The Sit In | Community
The Sit In
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25.01.2022 No Sangha 29th October. The Bhakti Tree (our usual meeting space) is not available on the 29th of October so we will not meet. We will be back on November 5th. See you then.
25.01.2022 It’s a long way from Newi but will be so worth the effort, and some that have befriended this page may be closer!
25.01.2022 There are some wonderful resources on this website which belongs to the Buddhist Society of Western Australia. There are many new teachings being shared.
25.01.2022 Jill Sheppard and Gawaine Powell Davies are offering a one day retreat on Sunday the 17th of June from 10 - 5. The theme is Dependent Arising. Both Jill and Gawaine have visited Sangha and are knowledgeable and experienced teachers. Here is what they say about the workshop. Dependent Arising, or Dependent Origination, is the Buddha’s account of the principle of causality the law of cause and effect, or action and consequence.... Everything that exists or happens is an outcome of the circumstances the causes and conditions that gave rise to it. This simple yet profound idea is a foundation of the great Buddhist insights of impermanence, emptiness, not self and karma, and understanding it fully supports Awakening, the deepest freedom of heart and mind. In this workshop, we will use meditation, dyad (pairs) practice and small group discussion to explore Dependent Arising and what it means for us and our practice. It is not necessary to have attended the previous year’s workshop, but prior insight meditation retreat experience and/or study of the Buddha’s teachings would be beneficial. If your interested to find out more you can register etc on the Sydney insight meditators website.
25.01.2022 Meditation as Contemplation: A Sutta Retreat at Vejjasala this Easter long weekend 9-13 April. By studying teachings from selected suttas, learn how the Buddha's subjects for recollection and contemplation help inspire confidence in the spiritual path and uplift the mind. Discover how the practice of contemplation leads to joyful states of happiness, whilst deepening the stillness of meditation, and developing wisdom in our hearts. Register here:
24.01.2022 Jill Shepherd (jillOShepherd-insight will sit with us again this Monday and continue her teaching on the Ten Paramitas. 7pm at the Bhakti Tree. A deep bow of gratitude for her time and teaching this week on Sila (morality) enjoyed and explored by all through teaching, deep reflection and initiation. Come along and take the opportunity to sit with this warm and generous teacher and the growing circle of Newcastle Sangha. Dana will be collected for Jill.
23.01.2022 Thank you Bhante Akaliko for your generous teachings over this past Sunday and Monday. It’s such an honour to have your humour, joy and wisdom shared with us and so sustaining for both our Sangha and our practice. We hope you will come again. Sangha will take a break for the next two Monday’s being school holidays and we will return on the 29th of April. Everyone is welcome to come and join us. We look forward to seeing (old friends and new) then.
22.01.2022 If you would like to explore mindfulness, come and join our beginners program, this Monday, 5.45 to 6.45 at The Bhakti Tree, 410 Maitland Road, Mayfield West. No experience necessary, guidance will be provided.come and explore together. For enquires call Jen on 0497075899 or just turn up. 'The Sit In' is a group of non sectarian mediators who enjoy the benefits of mindfulness and would like to share them with others. By donation.
22.01.2022 Dear Friends, In light of continual Covid -19 updates and information, Sangha will now be closed until further notice. Please take care and keep up your practice in these difficult times. It is our intention to establish an online Sangha platform over the next few days which means we will meditate and share together on Monday evenings at 7pm from our own homes. If you would like to be part of this platform please contact us via messenger. At this time of great uncertainty, may you all stay well, may you find joy in the smallest of things, may you find ease.
21.01.2022 Dear Friends, The Sit In meditation group has now started holidays. We wish all friends an easeful holiday season. We will resume our Monday night group in the first Monday of February 2020. We are also changing venue. From Monday 3rd of February we will be meeting at ... Vitality Junction, 179 Union Street, The Junction. There is a door beside the health food shop that leads up a flight of stairs and we will meet in a lovely yoga room upstairs. We would like to thank The Bhakti Tree for their long term relationship with us over these past 3 years and we look forward to a long and settled relationship with Vitality Junction. The Sit In is a meditation support group, meeting every Monday night at 7pm outside of our summer holiday break. We welcome all meditators and operate but donations. Everyone is welcome. See you in 2020!
