Smile n Co in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Health/beauty
Smile n Co
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 477 881 918
Address: 122 mount Eliza way, mount Eliza Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 ~ ~ Changing the world one smile at a time Reach out and contact us for an app or any queries ... [email protected] 0477881918 122 Mt Eliza way, Mt Eliza, vic 12 Blake st, Mornington, vic Free online/phone consultations and walk ins Payment plan option available also for clear aligners SnC #smile #changetheworldonesmileatatime #smilenco #snc #glowtodaygloweveryday #dentaltreatment #dentalcosmetics #cleardentalaligners #clearaligners #teethwhitening #inchairteethwhitening #dentalcleaning #consultations #examinations #teeth #oralhealth #dentalcare #dental #facial #faceaesthetics #face #wetailorforyou #paymentplans #tgim
23.01.2022 Can you guess what’s being designed, packaged and made atm?? We have some new products coming... hopefully by xmas SnC xx ... #smilenco #newproduct #whitewash #beach #coastalstyle #fresh #smilencoprofessionalteethwhitening #snc #dentalproducts #dental #whitening #freshbreath
23.01.2022 There are so many shades of teeth dark yellow... yellowish-brown grey blueish-grey reddish- brown reddish- yellow reddish-grey white Or stained intrinsically from: tetracycline (antibiotics) enamel hypoplasia dental fluorosis (too much fluoride ingested over a period of time) And more..... So, when you decide to whiten and enhance your teeth, you also have to take into account the current shade of your teeth and also need to be dentally fit. Meaning no oral diseases present (periodontal disease, cavities, root infections, oral cancers ect) For each person, you will get different results based on your actual individual teeth shade, also you may be a better candidate for in chair treatment over take home teeth whitening kits. Vice-versa! And another tip, always make sure you get your teeth whitening done by only a dental health professional: dentist dental hygienist oral health therapist dental therapist As we are the only clinicians that can legally diagnose oral diseases and help treat your current conditions of refer where necessary. Happy Saturday SnC #smilencoprofessionalteethwhitening #smilenco #dentaltips #dentalhealtheducation #teethwhitening #50shadesofwhite #whiteteeth #snc #inchairwhitening #mobileteethwhitening #takehometeethwhiteningkit #trustyourdentalhygienist #dental
22.01.2022 , We have been working on something new behind the scenes for nearly 6months now, soon we can share... ... Get excited everyone SnC xx #inthemaking #new #launchingsoon #glowtogo #smilenco #evokeyourinnerconfidence
21.01.2022 Hydrating Rejuvenating Plumping ... Delicious Goodness For one month starting today, these beauties are on sale for $30.00 each. Ends 21-10-2020. Code: snclips At checkout on the website or contact me directly Also free local delivery and shipping is $7 now - new reduced shipping fee Being in lockdown for this long (in Victoria stage 4) we all just want this to end, so a little something to make us feel nice can take the edge off!! Also your lips could be dehydrated due to wearing the masks all the time so this serum is perfect for you. Comes in cool mint flavour Active ingredient: Peppermint oil ,Vanillyl butyl ether Cruelty free Please note; everyone’s lips are different and hydration, so SnC’s lip serum will work on the individuals current lip condition Happy hump day SnC #selfcare #lipump #fullernaturallips #snclipplumper #rejuvenation #hydration #plumpinglipgloss #isocare #loveyou #smilenco #beauty #dental
20.01.2022 Practice gratitude, be kind always, invest in self love & self worthiness, set huge goals, stay authentic & be true to yourself. I’m truely overwhelmed & bursting with happiness & gratitude. Finally I have taken a leap of faith, chased my life long dream & it’s all coming to life (more to reveal along the way.. baby steps ) Thanks to all of you ... For bookings in clinic: We are fully booked up until new year now. Which is a-mazing. However, there’s a wait list for any cancellations & if you want to be on it then reach out & let me know . I am also in the process of hopefully opening up 1 more day before Xmas.. Stay tuned. Also I spoke with @departmentofhealthservice DHHS Vitoria and national today in relation to mobile dental treatment & teeth whitening. At this stage we are still unable to come to you but once we are, I will announce this & you can start booking for an appointment in the comfort of your own home. 30km radius free travel experiences too No organising the kids, or stressing the need to get to us, when we can come to you for either just yourself, you and your partner, a gift to someone special, OR more the merrier, we cater for groups, parties, families, bridal parties you name it and we will be there! Also with group bookings you get BIG discounts Don’t forget we also have all our whitening products on our website and the link is in the bio. Happy Friday every one! SnC xx #grateful #happiness #tgif #home #thisismetoday #smilenco #facebehindthebrand #smilencoprofessionalteethwhitening #teethwhitening #clearaligners #childrensdentistry #dentalpractitioner #dentalhygienist #mobiledentistry #wecometoyour #bridalparty #snc
