SMART Spelling by Michelle Hutchison | Website
SMART Spelling by Michelle Hutchison
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25.01.2022 Phonemic awareness task - Adding sounds to the end of words. This is a tiny bit of video from one of the foundation lessons for the children. The scripts are in the comments for you.
24.01.2022 M|ea|t| b|a|ll|s| for dinner! Inspired by @sonny_loves_charlie Im finding that in iso to capture my attention, it has to involve food! The word beach has the digraph |ea| making the sound E and in the word ball the graph |a| is making the sound or.
23.01.2022 An interesting lesson for the grade 2s on plurals today!
23.01.2022 Rushing to the garden to get some coriander for the satay that we cooked for dinner, I realised that Freddy had planted it in this old basket. This basket was bought for me by my mum and dad [] when I first started teaching [a LONG time ago!] In my eyes back then, a good teacher took lots of correction home and having a big basket was evidence of this. Think of might have got it wrong! Good teachers are ones who know how to manage their energy and time. They understand high impact strategies and where to put their energy and effort. They also understand that the most powerful feedback is when the students are actually there to learn from it! Enjoy the weekend friends! You deserve it.
23.01.2022 An explanation for the answer to the Friday night quiz about syllables! And no I dont always dress like this on a Sunday morning in iso - but Im busy recording a video lesson for EVERY SINGLE PATTERN IN THE MANUAL Yep - 227 lessons! More details on those soon!
23.01.2022 Which colour SMART Spelling rule would I use here?
22.01.2022 When Im planning lessons and demonstrating how to sound out words, I use the international phonetic alphabet to check the correct sounds (I use the Daniel Jones Cambridge English Pronouncing dictionary). The one that is checked the most is the sound eh which is also known as the schwa. It is the sound that has the symbol that looks like the upside down e! It is an unstressed vowel sound, so sometimes difficult to perceive in words. It plays an important role, when you look at syllables. The guide in the SMART manual refers to it eh to help you pronounce that sound correctly rather u than a with a big open mouth movement. Your lips are only a little bit apart when you make this schwa sound. Its the most common vowel sound in English which is why we introduce it right from the start of prep and build on that knowledge slowly throughout the years before we get to very sophisticated word endings. Teaching spelling is complex, which is why we spend a whole day on the course and then many schools also invest time in the follow-up course after that. Teaching spelling can be simple, easy and fun but it does take significant professional knowledge to get confident. Especially as the way we are teaching is often very different to the way that we were taught when we went to school.
22.01.2022 The 'teach' stage of the SMART sequence is based on reciprocal teaching.
21.01.2022 3/4R SMART Spelling, but they love it even more when its outdoors and they are being kinaesthetic learners! Well done 3/4R! What a fantastic way to remember your spelling words SMART Spelling by Michelle Hutchison
19.01.2022 Providing feedback on spelling when students are writing.
18.01.2022 Enjoying the sun at the b | ea | ch |
17.01.2022 We love our pets
16.01.2022 Cheers to us teachers! Survived another week in iso here in Melbs. Cocktail hour at the Hutchisons tonight!
15.01.2022 Lessons on plurals today! When I was developing SMART Spelling the class I was teaching suggested the plural chart should be green. (I think from memory it started off as a tan colour?) Anyway, the class explained that plurals should be green because when you eat a roast dinner you have green peas - peas are always plural - you always have more than one - and so the anchor chart for plurals should be green! How clever! So the plural chart is green!
15.01.2022 Heres the digraph /or/. A digraph is 2 letters that make 1 sound and theyre very common in English!
14.01.2022 Melbournites...we made it! Term 3 remote learning done and dusted! End of term drinks are well deserved! Cheers!
10.01.2022 Recording lessons for the Preps. These ones will be for towards the end of the year! Below is a snippet from a 10 minute lesson.
10.01.2022 Letters represent different sounds in different words. That’s how English works!
10.01.2022 This is one of the 3 teaching charts we give you as a PDF when you do the SMART Spelling course.
10.01.2022 I was today years old when I realised I dont own one piece of clothing thats purple! So this throw rug will do!
10.01.2022 The digraph /ui/ as in the word 'fruit' making the sound "oo" from page 180.
09.01.2022 When teaching spelling, choose a range of words that follow a pattern. Focus on spelling patterns rather than just individual words. An example of a weekly sheet is in the comments.
09.01.2022 "My thumb is bent, pointer points to the top, middle finger uses its side. I tuck my last 2 fingers in and take it for a ride."
09.01.2022 Getting my spelling rules on today!
08.01.2022 One of my favs to teach...the trigraph /dge/. I just love hearing the kids cluster the 3 letters together!
08.01.2022 Had fun recording some more phonemic awareness activities for the Preppies today! Script in comments for you (from The Literacy Restaurant Book).
06.01.2022 Farm work today... On the quaddie with Freddy.
06.01.2022 Preparing a year 6 lesson with the digraph /et/ making the sound A (from page 243 of the manual) in these French words.
06.01.2022 The kids were so surprised as theyre used to seeing me on pre-recorded video! When they realised I was LIVE - their little faces were priceless!
05.01.2022 Here's our Nulla helping with spelling lessons!
05.01.2022 I was 'rapt' to see the sunshine in Melbourne today! Not 'wrapped'.
05.01.2022 My baby Bronte just came and stopped me videoing [its been a BIG day]. She had the BEST idea...her school has a student free day tomorrow, so were calling tonight a Friday night (were in iso - so why not)! A delivery of Thai food and cocktails are on the menu! Cheers!
05.01.2022 o ft e n or o f e n
04.01.2022 A little demo of the new articulation guide thats been added in with the supplementary training known as SMART Foundation for teachers of children in their first year of school.
04.01.2022 This wonderful school in NSW did the online course on a student free day in the middle of the year! Its great to see it implemented so well!
03.01.2022 Friday night quiz! How many syllables in the word 'lucky'? Comment below. Feeling like a challenge - explain your answer too!
03.01.2022 I was a surprise guest on zoom for some Preps this morning!
03.01.2022 Another few lessons completed today! Some year 3 lessons this time.
03.01.2022 SMART Spelling incorporates two things. 1. Weekly explicit spelling lessons and 2. Providing meaningful feedback to students from their spelling attempts in their own writing. You can see in the top sample we tick the parts they got right and then underline the part thats not quite right {yet} and then we get in and explicitly teach them that spelling pattern! To reinforce patterns, we then show our student where it happens in other words. This is why its handy to have the manual in your classroom so you can look up that spelling pattern and provide other examples.
02.01.2022 Tick the parts they already know!
01.01.2022 Preps learning the sounds and letters in their word of the week sh/ar/k! She could she a shark. It was over by the ship! SMART Foundation teaches sounds and letters from the Word of the Week and common words from The Sentence of the Week! The 'Word of the Week' inspires curiosity, excitement, hands-on shared experiences, rich oral language and most importantlyfunand that makes learning stick! ... Sounds and letters are taught explicitly and systematically in a carefully structured sequence from the Words of the Week. The Sentence of the Week places the most commonly seen words into meaningful sentences. These common words are explicitly taught by the classroom teacher and there is also home learning to support this calledMy Weekly Words.