Singleton Social and Sporting Association in Singleton, Western Australia | Community organisation
Singleton Social and Sporting Association
Locality: Singleton, Western Australia
Phone: +61 432 489 432
Address: 24 Cavender Street 6175 Singleton, Western Australia, WA, Australia
Likes: 575
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25.01.2022 WA is expected to be hit by a very rare weather event from this arvo, which could see wild weather hit WA from Exmouth to Esperance, with wind gusts of up to 13...5km! While most storm damage is preventable, it is important to know who to call if your home is damaged, flooded or a large tree has come down on your house or driveway. The SES are on stand-by and ready to assist WA residents 24/7 should the need arise. If you are unsure of when to call them, ask yourself the questions in the image below. When calling for assistance please remember: To speak slowly and clearly Tell us exactly where to come All requests are prioritised by urgency Major structural damage will be attended to first Avoid clogging up emergency hotlines with unrelated requests Keep up to date as the situation changes Find the latest alerts and warnings: Keep an eye on the weather: Find your local ABC Radio Station: When you need SES assistance after severe weather, call 132 500 For fallen trees over roads contact, your local shire or call Main Roads on 13 81 38
24.01.2022 Local original rockers Chuck Hombre will be lighting up the club this Friday.
24.01.2022 Weve just announced the details of Phase 3 of our roadmap for the easing of restrictions, with significant changes coming into effect on Saturday 6 June. As pa...rt of our carefully planned roadmap, Western Australia is now ready to take the next step. This next step will be significant, and it will be challenging. Before I detail the changes, I will say this - WAs success allows us to move ahead and take significant steps, BUT we all must continue to act responsibly, that means good physical distancing where possible and good personal hygiene. Because if we have an uncontrolled outbreak, I dont want to have to place restrictions back on. We cannot afford to undo all our good work. Phase 3 will be introduced from next Saturday, thanks to the success in limiting community transmission in WA during Phase 2, and on the advice of our Chief Health Officer and State Emergency Coordinator. As part of Phase 3, the follow changes will occur: - Non-work indoor and outdoor gatherings of up to 100 people will be allowed, a five-fold increase from the current 20-person limit. - Up to 300 people will be allowed in some settings, including for indoor or outdoor venues with multiple, divided spaces, with up to 100 people in each space. - All food businesses and licensed premises can now operate with seated service only, and alcohol may now be served without a meal at licensed premises. - All beauty therapy and personal care services can reopen, including saunas and wellness centres. - Galleries, museums, theatres, auditoriums, cinemas and concert venues can reopen with the 100/300 rule followed. - Perth Zoo will open, as can wildlife parks, amusement parks, arcades and indoor play centres. - Playgrounds, skate parks and outdoor gym equipment can reopen. - Gyms, health clubs, indoor sports centres will be able to offer the normal range of activities, including use of all gym equipment. However, Gyms will need to be staffed at all times and undertake regular cleaning. - Full contact sport and training will now be permitted in Western Australia. This will mean from next weekend, people of all ages will be able to start competitive contact sports. - Parents and guardians will be able to enter school grounds to drop off or pick up their children as part of Phase 3. - TABs are permitted to reopen. The Chief Health Officer will separately work with Crown Casino on how the gaming floor could reopen in the future. These are all major steps forward for Western Australia. Phase 3 will be a big leap but its one we can make under the watchful eye of our expert health advisors. The four square metre rule was introduced in line with health advice. I know its a rule that is hurting businesses. Ive been out for dinner in Rockingham and seen tables and chairs stacked up, because the four square metre rule is limiting the number of people that can be in some venues. As was always going to be the case in Phase 2, the four square metre rule prevented a large number of businesses from opening. As we now increase the limit on gatherings to 100, I wanted to make sure we closely assess this rule. Our Chief Health Officer has now advised, that due to WAs hard border with the east remaining in place, Western Australia is now in a position to move ahead of the national advice. As part of Phase 3, Western Australia will be the first State in the nation to remove the rule and instead implement a two square metre per person capacity rule for venues. This will replace the four square metre rule, which is the current national position. This is an important and substantial move forward our State, and I hope it means many more businesses will be able to open and employ more Western Australians. I know its still not perfect, but we are now able to move ahead of the rest of the nation. In addition, as part of Phase 3, Rottnest Island will reopen to the WA general public. Rottnest has served us well as our own quarantine island during this crisis. We can only make these changes because of the hard work of everyone across our State. But in particular our hard border controls give us the flexibility to progress further along on roadmap. Once again, WA has led the way, and I hope our performance can continue to lay the path forward for the other States. Now is the time for Western Australians to wander our great State and support local businesses. Just like Phase 2, we will carefully monitor the introduction of Phase 3 and its impact in our community. Together, as part of a rigorous consultation process involving the Chief Health Officer and Police Commissioner, we will closely assess Phase 3. We will then work towards further restrictions being eased as part of Phase 4 in coming weeks. This will predominantly be focused on even larger gatherings, the new two square metre rule and some of the other existing restrictions. A time for Phase 4 introduction will be determined in the future, but it will follow the approach we have taken between earlier phases.