17.01.2022 So it seems covid-19 is NOT primarily the reason for delaying the opening of Smile n Co... Someone may have broken a bone in their foot !! ... My doctor advised to make up a great story as mine is quite lame and embarrassing .. Wait for it...I fell UP the stairs I was playing trolls under the bridge with my 2yr old daughter & ran up to chase her up the timber stairs in super tight jeans (don’t try this at home people), then before you know it, I was laying face down on the stairs in absolute agony .. Fair to say... Evelyn won this time round.. New opening date: 30th October This means it will also be stage 1 dental in Victoria so I can use the @emsdental dental spa treatment on all patients. (Yay) However if this is not the case, I am still able to do in chair teeth whitening, dental examinations, hand scaling, fluoride treatments, dental aligner assessments and more... By for now, and stay safe. (I sure didn’t Monday night ) SnC xx #smilenco #newopeningdate #damncovid19 #brokenfoot #beokentoe #cantbelieveit #playingwithkids #mumlife #bossmum #wearingmanyhats #dental #dentalhygienist
16.01.2022 A pair of siblings very happy after their dental appointment. They loved their goodie bag too.. This was both of there first dental appointments, at smile n co we ensure your children’s dental experience is fun, making sure they enjoy their time in the dental chair and it’s not scary for them. The last thing we want is a negative experience for both you and your little minis. ... We have vacancies in January 2021 for appointments. Enquire within. SnC #childrensdental #makeitfun #positiveexperiences #smilenco #snc #children #siblings
15.01.2022 ... , : production of vitamin D at a cellular level in our body vitamin D enables us to absorb nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus growth & strength for healthy bones + teeth increases serotonin levels in our body supports blood, cell + immune system health overall happiness + clears the mind And... reduces anxiety and depression vitamin D deficiency And more... In saying this, the @cancercouncil recommend using sun protection when sunlight is UV level 3 or above to reduce/eliminate skin damage and skin cancer. So, for you and your families safety, ensure you either download the sun smart app or head over to: For prevention tips and further information on sun smart safety, how much time to spend in the sun and to ensure you get maximum benefits of the sunlight as well as being safe about it. Happy Sunday SnC #daydreaming #vitamind #bonehealth #teethhealth #strength #happiness #vitaminsea #holidaydestination #sunsmart #cancercouncil #wearahat #destinationholiday #ocean #coastal #beach #free
15.01.2022 .... #tgif #fridayfeeling #whatiwoulddotobethere #friends #missyou #freedom #freshair #sunkisses
13.01.2022 Just breath, enjoy the slow for now, life will be very busy very soon Happy weekend SnC ... #happyweekend #enjoylife #enjoytheslow #breathe #belikeaturtle
11.01.2022 ~ ~ Are you ready for a smile make over in 2021? Reach out and contact us, check out our website with available treatments... [email protected] 0477881918 122 Mt Eliza way, Mt Eliza, vic 12 Blake st, Mornington, vic Free online/phone consultations and walk ins Payment plan option available also for clear aligners What are you waiting for? Make this year about you SnC #smilenco #snc #glowtodaygloweveryday #dentaltreatment #dentalcosmetics #cleardentalaligners #clearaligners #teethwhitening #inchairteethwhitening #dentalcleaning #consultations #examinations #teeth #oralhealth #dentalcare #dental #facial #faceaesthetics #face #wetailorforyou #paymentplans
