Simply Indispensable | Health/beauty
Simply Indispensable
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25.01.2022 Definitely me at times (sometimes more than others)
24.01.2022 This ... when you find your happy place. . . #simplyindispensable #simplyindispensableoz #letsgetnaked #nakedskincare #allnaturalaustralia #noaddedchemicals #handmade #hempseedoil #vegan #veganfriendly #naturalskincareaustralia #naturalskincare #serums #goatsmilksoap #goatsmilk #sensitiveskin #eczema #psoriasis #facewash #scrubmaskcombo #aloevera #cucumberextract #bamboopowder #mangobutter #cocoabutter #sheabutter #witchhazelextract #aloeverajuice #toner #facespritz
21.01.2022 My happy place . . #simplyindispensable #simplyindispensableoz #letsgetnaked #nakedskincare #allnaturalaustralia #noaddedchemicals #handmade #hempseedoil #vegan #veganfriendly #naturalskincareaustralia #naturalskincare #serums #goatsmilksoap #goatsmilk #sensitiveskin #eczema #psoriasis #facewash #scrubmaskcombo #aloevera #cucumberextract #bamboopowder #mangobutter #cocoabutter #sheabutter #witchhazelextract #aloeverajuice #toner #facespritz
20.01.2022 Very excited and privileged to have received a sample of this new material to trial in formulations. 100% natural, benefits equal to and exceeding hyaluronic acid, an excellent anti-pollution agent with preliminary tests indicating that it has SPF boosting properties. Did I mention I was excited to begin trials of formulations with this amazing product in it?
20.01.2022 Flashback 5 years ago and I would never have imagined I'd be ordering beakers let alone get so excited by a new delivery of them, yet here we are!
19.01.2022 After what felt like forever (and starting to think maybe I had actually submitted the gelatinous snot for assessment rather than the emulsion), I am now the proud holder of the Advanced Certificate of Advanced Cosmetic Science and the Certificate in Organic Formulations. Onward and upward towards becoming a Cosmetic Chemist. Just a tad bit chuffed right now
17.01.2022 The countdown is now on for our Boxing Day Bundle Sale. . .... #simplyindispensable #simplyindispensableoz #letsgetnaked #nakedskincare #allnaturalaustralia #noaddedchemicals #handmade #hempseedoil #vegan #veganfriendly #naturalskincareaustralia #naturalskincare #serums #goatsmilksoap #goatsmilk #sensitiveskin #eczema #psoriasis #facewash #scrubmaskcombo #aloevera #cucumberextract #bamboopowder #mangobutter #cocoabutter #sheabutter #witchhazelextract #aloeverajuice #toner #facespritz See more
15.01.2022 Playing around with a simple mango butter body balm. . . #simplyindispensable #simplyindispensableoz #letsgetnaked #nakedskincare #allnaturalaustralia #noaddedchemicals #handmade #hempseedoil #vegan #veganfriendly #naturalskincareaustralia #naturalskincare #serums #goatsmilksoap #goatsmilk #sensitiveskin #eczema #psoriasis #facewash #scrubmaskcombo #aloevera #cucumberextract #bamboopowder #mangobutter #cocoabutter #sheabutter #witchhazelextract #aloeverajuice #toner #facespritz
13.01.2022 There is something special about the smell of Jasmine. Flowers for such a short time but when it does it's magnificent.
13.01.2022 How damn cute are these measuring spoons? The smallest is 1/64th of a teaspoon
13.01.2022 Can't lie, gotta say I'm pretty happy with how these samples are looking
10.01.2022 Public Service Announcement
06.01.2022 Formulating of a different kind today. I went to a Gin making master-class at @wildflower_gin this afternoon. I don't drink Gin but found this fascinating. The flavours evolve in a similar way to top, middle and base note aromas of essential oils. I got to formulate my own 500ml bottle and now have an appreciation that I did not have prior to this. A lot of fun and highly recommend.
04.01.2022 Does volume/size matter? Today's piece of useless information Visually it looks like one tin contains 3 or 4 times more product than the other. But ... one has 100g of ingredients and the other only 14g more at 114g. The Mango Butter Body Balm is the small tin and the whipped Shea Body Butter is the big tin. Which one weights what? ... . . #simplyindispensable #simplyindispensableoz #letsgetnaked #nakedskincare #allnaturalaustralia #noaddedchemicals #handmade #hempseedoil #vegan #veganfriendly #naturalskincareaustralia #naturalskincare #serums #goatsmilksoap #goatsmilk #sensitiveskin #eczema #psoriasis #facewash #scrubmaskcombo #aloevera #cucumberextract #bamboopowder #mangobutter #cocoabutter #sheabutter #witchhazelextract #aloeverajuice #toner #facespritz
03.01.2022 I did some experimenting today and was feeling quite chuffed with myself and what I had done. A while later I made a batch of cream for an order when the saying 'pride comes before a fall' kicked in and smacked me round the head. I was not paying close enough attention to where the beaker was and next thing the batch of emulsion was up the wall, across the bench and over the floor. Who was feeling chuffed with themselves then? Not me .
02.01.2022 Black Friday Cyber Monday Shop our Actives Bundle deals from 9am (Qld time) Friday 27th. Stock is strictly limited. ... Head to our website to have a squizz at what is available. Bundles will appear at 9am on the 'Shop BFCM' page. If you want to have a look at the bundles head to 'BFCM'. . . #simplyindispensable #simplyindispensableoz #letsgetnaked #nakedskincare #allnaturalaustralia #noaddedchemicals #handmade #hempseedoil #vegan #veganfriendly #naturalskincareaustralia #naturalskincare #serums #goatsmilksoap #goatsmilk #sensitiveskin #eczema #psoriasis #facewash #scrubmaskcombo #aloevera #cucumberextract #bamboopowder #mangobutter #cocoabutter #sheabutter #witchhazelextract #aloeverajuice #toner #facespritz
02.01.2022 Website facelift!!! Our website has undergone a facelift which I am stoked about (still a few things left to tweak and add but all in all pretty happy). But ... while the facelift was underway the surgeon whittled a little too much and removed all of our reviews never to be recovered . ... I have had some stern words with the surgeon (myself) and even though I have apologised profusely it matters not, they are gone never to be seen again. No point dwelling. Anyway ... if you have a tick to spare and have used one (or more) of our products and have nothing else to do, I would be ever so grateful if you could do a quick review. Upside now is that each product can be reviewed individually or a review can be done on us as a whole - always a silver lining . Individual reviews can be made on each product page and a review of us as a whole can be done by clicking 'Review' in the footer. Thank you!!! You rock!
02.01.2022 While there's an opportunity, now that the border is open, I'm going to take a trip to see my parents. If you place an order, please know that I will take care of it as soon as I return on Monday 10th August. Thankyou for understanding.