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Simon Rea Behavioural Profiler and Success Coach | Businesses

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Simon Rea Behavioural Profiler and Success Coach

Phone: +61 404 859 003


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25.01.2022 In business ? ..................Than brace yourself for the Millennial Tsunami. By 2020 they will be spending one in three retail dollars spent. The big question of course is who will they be spending those dollars with. If retailers are going to engage this group of consumers , competing on price and/or range is sadly not going to do it. For millennials if their going to shop with you and not just online they want it to be an experience . This will mean adopting new store ...formats and shifting to being radically customer-centric. They want to be treated as a valued customer, and part of that is training yourself and your staff how better to relate and build amazing rapport. Training and being coached in this degree of personalisation can be time consuming and some what costly; but the payoff with Millennials will be massive. Contact Simon about his workshops and training programs and get ahead of the wave See more

20.01.2022 Put positive thoughts with affirmations and gratitude into your mind every morning when you awake because it is impossible for positive and negative thoughts to... live in the same space . Its like try smiling , and than feel anger at the same time . Both can not exist in the same moment . Also remember that we can choose to be and should be life time learners not one time learners so we are constantly evolving and learning and in any given moment we are both teacher and student because we always have more to learn but we have also gained knowledge that we can teach , so you than must realise that at any given moment with the knowledge that you already have ,that you are enough and that fearing not being good enough is futile (one of our universal fears ). We become the average of the 5 people we spend most of our time around so in order to transcend our current knowledge we must in essence spend much more of our time with people who are playing life at a level we havent yet reached . In other words outside our comfort zone . The place where all growth occurs . Learn to love and embrace feeling uncomfortable. See all learning as exciting , as an adventure and see failing as part of the process of learning . Remember than is never failure only feed back . The people who have succeeded in any given arena of life have just failed faster and more often than the rest of us . Comfort will keep you small ....... get Uncomfortable!

19.01.2022 If youre not thinking you can get your massive dreams done, your behaviour will never be sufficient to get giant goals done. If youre not thinking like someone whos the rockstar of their field, financially free, healthy as an athlete and happier than you could ever imagine, then theres no way youll get there. Why? Because your outcomes always reflect your self-identity Researchers have done some fascinating work on "the power of the self-fulfilling prophecy " Bottom ...line: the hard-core psychologists confirm that your psychology and expectations for your performance determine your results. You absolutely have to learn to think like the very best do to experience the rewards and lifestyle that the VERY best have. See more

18.01.2022 Had this discussion twice today about how people make their lives small , because of the limiting thinking of others and the fears they impose upon us . So thank you to Steve Jobs for this quote Your time is limited, dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other peoples thinking. Dont let the noise of others opinion drowned your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Dont let others impose their limited beliefs and fears on you and most importantly dont impose yours on others, dont make them small , dont you dare make other peoples lives less than what they could be because you dont have the courage to dream.

18.01.2022 Maggie T , Diana Ferrari, Mountain Designs , Gap , Avon , Esprit, Metalicus, Doughnut Time , Zumbo Patisserie , Toys R Us , Shoes of Prey, Max Brenner, Rodger David , Laura Ashley . All Australian Retailers that closed their doors in 2018 . Prepare for 2019 by getting your staff trained and getting yourself a coach. www.simonrea.comMaggie T , Diana Ferrari, Mountain Designs , Gap , Avon , Esprit, Metalicus, Doughnut Time , Zumbo Patisserie , Toys R Us , Shoes of Prey, Max Brenner, Rodger David , Laura Ashley . All Australian Retailers that closed their doors in 2018 . Prepare for 2019 by getting your staff trained and getting yourself a coach.

18.01.2022 A few years ago I posted that there was two things that define us : Your patience when you have nothing . Your attitude when you have everything. ... Now in the face of a world crisis I will add a third : Your treatment of others when faced with adversity.