21.01.2022 Dear Friends, Last chance to sign up for this 5 Day Online Retreat: "Centering: The Gift to Ourselves and Others." Practice at home but not alone! The retreat begins Monday, April 27 and ends Friday, May 1. Sign up by midnight on Sunday! We've created this retreat so everyone, regardless of time zone or finances, can practice with us. Spirit Rock has made the extraordinary offer of a sliding scale fee from $25 to $1300, excluding donations for the teachers. ... Suitable for beginning and experienced students and even for those in other time zones. Our small group sessions have been arranged to allow for participation by those 9ish hours ahead of California Time (e.g. Europe, South Africa), and those who live 17ish hours ahead of California (e.g. Australia, New Zealand). We also invite you to do this retreat whether you can do it in silence, or not. We appreciate that you may need to talk to family, attend to work obligations, etc. Co-taught by Sharda Rogell and myself, the format focuses on centering within ourselves. Each day we will offer guided meditation instructions, talks on how to apply the meditation practice to our daily lives, a chance to check in with teachers in small groups, and a gentle movement session. Spirit Rock teachers Howie Cohn and Sally Armstrong will also join us to help with the small group practice meetings. If you're staying at home, dealing with worry, grief, fear, and other tumultuous emotions, this is an opportunity to take a few days to quiet down, and get centered - a great gift to yourself and to others during this time of uncertainty. For details go to: Sending you thoughts of ease and well-being, James
19.01.2022 Hi Everyone, just received a text from "The Bhakti Tree" to say they are having a cooking class this Monday so the space is not available. We will host Sangha at 152 Tudor Street Hamilton. If you would like to join us please arrive at 6.55pm.
18.01.2022 Bhante Akaliko is offering teaching this Sunday 25th March in Hamilton as a Day of Practice, 9am- 3pm. If you would like to attend contact Jen on 0497075899 for registration and details as numbers are limited. He will also be offering a dharma talk at "The Sit In Sangha" on Monday night the 26th March at 7pm, at the Bhakti Tree Resturant, 410 Maitland Road, Mayfield West to which everyone is welcome. There is no pre booking necessary for this dharma talk. Both offerings are a...n opportunity to practice and extend your meditation community within Newcastle. Venerable Akliko Bhikkhu is an Australian monk in the Theravadan forest tradition. Venerable Akliko first encountered Buddhism as a teenager and subsequently spent over twenty years studying and practising in different traditions both in Australia and overseas, before taking full ordination in 2017 with Ajahn Brahm as his preceptor. Venerable Akliko brings the Buddha's ancient wisdom to today's problems in practical and accessible ways, helping people find happiness and peace in their lives. He currently resides at Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine, Western Australia.
18.01.2022 Jill Shepherd will be giving dharma talks at Sangha Monday the 16th and 23rd of April. Jill is an insight meditation teacher and teaches in the US, New Zealand and Australia. Insight meditation is a particular form of meditation practice that aims to cultivate wisdom and compassion so we can live our lives with less stress and distress, and more happiness, ease, and freedom. Jill has been generously offering events in Newcastle over the last few years and is doing so again this year. You can find information at Jill’s website. Everyone is welcome, there is no need to book. Sangha meets at The Bhakti Tree, 410 Maitland Road, Mayfield West at 7pm every Monday. Please come and join us to sit and practice together.
15.01.2022 Some wise words from Jack Kornfield to calm our shaking hearts.
15.01.2022 So many great resources available to us, and more coming every day. Some of these talks have been great.
14.01.2022 Welcome to 2019 everyone. May your year be easeful , happy and full of peace. Just a heads up that Jill Sheppard is returning to Newcastle in March. For those those who have not previously experienced her teaching her presence offers a great opportunity to sit with a very clear and experienced insight teacher, for those who have attended workshops/retreats before, a chance to reconnect. Here is the link that will take you to her web page which contains all the details of her offering.
14.01.2022 Change in return date! Please note we will now be resuming Sangha on Monday the 4th of Feb as all facilitators are still on holiday, and not January 21st as previously advertised. Look forward to seeing you all then.
