Site Architecture Studio in Perth, Western Australia | Architectural designer
Site Architecture Studio
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9226 5661
Address: L 3 56 William Street 6000 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Time for action. @architectsdeclare_au #climatestrike
25.01.2022 Successful Master Planning
23.01.2022 The AH Bracks Library Refurbishment involves the redesign of the existing library providing new and improved facilities flexible in its design to allow adaptation for future needs and attracting community user groups. @dionrobeson . . . . . .... #library #AHBracks #Melville #cityofmelville #CoM #interiordesign #librarydesign #Architecture #archiecturewa #libraryinterior #SAS #SITE #SITEarchitecturestudio #community #localgovernment @ A.H. Bracks Library See more
23.01.2022 Team SITE with @architectsdeclare_au at todays Climate Strike. #climatestrike
22.01.2022 Construction work is progressing at the Cockburn Wetlands Precinct, Bibra Lake! We are continuing to enjoy working closely with the Wetlands Centre and the City of Cockburn to realise their vision of a world-class conservation and education centre.
21.01.2022 SITE associate Will Thomson and graduate Architect Aaron Bills took the practice through a site visit at Perth Modern School’s new multipurpose auditorium which is currently under construction. The project reached another milestone with the install of the custom patterned precast concrete panels. #site #sas #perthmodernschool #theatre #auditorium #education #music #drama #arts #school #learningenvironments #learningenvironmentsaustralasia
20.01.2022 We are excited to be appointed for the rebuild of Westminster Primary School. Sue Ellery Minister Education and Training adds This is a very exciting time as these two schools come together, and I look forward to the outstanding new upgrades that are in the works, These upgrades ensure that staff and students have the facilities they need to deliver the best possible learning opportunities, while also providing job opportunities for local workers. #education #sitearchitecturestudio #SAS #educationarchitecture #learningenvironments #schools #primiaryschool
20.01.2022 Perspective The Ningaloo Centre from above captured by @johngollings . . . .... . . #architecture #australianarchitecture #unescoworldheritage #worldheritage #exmouth #westernaustralia #design #tourismwesternaustralia #SITEarchitecturestudio #SAS #SITE See more
16.01.2022 International bring your dog to work day! Meet Cooper, Australian Shepherd (7yrs/o) He loves chasing his ball, is very friendly and currently under taking a training course in Revit #internationalbringyourdogtoworkday #sas #site #sitearchitecturestudio #australianshepherd
16.01.2022 The extra time in isolation has prompted some SITE Architecture reflection on our practice and what we do. We feel the following really summed it up: We help enrich peoples everyday experiences by designing learning and community places for meaningful and authentic engagement. Shelter is an essential human need. We consider this fundamental need for every project within its environment and the influence it has on the human experience of a place. We use shelter as a device that defines habitable space outside, under and within a roof form. The experience of the spaces, informed by function and layered with local meaning, become a collection of memorable experiences which provide joy and pleasure to the occupants of Site Architecture.