09.01.2022 ’ Dual red/blue LED light progressional teeth whitening home kits are available to pre order NOW!! ... Launch price: $125.00 blue light - accelerates teeth whitening red light - prevents sensitivity + repair These dental grade professional teeth whitening home kits are currently in the process of where the magic happens of being created from 6 months of designing and liaising back and forth with manufacturers to creation in our hands. Estimated to be ready in 3-4weeks Inclusive in kit: portable dual light LED light mouthpieces charger 3 x 22% cp whitening gel syringes 1 x 9% hp whitening top up pen teeth shade guide 1 x instruction guide Note: Any Teeth whitening peroxide product that is over 6% hydrogen peroxide or 18% carbamide peroxide needs to be under direction from your dental health practitioner. These are stronger % so we must ensure they don’t cause you harm and you are dentally fit (tooth dental/periodontal disease/oral disease free). These products are: vegan cruelty free designed + packaged Exciting times ahead, stay tuned.. SnC #new #teethwhiteningkit #duallight #ledteethwhitening #redlighttherapy #bluelighttherapy #glowtogobysmilenco #smilenco #gtg #teeth #white #glowtodaygloweveryday #highquality #dentalgradeteethwhitening #professionaldentalcare #dentistry
08.01.2022 ’ .. ?? ... This topic seems fitting with it being a celebration of all things coffee today coffee tea (tanins) - stains more than red wine expresso martinis highly pigmented sauces (I.e soy) beetroot red sauces (tomato based) curry berries Tumeric spice + all spices smoothies (pigmented ones) tobacco / beetle nut These are some of the things that can stain tour teeth. Prevention/reduction: drink water after consumption keep regular dental cleaning appointments as per recommendation from your dental practitioner drink through a straw (when can) brush teeth with toothpaste x 2 daily floss/clean inter dentally daily whiten your teeth with home kits or in chair (best results in chair) chew mint or parsley (natural way) also good for fresh breath reduce/quit smoking / tobacco use tip: don’t waste your money on charcoal toothpastes/ whitening, they actually don’t whiten your teeth, they are very abrasive and cause damage to the enamel surface on your teeth. When whitening your teeth (in chair) we recommend a white sourced diet following your procedure for the following 48-72 hours to prevent relapse of shades. Additional to this we also provide a mini take home kit following your whitening to also help prevent the relapse. This is free, a little added bonus for the expresso martini package that we offer Making sure all our patients are 100% happy and feeling amazing! So when your enjoying that coffee today, make sure you drink a glass of water too, for reducing stains and also hydration I’m an expresso kind of gal what’s your coffee of choice? Happy Thursday SnC #coffeestains #internationalcoffeeday2020 #whiteningyourteeth #keepingyourteethstainfree #smilenco #sncprofessionalteethwhitening
07.01.2022 10 years of loving this man!! Couldn’t imagine doing life with anyone else but you Happy anniversary @jamie_carr1 ... #10yearanniversary #onedecadedownforevertogo #lovedoinglifewithyou #mylove #babydaddy #themanthatpushesmetobegreater #love
06.01.2022 Want to brighten your smile in less than 1hr? Smile n Co can do this for you. 3 x 10min session or 2 x 15min, dependant on what enhancing solution is suited best to you and your oral health condition . This beautiful person was very happy after her appointment last week. She has tetracycline staining which occurs within the enamel when in utero from antibiotics, however, we managed to get amazing results. Fair to say we we all blown away with her new bright smile ... You can see the bottom image was before, the image with blue gum barrier was half way through treatment and the image of the patient to the left was after . Truely amazing This is exactly why I love doing what I do. Making people happy and more confident within themselves. If you would like an appointment, please contact M: 0477881918 DM or jump over to the website to book. Link in bio. There are a couple spots available late dec online, otherwise DM/contact via mobile to book in by appointment, then new year is booking up and we have at this stage 2 spots left on 15th jan, and 22nd jan. Happy Saturday SnC **Patient consented to using images** #whitesmile #amazingresults #smilenco #brightsmile #tetracyclinestaining #happy #lovewhatido #dental #dentalhygienist #dentalpractitioner #mobileteethwhitening #morningtonpeninsula #morningtonlocation
05.01.2022 skin of a goddess rejuvenated lips brow shape on point... radiant queen #crushing #oceaneyes #radiantskin #rejuvenatedskin #plumplips #browsonpoint #smilenco #snc #naturallashes #glowingskin #glow #glowtogo