11.01.2022 Harmony and Happiness What kind of relationship do you have with yourself? What is the quality of your relationship with others? This is the subject of our next day of practices which will be facilitated by Bhante Akaliko on Sunday the 7th April, 8.45 to 3pm. Akaliko Bhikkhu is an Australian monk in the Theravada forest tradition. He first encountered Buddhism as a teenager and spent over twenty years practicing both in Australia and overseas before taking full ordination... with Ajahn Brahm as his preceptor. Venerable Akaliko’s teaching brings the Buddha’s timeless wisdom to today’s problems, helping people find peace and happiness in their lives. He currently resides with Bhante Sujato at Lokanta Vihara (the Monastery at the End of the World) in Sydney. If you are interested in joining us please call Jen on 0497075899 to make a reservation and obtain the address. The event will be by donation.For more information check out Or Or Subscribe to his YouTube channel Akliko Bhikkhu See more
11.01.2022 An opportunity for us all.
10.01.2022 Akaliko Bhikkhu is a monk in the Theravadan forest tradition. His teachings bring the Buddha's timeless wisdom to today's problems, helping people find peace and happiness in their lives. He currently resides at Bodhinyana Monestry in Serpentine WA. Bhante Akaliko will be visiting Newcastle and is offering teaching on Sunday the 25th March as a day of practice. Numbers are limited. If you would like to attend please call Jen on 0497075899, for more information and to confirm details. Bhante will also be attending 'The Sit In' on Monday the 26th of March at 7pm and providing a Dharma talk. Dana will be accepted for both events.
09.01.2022 Don’t forget...we start back tonight at 7pm. Our meditation group is for anyone who wants to meditate with a group to strengthen their practice. We sit together every Monday night at 7pm and financial contribution is by donation. Come and join us. Everyone welcome.
09.01.2022 Joseph Goldstein & Sharon Salzberg: Shelter for the Heart and Mind ~ An Online Retreat Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg, with Jozen Tamori Gibson and Nolitha Tsengiwe Monday, April 27 - Friday, May 1...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Come and join us to eat cake and drink tea, to celebrate another year of sitting together, this Monday night 10th of December, after Sangha. Last Sangha for 2018 will be Monday 17th Dec and we will reopen 21st January. We hope all friends an easeful holiday and look forward to seeing you all again in 2019.
06.01.2022 There are lots of inline supports coming through. I’ll share a few as I see them. Jen
05.01.2022 Ajarn Brahma says . The secret to life is.....that everything is out of control and this can be held within kind, be gentle, make peace. Happy holiday season everyone and thank you all for your continuing support of our Sangha. Last sit 17th December, we reopen At The Bhakti Tree 21st January. See you then.
04.01.2022 Welcome to 2020. We begin our weekly sits again on Monday February 3rd at 7 pm, at Vitality Junction, 179 Union Street, The Junction. More and more it appears in this busy and crazy world, we need the balance and calm that an ongoing meditation practice can offer. The Sit In is a community based meditation practice and support group. We use the teachings of many teachers to gain wisdom, inspiration and understanding. As a Sangha we offer support to each other in order to maintain and develop an ongoing practice. We run by donation. If you would like to join us, come along. We meet every Monday night.
04.01.2022 Hi Everyone, there is a cooking class at The Bhakti Tree this Monday night, 19th August, so Sangha will be held at a private address. If you are interested in attending please call Jen on 0497075899 for the address. Jen
03.01.2022 Due to a Monday night cooking school running at The Bhakti Tree this Monday 3rd of June, The Sit In will be meeting at a private venue. If your interested in coming please contact us on 0497074899 and we can provide you with the address.This picture...Dawn at Nobbies, 20th May. We live in paradise.
02.01.2022 Looking forward to sitting with everyone at Sangha this Monday night after a two week break 7pm start. The photo, a moment of exquisiteness experienced at Santi Forest Monastery in Bundanoon.
01.01.2022 Jill Shepard is offering a one day zoom retreat this Saturday (25th) for New Zealand and Australia, on Coming Home to the Heart. Check it out here If the link doesn’t work you will also find details on Jill’s web site
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