16.01.2022 Up before the sun this morning at our wetlands project, inspecting the cladding. #sitearchitecturestudio #sitearchitecture #site #educationarchitects
15.01.2022 Some quick progress photos for the Administration refurbishment and extension works at Applecross Primary School. We aimed to be sympathetic to the existing heritage of the campus with a new ‘light’ verandah linking the old and new. The extension doubles the current space for Administration and uses the existing heritage elements and entry doors to create a new, yet familiar welcoming reception. The project is due for completion in early 2021 ready in time for the new school term. Photos from right to left, before photo of existing Applecross Primary School verandah, new verandah being installed, and New office retaining the existing fireplace. #Education #Refurblishement #Extension #administration #Primaryschool #applecrossprimaryschool #DoE #DoF #SAS #SITE #SITEArchitectureStudio
15.01.2022 SITE Architecture Studio are excited to share some of the latest pics of our new Science facility for Eaton Community College nearing completion. #sitearchitecture #bgcconstruction #education #educationarchitecture #educationarchitects #site #sitearchitecturestudio @ Eaton Community College
14.01.2022 Enjoyed the official opening of Ballajura Place Hub today. Congrats to our Site Architecture Studio team who delivered another great project that looks like its always been therre #sitearchitecture #cityofswan #ballajuralibrary #ballajuraaquatic @ Ballajura, Western Australia
14.01.2022 Repost from @UWA_design Talking Architecture The design that designed you. Working with Contractors... by Paul Edwards of Site Architecture (@sitearchitectures) Monday, 20th April 2020 1 - 2pm via Zoom Send an email to [email protected] from your UWA address with the subject line Talking Architecture Mailing List and Emily will add you to the list to be sent the Zoom details. You can email up to 24 hrs before the event. Once you have registered for one you will automatically be sent the details for the following events unless you asked to be removed. . . . . #SITE #SITE architecturestudio #UWA #uwaschoolofdesign #uwadesign #uwaarchitecture #universitywa #lecture #talkingarchitecture #architecturalpractice #sitearchitecturestudio See more
14.01.2022 SITE is excited that construction is commencing for Perth Modern Schools new Multipurpose Auditorium to be constructed by PS Structures. The flexible 700 seat Auditorium is designed with exceptional acoustics, seating configuration and amenity to achieve best practice Music and Theatrical performance as well as catering for school assembly, general learning, lectures, and exam functions. This is a significant project for the Heritage campus and one that will reinforce Perth ...Moderns reputation as an exemplar state school. . . . . #Multipurpose #Auditorium #Architecture #Education #PerthModernSchool #SITEarchitecturestudio #SITE #Perth #school @ Perth Modern School See more
14.01.2022 We are pleased to share the completion of the Design Development phase of a Multipurpose Auditorium for Perth Modern School. The auditorium is designed as a contemporary multipurpose 700 seat auditorium, catering for music, drama, dance, assembly, lectures, and exam functions. Despite tight spatial constraints of the site, it has been carefully designed to accommodate the 700 seats without compromising visual sightlines to the stage or acoustic performance. #Multipurpose #Auditorium #Architecture #Education #PerthModernSchool #designdevelopment #SITEarchitecturestudio #Perth #School
14.01.2022 The landscaping has commenced at the new Bushfire Centre of Excellence, paving is being laid and the glazing continues to be installed allowing us to see just how well the spaces connect and engage with the landscape. #bushfirecentreofexcellence #DFES #SITE #Landscape #architecture #construction #building #education
14.01.2022 Team SITE. #site #SAS #Sitearchiecturestudio
13.01.2022 As part of the suite of prizes Shaw provided for SITEs recent win in the Shaw Contract Awards 2019, the most wonderful prize of all is the charitable donation made to the Nulsen Group on behalf Hale School and Site Architecture Studio
13.01.2022 SITE Architecture Studio will officially close from 22nd December 2020 until 9 am Monday 11th of January 2021. For office contact during the festive break please call Stephen Hart on 0419 949 575 or Paul Edwards on 0424 245 142
