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Skelton Law

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25.01.2022 Assess, advise, act. We assess. Doug, looks like a storm. A bloody big storm. Golf ball size horizontal hail, hurricane winds, torrential rain. We assess. We advise. Prevention is better than cure. Park under shelter, install window shutters and dont live in Queensland. We advise but who listens to lawyers.... We act. Run and hide, dont fight it. When it stops contact insurer - have someone else pay - recover all loss and damage. We act. Do you know someone who is considering building? It is worse than any hailstorm. We assess, we advise and we act. We can bring a happy end to the worst building disaster.

24.01.2022 Im a building and construction divorce lawyer. A building contract is like a short term marriage. It is all over when the house is complete but until then you are bound together. But like some marriages you wake on the third day and realise you do not want to be in bed with the builder anymore. It seemed a good idea at the time but it was a big mistake.... Generally you cannot unilaterally terminate a building contract, it needs both parties to agree. This rarely happens. That is when you need me the building divorce lawyer. There are circumstances where you can unilaterally divorce the builder and get all your money back. You just need to know how. I do.

24.01.2022 Knowing which weapon to use can make all the difference. 95% of the time the right weapon is the Building and Construction Industry Payments Act. 5% of the time the best weapon is the Subbies Charges Act. Not used often but the best weapon to use in certain situations.... This weapon can turn you from being an unsecured debtor, standing around a shrinking pie with a lot of other debtors, into a secured debtor with a priority claim. We have the experience to know what weapon to use. Do you know someone in the construction industry who is after a skilled and wily warrior to get their money. I am Doug Skelton, in laws or outlaws, who needs them, but you do need Skelton Law.

22.01.2022 Prevention is better than cure.

22.01.2022 I'm a building and construction divorce lawyer. A building contract is like a short term marriage. It is all over when the house is complete but until then you are bound together. But like some marriages you wake on the third day and realise you do not want to be in bed with the builder anymore. It seemed a good idea at the time but it was a big mistake.... Generally you cannot unilaterally terminate a building contract, it needs both parties to agree. This rarely happens. That is when you need me the building divorce lawyer. There are circumstances where you can unilaterally divorce the builder and get all your money back. You just need to know how. I do.

20.01.2022 Skelton Law is on Facebook!

19.01.2022 Make sure you never win the race to the bottom!!! Pricing to win the job by being the cheapest and not pricing for profit and using your selling skills to win the work is the biggest problem in the building industry. Every day I see the consequences of this. Careers destroyed and relationships broken.... I am currently dealing with a number of builders who are in real financial trouble solely because they under-priced the job and there is just not enough in the job to meet the contractual obligations. If you know someone in building who is winning the race to the bottom send them to me so I can point them in the right direction. All can be avoided.

14.01.2022 I am Doug Skelton. A lawyer. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. As an apprentice I took home gelignite to impress my mates. I was going to cut into small pieces with a steel knife. I asked why did they only use wooden implements to cut gelly. A steel knife would create friction and explode. I secretly returned the gelly.... A builder wanted to convert a statutory debt into a judgement debt. The claim was invalid due to being served too early and having an inadequate description. We had to do again. He needed the money, the delay nearly broke him. We were successful ...a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

11.01.2022 Friday arvo yarn... A couple came to see me. They were expanding their business. What type of work? Mainly commercial. What sort of written contract? Awkward silence, none was the answer. ... Are all your payment claims made under the BCIPA? Awkward silence, what is the BCIPA? An Act that was specifically brought in to protect contractors like yourself. Never heard of it! I despaired, the 2 weapons that best prevent business failure in the building industry were either not used or not know about. If you know of anyone working in the building industry as a contractor get them to give me a ring so I can ask them these 2 questions. I am Doug Skelton, in laws or outlaws, who needs them, but you do need Skelton Law.

08.01.2022 Enjoy your weekend!

05.01.2022 We have a new LinkedIn profile :) If you know anyone who needs building and construction advice send them to Skelton Law, Doug is ready to discuss!

04.01.2022 I understand the language of building, do you? - A building contractor is a gambler who never gets to shuffle, cut or deal. - Competitive tendering is a poker game in which the losing hand wins. - A fixed price quote is a wild guess carried out to two decimal places.... - A successful tenderer is a building contractor who is wondering what he left out. - The completion date is the point at which late completion damages begin. - Late completion damages are a penalty for failing to achieve the impossible. - An auditor is someone who goes in after the war is lost and bayonets the wounded. - A lawyer is a person who goes in after the auditors to strip the bodies of anything valuable. If you know someone who needs to understand the language of building but doesnt, send them to me.

03.01.2022 FRIDAY FUNNY FROM DOUG - Like us for more funnies! A plumber walked into a pub. Out of his pocket he pulled a rat and a tiny piano. Check this out! The rat stretched his hands and proceeded to play the piano. The barmaid was amazed, and poured Steve a beer. If I show you something better, will you give me free beer all night? ... Steve pulled out a frog, who sang to the rats music. Song after song. A stranger walked up and offered $100,000 for the frog. Sorry mate hes not for sale. He increased the offer to $250,000. Hes not for sale. He increased the offer, to $500,000. Steve agreed, gave him the frog and took the money. Are you mad? everyone said after the stranger left. That frog is worth millions, and you let him go for $500,000! Dont worry about it said Steve. The frogs nothing special, the rats a ventriloquist If you dont want to be taken in by a smooth tradie, see me, Doug Skelton. Building and Construction Law is all we do.

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