Skye's Fitness & Personal Training | Fitness trainer
Skye's Fitness & Personal Training
Phone: +61 408 373 317
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25.01.2022 Only 7 days to go until opening! Can't wait until I see my existing and potential new clients! : #7days #clients # # #newclients #personaltrainersofinstagram #prestonvictoria #preston #myclients #melbournetrainer #melbournepersonaltrainer #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #smallbusiness #trainhard #trainofmelbourne #workingout #workout #fitliving #fitforlife #keepgoing #keepstrong #keephealthy #keepfit #healthylifestyle #healthyliving
24.01.2022 Skye's Fitness is back baby. Open for business tomorrow. Can't wait to see all my clients again. : #supportlocalbusiness #smallbusiness #shoplocal #keepstrong #keepfit #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthy #fitliving #fitforlife #fit #personaltrainersofinstagram #personaltrainers #prestonvictoria #preston #strong #trainersofmelbourne #trainhard #personaltrainersofinstagram #personaltrainers #strongwomenlift #workingout #sweat #sweating #keepgoing #keeptraining #welcomeback
23.01.2022 Only one more sleep until opening! : # # #untilopening #supportlocalbusiness #smallbusiness #keephealthy #keepgoing #keepstrong #keepfit #healthylifestyle #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthy #fitliving #fitforlife #fit #exercise #exercisemotivation #bestrong #behealthy #strong #trainersofmelbourne #trainhard #personaltrainersofinstagram #prestonvictoria #personaltraining #personaltrainer #personaltrainersofmelbounre
21.01.2022 Lights, camera, virtual training! My new setup, if you're thinking about virtual training DM me! I've got you covered! : # # # #lights #camera #virtual #training #virtualtraining #dm #trainersofmelbourne #supportlocalbusiness #localbusiness #smallbusiness #personaltrainersofinstagram #personaltrainers #prestonvictoria #preston #fitliving #fitforlife #keepgoing #keepstrong #keepgoing #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #training #trainhard #sweat #workout #workingout #strong #strongpeople
17.01.2022 Unfortunately Skye's Fitness has been closed down for 6 weeks due to COVID-19 lockdown. But I can still do Virtual Training. DM me! : # # # #localbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #smallbusiness #lockdown #virtual #training #trainersofmelbourne #trainersofpreston #trainhard #keepgoing #keepstrong #keephealthy #itwillpass #strong #strongpeople #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthy #bestrong #behealthy #thestromwillpast #befit #virtualtraining
16.01.2022 So excited, my new website is up and running. So check it out! Only 3 days until opening. : #newwebsite #soexcited #3days #untilopening #supportlocalbusiness #smallbusiness #keepgoing #keepstrong #keephealthy #stuido #exercise #exercisemotivation #fitliving #fitforlife #fit #personaltrainersofinstagram #personaltrainers #prestonvictoria #preston #strong #trainersofmelbourne #trainhard #trainofmelbourne #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthy
13.01.2022 20 days until opening. You'll never really regert that workout - one ever! : # # #20 #days #untilopening #youll #really #regert #that #workout #nooneever #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #strong #strongwomenlift #fit #fitness #personaltrainersofinstagram #personaltrainers #personaltrainersofmelbounre #prestonvictoria #preston #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyrecipes #bestrong #behealthy #liftweights #lift #bestrong
13.01.2022 Thank you! : #thankyou # # # #golocal #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #fitness #fit #wewillgetthroughthis #thestromwillpast #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthy #weights #weightsforwomen #weightraining #strongwomenlift #strong #staystrong #strongwomen #strongliftstrongwomenup #fitforlife #keepgoing #keepstrong #keepfighting #keepfit #keeptraining #liftweights #lovegymlife
11.01.2022 20 days until opening. : # # #20 #days #untilopening #personaltrainersofinstagram #personaltrainers #prestonvictoria #preston #personaltraining #fit #fitness #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #fit #fitness #weightraining #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #localbusiness #strong #strongwomen #strong #staystrong #stayfit #bestrong #bepositive