12.01.2022 SITE has recently completed the refurbishment of Hale Schools Administration building with @hoskinscontracting . The project sought to strengthen visitor access and connection to the school and the culturally significant Memorial Hall by relocating and creating a new reception in the main foyer whilst undertaking a major refurbishment of the existing interior design, more in keeping with Hales prestige and identity. #refurbishment #upgrade #renovation #reuse #repurpose #feasibility #education #administration
11.01.2022 After nearly 1.5 years working on this project, we are excited to finally see construction progress to redevelop the Bibra Lake Wetlands Centre into an integrated educational, recreation and rehabilitation precinct. Image 1 - the wetlands centre extension footings are in Image 2 the artificial wetland pond taking shape Image 3 - rammed earth colour options sample... . . . . #SITE #SITEarchitecturestudio #wetlandscentre #nativearc #cityofcockburn #wetlands #education #rescue #nativeanimals #rammedearth #beprojects @ The Wetlands Centre Cockburn See more
11.01.2022 The Bushfire Centre of Excellence project for the Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA is a great example of what collaborative design can achieve. The outcome of the extensive stakeholder engagement and workshops combined with a thoughtful design response has created a facility that really does live up to its name as a Bushfire Centre of Excellence. #DFES #Bushfire #education #training #firefighting #facilities #innovation
11.01.2022 SITEs Paul Edwards and Will Thomson were privileged to be among the distinguished guests and major contributors to the new Perth Modern School Multi-Purpose Theatre this afternoon. PS Structures paused activity for a brief moment to allow us all on to the site to mark the occasion with a traditional turning of the sod shovel picture. . . .... #Multipurpose #Auditorium #Architecture #Education #PerthModernSchool #SITEarchitecturestudio #SITE #Perth #school See more
11.01.2022 SITE worked in consultation with the City and key stakeholders, including Place and Community/Youth Services, Library and Leisure personnel to create a design solution that provides a suitable and flexible office space to meet the functional needs of staff, with a simple and modern design solution to allow the amalgamation of the different divisions into a collaborative workspace. Photography by Dion Robeson. . #design #moderndesign #community #communityarchitecture #interiordesign #interior #interiorarchitecture #DIA #architecturewa #cityofswan #cos #swanactive #sitearchitecturestudio #SAS #SITE #workspace #leisure #library #buildingdesign #spaceplanning #workplaceandworkingenvironments #consultation #flexibleofficespace #place
09.01.2022 SITE Architecture Studio is excited to announce our success in an invited competition to design the new home of WA diving located at HBF Stadium in Mount Claremont for VenuesWest. The new Indoor Dry Diving Centre will complement the existing diving pool facilities to create a world-class diving training Centre in Western Australia. #wadiving #hbfstadium #diving #drydiving #VenuesWest #sports #recreation #training #fitness #gym #SITE #SAS #SITEarchitectureStudio
09.01.2022 On the 25th of August Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery opened the new $5 Million Science building at Eaton Community College. The new Building provides multiple spaces encouraging STEM programs, with flexible spaces that can open into larger learning areas for joint school projects. Minster Ellery commented that These facilities provide an exceptional environment for STEM learning, and it is great to see firsthand how students make the most out of the opportunities... these new facilities provide. STEM skills are critical for jobs of the future so it is always inspiring to see where students will get their big start, here in the classroom. MLA for Coolie-Preston Mick Murray added By giving students a chance to access more options while at school, we are helping them unlock future opportunities. I look forward to seeing what the students and teachers here at Eaton Community College will be able to achieve together in the new state-of-the-art building. See more
08.01.2022 Dalwallinu Recreation Centre Extension and Refurbishment has reached practical completion
08.01.2022 Rammed earth at Bushfire Centre of Excellence in Pinjarra with early morning sun. #sitearchitecturestudio #sitearchitecture
08.01.2022 The Honourable Kim Beazley AC, Governor of WA visited WAs first-ever Bushfire Centre of Excellence earlier this month. The project is currently under construction and due for completion by the of the year. We are excited to see this project come together! Images by @dfes_wa #educationarchitecture #training #firefighting #bushfire #community
