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Slow Threads in Melbourne, Victoria | Clothes shop

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Slow Threads

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria


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25.01.2022 How did this time of year come around again already We will be closing off our shipping for 2019 at 12.00pm AEDT tomorrow (Thursday Dec 19th). If you are still after last minute purchases please place your orders tonight or tomorrow morning. We are upgrading all Australian orders to express post to ensure you receive them by Christmas. And in other news ... how sweet is this organic cotton Caravan Suitcase by Numero 74? Lovingly embroidered with the quote Say yes to new adventures and perfect for taking on summer time escapades or for storing cherished toys. Im so fond of this Im seriously thinking of keeping one for myself we also have the gorgeous organic cotton doll and doll bed you can see in the background. Find them in store under our new tab! #Numero74 #organiccotton #christmas2019

24.01.2022 Something new is coming...... sneak peek #apolina #apolinakids #apolinakidsforsale #traditionalcraftsmanship #ethicaltrading #ethicalproduction #handfinishing #futureheirlooms #folkart #inspiredbynature #bohemianstyle #handicraftlover #createdwithcare #limitednumbers #slowfashionforkids #naturalfibres #smallbatch #seasonlessstyle #whomademyclothes #launchingsoon

24.01.2022 Run to it!! We have commenced our Winter sale! Find seasonal & discontinued pieces from Omibia, Disana, Nature Baby & more under our Winter sale tab, in store. Plus we are taking an extra 20% off our outlet stock until next Sunday. Use the code 20OUTLET at checkout to receive the discount! Tag a friend who might be after some ethical & organic bargains! Happy Shopping! Practising Simplicity #wintersale #organickidswear #omibia #naturalparenting #whomademyclothes #naturalfibres #organiccottonbabiesclothes

24.01.2022 Oh Josephine! Isnt she just beautiful? She will also be featuring in Tuesday nights Apolina launch. @takeapicturelady

23.01.2022 I am SO glad to see that its FINALLY raining a little in Victoria Lets hope it brings a small amount of relief to our farmers and this dry land of ours. Its the perfect time to pickup a pair of our new Bergstein gumboots for a spot of puddle jumping! And if you missed our last post my other exciting news is that we have been shortlisted for the 2019 Babyccino Kids awards & we are officially in the running to win Best Concept Store 2019! Its now up to the public to and the link is in our profile. Everyone who votes is entered to win a 250 voucher to spend at a Babyccino store, so its well worth taking a minute to do so! PIC by Lamb Loves Fox #minimalisma #bergsteinmoments #lisab #babyccinokids #babyccinoboutiques #babyccinoawards2019 #babyccinoawards #itsfinallyraining #rainrainrain #breakthedrought #puddlejumping #signaturesilkseamless #gumboots #letthembelittle

23.01.2022 I have some really exciting news! Slow Threads has been shortlisted for the 2019 Babyccino Kids AWARDS and we are officially in the running to win Best Concept Store 2019!! Its now up to the public to decide the winner & we would love your help increasing our chance to win. Please head over to the Babyccino Kids site to vote for our shop. You will find us under Best Concept Store with this beautiful photo by Lamb Loves Fox PLUS everyone who votes is entered to win a 250 ($4...58 AU) gift voucher to spend at their favourite Babyccino shop! Voting has commenced today & ends on Sunday May 12th. Thank you so much for supporting Slow Threads #babyccinokids #babyccinoboutiques #babyccinoawards2019 #babyccinoawards #bestconceptstore #slow_threads #nominated #organickidswear #slowlivingforlife #slowfashionmovement #naturalfibres #beinittowinit #naturalparenting #conceptstore

22.01.2022 Voting finishes tomorrow for the Babyccino Kids 2019 awards. We are honoured to say that we are shortlisted for Best Concept Store 2019! Everyone who votes is entered to win a 250 ($458) gift voucher to spend at their favourite Babyccino store the link is below! Thank you for taking the time to support our small family business Lamb Loves Fox... #babyccinoawards #babyccinokids #babyccinoboutiques #babyccinoawards2019 #nominated #bestconceptstore #buylesschoosewell #slowlivingmovement #naturalfibres #noplanetb #actnow #bethechange #inspirethem #slow_threads #chooseorganic

21.01.2022 If you check out my stories on IG youll see it was actually snowing this morning my girls were beyond excited... considering its technically not even Winter yet but what I am more excited about is that we actually have a FULL week of rain forecast my planting plans havent been coming to fruition of late as I simply havent had the water supply to support fingers crossed this week breaks this drought and we can start planting & puddle jumping in our new Bergstein gumboots! by Practising Simplicity #bergsteinmoments #gumboots #raindance #puddlejumping #natureplay #outdoorkids #babyccinoboutiques #breakthedrought #winterinmelbourne #slowliving #daylesford #organickidswear #naturalparenting #naturalrubber #letthembelittle

