Small Steps for Wellbeing in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Professional service
Small Steps for Wellbeing
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Address: Brisbane / Online / Phone Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 This is a topic very close to my heart. Try to watch and NOT be affected... Too often people minimise the impact they have on others, but you never know who is fighting on or drawing strength by your mere interest in them or your concern for their wellbeing. R U Ok? can make a massive difference to the right person, at the right time. Keep asking and looking out for those around you. Nobody should ever feel like they have no options left! Watch STRE_Trailer_V9_720p on Vimeo:
24.01.2022 100% true. We each own our choices. Sometimes the choices we have to make suck! Like we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. But they're still our choices to make. Whether we linger longer in the negative or the positive - is up to us.. *pic c/o @shaym
24.01.2022 Pic c/o (artist unknown)
23.01.2022 Pic c/o Livin (give their page a "like" if haven't already )
23.01.2022 Big hello and welcome to all new "likers"!! Thank you, your interest is appreciated.
22.01.2022 Funny! Makes a very good point though... C/o ATTN: via Rosie Waterland
22.01.2022 This made me chuckle... Enjoy mi amigos! c/o Esther
21.01.2022 Sound advice! Pic c/o Minding Matters
21.01.2022 Today is RUOK? day! Reach out today and check in with those around you. **Listen Actively. Respond Supportively**... Pic c/o auactiveminds
20.01.2022 A conversation could save a life... R U OK? 3 little but potentially powerful, life-changing words.... Pic c/o blankminds_ltd via RUOK?
20.01.2022 Change your thoughts, you'll change your life.... How? Ask yourself; Are these thoughts & feelings I'm having reflective of this situation alone? Or am I projecting thoughts & feelings from past hurts? What is my responsibility in this situation? What could I do differently next time? Are there lessons to be learned here?... Own your actions, don't beat yourself up too much, alter your choices, learn, learn, learn. Pic c/o @projecthappiness_org
19.01.2022 Saw this quote and it brought to mind a conversation I had today with a friend going through some big personal stuff. Ultimately, life is about perspective and choice. There are good outcomes to be had, if you choose for there to be... Pic c/o Livin
16.01.2022 A handy (very useful) little guide to depression - whether you battle it or would just like to better understand it... Guide c/o Miriam via Blurt FB page
15.01.2022 ***** Hi everyone. After much deliberation, umming & ahhhing, to-ing & fro-ing; I have decided to hang up my counselling shingle & no longer offer general counselling services. [NB: current clients are free to continue with sessions, pls contact me to book]. Over the last 2 years or so particularly, Small Steps has deviated from what my original desire for the business was. That's not to say I haven't enjoyed meeting & interacting with the people I've met, I have. It's just t...hat In essence I've been offering what was in demand, rather than delivering quality services that I'm fully invested in, do my best work in & am excited & enthusiastic about. I am not folding the business per say, though I am going to take some time away to re-train, re-focus, re-plan & re-enthuse myself. Small Steps was always intended to be about working with people to help them make healthier choices in their life - physically, mentally, emotionally; Healthy Choices = Healthy Outcomes. The goal is to get back to that work. That's where my heart truly lies. In the meantime, I'll continue to post things that I think you'll find interesting, funny, informative... Thanks everyone for the support. Kristy *****
15.01.2022 *language warning* Good advice! Pic c/o Psych2go
15.01.2022 It's hard enough for people battling depression to navigate the world and more specifically their mind, each day, without having the added element of dealing with people around them who don't / can't understand or appreciate what they're going through. This short animated 'Ted Ed' talk gives a good, easy to understand account of what depression is. An important watch for all I feel...
15.01.2022 "The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality" - Andrew Solomon This is a just a snippet. I highly recommend checking out the full TED Talk. C/o TED
14.01.2022 Haha.. Yep, some days are like that. Pic c/o Tulio
13.01.2022 "Why I'd Recommend Counselling to Everyone"...
