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Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra, Australia | Government organisation

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Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra, Australia

Phone: +61 2 6290 0000


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25.01.2022 [ANNOUNCEMENT: INNOVATION DAY 2020 - CHECK THE FULL PROGRAMME] We are happy to announce that more than 30 eminent speakers, guests and panelists from 15 differ...ent countries confirmed their participation on Innovation Day 2020. Check the full programme and list of guests on High-level representatives of the European Commission, OECD and the Union for Medditeranean, European ministers of culture and the economy, distinguished international experts on #culture and #creativeindustries, #entrepreneurs and #creatives will be united in invigorating and dynamic discussions on the potential of #traditionalindustries and #creativesectors working hand in hand. See you on Monday, November 30. Starting at 9.30 a.m. (CET). Live-streamed at #VivaLaCreativity Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Center za kreativnost MAO Slovenija Bled Strategic Forum Centre for European Perspective - CEP

16.01.2022 Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije želi vsem rojakom in prijateljem v Avstraliji in na Novi Zelandiji vesele praznike in sreno novo leto 2021.

11.01.2022 The Kapelica Gallery in Slovenia is one of the leading venues of contemporary investigative art in the world. Artists from Slovenia challenge scientific and tec...hnological applications, biopolitics and urban phenomena to reimagine the ethical values of the contemporary society. Their work has been developing in response to profound social changes, characterised by artistic activities that reflect the multitude of modernities and predict possible future scenarios. At the international Touch Me Festival in Zagreb (17 September 3 October 2020), Slovenian contemporary investigative art was represented by: Maja Smrekar K-9_Topology: Cynomorpha is a mixed media installation. It combines the elements of Smrekar's personal mythology entangled with fragments of visual and technological tools, shown as a radical possibility of the canine and human worlds colliding. Robertina Šebjani with Gjino Šuti (CRO) Aqua_forensic illuminates the harmful anthropogenic (pharmaceutical) chemical pollutants "monsters" in the water. Špela Petri Institute for Inconspicuous Languages: the Reading Lips is part of a series exploring possible communication between plants and humans using artificial intelligence. Galerija Kapelica / Kapelica Gallery Re-Imagine Europe Kersnikova KONTEJNER | biro suvremene umjetnike prakse

04.01.2022 Veleposlanik Jurij Rifelj je bil od 18. do 20. novembra na delovnem obisku v Sydneyu. Skupaj z drugimi veleposlaniki EU se je sreal z guvernerko, vodstvom parlamenta, premierko in ministri države Novi južni Wales (NSW) . Namen obiska je bil preuiti možnosti za okrepitev razlinih oblik sodelovanja EU z NSW. Veleposlanik Rifelj se je tudi udeležil konference Evro-avstralskega poslovnega sveta (EABC) ter sreal s prof. Zlatkom Skrbišem, bodoim rektorjem Avstralske katoliške univerze (ACU). Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS

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