21.01.2022 Tonights the night! All our Apolina stock is up online for preview with descriptions and sizing information. At a glance all the stock says sold out but when you open the product it states coming soon Apologies if that alarms anyone!! I was having issues altering the data last night. Everything will be available for purchase from 11pm AEST tonight. Ill be checking DMs & emails throughout the day for any questions! @takeapicturelady

21.01.2022 Taking a minute to pause and let you all know that we have just turned 2! We are more than grateful to be here and to celebrate we are offering 25% off storewide until 11.59pm on Thursday Nov 28th! (With a few exclusions) our wonderful email subscribers were the first to know and they are already in full shopping swing A LOT has been happening at Slow Threads HQ over the last few months ... far too many things to chat about in one post 2020 is going to be a really exciting year for us and I cant wait to share it all with you, but for the moment the midnight order packing train awaits .... mums life ..................... Photo of the timeless Estelle dress by Minimalisma by @jessica_sidenros #organickidswear #ethicalclothing #ethicaltoys #birthdaysale

20.01.2022 How chill has the weather still been down south? Weve been averaging between 3 and 11 degrees most days! No where near taking off our layers. Organic cotton fleece is great this time of year and its not always easy to find, especially in larger sizes. Poudre Organic have released a great uni-sex style, lightweight organic fleece hoodie which is perfect to use all year round and a great option if wool isnt your thing. I love the Indian Tan colour, its such an easy mix n match! We have these in store under our New & Poudre Organic tabs!

20.01.2022 If you are a fan of the Disana colour hazelnut then head over to our Winter sale Disana has discontinued this colour and all our remaining pieces are up for grabs at 30% off. The first Disana pieces I bought for my eldest daughter were in the colour hazelnut. It holds a special place in my heart & I am a little sad to see it go Lamb Loves Fox #disana #disananatur #disanawool #organicmerino #babiesinwool #naturalfibresforkids #winterinmelbourne #madeingermany #lovedclotheslast #lastpieces #wintersale #ethicalkidsfashion #ethicalkidsclothes #wool #welovewool

20.01.2022 The Baby Barbara Tunic Set in 100% cotton with beautiful statement puff sleeves. This colour is pink sand complimented with Marigold embroidery. Baby Barbara has matching bloomers and is featured here with Apolinas signature Joni bonnet (sold separately). Outfits like these are just perfect for heirloom family photos and keepsakes! #apolinakids #heirloom #modernembroidery

19.01.2022 Last day to shop our Birthday Sale These unisex chunky Organic corduroy pants from Poudre Organic have been popular this season! They are a comfortable loose fit with pockets for treasures and an adjustable waist. Wide wale corduroy is great for just brushing off the dirt and dust and considering we are in for a 9 degree day here on our first day of Summer, I certainly consider them to be trans seasonal we only have a handful left so grab them on discount while you can

19.01.2022 This season we have added a few practical natural rubber gumboots from Bergstein Footwear. Including a unisex shorter Chelsea style boot. I still remember the day I went to buy my first daughter her first pair of gumboots. She had adorable little chubby legs... the kind people stop you on the street to squeeze! Sadly our shopping trip didnt go to plan when I couldnt actually get any gumboots to comfortably fit over her chubby legs I literally ended up staying up half the ...night perusing online stores trying to find a suitable style for her! You can find the Chelsea online now along with a restock of our lisa b. socks perfect to pair .... by Lamb Loves Fox #bergsteinfootwear #bergsteinmoments #bergstein #lisab #chubbybubba #toddlergumboots #naturalrubber #woolsocks #outdoorkids #outdoorkidsarehappykids #childhoodunplugged #letthembelittle #naturalparenting #slowfashion #gumboots #slowautumndays