13.01.2022 #wspd16 World Suicide Prevention Day I was just watching a little clip of comedian Margaret Cho talking about losing her close friend Robin Williams. In it she mentioned that Robin's friends recognised him as a generous guy but also a shy, reserved & sometimes complicated guy. His death came as an unexpected shock for them. One thing Margaret said that really jumped out was that none of them [his friends] EVER asked him if he was ok. And that's something she says they'll have... to live with forever more.. Sooo, I just want to say these 2 things: 1/ Hindsight can be a fantastic tool for learning! But don't let your "hindsight moments" be the recollection of conversations you didn't & maybe should have had with someone. If something doesn't seem right or usual with someone, it's probably not. Be observant. Be empathetic. Be inquisitive. Check in regularly. Ask - RUOK? 2/ It can be super scary, intimidating & overwhelming to ask for help when needed. It can also be super scary, intimidating & overwhelming to ask someone if they need help! Particularly when you expect their response will be 'yes'. It's ok and normal to feel a bit freaked out about what someone might say to you. *Just remember - you're offering support, not a solution. You're lending an ear, a shoulder & giving compassion, you're not responsible for fixing anything. One of the most invasive & persistent thoughts a person at the lowest depths has, is that they are a burden, people do not like them, they are unloveable. Feeling hestitant to get involved is ok. But take a deep breath, channel your courage and ask anyway - RUOK? - you may well save a life! Cheers, Kristy
11.01.2022 Feeling the need to calm my mind & reset for the week ahead. Quick Monday mornin mindfulness meditation in the sun.. What can I hear What can I see What can I feel... What can I smell Breathe Repeat 10 mins
11.01.2022 R U OK? Use these 4 steps to get the conversation started... Pic c/o Beyondblueofficial... via RUOK? See more
10.01.2022 Hey All, I have posted a lot on depression over the last lil while & recently resolved to broaden my offerings a bit more to include other issues, which I will do. But with all the good, quality content coming out lately because of the attention mental health is receiving, it's hard not to want to keep putting stuff out there for you... So, that said - the link here is to a YouTube clip by a young UK spoken work poet I quite like, Taz. I watch her stuff cos I like what she, but lately she's been battling a depressive period & has been documenting what she's going through. Hats off to her! So brave for putting herself out there. This video clearly & brilliantly describes what depression feels. I had almost this exact conversation with someone yesterday, although Taz does a much better job of articulating things. Whether you fight the battle or not, I highly recommend watching. Cheers.
09.01.2022 Nelson Mandela wisdom... Let go of what's holding you down. No one can dictate your story unless you let them. So, take back your power! YOU choose your path. YOU choose to prosper. Pic c/o @ariannahuff
06.01.2022 That's all....... Pic c/o Power of Positivity
06.01.2022 See attached photo - These are the words of Jayne Hardy, founder and CEO of The Blurt Foundation, during her recent TED X Brum presentation. I generally don't talk too much about my own experiences on this page (my focus is YOU & I don't like detracting from that), though I will say that this talk had me in tears at times. It was like Jayne had taken her words from my mind. This talk resonated completely and is well worth a watch. Depression is shit! It really is. But perserv...ere, keep battling, take each moment / day / week at a time. It's a hard slog at times but the moments of lightness and clarity, whether enduring or brief, are worth it! The links for this article and the TED Talk are both in the comments section. Pic c/o The Blurt Foundation
06.01.2022 Love this! "When you can't look on the bright side, I'll be sitting next to you in the dark". Pic c/o Word Porn (via Bek)
06.01.2022 Yep... Today was one of those days for me. Nothing was "wrong", but I was definitely feeling blah & not firing on all cylinders. I woke up with thoughts heading in a negative direction, so I knew I needed to just listen to my body, not beat myself up for needing a 'me' day & just chill out not doing much. Today wasn't me at my best, but that's ok. Downtime days are a blessing in disguise sometimes. Pic c/o Sweatpants & Coffee via Blurt Foundation
05.01.2022 The outside impression The inner feels... Pic c/o Psych2go (unknown source)
05.01.2022 Let it go.... Pic c/o @ElephantJournal
05.01.2022 Worth reading for a little insight into the world of a person experiencing depression (generally speaking..). c/o Power of Positivity
05.01.2022 Train Your Mind For Success....
04.01.2022 Sage advice. Applicable for me for sure and no doubt many others of you... Pic c/o powerofspeech via Project Happiness
04.01.2022 This statement might take a few reads to resonate & may mean different things to different people.... Personally, I just really love Brene Brown's take on life. When she speaks, clarity descends! If you don't know her work, I highly recommend checking her out. Pic c/o @RUOKDAY
04.01.2022 "What am I? - I am whatever I say I am!" This is a great article. It highlights how mentality affects reality and how taming inner judgements / fears / insecurities can lead to more positive outcomes and a greater sense of self. Well worth a read if your inner dialogue is getting the best of you. c/o Amy Schumer FB page...
04.01.2022 Pic c/o SmilingMind