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Sleep by Steph

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19.01.2022 We are ALL wonderful Mamas and we should NEVER forget it Via @momdocpsychology #

19.01.2022 Week nearly over! Thank god for that!!! Illustration @giselle_dekel ... #

18.01.2022 It’s break time for me! No... none of us ‘need’ reasons to take a break. We work so hard as Mamas ... We should feel comfortable taking or asking for a break whenever we feel like we need it. We never do though My ‘reasons’ for taking a break - I’m turning 40 this Wednesday so it’s time to celebrate Massive year. My business the busiest it’s ever been I’ve connected with and helped more families than ever. Covid 19 Kids home 24/7 Cooked, cleaned, washed laundry. Became a Prep and Grade 2 Teacher. Have not stopped. Now it’s time Taking 2 weeks off so no consults, Live Sessions, Group Sessions, Social Media. Please continue to reach out as my gorgeous assistant Jas is available I’ve also got my best selling Age Basics eBooks there too so get started on those then let’s chat when I get back - Love @_mindfullyfresh #

14.01.2022 Doesn’t this gorgeous bub sum it up beautifully!! Feeling tired... thank god it’s FRIDAY

14.01.2022 DAYLIGHT SAVING is fast approaching. With the clocks going FORWARD, 1 hour I don’t do any ‘timing’ preparation. When the clocks go back at the end of daylight saving, I do. ... This Saturday at bedtime, stick to your 6pm bedtime (6:30pm bedtime for toddlers). Make sure your little one’s sleep environment is PITCH BLACK when you put them down for the night. Use block out blinds, @ergopouch window block out rolls (we use them and they are ), garbage bags etc. to cover the windows because at ‘bedtime’ outside, it won’t be pitch black. Remember your baby or child doesn’t know the time so you need to create that pitch-black room for them which will signal ‘now is my night and at night I have my big stretch of sleep until morning’. So, down at normal bedtime. The clocks will move forward 1 hour in the early hours of Sunday so if your little one is currently waking at 6am, they will wake Sunday morning and it will be 7am... perfect, get them up and start the day as normal and Sunday night, away you go again with your normal 6pm or 6:30pm bedtime. If your little one is currently waking early at say 5am, on Sunday it will be 6am... again perfect, get them up to start their day (remember ideal morning wake-up time is 6-7am) and again, bedtime as normal. If your little one is currently waking at 7am, make sure on Sunday morning you wake them by 7am (don’t let them sleep until 8am which they may do if you don’t wake them) to start their day. Up at 7am, start the day and bed for the night at 6pm (or 6:30pm for toddlers). Photo @byjulielauren #

14.01.2022 THE BENEFITS OF SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT - Babies (and children) who sleep through the night are better rested, happier, and less cranky during the day than babies (and children) who don’t sleep. Just as you feel terrible the next day after waking several times during the night, so does your baby (or child). ... Sleeping through the night also helps families. Parents feel better about themselves as parents and are able to function better once the baby (or child) is sleeping. I’m addition, parents enjoy their children more. Happier and better parents make for happier babies (and children) - Jodi Mindell Your newborn baby won’t sleep all the way through the night without feeding. However, as your little one gets to an age where they are healthy, growing and getting all their calories in during the day (often around 6-7 months of age, sometimes earlier), there’s no reason why they can’t start sleeping independently through night which means you can sleep independently through the night too @ #

13.01.2022 If you think you just ended up with a baby or child who isn’t a good sleeper and never will be, it’s time to change your mindset... right now! All healthy babies and children can sleep. Very well in fact! ... If your little one isn’t sleeping well right now, I want you know that there are very valid reasons why they are not sleeping. I can help you identify the reasons and set you up with the knowledge and skills to resolve the sleep issues you’re having BUT... The changes I tell you to make must come from you and then... your little one will follow. No change from you will mean no change from your little one. Yes that’s right... at the end of the day your baby or child’s sleep starts with YOU! Gorgeous @isii_bla #keepitsimple #simplesleep #babybasics #believeitcanhappen #mindsetiseverything #mindsetmatters #nowisthetime #newborn #baby #child #littleone #sleep #sleepdeprived #sleepdeprivedmama #melbournesleepconsultant #babysleepconsultant #mum #nurse