17.01.2022 Fun Fact Friday. Our craving for sugar and fat is hard-wired into our Limbic System .

17.01.2022 Limitless - I like it ! Remember the movie ? Well not just the movie but the idea . Not as a drug but as a mind set . Your life , your achievements , your dreams , all are limitless . Your only limit is your imagination and your belief in what you can achieve and do. Come join us at EDGE and expand your thinking

15.01.2022 A ship in port is safe, but thats not what ships are built for, however if the ship does not know to which harbor it is heading then no wind is the right wind. Make 2018 a year of creating your dreams and then having the courage to leave the safety of your harbor and sail toward them. A coach can help you with the map and help you plot your course, so contact me today to book your free session and lets make this coming year your best year ever !

15.01.2022 Catch me on B105 with Stav , Abby and Mat discussing PM Scott MorrisonCatch me on B105 with Stav , Abby and Mat discussing PM Scott Morrison

14.01.2022 If you are at all unsure about what to say in your introduction / pitch at a networking event just do this one simple thing, apply so what? to anything your going to include in how you introduce yourself, your business and your services . Speak in terms of Benefits not Features . People dont need a drill , they need the hole in the wall it makes . And remember people are there to sell what they have so they are not really interested in you, so be interested before trying to be interesting and youll have more success.

13.01.2022 Your decision , habits and actions today will determine the way you live tomorrow and what your future will predictably look like . Research has shown that 40% of our daily actions are not consciously made but are the result of habits so some of us need to replace those old habits that arent serving us . Start making great decisions by seeking council from those who have the results you want and most importantly get into Action!! What if in 6 months from now you had a team that worked smoothly together Contact me to book a workshop on building and maintaining habits that will lead you and your company to the goals you desire .

12.01.2022 Always liked this one by Albert Einstein and is a reminder to parents and teachers not to put there child into a category or label them . "Everybody is a genius . But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that its stupid"

11.01.2022 Heres a Brain Tatoo for you : Are you getting your Actions from your Emotions ? Or Your Emotions from your Actions ? One of them will make you successfulHeres a Brain Tatoo for you : Are you getting your Actions from your Emotions ? Or Your Emotions from your Actions ? One of them will make you successful

09.01.2022 We all get STUCK and Hope is not a strategy for success. Your life and your business are too important to be left to chance. Your greatest responsibility to yourself, your family, your team is to take command of your future and shape your destiny the way you want it . My No more excuses session will help you establish the accountability practices of the most successful people and organisations and take your performance to the next level .

09.01.2022 As I study the subjects of Success and happiness and what makes you successful in all areas of your life , I have stumbled across a body of teaching that has changed my thinking . It says that the primary aim of life is positive emotions , in other words to be happy. The only obstacle to that is negative emotions , therefore the entire business of life is to eliminate negative emotions of all kinds . Wow!! Can it be that easy ? I believe it can . As I observe my 82 year old b...eautiful mother who is facing an upcoming operation and treatment for breast cancer , her attitude toward it is one filled with positivity and light . I called her to check on how she was coping only to find her gardening and the conversation from her was on the needs of others and her wish that she could help more ......... beautiful positive thoughts , words and deeds . Your thoughts become your words , your words become your actions and your actions become your results . Seek the positive ..... See more

09.01.2022 Things are never as bad as they seem. The situations that cause us sorrow are the same ones that introduce us to the strength ,power and wisdom that we truly are.Things are never as bad as they seem. The situations that cause us sorrow are the same ones that introduce us to the strength ,power and wisdom that we truly are.

09.01.2022 5 Monkeys ......

05.01.2022 Build people up ...... costs you nothing and is worth a lot .

02.01.2022 HABITUATION : Heres the definition as used in psychology It is the diminishing of an innate response to a frequently repeated stimulus . At our core no matter how sophisticated we think we are, we are Hunter Gatherer and with that like every other animal on this planet we are hot wired to learn how to survive . This way of learning is habituation. Over time we learn not to respond to something that happens repeatedly without change, reward or punishment. This all...ows us to focus on what is important and block out what is not. The speed at which habituation occurs depends on four factors . 1) Frequency : how often we are exposed to something 2) Interval : The shorter amount of time between being exposed to something 3) Duration : The longer we are exposed 4) Strength : The stronger something is So consider how your business communicates internally and externally ...... yes its usually a constant bombardment of emails, memos, calls . High frequency, short interval, long exposure and high consistency - the perfect formula for habituation to occur . But the good news is ..... there are strategies to improve your results and break habituation occurring Find out more from Simon at See more

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