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Sleeping Buddha School of Yoga | Sport & recreation

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Sleeping Buddha School of Yoga

Phone: +61 407 809 148


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25.01.2022 The goal of yoga is to calm the fluctuations of the mind (Yoga Sutra 1:2 citta-vrtti-nirodhah) With a calm mind we are more likely to experience the world around us with awareness and clarity. Wouldn’t that be nice?

24.01.2022 Hello Yoga Friends, Tomorrow, 21st June, is International Day of Yoga. The United Nations General Assembly recognise that Yoga provides a holistic approach to health and well-being and overwhelmingly approved the adoption of an International Day of Yoga. This is the fifth year that it has been celebrated and the theme (considering the time many people have spent in lockdown) is Yoga at Home. As many of you are aware Yoga is much, much more than doing physical postures. Yog...a has a deep and rich philosophy, presented in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, that offers guidance and insight to help us reflect on our thoughts, feelings, actions, perceptions and misperceptions in the hope that we can change for the better and live more harmoniously and at peace within oneself and with others. So in the spirit of Yoga at Home and promoting harmony and peace I would like to share a short 30min practice with you. Please take some time tomorrow to find a quiet place and participate in this worldwide promotion of Yoga and its benefits. Tomorrow is also the winter solstice for us here in the southern hemisphere and it is the birthday of TKV Desikachar whose teachings I am so grateful for. So an auspicious day indeed! Disclaimer: While this yoga practice is thoughtfully planned it is essential that you retain full responsibility for your own physical and general well-being in applying instructions to your own circumstances. The golden rule is 'if it doesn't feel right then don't do it'. I encourage you to stop when/if you need to. Sleeping Buddha School of Yoga will not accept liability for any injury or otherwise from your participation in this practice. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. If you experience any pain or discomfort you agree to listen to your body, adjust the posture or stop all together. You affirm that you alone are responsible to decide whether to practice yoga. You may want to consult your doctor if you have any pre-existing medical conditions and check if this practice is suitable for you.

18.01.2022 Wanting and needing less frees us up to experience a deeper sense of calm.

18.01.2022 Yoga for Strength - Tuesday 6-7am One place has become in this class. This practice will help to lengthen, tone & strengthen muscles throughout the body by proving a range of postures and movement in all directions. Pranayama will also be included as this helps to develop internal strength & resilience. Upfront payment of $84 covers 7 weeks of the 10 week term.... Small classes to adhere to safe distancing requirements. Own mat required (or I can allocate if needed). Please join me and experience the benefits yoga has to offer. See more

17.01.2022 I've always loved gardening but, like so many other people around the world, it has become a real solace for me in these days of spending so much time at home. I am very grateful I have the space to create and grow. It is wonderful to be in the quiet with birds, butterflies, dragonflies, lizards and frogs for company. And of course the plants. With loving attention, nutrients, sun and water they thrive. To see them grow and respond to my nurturing is nourishing on many levels.... And nothing can be rushed, I kept focused on the weeding until it was all done, watched for seeds to sprout (and was so excited when they did!), planted them out when they were ready and in their own time they will bear their fruit. A slow and beautiful process. While this is so good for the soul it is hard on my back! It is important for me to remember every 15 minutes or so to stand up and have a quick stretch and then every hour spend a few minutes moving my body in different directions to the forward bending and often crouching posture that gardening puts our body in. After a stretch I can then continue on! Happy gardening! See more

16.01.2022 Breath is life!

15.01.2022 A new 8 week term starts this week. There is availability in the Monday & Wednesday evening classes 5.30-6.45pm.A new 8 week term starts this week. There is availability in the Monday & Wednesday evening classes 5.30-6.45pm.

14.01.2022 The power of the pause. Pausing before we react can really help to diffuse a situation. If you are feeling agitated, anxious or nervous take a breath or two to help you settle down before you respond.

13.01.2022 New Yoga Term starts next week. Places available in: Tuesday 6-7am Yoga for Strength... Wednesday 5.30-6.45pm Yoga for Balance Please join me!

13.01.2022 Join me for a week of morning classes next week (5-10th October) Our theme will be: EBB AND FLOW... Asana & pranayama practices to help us: Relax into the working week (Mon & Tues) Maintain energy through the mid-week (Wed & Thurs) Stay focused at the end of the week (Fri) Feel balanced for the weekend (Sat) Mon - Fri 6-7am Sat 7-8am follow by shared breakfast (bring a plate) Cost: $90 3 places available Bring your own mat. Sorry for the short notice. Please let me know if you are interested.

13.01.2022 Yoga and meditation are ways to help us get in touch with an inner sense of peace.

13.01.2022 Doing yoga on the Yoga Boat is a very beautiful experience. The tranquil and peaceful surrounds of Packsaddle Lagoon add to the overall experience that yoga offers. An early start means enjoying the sunrise and bird sounds and will put you in a relaxed frame of mind for the rest of the day. Join me on Saturday 11th July. Call Kununurra Cruises to book 91682882. If Sunday suits you better let them know - they may put on another cruise.

13.01.2022 We can make lots of excuses not to practice, but if we overcome those and get on the mat we are usually so glad we did!

10.01.2022 Dear Yoga Friends, Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and a year ahead filled with happy moments.

07.01.2022 Inner and Outer Light A yoga and painting w’shop. Join myself and artist Jeanne Barnes for a relaxed morning of yoga and watercolour painting.... Enjoy a yoga practice that brings your attention to your inner light followed by breakfast, watercolour painting in the garden lead by Jeanne and then a relaxation practice. Sounds lovely doesn’t it? Book your place now!

06.01.2022 Try these practical and simple strategies to help you feel more grounded.

05.01.2022 Effort is important but try to reduce unnecessary tension in the body.

04.01.2022 Let’s all do our very best to make this world a better place.

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