12.01.2022 YES TO THIS Positive mindset is EVERYTHING! Mamas.. WE GOT THIS ... @powerofpositivity5 #

12.01.2022 I continue to see babies and children waking through the night, early rising and catnapping simply because they aren’t warm enough when they sleep. It’s such a huge issue. But the good thing is it’s one that can be easily resolved with the correct education and guidance. ... Cold or cool babies and children don’t sleep well. Neither do we as adults. I know the room temperature plus clothing guides and recommendations out there do not keep babies and children warm enough. It’s interesting because many parents also know these guides aren’t correct too. They have a gut feeling that their baby or children isn’t warm enough. But they are scared of adding layers or increasing the room temperature because they will overheat their baby or child. Everyone is so focused on ‘don’t overheat your baby it child’ because of SIDS and Rednose. And of course, we don’t ever want to overheat our babies and children. But when there is under heating, unfortunately no matter how hard you try or what else you do, there will always be sleep issues until the warmth side of things is addressed. I believe having a safe, gentle heating device plus clothing layers (with no bedding other than the bassinet or cot mattress plus fitter sheet) is the safest way to ensure your baby or child is snug, comfortable and cosy when they sleep. Using excess bedding like multiple blankets, doonas, pillows, heat packs, hot water bottles and co-sleeping is not. Grab my 15-page comprehensive Room Temperature and Sleepwear Guide eBook and let’s get these warmth issues resolved ASAP - eBooks available on my website - For so many families, my guide and recommendations have been a total game changer! I know it will be a total game changer for you too! #

12.01.2022 SEPARATION ANXIETY is real and can start from around 8 months of age. It often reaches its peak around 14-18 months and goes away gradually throughout early childhood. Separation anxiety is a normal stage in an infant's development.... It helps them to understand relationships and master the environment that surrounds them. Some babies and toddlers appear to breeze through this stage. Usually these little ones are sleeping well and in a consistent daily routine. Others, however, you can see are noticeably distressed, clinging to Mum constantly because they can’t bear her to be out of sight. So often, these little ones are sleeping poorly during the day and at night, meaning they are tired, exhausted, frustrated and their ability to cope with what’s happening around them is very much compromised. If your baby or child is finding separation from you particularly challenging, please do not see that as a reason not to commence working with me. The routine, structure and the wonderful sleep your little one starts having will help them immensely during this phase. There’s NEVER a bad time to work on your little one’s sleep. Start today and you will not look back! #

11.01.2022 Kidspot is thrilled to welcome back to the LIVE forum, baby sleep consultants, Maryanne Sayers and Steph Gouin where we will discuss co-sleeping.

11.01.2022 If you're a new parent or a parent of a toddler that's had a rough time, you're not alone! Maryanne and Steph are here to help you manage the outings AND the naps together. Join us to learn from the experts!

06.01.2022 What is a DREAM FEED? A dream feed is where you feed your baby while they are still asleep by picking them up out of their bassinet or cot and gently rousing them enough to feed while being held in your arms. Usually, the dream feed would happen before you go to bed yourself around 10pm. ... Some parents do the dream feed a little later, some a little earlier. The idea is that by doing the dream feed, your baby will have a nice, full tummy and be able to sleep a longer stretch through the night before getting hungry and waking to be fed again. Some parents find offering the dream feed does nothing to help extend their little one’s sleep. Others find the dream feed works extremely well, and it becomes a much-loved part of their baby’s daily routine. Should you offer a DREAM FEED to your baby? It is entirely up to you. Give it a go and see what happens. If it works, keep it going. If it doesn’t, no harm lost. #dreamfeed #feeding #breastfeeding #bottlefeeding #baby #newborn #toddler #preschooler #child #children #kids #sleep #babysleep #childsleep #sleeptips #helpwithsleep #sleepdeprived #sleepdeprivedmum #sleepdeprivedchild #sleepingthroughthenight #babysleepconsultant #childsleepconsultant #melbournesleepconsultant #sleepcoach #sleepeducator #nurse #mum #mummy #motherhood #healthysleephabits