03.01.2022 We have teamed up with 14 amazing Mornington peninsula businesses to give away some incredible items and treatments to make you feel and look amazing after the year we have all had with covid-19.We have organized 3 packages so that means 3 lucky winners. That’s correct 3.. yes, there is 3 prizes up for grabs. Woo hoo.. So more chances to win too!!... See video clip for the three prize packages, how to win and the terms and conditions. To enter: 1. Must follow all 14 businesses below, Like this post + 1 friend tag = 1entry @smilenco_ @glowtogobysmilenco @alida_bbmorno @coastaldrone_photos @__daisyandme @flowergirlsandco @gowiththeflowresinart @maryanne.mua @locou_haircare @ilpadrinowoodfirepizza @peninsulanomads @maykohair @lbcosmetictattoo @mrsjacksonmillinery_ 2. Share to your story (1 entry) 3. Share on your feed (2entries) Can enter as many times as you like, good luck This promotion is not sponsored and administered by Instagram or Facebook. All entries must be 18years+ of age and prizes must be claimed within 12months of issue. #giveaway #prize #3luckywinners #gottibeinittowinit #morningtonpeninsula #localbusiness #supportinglocalbusinesses
03.01.2022 ! This patient came to me 10 weeks ago, they had a periodontal assessment, check up and a dental airflow cleaning. These images are taken after step 2 (Disclose teeth), revealing the massive improvement of this patients current daily oral hygiene routine. No blue acidic plaque present and a highly reduced amount of plaque left on the teeth. ... This gives me much satisfaction, knowing that I am helping improve this persons oral health and also general health with most people now having an understanding about the oral systemic link causing general chronic health conditions with poor oral health status. At SnC we use the 8 step gbt (guided biofilm therapy). A modern state of the art approach to dental hygiene and prevention. It’s the most effective and least invasive way with the highest level of comfort and efficiency. It’s recommend to have dental teeth cleaning and checkups 6monthly, some may require 3 monthly dependant on their current oral health conditions. Reach out and contact us for an appointment: [email protected] 0477881918 122 Mt Eliza way, Mt Eliza, vic 12 Blake st, Mornington, vic Free online/phone consultations and walk ins Payment plan option available also for clear aligners Happy Tuesday SnC #smilenco #snc #periodontitis #gingivitis #periodontalassessment #periodontaldisease #toothdecay #piksters #interdentalcleaning #glowtodaygloweveryday #dentaltreatment #dentalcosmetics #cleardentalaligners #clearaligners #teethwhitening #inchairteethwhitening #dentalcleaning #examinations #teeth #oralhealth #dentalcare #dental #facial #faceaesthetics #face #wetailorforyou #8stepsaway #gbt #airflow #airflowmaster
01.01.2022 Green Smoothies Ingredients: ... kale (hand full) spinach (hand full) cucumber (1 x small) avocado (1/2) celery (3 stalks) lemon (full 1 squeezed) apple (1 whole) coconut water (as desired for thickness) I use 750-1ltr) fresh mint (a bunch) fresh parsley (a small hand full) You could double or triple the batch ready for the week & put in the fridge ready for each morning to start your day off just right . O.M.G - this is such an easy & effective way for you to get a massive punch of vitamin and minerals into your body. Easily absorbed into our bodies at a cellular level too Also a great one for kids to get them the right amount of nutrition they need for growth and development. You could also add LSA for additional good fats and protein boost. Benefits: Great source of fiber, vitamin B6, folate, potassium, maganese, vitamin a,c,k , low in saturated fats, omega 3 & 6, calcium, protein, hydration, zinc + more. Pure Coconut water: boosts hydration 5 key electrolytes (Potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorous) zero fat no preservatives as much potassium as a banana To help absorb the nutrients + minerals, ensure you get out in the sunshine for the recommended daily dose to help absorb the nutritional goodness for both mental and physical health .. (vitamim D enables absorption which is activated by UV sunlight - as per last post of mine) Additional to this, to ensure you keep your teeth healthy, ensure you drink water after you consume the smoothie, chew sugar free chewing gum to aid in stimulating new saliva for protection from acidic attacks to your enamel tooth structure. Also brush 2 x daily with toothpaste + clean 1 x daily between your teeth and don’t forget to brush your tongue or use a tongue cleaner to prevent bad breath!! SnC #greensmoothie #superfoods #greens #vitamins #minerals #dentaltips #healthylifestyle #health #nutrition #smilenco
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