24.01.2022 Something different tomorrow night?
22.01.2022 At this stage playgroup is going ahead this Wednesday but we will be keeping a close eye on advice from Playgroup WA - but with all that is happening we are loo...king at ways to help protect our members. There will be no shared fruit for kids or morning tea for members. Please pack a small snack for your child and drink bottle. We are hoping in reduce the number of toys that are brought out this week and introducing toy cleaning as part of our pack up routine. Also if we are advised to close at some stage - organizing a deep clean of toys and equipment where we will be looking for volunteers to help. There is a hand basin and soap always available in the kitchen which we will be encouraging kids to use before they eat and everyone to wash their hands regularly. As well we will have hand sanitiser available to use. We would like to take this opportunity to remind members of the government mandatory 14-day self-isolation for all travellers returning to Australia from overseas, also not to attend if anyone in your family has been unwell or in contact with someone from overseas. COVID-19 symptoms People with COVID-19 may experience: fever; flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fatigue; or shortness of breath. For the latest health information and health related enquiries please visit WA Department of Health or access the helpline 1800 020 080. We are hoping to continue Playgroup sessions as normal as possible for as long as we can, but also being proactive and aware. Thank you!
21.01.2022 With lots of enquires and our calendar getting full for Birthday parties, July is booked out! Get in quick!! Our Multipurpose room is perfect for holding your childs birthday party! Its attached to a kitchen and opens up to a closed in playground Dates and time available for Saturdays in AUGUST are; ... 8th August - 3.00pm 15th August - 11.30am 22nd August -12.30pm SEPTEMBER 12th September-all day 19th September-All day 26th September-All day Email [email protected] Or message through this page
20.01.2022 The CBBC Community Bowls begins on Friday 7th Feb, for 6 weeks with all local residents invited to come down and have a go at bowls; bowls provided, sausage sizzle;
19.01.2022 Lost Property box at SINGLETON HALL
19.01.2022 Whats a little wind when you have Natural Gas playing?
17.01.2022 Its a beaut night for some live music, barefoot bowls, burgers and beers at the Club.Its a beaut night for some live music, barefoot bowls, burgers and beers at the Club.
17.01.2022 PHASE 3 6th JUNE 2020 SINGLETON COMMUNITY HALL With Phase 3 starting on the 6th JUNE, we are able to open Singleton Community Hall but based on the COVID-19 Guidelines set out for us to follow. PHYSICAL DISTANCING- 2 sqm per person and tables and chairs need to be 1.5 metre apart... MEETING ROOM 13 people MAX MULTIPURPOSE ROOM 58 People MAX MAIN HALL 68 People MAX *A Contact tracing register to complete every time you are in the Hall is available in each room- Every person in the group needs to fill in their details *Alcohol based Hand gel is in every room for your use- entering the room and leaving the room, with instructions on how to use A Disinfectant spray is available for use- Spray the room, tables and chairs with this- Do not wipe (If you see any of these low- please flick me a email) *The Hall has been COVID 19 Sanitized by a Qualified COVID 19 Cleaner- and if the bar is opened a staff member with their AHA Hospitality qualification will be present at all times *Key contacts are on the pin up board for any COVID questions *Please send anyone home if they are sick or unwell *Safety plan and certificate are located near the BAR and on the pinup board Please if you have any questions, feel free to email me! [email protected]
16.01.2022 I have found some keys at the hall, Are you missing any car keys? Send a message
16.01.2022 Most recent update from FFA. We will be monitoring the situation in conjunction with FFA, Football West and WA Health Department.
15.01.2022 Exciting news for sports clubs, the Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) Grants have been fast tracked for 2020/2021. Applications for CSRFF S...mall, Annual and Forward Planning grants of up to $2 million are now open. To find out if your club is eligible please contact the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries on 9492 9700 before requesting an application from the City. Applications for small grants close with the City on Friday 19 June 2020.