19.01.2022 A large portion of our online collection is what we refer to as NOOS Never Out of Stock products. These are sold alongside our seasonal collections & are typically not included in end of season sales. They are mostly our everyday basics & staples. If you are someone like me who doesnt want to spend hours searching & shopping for products in the hope they will work for my family, then NOOS are a great way to become familiar with a product, that you can continue to re from us when needed. Some might call it boring others would call it sensible. The truth is a lot of fast fashion and poorly designed seasonal clothing ends up in landfill... often its never even worn I understand that shopping ethically comes at a higher price point and lots of families hang out for sales. I will discount stock when I need to or can afford to, but you wont always find me turning over oodles of seasonal stock and relentlessly discounting. Whilst this might buy me a customer in the short term, I believe it cheapens the efforts of all the people passionately working down the supply chain. The people who are working hard to make this world a better place. This week Im offering a 25% off discount on our stock from Minimalisma, Nature Baby & Serendipity. Most of this stock is NOOS and I dont often discount it. The details are in our newsletter & on the landing page of our site (link in profile) and ends midnight June 13th AEST. Catherine Elise Photography #minimalisma #buylesschoosewell #endfastfashion #shopethically #bethechange #chooseorganic #reducelandfill #stopchildlabour #mumtrepreneur #naturalfibres #minimalistwardrobe #stopmicrowaste #ethicalfashion #organickidswear #timelessfashion #simpleliving

15.01.2022 And we have an official launch date - September 10th we will announce the launch time closer to the date! #apolinakids #newbrand #sneakpeak #handembroidery

15.01.2022 My first little love warm hearted & warm blooded it seems! She finds it challenging transitioning into the cooler weather as she prefers to roam barefooted & free. Has anyone else been struggling to get clothing on their little ones with the sudden change in temperature? Our Minimalisma silk/cotton basics are my go to for this girl! Silk is insulating & breathable and has a natural thermoregulation ability. Easy to wear alone during the day or night & also great for layering with! Perfect #buyless pieces! Catherine Elise Photography #minimalisma #signaturesilkseamless #buylesschoosewell #naturalfibres #breathablefabric #babyccinoboutiques #lastdayofautumn #melbourneweather #itsallaboutthelayers #organic #mini #ministyle #comfortable

13.01.2022 The Baby ‘Barbara’ Tunic Set in 100% cotton with beautiful statement puff sleeves. This colour is pink sand complimented with Marigold embroidery. Baby Barbara has matching bloomers and is featured here with Apolina’s signature ‘Joni’ bonnet (sold separately). Outfits like these are just perfect for heirloom family photos and keepsakes! #apolinakids #heirloom #modernembroidery

13.01.2022 Ive just popped up a restock of our Engel Naturtextilien wool/silk basics, which landed today. Including lots of my favourite colour Walnut ... as demonstrated here by my sunshine girl these really are the greatest lightweight base layers, perfect for day & night use and also quick to wash & dry in Winter. We keep ours on hand all year round! Catherine Elise Photography #engelnatur #worldenvironmentday #buylesschoosewellmakeitlast #organic #organicclothesforkids #merinowool #silk #hugatree #naturalliving #lowtoxlifestyle #slow_threads #babyccinoboutiques #natureschooling #naturalfibres #ecofriendlyliving #naturalparentingstore #mumsinbusiness #merinokids #woolandsilk

12.01.2022 And something for the ladies! We have these beautiful timeless organic muslin skirts by Poudre Organic in store. Available in oil green & light mahogany. Super soft and versatile with an adjustable waistband and wait for it ..... hidden pockets find them under our new arrivals and Womens tab

12.01.2022 Just the most amazing capture by Lamb Loves Fox of her beautiful lamb in our organic cotton Elias waistcoat by Omibia Baby & Childrenswear which is one of my favourite pieces this season! This portrait really reminded me of me as a girl I would of swooned over this outfit then just as much as I do now! A lot of things have changed in my life over the years, but my love of beautiful & unique textiles started at a very young age, has never wavered and I dont believe it ever will! #omibianatural #poudreorganic #freelensed #flowerchild #textiles #babyccinoboutiques #organiccottonclothing #freespiritedchildhood #portraitsofchildhood #naturalparenting #naturalfibres #wearorganic #organickidswear #ethicalfashion #beautifultextiles

10.01.2022 The element of air is certainly paying us a visit down south All Winter woolly layers required! Catherine Elise Photography #disana #disananatur #winterinmelbourne #organicclothesforkids #organicmerino #woolclothes #woolbaby #kidsinnature #merinowool #merinobabyclothes

10.01.2022 I am busy enjoying the VIC long weekend and having fun playing in my paddock with my girls! We are taking a postal break tomorrow, but we will be back on Tuesday Catherine Elise Photography #disana #dungarees #disananatur #outdoorkidsarehappykids #natureplay #woolclothes #letthembelittle #organicclothingforkids #naturalliving #melbourne #naturalparent #organicbabyclothes #winterwarmers

