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24.01.2022 There are many reasons why junk food is so cheap to buy. But the main one is the quality of the food that is used to produce it. Most junk food is high in vegetable oils, high in sugar and often filled with refined carbohydrates as these are cheap. These ingredients are a disastrous combination for our health and hormones. If a product comes in a box and has more than 5 ingredients it is not going to be as good for your health as eating real food. While healthy food does app...ear to be more expensive in the short term at the shops, I believe in the long term you will be saving yourself money in reduced medical bills and expenses by consuming real, healthy food and avoiding ultra processed foods. Simple Real Food - Where Wellness Begins

17.01.2022 Omelette Our family's favourite local cafe is a place called @viaporta in Mont Albert North. The cafe is beautiful, the staff are super friendly, their food is amazing and my husband tells me the coffee is the best in town. They are also always happy to accommodate our coeliac daughter. My favourite item on their menu is their omelette. Not like the omelettes that I make at home which are big and bulky, they are a lot thinner, more sophisticated and filled with tasty ingredi...ents. The filling ingredients change regularly but are always delicious. I usually order the omelette with bacon and avocado on the side. Over lockdown in 2020, I really missed being able to have the occasional meal out. Since I couldn’t have this meal at Via Porta, I thought there must be a way of trying to replicate their beautiful omelette instead. I couldn’t quite get the sophistication of their omelette but this is what I came up with. My version contains smoked salmon, spinach, mayonnaise and dill. It is super quick to prepare and cook, so is now a regular midweek breakfast for the kids and sometimes a dinner for all of us with some extras on the side. If you are in the area, take the time to have a meal at @viaporta . You won’t regret it.

16.01.2022 Sweet Potato Chips Many of those in the low carb community fear sweet potato. But this doesn’t need to be the case. While not a particularly low carb vegetable, sweet potatoes if cooked and cooled prior to eating, are a great source of resistant starch to feed your gut bugs. Resistance starch isn’t broken down and absorbed by the body instead it goes straight through your stomach and small intestine. When it reaches your colon it ferments and feeds your gut bacteria, turning... it into short chain fatty acids. This in turn improves your gut health and inflammation, regulates your glucose and insulin making you more insulin sensitive and helps make you feel fuller for longer. In the initial weeks of transitioning to a low carb diet I would recommend avoiding sweet potato, but once you are fat adapted many people can cope with a small amount of sweet potato especially if following these rules: - limit it to a small amount - not only for the carb count but consuming resistant starch does have side effects such as gas and bloating so start off slow and build up. - eat it towards the end of your meal once you have eaten some fat and protein - this ensures it doesn’t spike your blood glucose as much as it would if you ate it at the start of your meal. I like to cut my sweet potato chips big, coat them with coconut oil, salt and cinnamon, put them in the oven for 30 minutes and then let them cool in the fridge. They can be eaten cold but can also be reheated in the oven or for crispier chips throw them in the airfryer for 15 minutes. Delicious.

11.01.2022 The best thing about a low carb, healthy fat (LCHF) diet is that you do not go hungry like a standard calorie restricting diet. Low carb does not mean calorie restriction. When I talk about low carb, I am talking about real food low carb so I am not recommending you live on bacon, cheese, eggs and cream. Instead eat a low carb diet filled with quality meats, healthy fats and nutrient dense vegetables. What real food, low carb is not about:... - starving and calorie restriction - going hungry What real food, low carb is about: - filling your plate with nutrient dense food that gives you satiety so you don’t feel hungry - reducing and stabalising your blood sugar levels - reducing cravings - eliminating the slumps you get from a high sugar diet - reducing your inflammation Reduce the carbs, increase the fat and protein and become fat adapted. This means you are able to use fat to fuel your body. Fill up with protein and fat for satiety. Then it’s really important to individualise your diet. Low carb is not a one size fits all. What works for me may not work for you. It needs to be tailored to each individual's needs and lifestyle to ensure that it is sustainable. If metabolically healthy, you can probably tolerate more carbs. If you have type 2 diabetes or have metabolic syndrome you will benefit from keeping the carbs lower. Do what works for you.

08.01.2022 When I first heard this quote by clinical nutritionist Ben Warren I thought that it was brilliant. But it doesn’t make sense, does it? Overfed (eating too much) and undernourished (having insufficient food for good health), surely we can’t be both as they are contradictory. In today's society meals are often made up of highly processed refined foods. So while we eat lots of these fake foods our body is still lacking the vitamins and nutrients required to really nourish and f...uel it. So how do we fix this? Simply eat real food and avoid the ultra processed fake foods. Real food provides your body with everything it requires to function optimally. Eat lots of quality meat protein, healthy fats and colourful vegetables and you will fuel your body with the vitamins and nutrients it requires to be healthy. Simple Real Food - Where Wellness Begins

02.01.2022 Cauliflower and Bacon Toast These are always a winner in our house. I think it is the bacon but it could also be the crispy golden top. Served with avocado and some lemon juice, so delicious.

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