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Skinny Girl Tea
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24.01.2022 I am absolutely gutted and don't think I've ever felt this pain, my baby left me this afternoon and I am shattered the pain is immense I loved her so much and can't stop crying. She was so brave till the very end. The Lymphoma had spread so badly she was in extreme discomfort her lip was swollen badly and bleeding and her leg was a mess so much so she needed a recovery collar on all the time so she didn't bite it till it bled. She was diagnosed in July and Lymphoma is a very aggressive cancer, life span of 4 to 8 weeks with no chemo, she lasted 7 months and at 8 kilos the vet needed to give her enough sedation for a 40 kilo dog before administering the green dream. RIP Roxy baby I love you so much SG
23.01.2022 Morning all Off to Rotto on the ferry with the girls, the boys headed over yesterday in the 2 boats. Now this doesn't apply to me but may soon as I might have to have a little op which will involve me having to camp downstairs temporarily as I won't be able to carry me and the dog downstairs in the middle of the night for a wee (the dog not me) so I am going to have to get full time paid help or overlook things that would normally be done by the person who does everything ins...ide (me). The mind boggles as I am not one for sitting still ever. Mr SG birthday tomorrow hence the fam bam all heading to Rotto at the same time. I bought him an electric recliner (cause he is at the age now lol) and me one too because when I was trying it out at Harvey Norman it was so amazingly comfortable.... All for now have a fabulous weekend SG See more
22.01.2022 Morning all Thankyou so much for your kind words. I have cried enough over the last few months to make a river and yesterday could have started a flood. I actually felt physical pain down my left side around my ribs while waiting for the vet I feel it was my dogs pain that she was feeling it was quite bizarre. ... I write these blogs because I do enjoy writing and don't really know who actually reads them apart from a few lovely people who usually comment. It really does mean so much to me that you care and are there for me when I need I will miss my baby so much but the cancer was too much for her though I dare say she would have soldiered on. It was time for her to go. Miss SG Mr SG and I were with her when she went and the rest of the family and Mum joined us immediately afterwards. Now it's just Mr SG and I at home it really is an empty nest. Going to view the wedding dress of Master SG bride to be today with her Mum, my Miss SG and the bride to be, then lunch so that will take my mind off things for a while. All for now Have a fabulous day and Perthies no masks SG See more
21.01.2022 Afternoon all First pic the little ceremony of Roxys life after she left us on Sat, my girls prepared which was lovely. The flowers were delivered by Interflora yesterday sent by the lovely Ange Ange who I used to work with at the Commonwealth Bank, not sure I actually did a lot of work there as I was the Proof Encoder Data Entry Operator processing the cheques and I got really quick at it so in between working I would flit around chatting to everyone and popping upstairs to... the bathroom to check my look in the mirror and chat with the loans staff. Ange was a very sensible hard working teller who was best buds with the OCD tellers manager. Thanks again Ange very sweet of you. Mr SG cleared off to Rotto on Monday morning leaving me to greive alone..... The Greek Islands by myself permanently is looking even more tempting after that little slight..... especially now I have no pets or children living with me. Still missing my little princess and have the odd cry though I know she has gone to a better place. Keeping myself busy, sliced my thumb open yesterday on a dog food tin that I was throwing out and that bloody hurt. Pilates this morning and a wash and blow dry from my lovely hairdresser cause I can't get my thumb wet. Ham and cheese croissant for dinner tonight since it's just me. All for now have a fabulous night SG See more
19.01.2022 Pretty sure thats me at the very back left looking not too bad if I do say so myself! Thanks Vy & Tea and Best Body Pilates @gabriellegrechko @skinnygirltea... PM or click on Shop to order (Not me just the tea) #pilates #bestbodypilates #perth #melbourne #sydney #instagood #instadaily #instagram #instagram #body See more
15.01.2022 John Forrest National Park #parks #instagood #instadaily #instagramers #water #sunday #sundayfunday #weekends
14.01.2022 Skinny Girl tea is not just for the girls Works even quicker for men. Don't worry your secret will be safe with me. I am going to start putting more interesting to men content on here as I know a cpl of men read it... SG See more