10.01.2022 Wow what a week! Thanks to all of our lovely customers who have shopped our Winter sale. The response has been overwhelming! We still have 30% off Disana, Roots & Wings, Bergstein & Engel until midnight Sunday Cute pic of our Chelsea style Bergstein boots by Lamb Loves Fox #wintersale

10.01.2022 Snuggling in to the soothing sound of rain on a tin roof Practising Simplicity #bergsteinmoments #kidsgumboots #naturalliving #ecofriendly #slowlivingforlife #buylesschoosewell #melbournewinter #rainydays #puddlejumping #ethicalclothing #slowfashionmovement #naturalparenting #organickidswear #ecoshopping #ethicalshoes

09.01.2022 Farewell Autumn Welcome Winter Practising Simplicity #disana #winter #organicmerino #natureplay #letthembelittle #outdoorkids #organickidswear #naturalparenting #naturalparentingstore #simplelivingsaturday #changeofseasons #woolclothes #getyourkniton #naturalfibres #ecofriendlyliving

07.01.2022 Sweet ‘Rosemary’ in double gauze with beautiful dark heather and golden toned embroidery at the chest. This is tunic length and very easy to wear. I think this is one of my favourites! Launching this Friday 12.30am (AEDT).

06.01.2022 This week Ill be putting up some sneak peaks of the beautiful Apolina pieces we will be stocking next week. We will be launching in line with Apolina on Tuesday September 10th at 11pm AEST. Ill put a preview of our pieces up on September 9th with descriptions and sizing information, but sorry no pre-orders or reservations! Feel free to send me a message with any questions #apolinakids #launchingsoon

05.01.2022 Enjoying a slow Sunday today after a manic week of packing orders stay tuned Ill be loading up some lovely new stock this week Practising Simplicity #disana #bergsteinmoments #poudreorganic #serendipity #slowsunday #relaxing #naturalparentingstore #simplechildhood #slowliving #winterinmelbourne #organickids

05.01.2022 I just love the beautiful ivory embroidery & hand crocheted trim on this stunning tunic dress It reminds me of my childhood. My mother couldnt bare to look at a plain garment without adding some embroidery and just about all our household wares had the addition of a picot edge #traditionalcrafts #keepthemalive #intricatedetails #apolina #apolinakids @takeapicturelady

04.01.2022 Another Apolina sneak peak! This is one of the styles we will have up to a size 7-9! #Apolinakids #Dungareedreams #Apolinastockist

03.01.2022 We are having a 3 day discount sale on 3 of our favourite brands! Take 25% off Nature Baby, Minimalisma & Serendipity Organics. These brands feature some of the best organic cotton basics you can buy for babies & children and we dont normally discount them! So if youre after a mid-season top up or looking to try something new, now is your chance Use the code 25BASICS at checkout starts now & ends Thursday at midnight AEST #naturebabynz #organiccottonbabyclothes #organicbasics #flashsale #chooseorganic #naturalparentingstore #discountcode #ministyle #midseasonsale #organickidsclothes #organickidswear

02.01.2022 Here we are! Getting ready to launch our next collection of @apolina_kids we have been putting up sneak peaks on stories and will put up lots of pics here this week and hopefully a preview online tomorrow. This seasons launch time for South Eastern Australia is Friday March 20th at 12.30am. This is AEDT so it falls just after midnight where we are located. Please transfer this time to your Timezone as it will still be Thursday the 19th if you are located up North or intern...ationally and we dont want anyone to confuse the dates because of this. In regards to postage at this stage we will express all Australian orders ASAP & assess International orders per region. Under the current circumstances if this changes we will let you all know. This season due to popular demand we have 7 different options in size 7-9years (XL) including the beautiful Barbara in Branch pictured here #Apolina #Apolinakids #launchdate #setyouralarms

02.01.2022 How cute & cosy are these babes in our Disana boiled wool bloomer pants paired with our Minimalisma silk/cotton tops perfect for this chilly Spring weather we are having! Thanks for the gorgeous pic Justy olive #Disana #Minimalisma #woolforallseasons #signaturesilkseamless

01.01.2022 If you are one of our email subscribers & you havent checked your inbox this morning - please do!! We sent out an email last night with details regarding our Final Winter Sale! All of our Winter Sale tab has been further reduced, our Outlet Stock tab has been further reduced AND we are offering 30% off ALL Disana, Engel, Bergstein and Roots & Wings with the code WINTER30 .... the code will time out on Sunday August 18th. If you are after bigger sizes, I suggest taking a look... soon as sizes are really limited now! Happy Shopping ......... Practising Simplicity #omibia #omibianatural #poudreorganic #disana #engel #bergstein #wintersale

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