04.01.2022 Thumb sucking is very common, and it can start, anytime from birth. Why do babies and children do it? Because they enjoy it!... Thumb sucking is a normal activity. It’s not bad, it doesn’t indicate stress and it has no effect on a baby or child’s progress if it continues throughout early childhood. Despite what others may tell you, it doesn’t affect teeth until the permanent adult teeth are through and the good news, most children will have stopped by then. My Poppy sucked her thumb. She loved it. It was a wonderful way for her to self-soothe from very early on. The thumb never fell out, it never got lost and it never involved me. So happy days via @ergopouch #thumbsucking #selfsettling #selfsoothing #baby #newborn #toddler #preschooler #child #children #kids #sleep #babysleep #childsleep #sleeptips #helpwithsleep #sleepdeprived #sleepdeprivedmum #sleepdeprivedchild #ineedsleep #sleepingthroughthenight #babysleepconsultant #childsleepconsultant #melbournesleepconsultant #nurse #mum #mummy #motherhood #parenthood #healthysleephabits

03.01.2022 Don’t forget - tonight at 7:30pm over on the @kidspot Facebook page I’ll be talking all things #cosleeping plus there will be a LIVE Q & A session too where you can ask me a absolutely anything you like about baby and child sleep, settling and routines. Can’t wait

03.01.2022 Today is an exciting day. My very first ‘Sleep by Steph’ employee has started. I’d love to introduce everyone to Jasmine, my Administration Assistant.... Jasmine is a Registered Nurse and a young Mum to baby James who is now 6 months old. On the 18th of August I received a text message from Jasmine. Jasmine was messaging me from a Mother Baby Unit where she had been admitted with PND and anxiety. Jasmine was very badly sleep deprived and desperate for help as James’s sleep was very inconsistent. Jasmine had heard @fifibox talk about how I’d helped her and Daisy on the radio and after toying with the idea of contacting a Sleep Consultant, she finally decided to contact me. I won’t lie, before our consult I was preparing myself for the worst. I was expecting to jump on the phone with a teary, sad, low, confused, overwhelmed young mother. Instead, Jasmine was confident, switched on and she knew her stuff. I immediately thought Oh my gosh, this girl is AMAZING and I also thought how on earth has she ended up in the position she’s in given she’s so knowledgeable and confident? After reading Jasmine’s questionnaire and speaking to her, I knew straight away (and without any shadow of a doubt), the main reason she and James ended up in the pickle they were in was because James wasn’t warm enough from the get go. The sleep wear and room temperature education / information that Jasmine had been given was so incredibly incorrect. James wasn’t wearing enough layers, his room temperature wasn’t warm enough, he was never warm and snug in his bassinet and because of all these things he cried and cried every time Jasmine tried to put him down. James needed to be held, rocked, and fed constantly around the clock which lead to both he and Jasmine not getting nearly enough sleep day after day, night after night. They were both utterly sleep deprived and caught in one very stressful, exhausting ‘overtired’ cycle. As soon as we warmed James up and put all the other sleep foundations in place, James’s sleep improved immediately. Fast forward to now and James is sleeping independently through the night, 12 solid hours and napping like a star-continued in comments

03.01.2022 Common sense can prevail when it comes to your little one’s sleep. There is so much conflicting advice and information out there. A lot of it is confusing, complex and so much of it makes very little sense.... When something doesn’t make sense, it is hard to fully understand, it’s hard to follow AND it becomes hard to stick with long term. Baby and child sleep can be basic, simple, straight-forward and it can make sense. It’s simple and it makes sense here in our home. It can be simple and it can make sense in your home too. SOME SAY your baby at X age must stay awake for X amount of time before they nap, even if they are very clearly tired. I SAY put your baby down to nap when they are showing you tired signs. Tired signs indicate your baby is tired and needing sleep. Imagine feeling tired, wanting to go to bed and someone telling you’re not allowed to SOME SAY put your baby down for 20 minutes then wake them up. I SAY put your baby down and let them nap for as long as they need to nap. Imagine nodding off, being fast asleep only to have someone wake you 20 minutes later SOME SAY Early rising is caused by the nap being too early in the day. I SAY If there is early rising (most commonly due to environmental factors) it means your little one won’t have had their full quota of night sleep. They will be tired starting their day and therefore they will need the earlier nap, not a later nap. Imagine waking early, not having your full night’s sleep, feeling tired, wanting a nap and someone saying no, you can’t nap for another 2 hours Honestly, I could go on and on. I won’t now, I’ll save it for another day. If you are confused, come to me. I will show you how sleep for everyone in your family can be very very simple. It will make a whole lotta sense too! Wise words via @msmitchellitis

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