14.01.2022 Keep safe and keep up to date
12.01.2022 Good Evening Re PJSA Registration Day 14/03/2020 and 2020 Season As you are no doubt aware the number of COVID 19 cases are increasing in WA. The implications ...for all sporting events and gatherings are still becoming clear. Under the current guidelines, the health department advises that both our registration days and games (with some extra planning) can go ahead. This however is subject to change at very short notice. As such we will continue with our registration day tomorrow as planned. Please follow these points to ensure the safety of our volunteers and all visitors. If you have been overseas in the past 14 days please do not attend. If you are showing any symptoms of the virus, please do not attend. If you have the option, please leave children and extra people at home. We may choose not to deal with lengthy questions on the day and will take your details and call or email to sort out any problems. You may be asked to wait outside until we can process all queries and payments. Should the Health Department and/or our governing body then ask that we cancel or suspend our season, full refunds will be given if games have not started and prorata refunds if they have started. We trust that you understand our position of caution on this matter.
10.01.2022 This Friday at the club. Live music, bare foot bowls, sausage sizzle and cheap drinks...oh, and great people!
10.01.2022 To all our members, Under advice from Playgroup WA to suspend playgroup sessions the Singleton Playgroup committee has made the decision to suspend playgroup un...til we are advised it is safe to recommence. As you might imagine we are doing this with sad reluctance and are going to miss everyone but hope we can keep communications running on our Facebook page and keep our wonderful playgroup community together. Please keep an eye on our announcements to see when we will be re-opening. We are currently exploring options in relation to membership fees that have been paid and we will provide further clear advice to everyone once we have fully assessed the options. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to send us a PM or email on [email protected].
08.01.2022 Sundowners are back for 2020 starting this Friday Jan 31 running fortnightly.
07.01.2022 Members attended our AGM and the Presentation of 2019/20 Trophy's and prize money on Saturday 1st August, delayed because of the Covid Virus. Most stayed after to enjoy a Sausage Sizzle and a few drinks with several joining in a game of bowls.
06.01.2022 Corona Virus (Covid 19) Following advice received from Bowls Australia, Bowls WA and Murray Districts Bowling League, all bowling events are postponed/cancelle...d until further notice. The status of the upcoming AGM and Presentation Dinner will be advised later. The match committee and management committee meetings are also postponed. Those wishing to have a roll up can do so. Further advice will be provided as this issue evolves.
06.01.2022 Thank you for your applications for the Volunteers position for Treasurer and Bookings officer- We will be in touch soon Thank you
05.01.2022 Act, Belong, Commit.
04.01.2022 Have you attended one of our Mothers Group Catch Ups yet? Today's Mothers Group Catch Up we did a Kangatraining Mandurah and surrounds session. It was a fun cl...assed and if you've lost all your coordination like I have since having kids it's a good class to ease back in to exercise. The toddlers burnt off some energy in the enclosed playground while we worked on our moves. Thankfully the workout clothes will not be required next week Our Mothers Group Catch Ups welcome all Mums to attend to meet other local Mums Our next catch up is Thursday 13th August
04.01.2022 Hi All. Need a few more mixed pairs for our first Darts at Singleton Competition this Australia Day 26th Jan at 12pm. Fun and games at our SSSA centre for the kids on the oval. Message me if interested and will put your name down.
03.01.2022 Open to Singleton residents only, Thank you for your understanding. ONLY A WEEK TO EASTER Upload your pictures folks Most original entry receives a SUPER prize
02.01.2022 Its with everyones health in mind, that we have decided to cancel our last sundowner for the season. We would like to thank all that came along this season ...and joined in the fun, all the brilliant musicians for keeping us entertained, all the amazing vollies that make these events happen and everyone else that supported the club! Stay safe and healthy folks! We will be back before you know it !
02.01.2022 Have you attended one of our Mothers Group Catch Ups yet? Todays Mothers Group Catch Up we did a Kangatraining Mandurah and surrounds session. It was a fun cl...assed and if youve lost all your coordination like I have since having kids its a good class to ease back in to exercise. The toddlers burnt off some energy in the enclosed playground while we worked on our moves. Thankfully the workout clothes will not be required next week Our Mothers Group Catch Ups welcome all Mums to attend to meet other local Mums Our next catch up is Thursday 13th August
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