13.01.2022 Evening all Fabularse parcels today 1st one WT actual F..k is that, a handmade by the looks of it ugliest pillow case I've ever seen now I did not order that...and I especially would not have ordered 1 ugly pillowcase I would have ordered 2, the only thing I can think of is it might be the beautiful silk pillowcase that prevents wrinkles that I may or may not have seen on facebook. Unfortunately these stupid things come from China and there is no paperwork or return address.... I don't think even the homeless people would want it. The other lovely present I received is a bowel test which I can hardly suppress my excitement to do. The Vietnamese tea might throw it out a bit though hopefully not cause I can't handle that much excitement in doing it again. Lovely Marina was my model yesterday after we had consumed me a steak sandwhich and chips I didn't notice what she had as I was hoeing into mine, 2 bottles of SSB and a bottle of champagne and that was just Marina, thankfully with the tea it all comes out in the wash later. Mr SG is cooking dinner tonight though it is pre made spag bol so not sure what he is actually doing clattering about in the kitchen, he is semi retired now and needs to keep busy or he tries to micro manage me, there is only so much work one can do on a boat that's more than likely had a million bucks or so thrown at it. Tomorrow I am using my Keturah gift voucher he bought me for Christmas which should be nice I shall be sure to post a pic of me in the extremely flattering knickers I will have to wear. All for now Spag Bol and Red wine beckons Have a fun filled night SG See more
12.01.2022 Evening all Called into this cute shop today in North beach came out with a sports bra some cool 3 quarter trackie pants and some wide legged linen pants that fit like a glove and they had a SALE on.... It was packed so nicely too, some of these young girls just screw up the clothes and throw them in the bag inside out in some shops while I am looking on far too polite to mention what lazy little uninterested cows they are ... pilates on hold while I get this hip sorted and bike riding allowed. Swimming is a pain in the arse as my hair gets wet and it's a mission to wash and straighten it as I have rather a lot. Lovely dinner last night at the Marmion and Aquatic club with a magnificent sunset over our beautiful coast line. Managed to get 4 hours 3 mins sleep last night still on the air mattress while I try and find the comfiest sofa bed ever (if that is even possible) Met Miss SG for some retail therapy this arvo which was nice all in all a pleasant day. Trying to find different treats to disguise the steroids and mild sedatives (for the dog not Mr SG) tonight was pate smeared on her dog food, the other day she ate all of Mr SG frankfurts I know I probably shouldn't be giving her food like that but what the hell.... All for now Have a fabulous night SG See more
12.01.2022 Another happy SGT lover
09.01.2022 Don't give him the gourmet buffet just Cabbage soup and SGT in the clink he will soon lose it
03.01.2022 Asking for a friend Does anyone elses husband turn the lights off when they are using them?
02.01.2022 Morning all Two good things to come from Oxford, me and the vaccine.... Thankyou for all the lovely enquiries and offers of help from all 2 of you and just to clear things up I have a Labia (I mean a Labral tear) of my hip and a cpl of other things hip related, off to see a surgeon next week so hopefully nothing too drastic.... I told my daughter I was coming to stay with her temporarily if I have an op and she said "not a chance in hell" charming my children at times. Not who would be the most incompetent at looking after me her or Mr SG? The mind boggles.... Mum said I can stay anytime so that's an option. My Dr and physio told me to move downstairs as my little dog slid down a few steps on Friday night so is scared to come down them in the middle of the night now and I've been carying her up to 3 times in the night downstairs for a wee. Last night (we don't have bedrooms downstairs) I made up the lounge and was fairly excited about "camping out" with my dog but she tottered off upstairs around 11.30ish and since I didn't want to have to carry her down left her in the care of Mr SG who sleeps like a log and always has.... I meanwhile had about 3 mins and 20 seconds of sleep. Went up in the early hours to check on her & thinking she was dead again lifted her onto the bed squashing her wee out all over my new quilt cover. Probably been scratching about all night to go down stairs while Mr SG was snoring his head off. Had a lovely weekend with the family on the boat not sure it did my hip much good clambering in and out of the Zodiac and the dancing and singing about I was doing on Sat night but what the hell.... Beautiful weather in Perth today mght even stick my toe in the pool. Have a great day SG See more
02.01.2022 VY & TEA Havyco Vietnam Reduces body fat and bloating No need to exercise or diet... SG See more
02.01.2022 Evening all So used my Christmas gift voucher at Keturah day spa yesterday it was lovely. Had a body scrub while laying in the pictured below capsule which made me think of Rachet (Netflix)when they locked a patient in the bath with boiling water to cure her of lesbianism anyway I am not a lesbian and it wasn't boiling water it was very relaxing. Then I had a lovely massage followed by a facial where she told me my skin is amazing and I must take good care of it , why thank y...ou! must be from the torture needling session I had recently because I don't take much care of it at all. Tried Yoga last night first time in ages good lord I was actually breaking into a sweat all those downward dogs, undecided at this stage if I will continue... This morning was spent getting nothing much done in a hurry, quick lunch with Miss SG at the Marina then to Mums for a visit and a drive through the car wash went in very smoothly today occasionally the low profiles grab onto the rails. Any suggestions on subject matter I will be happy to blog about. Guys? up for suggestions? everyone on my little group are so shy for some reason. I am getting a little tired of talking about myself (not) Have a great night SG See more