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Simon Joyner in Sydney, Australia | Criminal lawyer

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Simon Joyner

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 419 270 366

Address: 24 Little Riley Street, Surry Hills 2002 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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22.01.2022 Why are Australians - in a pandemic of respiratory infections - emergency stockpiling toilet paper? Are racial attacks agqinst the Asian-Australian community spreading more than coronavirus itself? But even more pressingly, how will Australia’s biosecurity laws effect COVID-19 patients; and will this containment plan interefere with your basic human rights to liberty? For more info on biosecurity lawsWATCH Attorney-General Christian Porter

21.01.2022 One of my greatest success stories: Gilbert Gedeon and myself outside of the High Court of Australia who, in their scathing judgment, heavily criticized the NSW Crime Commission and NSW Police for Operation Mocha - a botched operation which allowed 7kg of cocaine to be sold on the streets of Sydney JUST to infiltrate a drug syndicate. For those interested, READ the judgement below:

19.01.2022 PSA UNSUSPECTING MOTORISTS AND SMART PHONE ADDICTS ALIKE: The NSW Government's new, state-of-the-art Mobile Phone Detection Cameras have been officially switched on as of yesterday1st March 2020in NSW. Drivers who use their mobile phones illegally whether your sneaking a peak at your texts at the stoplight, or taking that low-angle lap Snap-selfie - will risk copping a hefty $344.00 fine ($457 in a school zone) and losing up to 5 demerit points (10 during double-demerit periods) #nofilter.

19.01.2022 Check Simon Joyner on Sunrise this morning, interviewed by breakfast show co-host, David Koch. Despite the lagging connection and short time-segment, Simon offered his expert opinion on whether any criminal charges could be made against the owners or operators of the Ruby Princess.

18.01.2022 DPP ABANDONMENT: Despite these chaotic and uncertain times, I am very excited to share the fantastic news that the DPP has abandoned all further appeal proceedings against our client who was acquitted of his charges eight years ago...! This result has essentially saved him from an estimated six month trial.......What a relief!

17.01.2022 The other day I couldn’t help but laugh when reading a friend’s Facebook status post, You can’t spell divorce without COVID. From the moment ‘lock-down’ became the new norm, it was hard not to joke about what social isolation could do to our marriages or our relationships at home. But, all jokes aside, it important for us all to recognise the effects of this unprecedented health crisis to our emotional health and mental wellbeing. Now more than ever, communication is key:... whether you are facing unemployment and financial hardship, or you’re juggling working from home with the responsibilities of full-time child carer; take the time to stop and listen to your partner, and allow yourselves to appreciate together what you still share, as opposed to fighting about what you’ve lost. For any parent who is just looking for some tips on how to handle co-parenting in COVID-19, have a read of the link below. On that note, we also know that for some people such arrangements aren't possible. So for anyone who is struggling - whether its pursuant to your relationship breakdown, or your ex-partner is denying you from spending valuable time with your kids - please get in touch. As an experienced and highly-professional family lawyer, Simon Joyner will endeavour to ensure that your best interests are met and protected.

11.01.2022 BREAKING: PELL’S APPEAL BEFORE THE HIGH COURT. While leading defence counsel, Bret Walker SC, argues that a belief in a ‘compelling’ complainant should not - ipso facto - eliminate reasonable doubt; will the HCA commit the ultimate legal ‘sin’ of setting aside the original trial’s jury verdict, as well as overriding the Victorian Court of Appeal’s 2:1 majority decision? For more info, READ below.

08.01.2022 Channel Seven producers for the morning show, Sunrise reached out to lawyer, Simon Joyner for comment today on the controversial legal issues surrounding Celeste Barber’s $51 million bushfire appeal. Trapped in ‘legal limbo’, the money raised by the Australian comedian is now subject to court proceedings - a consequence of Celeste’s oversight when setting up her Facebook fundraiser on 3 January 2020. While the Facebook page clearly stated that the funds raised were to go tow...ards the ‘NSW Rural Fire Service’ after raising $22 million in just 48h, Celeste posted an Instagram story advising her followers that she intended to distribute the funds to the ‘RFS in Victorian and South Australia’ and ALSO to the families affected by the devastating fires, the wildlife, and other nominated charities. Some really interesting issues raised on donations, trusts and charitieshave a read of the story, and let me know what you think.

08.01.2022 Yesterday, Simon received this heartfelt message from a family member of a client, ecstatic upon hearing the news of the judgement delivered on sentence. He greatly appreciated the words she had to share: Simon, the absolute BEST! Thank you for your support, hard work and commitment to us over the last year and a half. Your knowledge (which is invaluable), attention to detail and assistance has been extremely reassuring during what has been a very difficult time for us. We ...could not have gone through this without you besides us! You went above and beyond, and you were always available at all sorts of ridiculous hours to help put us at ease - thank you!! Lastly, and most importantly, the outcome we received was absolutely AMAZING - it was below our expectations and we cannot thank you enough for this!!! You are definitely the best solicitor and I will be recommending you to everyone no doubt!!!

05.01.2022 "Ex-boxer Simon Joyner...has eyeballed some of Sydney's hardest and most well-known criminals and promised them the sum of his powers to subdue the police evidence against them." Take a look at Simon Joyner in the Daily Telegraph today!

04.01.2022 Pictured here with National and Vice President of Nomads, Sergeant of Arms, and Chief Court Reporter of the Daily Telegraph, right before our constitutional challenge to the High Court over NSW anti-consorting laws! I appeared for two Nomad bikies where we challenged the validity of s 93X(1) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), which makes it an offence for two or more convicted criminals to associate with each other, or communicate via phone, email or socials. The controversial law...s were enacted in response to the NSW State’s crackdown on nightly drive by shootings, gun violence and outlaw motorcycle bikie gangs...Unfortunately for us, the majority of the High Court (EXCEPT for the-then Chief Justice who disagreed) found that the laws were in fact valid, and that there was no implied right of freedom of association. For those of you looking for an interesting ISO read, I’ve attached the link below.

03.01.2022 READ BELOW: As global fear and uncertainty escalates around the unpredictability of COVID-19, there is one thing for certain: ALLEGED offenders awaiting trial should NOT be in custody during this global health pandemic. While some of us do not want to admit it, an outbreak will eventually hit NSW prisons and detention centres; and as criminal defence lawyers, we must be proactive and do everything in our power to protect the interests of our clients - HEALTH and all. For those interested, see my quote in the Daily Telegraph:

02.01.2022 Simon appeared at the Waverley Local Court and returned home to these spectacular flowers and Belvedere vodka from a very grateful client! We really appreciate their thoughtfulness (and their great taste!)

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