding your path in this world... and it all starts with you going inward so you can then go forward
16.01.2022 A Beautiful Day to play and create . Magic lives in nature and our Soul sings when we play in it! It does not matter if you think you are not creative, for you are! Play in and with nature in any shape or form and feel the deeper connection to who you are (timeless and wordless). I collected these shells that had been washed up in the top end of WA to help me create more magic in my World. The shell holds powerful plasma-emotional alchemy and can remind us of the importanc...e of emotional growth. Shells are not just a pretty decoration and can be used for so many things. I have only ever taken shells that were gifted to me on the shores along my path. I love to combine shells, stones/the liquid crystals and flowers to accentuate the healing/ascension process and to set a specific vibration or energy in a room. Ahhh the shell... an absolute favourite of mine that opens up dream pathways to mer-lands and oceanic origins... shells- master emotional healers that will help you shift right down to your bones. #shell #alchemy #emotionalhealing #mermaid #merman #emotionalhealth #ascension #goddess #soulsessions #natureplay #soulplay #play #create #magic See more
14.01.2022 #soulshine #soulpath #beyourself #letyourselfshine #shine #shineyourlight #energyhealing #help #spiritualhealing #light #lightworker #motivation #simpletruth #love #conqueryourfears #youvegotthis
13.01.2022 #selflove #positivevibes #seeyourself #seeyourlight #soulsessions #simple #truth
13.01.2022 #equinox #soulsessions #groupmeditation #ascension #intentions #soulintentions #souljourney #spring #magic #flowers #flowermagic #magenta #soulseeds Today is a powerful time to set your intentions and spring to action. Find a quiet place in nature, close your eyes and take three slow breaths while focusing on your heart space. Let a beautiful light rise from your soul-heart into your minds eye and then continue to let the light stream up and out your mouth-speak your intentions, prayers and wishes for the next six moon cycles out loud. Do not pre-meditate, only allow the pure soul of you to speak out. Then stand in gratitude for all in your world and get to it... Live your Truth Spring Equinox meditation/ascension class is on tonight in the Soul Shack... you can join here in person or via zoom. Please Message me if you are interested
12.01.2022 #soulsessions #soul #motivation #enlightenment #youcreateyourownreality #gogetit #superman #superhuman #mindfulness #embraceyourbody #embraceyourlife #sexysoul #liveyourlife #empowerment ... Your Beautiful Soul knows how to live your life here on Earth to its full potential, stop limiting yourself with old jargon, you are ready for more, the world is ready for more ...let us hear you roar for the love of this planet and this earth. Let us make the world a better place today, by getting out there and being who we are! ... Super-Human. It all starts with you loving you and listening to your Soul, not your old stuffy programmed mind! Be great you
06.01.2022 #selflove #selfcare #mindfulness #sacredliving #soulpath #soulsessions #selfnavigation #soulnavigation #walkforward #breathe #ascension #ascendedmasters #soultalk #guidedmeditation
06.01.2022 #healingheart #higherheartchakra #soulseed #starseed #lightworker #channel #thevoid #creation #manifestation #soulsessions #soulmassage #retreats #soundhealing #silentsound #open #goddess #shaman #plasmaenergy #earthbeauty #faeries #elementals #grandmother #newearth
05.01.2022 #soulsessions #spiritualawakening #spiritualguidance #totemanimal #healing #auracleansing #connecttonature #connecttoyoursoul #power #poweranimal #grouphealing #groupmeditation #magic #shaman #lightworker #dreamwork Animals share this world with us, they are committed to not only being of service in this physical world but also in the Spiritual World. They give amazing guidance and help us to heal in many many ways. Different animals will come to you depending on what you are in need of. What animals do you love? What animals are coming to help you today? What do the animals mean to you? Their messages are as unique as they
04.01.2022 Teenage Boys, especially those who are emotionally sensitive and intelligent can hold so much in! In fact we all have a tendency in this world and within our environment to intake unhealthy substance. In soul sessions or soul massage sessions cupping is a magical and brilliant way to help any ailment out and onto its healing pathway. While these cup marks (they are not bruises) look brutal, they are not. They are a mark that shows you what was already damaged inside. Our phys...ical body hurts when we hold onto emotional and mental worries, do anything to it physically in excess and do not give ourselves the time to heal/release. Sometimes a cup will come off and there is no mark but there will be a potent smell, freezing cold, dampness or heat. The dark marks you see here are old/dead blood cells and the redder ones are known as heat toxins. The marks disappear after a week and there is sometimes a little bit of tenderness, just like there may be after a remedial massage or exercise. It does not hurt, mainly it feels good and most physical systems can be addressed. Cupping dates back to the ancient egyptian times and in world war 2 it was commonly known that people would give up their food tokens in exchange for cupping as it would draw out all cold and cold based illness such as pneumonia. Cupping can be gentle too and is excellent for adrenal fatigue when done in the right manner. I have spent my lifetime studying and working with bodies that are all different and am also guided by my intuition that taps into your Soul/Higher Self that guides me to where the cups are going to benefit you the most in a grounded and professional practice. It is not healthy to have stagnant energy in our body and cupping is a wonderful way to stimulate your own bodies innate healing mechanisms. I love to combine Cupping with Reiki Master Techniques and Sound Healing (very powerful), add this with a 21day course of The Liquid Crystals and you will be on your way to a happier, healthier you . I have quite a few teenage boys who I see regularly and cupping is their favourite! #massage #cupping #soulmassage #massage #healing #teenageboys #setyourselffree #health #mentalhealth See more
04.01.2022 #messagefromtheuniverse #naturesway #shamanicart #pleiadian #elementalmagic #sacredgeometry #holytrinity #threefoldflame #healingenergy #vibratehigher #spiritualguidance #balance #triangle #pyramid Triangular Magic is an ancient magic as old as this Universe... the iconic no.3 creating a portal for love-light-life to communicate through. For me a triangle is a message to balance, align and activate my heart flame trinity. What do triangles mean to you? How do they make you feel? Have you ever thought about them? Our Soul through Spirit sends us messages, love and support every day... are you listening? Are you seeing?
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