07.01.2022 SITE Architecture Studio is excited to announce that Hale Junior School Won Peoples Choice Award at the 2019 SHAW Contracts Global Design Awards. The Awards received 700 entries from 42 Countries, 36 Finalists, 6 Winners & 1 Peoples Choice Winner! We would like to thank Hale School, the Hale School Community, WA Architecture & Design Community, Clients, Family, Friends, Shaw Contract @shawcontract @shawcontract_australia and @melaniejackson3 for all their support and most... importantly votes! Lastly Congratulations to all the 2019 Final Winners. View all the winners via the link in our Bio. Photography by @dionrobeson . . . . . . #SHAW #ShawContract #Shawdesignawards #haleschool #Halejuniorschool #education #educationarchitecture #architecture #architecturewa #waarchitecture #interiordesign #learningenviroments #SAS #SITE #sitearchitecturestudio @ Perth, Western Australia See more
07.01.2022 Join Perth Architects for the Global Climate Strike with Architects Declare Australia in Perth, Sept 20th. Meet outside the Commonwealth Bank Building on the corner of Forrest Chase and Murray St at 10.30am, then well join the strike at Forrest Chase at 11am. @architectsdeclare_au Email Gemma and Tobias at: [email protected] Image by Francis Kotai. ... #globalclimatestrike #architectsdeclare #australianarchitects #perth #westernaustralia #schoolstrike4climate
06.01.2022 Our latest education project getting shot by Dion Robeson. #sitearchitecturestudio #educationarchitects #dionrobesonphotography #sitearchitecture #site
05.01.2022 Hale Junior Schools success at #WA #Architecture Awards 2019 #architectureawards #Haleschool #halejuniorschool #education #educationdesign
05.01.2022 SITE Architecture Studio had the opportunity to develop a concept design for the Donnybrook Town Centre Revitalisation. The proposal turns the Goods Shed into an important historical interpretive centre by reconnecting the new, meaningful landscape areas with the potential for Community Civic events such as marketplaces, festivals, and events. Our design retains Donnybrooks sense of history and place through the connection of the Goods Shed back to its rail heritage thorough mapping of the old Train line networks across the site to create an enticing precinct for the Donnybrook Community. #SITE #SITEarchitecturestudio #Devlyn #community #localgovernment #Civic #Public #goodsshed #Rail #heritage
04.01.2022 SITE Architecture Studio recently completed a Needs Analysis, Feasibility and Concept Design for a new Library and Community Centre for the City of Armadale. The process involved extensive engagement with element, where we workshopped ideas with Stockland representatives and key City stakeholders to create a unique community place heart in the emerging town square of Hilbert.
04.01.2022 Hale Junior School by SITE Architecture Studio
03.01.2022 The new Multipurpose Auditorium at Perth Modern School has reached another milestone with the commencement of the structural steel erection last week. After months of complex grout-injection retaining works, excavation, and in-ground services diversion and installation, the project is literally flying up. We are excited to see the steelwork complete and our custom patterned precast concrete cladding commence installation in November. . . . .... #Multipurpose #Auditorium #Architecture #Education #PerthModernSchool #SITEarchitecturestudio #SITE #Perth #school See more
03.01.2022 Read Site Architecture Studio's latest Newsletter featuring Baldivis District Sports Complex for the City of Rockingham. #community #sports #sportsandrecreation #SITE #public #CoR #CityofRockingham
03.01.2022 The SITE team celebrating a few recent project wins and of course all the Melbourne Cup festivities! #teamsite #sas #SITE #sitearchitecturestudio
02.01.2022 SITE is excited to find out today that Hale Junior School was a category winner in the recent Shaw Contract Design Awards, and is now in the running for the final category award. This also means we have a chance at the peoples choice award so would be great if you would be willing to share and vote for us. Each entry can be voted for once per day until the 12th July 2019.
01.01.2022 SITE Architecture Studio is excited to announce that Hale Junior School is the winner of the WA Architecture Award for Education #aia #aiaarchitecturewards #architectureawards2019 #halejuniorschool #education #haleschool #sas #SITE #sitearchitecturestudio
01.01.2022 Construction is due to commence in February 2020 for the redevelopment of The Wetlands Centre Cockburn (TWCC), Native Animal Rehabilitation Centre (Native ARC) and Bibra Lake Scouts buildings and other infrastructure located within the area collectively known as the Wetlands Precinct located at Bibra Lake Reserve.
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