10.01.2022 Being to get a little excited! See you soon! If you want to make an appointment DM me! : #openingsoon #supportlocalbusiness #smallbusiness #keephealthy #shoplocal #keepstrong #keepfit #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthy #fitliving #trainersofmelbourne #trainersofpreston #reopening #trainhard #clean #fit #strong #strongwomenlift #workingout #sweat #sweating #welcomeback #cantwait #weights #weightraining #comingoutoflockdown # #
10.01.2022 Only 6 days to go until opening. Remember, my studio will be cleaned after every client! Can't wait to see you again! : #6days #only #untilopening #cleaned #cantwait # # #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #smallbusiness #fit #fitforlife #healthylifestyle #fitness #healthyliving #exercise #exercisemotivation #strong #strongwomenlift #workingout #sweat #sweating #keepgoing #keeptraining #keepfighting #keepfit #mat #towel #kickass
10.01.2022 21 days until opening! Who misses the crosstrainer. It's here waiting for you. : # # #crosstrainer #21 #days #untilopening #missesyou #keepgoing #keepstrong #keeptraining #keephealthy #trainersofmelbourne #trainersofpreston #trainhard #trainerofinstagram #fitness #fit #fitforlife #fitandhealthy #weightraining #weightsforwomen #weights #gymlife #gymmotivation #gym #gymtoyourself #freeweights #supportlocalbusiness #smallbusiness #strong
07.01.2022 Only 22 days until opening. Can't wait to see you guy's face to face (with 1.5 meter social distancing in place of course) : #22 #22days #untilopening #trainersofmelbourne #trainersofpreston #supportlocalbusiness #keepgoing #keepstrong #gymtoyourself #bookanappointment #personaltrainersofinstagram #healthylifestyle #fit #fitforlife #shoplocal # # #weightraining #personaltrainer #personaltraining #gymlife #helpsmallbusinesses
06.01.2022 The light at the end of tunnel, look forward to seeing my client's face to face! : #lightattheendofthetunnel #myclients # # #backtonormal #thestromwillpast #keepgoing #keepstrong #keepfighting #keepfit #keeptraining #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthy #fit #fitness #strong #staystrong #stuido #reopening #weightraining #weight #weights #training #trainhard #soon
05.01.2022 Only 23 days until opening. Can't wait. Here's a thought, will 24/7 gym's be sanitised after every person hmmm. Mine will! Support local businesses! : #23 #countdown #untilopening #sanitised #minewill #supportlocalbusiness #smallbusiness #cantwait #keepgoing #keepfit #keeptraining #keepstrong #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthy #fit #fitforlife #fitnessjourney #training #trainersofmelbourne #training #trainersofpreston #trainersofinstagram #weightraining #weights #weightsforwomen #strong #strongwomenlift #strongliftstrongwomenup #bestrong #stuido
05.01.2022 Only 12 days until opening! Can't wait to see my client's & meet new ones. Better get a wiggle on and got my new website up and running! : # # # #cantwait #untilopening #new #website #shoplocal #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #melbournetrainer #personaltrainersofinstagram #personaltrainers #prestonvictoria #trainersofmelbourne #training #trainhard #keepfit #keepstrong #keeptraining #healthylifestyle #helplocalbusinesses #healthy #fitness #fitandhealthy #fitliving
05.01.2022 With lockdown still on, you can still do Virtual Training. 45 minutes sessions available DM me. #supportlocalbusiness : # # # #supportlocalbusiness #keepgoing #keepstrong #keephealthy #keepfit #keepfighting #trainersofmelbourne #trainhard #virtual #training #virtualtraining #strong #staystrong #fitliving #fitforlife #fit #weightraining #weights #exercisemotivation #exercise #lockdown #localbusiness #smallbusiness #stormwillpass
02.01.2022 Can't be more happy! Well done Melbourne & #danandrews! Can't wait to see my clients again! : #8november #fitliving #trainersofmelbourne #trainersofpreston #reopening #supportlocalbusiness #strongwomenlift #workingout #backtotraining #healthylifestyle #happy #welcomeback #cantwait #welldonemelbourne #danandrews #lovegymlife #localbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #helpsmallbusinesses #openingsoon
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